>27 years old >Bachelor's degree in finance >4 years of finance/accounting work experience >Currently making 50K >Spending 55 hours a week working, traveling to work and breaks
Reasons I want to join: >Trump is commander in cheif >Will be fun/ get to do cool shit >I am in good shape, lift weights 3-4 times a week, run 4-5 times a week, 6'2 tall >All expenses paid on top of the army salary (housing, food, medical, ect.) >Start at E-4 because I have a degree >Get away from liberal dominated company and city and join like minded conservatives >Serve my country >Basically get minority status when I get out in 4-5 years (companies get kick backs for hiring veterans just like when they hire blacks)
>Start at E-4 because I have a degree You also start at O-1. The pay is several times better.
Matthew Howard
Maybe, who knows, i don't know, i don't care, whatever.
Caleb Peterson
Honestly, at the income you make and will in the future with your degree you shouldn't. You'll make a hell of a lot more money that way rather than taking a 4 year army break.
Gabriel Murphy
Great contribution, kill yourself.
Connor Bennett
This OP. Don't fucking go in as enlisted if you already have your degree.
Colton Cooper
20 year retired Armyfag here. You have a degree. Get commissioned. Pays better. Go to Airborne School and try hard to get assigned to an Airborne unit. You're not really gonna be "serving your country". You're gonna be fighting meaningless wars based on lies for Israel. Well see what Trump does. Good luck to you.
Bentley Williams
My GPA was under 3.0 and I have a MIP charge from college, my recruiter said officer commission is not an option for me
William Jones
Absolutely not a good idea, you will be frustrated by it's beaurocracy and inefficiency, the military has a very low retention rate of high IQ people
basically only niggers stay in for a long time for more gibmedats
William Parker
Suk muh dik wyatt boi
Jaxson Gutierrez
Everyone in the army I've met hates their lives.
Also, why the fuck enlist when you could go commissioned?
Noah Phillips
MIP....does that even show up on a record? I paid a ticket for that 20 years ago...
Cooper Perry
>Posts on a board that rages against the Jews >Asks whether it's a good idea to be an enforcer of Jewish interests
Xavier Adams
E4's dont make 50k, so you will be making signifigantly less money. Also millitary experience litterally counts for jack in the civillian world. Right now at my HR office they consider it as low as retail work experience. Your only saving grace will be your degree when you get out. However you are right about getting minority tax cut highering benefits. Also Regular raises at your job will net you more money in the long run. They dont even view leadership expeireince in the millitary as equal to management experience. We hired a E8 to drive fork lifts recently because he had no schooling... which is pretty fucking sad. I wouldnt do it OP.
Hunter Richardson
William Sanders
Dear US Men.
TEXAS RANGER is better than ARMY.
Cooper Robinson
Here's the problem with coming in as an E-4.
You can't make E-5 until you've got at least two years in service so you're going to be sitting there waiting while all your lower ranked peers are turning heads and getting noticed because they actually have to work to climb the ladder.
My advice? If you want to be a grunt then just do it. If that's where your heart is, if that's what you want for yourself, then I think it's absolutely a great idea. Once you get tired of it (everyone does eventually) either go SF or reclass intel. Stay out of debt. Stay out of trouble. Do not get married or get a bitch pregnant and you will be writing your own ticket with a smile on your face for life as you make friends with fantastic people.
A lot of people recommend going officer route. Fuck that. Go infantry, deploy, do some real work, get the respect that comes with it, then reclass to a cleared position and go officer and live like a king until retirement where you will then be ready to make fucking stupid money working on some high class projects wherever you want in the world.
Jaxson Bailey
only ever seen white soldiers take sick fuck pictures like that.. fucking sick cave dwellers.
Angel Morris
>Start at E-4 because I have a degree
You are made into a Specialist i assume, not a Corporal.
Just become a officer.
Jacob Johnson
Kys faggot
Jaxson Cook
>Kys Fuck off back to instagram you stupid fucking nigger.
Mason Butler
Your recruiter is either a fucking retard ortoo lazy to put you through the OCS motions (more likely the latter).
Source: Former Army recruiter (AMA!)
Christian Powell
His recruiter told him his MIP will prevent that which is utter bullshit.
But since OP is retarded enough to take everything his recruiter says at face value, he's probably too stupid for a commission anyways.
