Since a faggot mod deleted the last thread which we oldfags took over, just because it was started by a shitposter, I'm relaunching it.
I was replying to the poster who started in 1995ish with a Packard Bell on Prodigy dialup.
>Packard Bell computer >Prodigy Classic trial
This was the first for me. My mom printed out an uncle sam paper cut out marionette. I don't remember exactly why it was a big deal, just that it was.
Soon after that, they had dialup through a local service. This must have been in 94-96 because when we were on the dialup service, I remember stumbling around the online ARG for Jurassic Park and then The Lost World and spending 20 minutes downloading a 30 second 200x300 trailer for TLWl, then watching it over and over
>fellow oldfags, how do we kill the "the internet didn't exist before 2009" worldview that most of these kids have? >no reason other than it triggers me
I miss the passing of usenet but also it's good that google has shittily archived them in such a way that no one can look up all my shitposts from when I was 13. If they knew my ridiculous @yahoo handle, that is.
Joshua Wilson
I'm the airline pilot who was "online" in the mid 80s on BBSes and who's first official paid ISP (you can't really call them that back then) was GEnie
Aiden Gomez
Usenet was awesome for porn. Actually usenet was awesome for everything before it became a spam trap, and that was pretty early on.
Elijah Hughes
PC history went something like: Atari 800 Atari 800XL Atari 1040ST IBM "clone" 80486 .... modern era
Console wise we had, Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 First Nintendo.
(Dad was also a pilot and bought us whatever the fuck we wanted)
Neighbor kids had Commodore stuff. Buddy through the woods actually had Colico and Intellivison!
Camden Jenkins
I thought I was the last /news/men left. Moments lost in time, eh brother?
Jaxon Hernandez
Gotta sleep. I'm just going to copypaste some of the best posts:
The OP:
>there are old people posting on this board right now >If you are over the age of 22 you need to leave here immediately. >Seriously, rethink what you are doing with your life and get it together if you want to save the white race.
And replies:
>t. 51 yr old 350 lb cheeto stained turbofaggot clutching his cumstained mlp
>Get off my lawn, child. >We built this place. You are one of the niggers running away from the FAIL that is your life, coming to a place that other people made into something incredible and unique. >And now you're telling us to fuck off so you can enjoy what we built? >You are, literally, a rapefugee nigger, squatting in someone else's country and shitting all over it after you filled your own country with your fetid shit..
>does anyone else here who remembers how MAINSTREAM computers and the internet were even in the mid 90s get triggered by 14 year olds who think that they are somehow special because they found Sup Forums, even though they're technologically equal to the "normies" they talk shit about? >Possibly even technologically inferior considering that some of those normies can probably program a CAD/CAM machine or some equally complicated technical skill.
>1992 >Joining the Internet. >Send reel of magnetic tape to University of Illinois. Get tape back with web browser - as C source code. >Mosaic, of course. >Mosaic written for Sun workstations. We have VAX workstations. >Programmer rewrites part of Mosaic to make it work on VaxStations. >Compile, link, load. Hey, it works. >Go on Internet. Test browser by connecting to the first webpage, at CERN. >More than 13,000 websites available. >One search engine - DEC AltaVista. >Now get off my lawn.
> >Enough people had personal computers in 1993 to 'ruin' the internet for the existing techies when they all flooded it when AOL let them all out of the walled garden, bro.
Hudson Long
i played red alert over dial up when i was 7 in 1996
ive been here since the begining
i kick myself in the ass everyday for being a poorfag when bitcoin came out even though i knew all about it but i only had something like 1500 dollars to my name and didnt make a move even though i suspected it was going to take off
the good news is that im not going to be a wizard and ive boinked a couple really hot chicks over the years and a lot of average looking women and a few swamp monsters
im also back in college :( and i should be studying right now
we need to enlighten people by giving them LSD or something (jk) so they are not so they are not so vulnerable to propaganda and cultural manipulation
we need to promote libertarianism
Sebastian Smith
Hackers used to literally design and build their own modems from base components to their own specifications, with their own code/programs running the show. Now, they just mindlessly buy Chinese spyware routers. What went wrong?
