Land a $30/hr job in Canada

>Land a $30/hr job in Canada
>Government takes 33% minimum (more if I work overtime
>0.70 exchange rate with USD
>I'm only making 14 (FOURTEEN) dollars of real money an hour

What's the fucking point of this country anymore? I can sweep floors in the USA and make more than I am now.

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We got Mexicans doing that for $11 and they do a good job.

Your are not welcome here, sorry fatass.

I can do that for $2.

must suck 2 be a canuck xDDDD

>Government takes 33% minimum (more if I work overtime

Highest tax rate is 33% at more than 200k a year. That's 6700 Hours per year, 128hrs a week or 18 hours a day for you to just reach that tax rate

I would do it for $9 and the right to funs

>Payroll tax
>Provincial sales tax
>Federal sales tax
>Property tax
>Gas tax
>Various luxury taxes
You know the Forest Gump scene with the shrimp? Canada has fried taxes and gumbo taxes and hot chilli taxes...

That's why you wanna move to Canada. They pay you $10 but you get $2.

Try to buy health insurance with that low wage. You then also have to pay taxes.

You will cry here too when you look at the federal income tax.

They discriminate against the disabled.

Just don't work. The whole country should strike until they stop giving our money away to welfs and fugees

Feel free to work at Walmart with me on overnights!

You see, you live in a socialist country. On top of that, you invited the brown hoards in, who want your money. Looks like you have to gibs dem dat.

>30 bucks - 33% = 14 bucks

he converted to from cad to usd aka "real money"


I'll join ya

LIke its any fucking better in the US you delusional faggot.

how much u get per hour


>$30 an hour
Who did you have to fuck to get that good a job?

nice that's pretty good. good for u user. what state?

canada sucks big time btw

We just need to have a tax strike. Get all of us to refuse to pay all federal taxes

No niggers allowed

Holy shit and i thought my Tax was bad.

What % do you actually "take home" then?

Before or after rent?

Who do we vote for on 2019? Can he/she fix our problems?

Oh jesus.


Paying taxes is essentially funding the nation. Would you reather live in ""freedom"" land where everything fucking sucks balls?

wat does rent have to do with taxes? are you a TFW?

>What's the fucking point of this country anymore?
muh negotiated for our independence
muh unique identity

No, i would like some social programs AS A FUCKING SAFTEY NET AND HELPING HAND.

NOT as a fucking system to support parasitic people who get to vote and then decide where MORE of my money goes.

Its my fucking money, if i could give up my (((national))) insurance, i fucking would

Don't fool yourself like that, exhange rate doesn't mean that much, there are many other factors involved. Canada is still in great shape but you might have to work hard uncucking it.

Don't you guys have a Canadian Texas somewhere up there? Move there.

Sucks to be you. My $16.50 education job is paying better.

I make more than most entry-level workers do. I make the equivalent of a Canadian entry-level programmer.

That's fucking HILARIOUS.

I make fucking $35k a year before taxes.


>land a job in dk, make equivalent of 33 American dollars an hour
>tax bracket is 45%, muh free healthcare, muh social security nets, muh free college etc.
>get not even 15usd an hour in real salary before pension company lunch scheme and travel is even calculated.
>this is the world bernouts think they want to live in

because if your getting taxed a lot i would HOPE that cost of living would be less?

if ur getting taxed 50% off i dunno £2000, then u only got £1000 left to spends that include ur rent/bills ect

How many hours do you work? Last big box store I worked at gave me extremely shit hours even for graveyard shift is Walmart any different?

Someone has to pay for all the brown people and women's issues. Guess it's gotta be you white boii


alberta numbered company (3% tax to 30,000. 15% above 30,000)

come on newfags, start some internet company and make yourself an internet personality (sponsor your own life, don't have to be famous, just keep the tax man happy), work from home.

have to have alberta residence though so enjoy 0% humidity, winds like a motherfucker and temperature extremes from -40 to +40C

fuck i hate newfaggots and after living overseas for a decade i realized my canadian comrades are some of the biggest whiners on the planet and do jack shit about it

castrated cocksuckers, all of you

why would u come back to this frozen shithole

Come to Utah. Unemployment is 3.4% (only 3% in salt lake). Even McDonald's pays $10/hr. Everything including housing is dirt cheap, and it probably snows less than Canada.

Don't be a waiter here though. They have this law where tips counts as part of your wage so they can legally pay you $2/hr or some horseshit.

Tax is a better investment than charity.

As someone who has never lived outside of South Dakota is it hard to find an okay paying job without a degree? I got a job right out of high school as a cook starting at $10 and after 3 months of work I got bumped up to $15. Everything is pretty cheap around here as well

And before that I worked as a garbage man for $12 an hour

Always have had 40 hours a week.

Northeast USA. I don't know what your plans are for employment/career, but you only get a $0.25 yearly hourly raise. Dont be like me and be here for a decade and have literally nothing to show for it.

Don't worry, our liberals are fleeing to Canada so things are looking up for you

Your payin for a welfare state! Where they pay people who should be weeded out instead of doing the world a service by letting them fix thier shit. Ol papa bear aint payin for those cripples and fags with hurt feelings. God bless america.