Nathan Nguyen
What's an instagram kike?
Ian Gutierrez
Basic training isn't really hard, it just really really really fucking sucks. Infantry Basic sucks more than it does for most other MOS' in the Army. Infantry goes to Fort Benning Georgia which is going to suck worse than almost anywhere else you could go and you'll probably get barely stable infantry drill sergeants.
The intense training is also hard on your body. You're gonna probably have a lot of leg and hip pains when you get done. Especially if you go Airborne. That shit fucks people up for life.
Don't get me wrong. Infantry is good but it's not going to help much in the civilian world. I chose an MOS that would help me find work when I got home.
You should also know that the Army isn't what it used to be. Look up S.H.A.R.P. Also the Army is now accepting transgender as a legitimately thing. Let's say a male soldier is transgender and his gender is female in dears. That soldier would be considered a woman to the Army and would only be allowed to use the women's latrine for shitting, pissing, the same rule applies for transfender women who are male in dears.
Ayden Young
>Go infantry, deploy, do some real work, get the respect that comes with it
Do the exact opposite of this
Lincoln Rogers
aint no niggers here,.. dont get offended becuase the cave dweller thing fits so well .fuck boi.
Nicholas Thomas
see my guess is that it was a test, user. unless you go back and make that enlisted paper pusher put the paperwork through, you'll fail.
Aiden Long
do NOT go as enlisted spent 3 years enlisted no fun Officer or not at all cheers
Kayden Hughes
>Joining the military Why the fuck not, I found serving highly positive even though I was just a shitty conscript. + Its nice to have the papers.
Just make sure to not risk your life, fighting on behalf of a (((foreign entity))).
Evan Barnes
Army Warrant
Did you even look into your options? Marine corps OCS?
Oliver Brooks
>Also, military experience counts for jack shit in the civilian world. This is dependant on what you did in the military. Were you infantry? Welcome to a life of fixing refrigerators or being a cop. Were you avionics or something similar? Now you have some options.
>We hired an E8 to drive fork lifts recently because he had no schooling... which is pretty fucking sad. Sound like this E8 was either A) lazy as fuck and dind't want responsibility anymore or B) too much of a fucking retard to take advantage of education benefits for the 20 years he was in. Either way, he deserves to drive forklifts.
Benjamin Young
How hard is an Option 40 contract to obtain for a university graduate? I have some friends in the 75th that want me to come tear some ass for a bit.
Robert Smith
>fuck boi
You talk like a faggot... You a faggot?
Xavier Richardson
Jason Gray
>tall 6.2
hmm sorry user but u will never get to join special forces, lanklets need not apply, you get to dig trenches
Jose Jackson
No it wasnt a test. This is how it went down becasue I saw it all the time for the two years I was a recruiter: >user comes into office/meets us a school career fair >Iwanttobeanofficer.jpg >recruiter is like "Goddammit, now I have to go through a bunch of motions trying put together a board for him to attend. Im too busy for this shit >I know, Ill convince him to enlist. Then all I have to do is drop him off at MEPS and my job is finished. >"Hey, you should be enlisted first because those are the real heroes and then you can go to OCS after you've been in for a couple years and other things recruiter say." >Eventually Ill just make it more of a pain in his ass until he either quits or breaks down and enlists. >Oh shit , SSG user (me) is talking to him about putting together a board. Doesn't he know that we're here for OUR careers, not these kids'. Jeez.... >Oh its two years later and now I'm retired and fixing refrigerators.
Parker Collins
If you're not going to do Infantry, Airborne, Ranger Batt or SF you might as well stay in the civilian world. Officers are basically paper pushers and politicians, just enlist, maybe go warrant later if you need the money.
David Watson
If you qualify, not hard. Now, getting through selection is whats going to make or break you.
Mason Rivera
I'm applying to OCS now, how important is gpa? My gpa isn't ideal (like 2.8 if I recall correctly), but it isn't like I majored in english or feminist dance or whatever, I majored in mathematics and took a bunch of difficult classes because I was interested in the material (and I had the connections to get me a job at a major Wall Street bank regardless of my gpa back when I wanted to be an investment banker, so my gpa didn't really matter to me). That's the weakest part of my application, but I worry that it is important. No criminal convictions, serious drug use, etc. and I absolutely murdered the ASVAB (99 AFQT and 135+ on all Army line scores). I'm a regular white dude, so I don't imagine anything like affirmative action helping me out.