Adam Phillips
>Now the only satisfaction I get from trolling is inventing new phrases that will be repeated by other, similarly likeminded trolls, and then that phrase will be used by panicking 14 year olds as "evidence" that paid shills are invading the boards again. >lol drumpf btfo XD
>but if all of us over 22 leave, it'll just be newfags endlessly falling for every x-tier bait, believing every piece of fake evidence someone whips with 5 minutes in GIMP or 9000+ hours in mspaint, being totally unable to recognize trolling and assuming that every poster on this board is either 100% sincere or a CIA agent shill, and endlessly repeating misinformation about how the internet used to be, and talking about how superior they are to the "normies" even though they've never built their own computer or created a website or really gone anywhere on the internet besides some mass social media websites, an email service, a game, Sup Forums, and.. >ohhh. >ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
>Christ, AOL. Bringing AOL up is going to cause all of the bad dreams to start again. If newbies are cancer, then AOL was a cross between AIDS and Ebola. They turned Usenet into an absolute shitshow. >BTW: Trolling used to be called trolling for newbies. You gave AOL newbies the absolute worst online advice that you could think of. It was fun. Had to screencap pic related it didn't translate to just a text quote
Isaac Robinson
AIM/msncomic chat here. I was on the BBS but never got into it when 28.8 was a big deal.
I miss those days...
Levi Clark
Lucas Barnes
>Hackers used to design and build their own modems >Posts advertisement of prebuilt preprogrammed modem
Such activities did exist but please refrain from rewriting history that I was around for to witness.
Landon Gutierrez
Do you remember AMDG or Invisible Sky Magician? We used to have some good tripfags. Something went wrong somewhere.
Henry Rivera
im just about ready to give it up. too many edgy 14 year olds pretending to be nazis jerking off over youtube celebrities. this place really has become cancer
Luis Lee
Fuck yeah. Who &TOTSE here?
Joshua Gutierrez
Wyatt Hall
Back then people could have identities without being horrible cunts because SomethingAwful didn't exist yet and hadn't managed to produce, through darwinian turbo-evolution, the most concentrated form of discussion board and social forum cancer known to man.
Zachary Perry
There are /news/men our there, just lurking now mostly it seems. Dodging the ebb of eternal September.
Liam Sanders
>>Sup Forums
Ian Evans
I'm an oldfag. Got my first PC in 1995. It was a 3x86, used, from my uncle who thought I needed to get into computers because they were the future. Now I'm a software developer, and have been doing it for 10+ years.
My 3x86 had a 75mb hard drive, 8 megs of ram (a lot back then), and operated at a cool 25Mhz. It had a 14.4 modem, too. Wew lad, what a piece of hardware.
My second computer was a 2x86 that I got in 1997. I actually managed to work my way backwards down to an 80x86 before I upgraded to...
A cyrix 6x86 166Mhz. Achieved by overclocking and selling it as the pentium killer. Instead it just killed itself because it was so damn hot. It died just as I got to college, and I didn't get a computer in college again until my junior year. Think about that! No computer in college.
Asher Allen
damn you were THAT kid. When everyone had the commodore 64, YOU HAD THE AMIGA 500!!
Grayson Hughes
Page 2 is an ad for a device; Page 1 is some guy from Austin's design for a modem which he turned into an article.
Jackson Davis
Who had a turbo button on their chassis? Or one of those tube key style locks on it?
Xavier Morgan
Where can you go? We can save her. Shit man I was on the 4chn raiding to get this place back I miss those days. Its said, we lost so much. Hey, remember Flowergirl and privatizing the ocean?
Cameron Ross
kek ive still got about 10 yahoo accounts. theyre liek pets
Andrew Brooks
I have 3 A500s in my garage right now.
Best gaming system of my life. Loved that shit. Boot into workbench, load up WINGS. Or Secret Of Monkey Island.
Jordan Lee
>tfw you learn turbo actually slows the clock speed.
Jonathan Phillips
mine went >v20 >c64 >286...386...etc
Colton Long
ATH0 ATE1 ATDT5551234 ATH0 ~no carrier~
Benjamin Nguyen
>oldfags means you're old in age
Liam Moore
When turbulence occurs mid-flight, do you have to respond to it manually, or does the flight computer/automation take care of that?
Is mid-flight turbulence ever actually dangerous / a cause for concern? It really freaks me out, so any perspective is helpful.
