The Guardian predicted/warned White genocide, cultural Marxism, etc. in 2000...

The Guardian predicted/warned White genocide, cultural Marxism, etc. in 2000, the article is a garillion times more relevant right now than it was when it was published. I suggest everybody reads it.
Archive link:

Key points that actually are/became true:
>"In 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves."
>"The shifting sands of the US reflect wider - and highly controversial - changes elsewhere in the world. It is an area in which few demographers dare to tread for fear of being accused of racism."
>"But now, around the world, whites are falling as a proportion of population."
>Article also predicted racial conflict in the US: "We are suggesting the US be partitioned into states for blacks, whites, hispanics, and so on, along with multi-racial states for those who wish to continue with this experiment. Now is the time to begin such a multi-racial dialogue about separatism, before a storm of violent racial conflict erupts."
>US Census Bureau predicted [whites] will become a minority between 2055 and 2060 in California, they are almost a minority today.
>Predicted a bunch of other crazy shit

On a side note I would like to thank all of you for redpilling me on this shit, thank you Sup Forums.

Thank you for having the fucking decency to archive this. You are a credit to the leaf race.

Secondly, this dude writes Children's books. How does a man become so based?

tfw white women are cucking white man and letting the bbc nutt inside

>You are a credit to the leaf race
Thanks dude.

>tfw white women are cucking white man and letting the bbc nutt inside
Chinks do not belong here.

Posting some more

>The population of Europe is expected to drop from 25 per cent of the world total in 1900 to 7 per cent in the next 50 years.
>Europe's 733 million people make up 12% of the world's population as of 2012.

>In Italy, the birth rate is so low that, without immigration, the population is predicted to decline by 16 million by 2050.
>1.39 children born/woman (Italian citizens)
>1.91 children born/woman (Foreign citizens)

Say That To My Face Fucker Not Online And See What Happens

I meant, how does a dude who writes children's books have the balls to uncuck 17 years before it became cool?

Many of the things he's said have been said for years. But your highlights exemplify his rhetorical foresight. He predicted our arguments, and told the cucks they had no arguments.

Incredible find desu.

kek. Looks like your pic related had a white granddad, based on that skull shape.

17 years later and white genocide still does not exist.

well you would be right, but it isn't just my granpappy, my dad is white too.


Why am I a faggot for taking note senpai?

I almost married a black girl back in my blue pill days btw.

lmao there are no blue or red pills, race is an outdated construct, rich people secretly use that and other differences to distract us from the real problem.

There are only poor pills and rich pills.

Here, I'm giving you some attention.

>"If people predicted that Indians would be a minority in India in 2100, everyone would be calling it genocide.'

holy shit, bumping for quality thread

>He didn't read the article
>He didn't read the stats I posted
How can one person be so bluepilled



2070 fucker.


There is a possibility that the pro-immigration narrative was business/bureaucrats way to shore up the population pyramids with filler material, because they don't want to get their businesses taxed much more/keep the political system continued.

"we have a practical need for migrants" -> "immigration is morally good"

I'm sure there are more variables than that. Specifically monetary domination.

tell that to your doctor when you are getting a bone marrow transplant and go tell it to the anthropologists who can Identify races by looking at the skull

how do you know all my bones aren't replaced with titanium?

fucking racist piece of shit, check your priviledge

leave it to the aussies and leafs

Whiye male with a black wife and kids here. Race may or may not be a social construct but it doesnt matter. Who cares if white people exist?

I'm not sure if you're baiting or actually do not understand what's going on. I'm not gonna bite for this reason.

this shit sets up such a false dichotomy. hurr durr white birth rates are too low the only solution is importing shitskins. bullshit, they knew what was going on and there were tones of ways to actually fix this problem. but they didn't go that way did they? no! and you know why??? CAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING TRYING TO GENOCIDE US. that is the only and correct answer. fucking kikes.

i think its way less to do with white people existing or not and more to do with the disparity of it all. like im all for people being able to freely move around this cosmic trash sphere but if you get a lotta the clever cookies moving to the same areas, then there will be too many smarties in one place. we have the internet now, if only someone would bang the world leaders heads together or some shit because through My Rose Tinted Glasses ™ instantaneous communtication should be helping us solve our problems quicker. idk. chatting shit.

I feel like women are being sold sadness too much. It makes us neurotic and with a 'there's something better' mentality, leaving us to settle down later and generally pop out less kiddos, because the equality says that a bachelor/bachelorette should earn the same as say a man with a stay at home wife and kids to feed. so ergo not economically viable to raise like 5 kids, stick to the 1.

>'The right-wing parties are growing in Somerset, not Brixton. The idea that more black people means more racism is not born out by the research. The more of us there are, it reduces racism.'


i agree that both regular white men and women have a role in the declining birthrates but the fact is in our modern world we have an illusion of free will and a conditioned response both of which are the results of the system into which we are born. we were trained from childhood to be what we are. it was done on purpose by social controllers many of which are jews who intentionally led us to this path of destruction and implosion. it is a crime against humanity. fucking disgusting

Seriously why does it matter if white people exist?

fuck you bitch. under your logic then why don't only white people exist.

