So I've been seeing a lot more trash on facebook of the alt-right taking various culture relative symbols as their own...

So I've been seeing a lot more trash on facebook of the alt-right taking various culture relative symbols as their own. Best example being trash birds, and FB reacts (the most recent). And all i can say is...we need more. We need to flood the net and social media with a heap of claim as much as we can. The better the relation to SJW shit the better, which brings me to my first target, the big T itself, Tumblr.

Using these images we can make official looking documents/meetup notices using these images as stamps and symbolisms, and making the content of such letters clear that this the alt-right. Modification of these symbols is encouraged, but keep them recognisable.

This will be stage 1. Next is to spam the living shit out of tumblr, facbook, twitter with the most common tags branded to the oh glorious alt-right.

An user who can come up with stage three gets a cookie and a maga hat.

Come on degenerates, lets fuck some shit up

The "t" stands for torture

now this is the kind of thinking we need

T for Trump? or T for Torture of Niggers

Either or man

>the big T
Actually, it's a lower case t

tumblr has a heavy alt right presence already senpai

No no, it's about making SJWs associate their "safe icons" like the Tumblr T with the alt-right

*taps nose* this man has it

Today's autists are tomorrow's elite.


i still think that that fucking thoth/trashbird thing was someone's thesis or job interview or something.

Thread needs a bumping, its on page 6


I'm in!

toss a commie

helicopter & falling man in shilhouette, captioned with tumblr's 't'
't'oss a commie.
spam for a day or two
then just start including the 't' on everything for the next few days
submit to buzzfake and

Beautiful. ill see what i can do

Bumping to keep thread alive

If any images are made, please share here

First one to spread guys, go ham

Really? You choose the t and don't use "alt-right, alright"?

to come my man, to come

Top KEK, may keks blessing upon you

mark 2 coming up, short but sweet. up next is alt right


You to user, MAGA!

As requested. i can add somthing else for extra spice