Elijah Gonzalez
Doesn't ring a bell. But there were so many little universes back then. SO MANY. Now it's all glomped together and anything that gets more than a dozen eyeballs on it gets passed around.
Jackson White
>he doesnt think one might possibly imply the other
Leo Ross
Okay guys I'm going to sleep.
Keep educating the kids on the true history of shit and we might start making some progress towards undoing all this /x/pol/ shit
They'll resist it hard, though. I understand. It's comforting to be special and smarter than the 'normies'. Confronting them with the reality that they are no smarter, no more advanced, and no more skilled than Jan at the hair salon who uses facebook and pinterest.. that will harm their senses of self.
Jose James
Planes are just very fast ships. when you hit a lot a waves it will eventually even out.
think of it this way.
Daniel Bennett
I should take a typing course before I buy one of those. Whoa! Is that a 56K? Is a processor is the same thing as a modem? right? Can it play DOOM? I heard you don't need to long distance if you have the "E Mail". That part is called a "mouse"!
Bentley Stewart
Honestly, everything got far too complex and too tiny for any one man to master. It went from a hobbyists endeavor to a mass-produced corporate/government backed mission to get a computer in the hands of every American.
I'm honestly surprised we still have desktop PCs, and I think those will slowly be phased out as Microsoft and Apple and Google will be writing mobile operating systems that follow the walled garden paradigm that Apple proved was so profitable.
Hell, everything is just etched onto silicon now, and if you want the power/complexity, you've got to go that route. If you're comfortable still dialing in at 1200bd, then feel free to make your own modem.
Michael Garcia
you retarded?
Gabriel Green
For me nothing will beat watching Glenn Beck together as a board on that spoony2010 blog. We used to do things as a board, we daily wqtched thqt gold shill at 4. Shit these Nazis cosplayers destroyed the place. I guess we are just gonna carry that weight, huh?
James Harris
Ads on the internet were a mistake. A person had to only look at 1 pornado to realize this early on. with bandwidth now they think of this as "choices"
Aiden Fisher
Later Space Cowboy
Ryder Lopez
Old fag here how do i eat again i forget. SHILL POSTERS OUTT OUT OUT 6 days of fun niggers.
Jayden Mitchell
No one outside from the most extreme outliers were making their own modems once we got past the point in time where you were hanging a telephone handset onto it.
But people still built their own computers (from components), understood how things worked, learned how they worked, invented new things, wrote websites, etc. And these were just normal people.
The average 15 year old on Sup Forums has a massive, unearned sense of technological superiority. And they've never even assembled their own computer, or built a webpage, or used obscure internet sites.
Jaxson Reed
what happens if i use two planes dare me to drive again shit nvm
no, but it appears that you might be These venerable elders probably saw their first keybard before 80% of any chan, let alone /pol. I know it feels great to think like you;re the cutting edge, but really it;s an old plowshare
Easton Nguyen
Goodnight you potatonigger and happy st patricks
Ayden Brown
3301 was already solved this year.
and lay off the drink brother.
Luke Reed
Ahh this guy.
I had written out a long answer in the last thread and it died before I could post.
Short answer:
If you are visual, you can see most turbulence. What I mean is, most turbulence is associated with cumulonimbus type clouds. So when you see tall puffy clouds in your line of travel, you can let ATC know you will be deviating left or right of track to avoid them.
When you can't see ahead of you (i.e. Night and or you are already in a cloud layer), all modern civilian airliners have weather radar which will "paint" those same clouds for you on a CRT in the cockpit (the weather radar returns ping off of density of precipitation in the cloud).
Some of the newer radars attempt to see CAT (clear air turbulence) but this is far from 100% reliable. Sometimes you're crusing along in clear air and you hit it. Not much can be done avoid that kind.
Cameron Stewart
>nazi larpers SO TRUE
chan culture used to be about freedom from authority and stuff like that but now it is just a bunch of edgy 15 year olds that have never had their freedom actually threatened in any way whatsoever
its interesting to watch but frightening
i like trump personally as a chaotic actor but the influx of posters coming here really ruined this board even though its always been kind of shit to begin with but now its an astronomical level of edgy 15 year olds
Jose Martinez
It's true. I was digging around in a 2x86 before most of them were born. Hell, I was working as a web dev in 1999 at the age of 17. And I was in the lowest 10% as far as industry knowledge went... The old days had nerds of a different caliber. Mostly because they HAD TO learn before they could get anything done.