>>US Census Bureau predicted [whites] will become a minority between 2055 and 2060 in California, they are almost a minority today.

The distribution of non-whites is not homogenous.

California will be the coal mine canary for Hispanic nationalism/separatism.

Hispanics will take it over and run it the way they see fit.

I sense it will end in a break-off of southern CA, San Diego, etc.

The Washingtonian establishment will not want this. Their want is to rule over a large empire, and not simply a white nation.

They would even prefer to incorporate Mexico in an enlarged Mex-USA.


Ah, I can't be arsed. Interesting observation though

If you don't get it, you are not one of us.

Just answer the question. What is special about white people? I am white and dont give a single fuck about white people



(((They))) were too secure about every white people kneeling to them and their brainwashing and propaganda, but reality kicks in and everybody forced to live with literal apes will snap and revolt eventually.
White people might go extinct eventually, but I hope it will not be silent, I hope there will be blood and heads rolling down the ground before everything finishes.
I'd rather watch Europe be glassed by nuclear bombs rather than have it turned into Africa 2.0.

That's a nice shirt. Do they sell it in men's sizes?

The world really needs to be reminded of what happens when we finally chimp out

Name ten things a non white has invented without using google


Name ten things a non white has invented without using google


>We are suggesting the US be partitioned into states for blacks, whites, hispanics, and so on, along with multi-racial states for those who wish to continue with this experiment

The airplane, invented by a half jungle monkey half surrender monkey.

And then name me your ten favorite classical music and art pieces by non whites

Oh yeah without us art and music wouldn't exist except in shitty atonal and non written music. We also invented architecture and buildings.

Back in the 90s mtv ran an ad with a white grandmother lipsynced to a black man speaking. SAYING Blacks would outnumber whites in x years. They have been planning this white race collapse for years.

well then why aren't you on the plane to south africa right now? im not even kidding. go be around people you care about instead of being a shit around people you don't. seriously, how fucked up is that. i would never think of or waste my time going somewhere around people i hate or don't care about just to tell them i don't like them. THATS SOME SICK FUCKING SHIT MAN.

>The airplane, invented by a half jungle monkey half surrender monkey.

>niggers invented the airplane

I'm so fucking tired of arguing with people im twice as smart as. Fuck off

>And then name me your ten favorite classical music and art pieces by non whites
Vivaldi's The Four Seasons, composed by a pasta nigger.

>niggers invented the airplane
Yes, get over it, my man.

Heart transplants, Mortar, Gunpowder, Cotton Gin,, algebra, astronomy, air conditioning, traffic lights, the pullman carts, blood transfusions, St Patricks day and cement.

Also the pyramids and civilization.

The thing is, will Europe be able to fight for herself? Or once again it will be the battlefield between USA and Russia?

None of that was coherent. I dont hate other whites I just donr think of myself as white nor do I specifically care about white people. I care for Americans

>the pyramids
Sound like this Hue's never heard of the ETERNAL KANGLO. Sad!

Richard Spencer idea basically.

Your military spending answers your question

That's why I hope that after unJUSTing the USA, Trump will fix Europe too because we are in very deep shit.

Can't argue with those digits.

>gather all the niggers and hispanics in Cuckfornia/Jew York/etc
>remove all the white people
>watch as those states descend into anarchy overnight

can you prove any of your silly assertions? also do you not realize that shit was thousands of years ago? like what have you done lately, man? how does what some nigger may or may not have done 5000 years ago mean anything today? it doesn't. at best your a washed up failed high school quarterback but in reality you don't actually know if your nigger people have EVER DONE ANYTHING. i mean you CANNOT PROVE your people are worth ANYTHING ever.

it's the paradox of choice. the more choices you have the less happy you are in the choice you make.

an unremarkable woman (so long as she's not defective) has an infinite amount off dicks to choose from. hence unhappiness

>can you prove any of your silly assertions?
That sandniggers built the pyramids and civilization? Don't you learn that in school?

>also do you not realize that shit was thousands of years ago?
The airplane was invented thousands of years ago?

You guys have to at least ignite the powder keg on your own. However, consider how many Americans fought in Iraq, an irrelevant desert shithole. You'd have 80% of the white population here as allies when you guys finally kick shit off.

70% of modern British men are related to Tutankhamen so I the meme is real.

>70% of modern British men have been KANGED

dude you have a very fucked up understanding of this country. it was founded by white men for white men. it was exclusively white for its first hundred plus years. non whites cannot be american. i don't care what you want to believe or what you think about it. but in any case why are you so fucking sick in the head to come here, to go out of your way, to tell people you hate that you hate them? what is wrong with you? that is not normal behavior at all. i would never do that. in fact most people don't do that.