Oh god socialism ftw
now here I am feeling sorry for a fucking leaf

My mother works for 3$/hr and she has to clean a mansion and get foreign guests into the apartments of houses and do all the accounting while working another job just to pay the bills.

I'm literally the "back in my day I had to etc." Type of person

They wont qualify to be legal migrants. Your frostbitten mexicans though will bypass all that

Nigga tips were always part of a servers wage but if you make under the minimum wage your boss has to pony up or get wrecked by the legal assfucking of the workers rights groups


You poor bastard

wait what? Tax is more than an investment.

If your going to tax the working class to prop up a parasitic one then dont be suprised when people just say "fuck it" and live the bare minimum.

You have people Unemployed living better lives than the people propping them up.
thats when it becomes neither a charity/investment and becomes a drain.

Any interesting stories?

Wrong. Mexican'ts are lazy as fuck. How do you think they have 100 mexicans at a job site when 12 Americans can do the same job in the same time?

$14 isn't too bad if your bills are low, and overnight stocking looks comfy as fuck but i was rejected after my interview, which isn't a surprise since i was against a woman and a nigger.

since you're on Sup Forums and work graveyard, i'ma assume you have no life or friends, so you should become a trucker. you can easily make 30-50k your first year, and be pulling 75k+ steady after a couple years experience.

Dude, just 40 hours a week?
and you get $14 per hour...
My last job at Taiwan only paid about $5 per hours and I have to work 200 hour per month.

Mexicans "work" until their goblin females can drop a litter and start receiving welfare, then we import more Mexicans who "work" until they can get welfare, and that's how you get 50 million of these literal parasites.

Are you tax illiterate? Payroll is paid by the business. Sales tax is paid on purchases. Property tax on owned property. Your take home pay is income minus income taxes.

Certainly not 33%.

>What's the fucking point of this country anymore?
To bring niggers and Mudslimes and let them breed. Your taxes are going directly into nigger breeders.

This is why I'm leaving in a year or two.

How so?

None. I experience the same shit night after night.

Sorry you didn't get hired.

No desire to be a trucker as I don't want my remaining health to go to shit quickly, be away from home for weeks, and I have no desire to potentially kill another Tracey Morgan.

>why would u come back to this frozen shithole
i was living in germany...

>live in France
>make 3k5€/month, 50k/y
>35% goes to the state
>15% goes to the town for owning land and owning a house
>5-20% purchase tax on everything
>surrounded by arabs and africans who get 999€ and free housing tax free and make 10k/month dealing drugs
>Candians and americans dare complaining

>Cost of living less


Most statistics on cost of living don't account for rent and utilities, which is how they manage to get the supposed cost of living down.

The only thing we really save on is medial care thanks to free medical for everyone, but even that sucks because all of canada has a flat 5% sales tax, which each (populated) province has, going from as low as 7% in British Columbia to as high as 10% in some others. So not only are you taxed 33-50% of your income, but you lose another 12-15% when you try to buy anything.

To where, dare i ask?

So if his paycheck is 1000$ taxed down to 800$, then he buys a 600$ computer which is taxed up to 800$ you're saying his income is effectively 800$?
Do you see the logical flaw?

Overnight stocking is not comfy. It's tolerable. You get to listen to your own music and most of the time the pace isn't too quick so you can kinda just mosey while doing your work. It's just so mindless and boring that it can start to grate on you night after night.

Do you understand what income is?

If I pay you $1000 before tax, that's your gross income. After tax, say 20% tax so $200, your net income is $800.

That's income. That's it. Anything after that is a different tax. His income is $800, whether or not his dildos are also taxed.

I agree that it isn't for everyone. I never had a social life and being in my mid 30s I don't have much in common with people who are either above me or more commonly degenerate with no less than 4 kids.

>lunch scheme

Do all companies have to secretly scheme about their lunches? Is it something that has to be done without anyone knowing?

Come to Alaska, lowest tax burden in burger empire and better climate than Canuckistan

>doesn't understand taxes
>proves it to all anons

why are you not in alberta you dumb shit?

>but muh populated centers
yup, only toronto and vancouver exist. toronto is pure ass cancer and hongcouver's only redeeming quality is being surrounded by a temperate rainforest.

it's like all the commiefornian Sup Forumstards whining about the state of america. everyone else gets on and wishes the san andreas fault would slip and that entire state sinks into the sea

>make $19.25/h
>$770/40h week

>clear $575 after taxes weekly
>live at home at age 27 and gf does same

>$75week for fuel
>$150/week discretianary income for going out, buying anything I need, dates

>save $333 per week without fail
>$17k/year in savings

>tfw gonna buy a home next year

You feel for the independance meme.
Gotta live at home til marriage and find a nice european girl doing the same, and buy property you nigs.

It's actually quite nice, for 75 or so bucks a month we get chef cooked meals in our buffet at lunch every day. 2 or 3 courses to pick from, salad and fruit bar, fish, snack/sandwich meat etc.
Just grab a plate and pick whatever you want.