I remember figuring out what jumpers were, or how to mount a drive before everything went all plug n play. Having to figure out IRQs, jumpers, and find my own damn drivers. No hardware recognition.
Yeah, the tech has improved so much. But as it improves, the user's understanding of it just gets more and more distant, high level, and vague.
And you don't get that rush of discovering whole communities like you would in the 90s... discovering IRC, discovering usenet, discovering BBSes. It's sad those days are gone.
I'd sit on a BBS just waiting for someone, anyone to log on so I could chat or trade warez. Man, long time gone, huh?
Jackson Lee
Nah, we were Atari kids until the first 486's came out. Dad liked Atari, so that's what he bought us.
My neighbors dad was a commodore dad, so that's what he bought my buddy.
When I rode my BMX to his house, we played commodore and then Amiga games. When he rode his bike to my house, we played Atari 800 and later 1040ST games.
Dylan Taylor
Anyone remember the "Jennicam," that skank who set up a continuous webcam in her apartment in the mid-90's and filmed herself fucking guys, changing, clothes, etc.?
She was one of the biggest pioneers of camwhoring. I think she had an early paywall for "explicit" content.
James Hughes
So glad you responded, man. I was waiting in the other thread when it died.
That gives me a much better sense of how things work. It sounds like the computer systems can aid your decision-making / navigation around turbulence, but you're still making the calls / steering the plane.
My understanding is that the plane itself can withstand pretty intense forces, so I'd imagine that turbulence avoidance is as much about comfort as safety.
Thanks again—super helpful.
Logan Richardson
Oh shot a Cyrix processor. Haven't heard that in a while. I remember when my buddy fried my brand new amd 166mhz because he set the jumper on the mobo to overstock it 34mhz over..
Jeremiah Morales
I will placate to this idea. The movement to lolbiarian and NS has been a reaction to the lefts pressure on the world. for me its a good reason to gather what we all got on the internet for before it was popular, the aspect of "vorboten knowledge". Personally I think that the US would work well as a NS state after it become racially homogeneous but that is just me. The early internet taught me that it is a tool to listen to the perspectives of other not just broadcast mine.
Juan Wright
Ryder Morales
Speaking of that, when did math co-processors die out? They used to be a big thing to prevent your "main" processor from overloading.
Luke King
I thought she did that as some exhibitionist "performance art experiment". Like it wasn't supposed to be a sex show, but that's all anyone remembers it for.
David Mitchell
I member mechwarrior 2
Carson Long
Having that small community has been erased largely by the ease of access to it and less of the ability to get to the hobbyist portion of it. Hackers will always build a way to get to where they want to be with a simpler interface. Its what make the internet what it is today as far as business and finance are concerned. but the cultural shift still exist with things like einchan and DDS and various hidden boards in public websites. The world still exist but needs funds to make it happen now.
Jaxson Russell
When the 80486 included the coprocessor on-chip.
Joshua Morris
Correct about the computer part but it's nothing that exotic.
The weather radar, when on and aimed correctly, can paint potentially violent clouds ahead of you based on how much moisture in them. It is then the flight crews job to process that information and decide what to do (ie if there is a bad looking return that is directly between you and the approach end of the runway, do you go through it? Enter a holding pattern until it's gone? How much fuel do you have remaining? Sometimes there the answer is just go through it.
But yes the aircraft themselves are meant to take a serious beating but since they're in service for decades, there's this thing called metal fatigue so you don't want to push it if you don't have to!
Aaron Wood
Go to Sup Forums where there is always one of these threads. But you already knew that you fucking faggot.
Dominic Diaz
>Packard Bell computer
I remember when my old Packard Bell with a 100 MHz Pentium, 1 gig hard drive, and 8 megabytes of RAM was considered a high end machine.
Elijah Cruz
Ah yes, the days when 45K on a dial up internet connection was considered good, and it'd take you half the damn day waiting for a website to load. Good times!
Camden Martinez
Fapping to a picture on a dial-up. You would cum before the whole damn pic was loaded.