Sorry, I dont see race. We are all humans.

Because non-whites are incapable of building, preserving, or even properly appreciating western society.


Oh, you see it.

"Last month Edmund Stoiber, the premier of Bavaria in southern Germany, called on Germans to have more babies as an alternative to more immigrants. 'We are having too few children - to a worrying degree, the significance of which is scarcely recognised,' he said. His calls echoed those of a fellow Christian Democrat who earlier this year stood on a platform of 'Children not Indians'."

Oh how times have changed indeed

It's everywhere, open your eyes.

look man you think your smart but this is just immature as shit. nobody knows for a fact who built the pyramids dipshit. hancock, bavaul, robert shock and john west all agree that the pyramids are far older than mainstream admits. the fact is the mummies have been dna tested they are europoid. the statuary has blue eyes. there is also evidence that shitskins and niggers were in the mix too at some point. but the actual fact is NOBODY KNOWS and you cannot PROVE it one way or the other. Niggers did not invent the airplane that is some revisionist bullshit and you can fuck right off.

You mean like china or Indianthe worlds oldest civilizations?
IQ tests are worthless
The methodology is trash a d doesnt have a control
Racist and non peer reviewed sources coming tona prechosen conclusion

There is nothing stopping white people from having children, if some niggers from Africa can pop out 20 in a lifetime, there is no excuse.

>but muh life quality

Not an argument.

the white man and certain asiatics are a HYBRID of neaderthal/sapien for whites and neaderthal/sapien/denisovian for asiatics. niggers are just niggers. thats it. YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED.

>Italy scoring higher than white countries
Based pasta niggers.

>t-the sandniggers who invented civilization were actually white I swear
Stormfag please

If anything bone marrow transplants show you that race is an outdated concept because you don't simply have white, black, and Asian bone marrow.

If this mess cannot be fixed "democratically" (=elect far right parties and eventually go full 1488), the only option left is violence.

Good! All is going to plan. The sooner we black out the white burden the better.

Ever heard of rhodesia?
Ever heard of south africa?

Caring about your offspring and fight to offer them a good life and environment is exactly what makes the difference between civilized people and low IQ ape-ish niggers and other shitskins.

>You mean like china or Indianthe worlds oldest civilizations

Uhuh? And? They're old, and they're shit.

You asked for it though.

If IQ had anything to do with it they would understand that having children you can't take care of is better than going extinct.


the oldest civilizations are the vinca although there is some new and exciting data coming out of siberia that may point to an older civ. also many chinese myths proclaim that the original inhabitants of those areas as well as some of the first kings were white. and the founders of india were white brahmans. they literally had a caste system based on race.

as far as the other info in your post it is clear that you are going to reject any information that doesn't fit your biases so i have to ask again WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? you have no desire to learn, or share info or anything. your just a hateful little pathetic shit who goes out of their way to be a faggot. it's a sickness man i bet you even torture animals dont you you sick fuck. GTFO

The only reason it happened was because we didn't genocide the natives like most other conquerors. We tried to help them, to educate them.

It was our kindness that killed us.

>be Aquafresh
>want to LARP as a conquistador but isn't ruthless like the Iberians or the British
>go to Africa anyway
>be retarded and decide to settle instead of just exploiting
>started living among niggers
>complain when they act as such and kill you
No shit.

You seem to confuse Caucasian with the modern usage of the world white, the Caucasians of Asia are not what you would consider white, and there are many of them.

If you are proclaiming that ancient Caucasians in Asia were white, then you might as well add another 500-800 million people to the term and classify them as Europeans.

Oh, I have ben here since around 07, just welcoming a new comer to my community. Enjoy the melting pot!

seriously? i clearly said nobody knows who built that shit but instead you went of on your CANNED RESPONSE. your not actually reading this shit your just parroting some bullcrap you heard some smarter person say. pathetic fucking nigger.

your a sick person and you need to get help. your also a fucking liar.

>nobody knows who exactly built that shit in the fucking desert
>therefore white boy did it
Why are stormfags so delusional?

There is a thing called capacity to understand the consequences of your own actions (=understanding the meaning of having an offspring that one will not be able to properly take care of), a capacity that niggers and retards have been proven to lack of, my nigga.

is there a single question in your pedantic statement? are you asking me something proxy fag??? i don't think that you have enough information to assume to know what i think, believe, or know. it seems to me that your making alot of fucking assumptions.

Yes yes, impptent rage. You will calm down once you realize everyone is trolling.
Anyway, welcome immigrant to our board, to share your culture and beliefs!

Expecting africans to be European was doomed from the start.

Right wing Europeans should flood to SA and finish the job. Start the all White country.

whats funny is that you look like a total idiot but you think your doing well in this debate. no one would consider you to have won a single point here nigger. you just throw out canned responses it's almost like you cant even read.

>Why are stormfags so delusional

>Traffic lights

Didn't invent the light nor the relay

Simply combined a couple of existing (white) inventions