Truly goat 13y old me.
Nicholas Flores
This thread is now the member berries general [mbg]
Andrew Garcia
>1995ish with a Packard Bell
shit are you me?
Joshua White
Where is the Malaysian plane? Just how the fuck did THAT whole imbroglio happen?
Julian Watson
27 here. This board has been going to shit, in reality, most of Sup Forums.
You can't have a opinion without geting yelled or something else. It just sucks.
Most of the oldfags here are for the lols and dunno whatever else. I don't care.
Evan Gomez
I'm like a little babby compared to you old farts. My first computer had a 4 gig hard drive.
Jordan Collins
I remember Invisible Sky Magician.
Hudson Price
I started using the internet in 95
oldcunts are here for a laugh and it is refreshing to see young cunts getting red pilled and not lapping up the SJW MSM horseshit
Grayson Davis
Malaysia lost 2 x 777s. The one that was shot down over the Ukraine. And the one that just disappeared over the ocean.
The one that disappeared.... that will never be solved (IMO).
More than likely, the captain had it planned out ahead of time. He waited until the FO left the cockpit to use the lav or just stretch his legs and flirt with the FAs, then hard locked the door (no one can get back in when you do this), and flew someplace and crashed.
Why? Who fucking knows. He'll he may have actually wanted to live out a real life Castaway (good movie for you young guys that haven't seen it).
Levi Brown
Ayden Roberts
It was Wilson
Isaiah Taylor
How about Tik Tok, that used to avatar fag with the guy from the sequel to wizard of oz? I hope hes ok, I hope all the old newsmen are ok. I hope you are doing well user.
Tyler Wood
First PC I used was a Win 95 PC with a Voodoo graphics card. It had X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Doom, and Rebel Assault on it.
If it wasn't for that PC, I wouldn't be in the IT industry today
Oliver Martin
Sorry bro, too drunk to realize.
Leo Martin
Are any of you oldfags still using this ?
Angel Cook
No prob sir !
Bentley Davis
Yeah, there's a big community in there. Got a folder of "The Franklin Mint Record Society - The 100 Greatest Recordings Of All Time" thats it about 80gb
Brandon Butler
That's amazing. Something to keep in mind when I'm feeling off in the air. Thanks, sir!
Jordan Allen
I have an in cockpit pit of what weather radar returns look like and also of me Being an asshole if you wait 10 minutes
Cameron Harris
oldfag here
my first comp i am ashamed to admit it was a macintosh (the old school one after lisa) then a mac powerbook, then towards mid 90s I got compaqs as internet got bigger
people who are just coming of age will really never understand just how comfy and exciting the internet was back then, and how close knit communities were, probably Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general somewhat comes close to this feeling
playing quake in school or trying to figure out what porn to fit on your 8mb floppy
those feels
Brayden Wood
I remember playing Tony Hawk's 2 while listening to Offspring and my friend where all "Whoa"
Now in 2005 my parents bought a MP3 player and all of them where "But where do you put the disk?" Wanted to off myself thinking that's the future genetarion
Evan Sanchez
First PC I ever owned was a Compaq Presario with Windows 97. Hated that @#$ing thing. Finally took it out and beat it to death with a baseball bat, and build my own PC after ordering all the components on
Carson Wilson
Good shit, I have a folder of Aussie music that is hard to find that I share
Aiden White
Back in the days of Zip Drives because floppies where 1.4mg
Benjamin Harris
i remember that, people were ugly back then but at least looked like real people
remember stileproject and all the webcams on newgrounds? remember GIA, homestead, black sheep, kazaa, pc demo discs
Jaxon Williams
So I started messing here and there around 2001 (shit pc with win 95 or 98 , cant remember), what u faggots would consider a oldfag?
Blame the fucking smartphones op, they are the main problem
Brody Bailey
Sileproject and Ogrish were always linked together in my mind. They both used RealPlayer video formats, which as I recall required me to tweak my shitty video card because it tried to render .ram files using an .mpg protocol or something, and the colors got fucked-up.
Camden Parker
Braz bro, Sup Forums wasn't up till 2003
Ryder James
Michael Lopez
>tfw my first PC was a dreamcast
All of you guys are Pleb
William Cruz
(OP Oldfag is the amount of time you've been here....not age)