Cameron Brown
I played rugby and think I'm in fairly good shape, anything like rucking or other shit should I focus on?
Christian Perry
Being tall means you have a longer stride and can ruck faster.
William Martinez
Duse, you sound like one of those assholes that chants "Fuck The POGS" mindlessly over and over and over like HWNDU or something equally retarded.
Carson Carter
You have a bachelor's? Get a commission in the airforce and live the easy life.
Nathaniel Harris
by the picture you used I would say you are one of those that wants to kill people but doesnt have the balls to break the law.
Ryder Carter
ill ruck you faster in a sec
srs tho having longer limbs means you get fatigued quicker and special forces is all about dat endurance
Jack Rivera
>Get away from liberal dominated company >Right into liberal dominated (((army))) Sure, if you want to run around in high heels.
Daniel Hall
Functional strength is key, but you gotta be in the right mindset as well. I would suggest joining a kettlebell (inb4 not even once) gym and signing up for GoRuck. Itll give you a TINY taste of what to expect.
Elijah Nelson
Army weights GPA based off of degree. You'll probably have like a 3.2 in their eyes. You could probably find the info online.
Chase Reyes
So I haven;t been in since 2011 but back then, wasnt too much of a factor. I dont know how it is in 2017 but I cant see GPA being too much of an issue.
I knew idiot officers that had to switch their majors to "military science" in order to graduate to fulfill their ROTC contracts and they had no problems commissioning.
Dominic Powell
enjoy being jewish pawn in the wars to come
Alexander Garcia
Rucking fast, maybe take up orienteering, obviously get good at the PT test events.
Joseph Roberts
I defer to your expert judgement.
Joseph Lee
enjoy being a flithy malay
Owen Harris
I've seen a lot of conflicting information on this. I know that a 2.8 in mathematics or anything STEM looks better than a 2.8 in art, but I don't know about the specifics. I figured I'll give OCS a shot with the Army and Navy and if I'm not accepted, then I'll just go into investment banking and work the 100 hour workweeks.
Chase Cook
Shut up pog
Jayden Jackson
Good to hear, I hope it isn't a big deal, but fortunately my major helps me some.
Liam Ramirez
get a 30kg weighted vest and work walk with that for a few kilometers at a time untill you work up the impact strength in your frame, then get a back pack and put 15-20 kg of weight in that and get used to that
work on 20ks or 12.5 miles in 3 hours 15 minutes with just the 30kg on, thats one of the fitness requirements for aussie sas and id imagine american special forces would be about the same standard, then like the other user said, work on orienteering, plot out a course in the bush or whatever and make sure all the checkpoints are on top of mountains, if you can do a 5 day course 120-130ks with the 50kg on you should be fighting fit
Easton Foster
Why not Marines or Rangers or something redpilled like that? Why Army?
Carson Hughes
Unless you're a STEM major or have a law degree, it really doesn't matter. Unlike enlisted, officers dont; have MOS of choice unless your graduate OCS top of your class. Wanna be infantry? Welcome to supply or vise versa.
Parker Roberts
>rangers >army >army rangers
Juan Kelly
>why not rangers >why army
you're a fucking idiot
Lincoln Hill
Levi Perez
wow how can someone be so callous in the face of death like that??
really not cool and actually quite disturbing
Isaac Davis
Even the most talented cryptologists can't begin to understand what the fuck you just said
Connor Phillips
They're called sociopaths.
See Chris Kyle.
Jose Taylor
army is full of spics that are solely just in it for the benefits and have no true allegiance to america and its values.
Luis Reyes
You have describes all branches right there buddy.
>Army gets the niggers and spics >Navy gets the niggers, spics, and white trash > USMC gets the nigger and spic gang members > Air Force gets the cuckservative white trash
Connor Foster
He did show preference for the "redpilled" choice, so... obviously.
Jacob Sanders
>Marines >redpilled
pick one
Carter Cox
Thanks for the info gents, plan on getting into the office right away.
Brody Cooper
>pic related I thought niggers can't swim?
John Rivera
what are the most redpilled MOS after infantry?
Bentley Diaz
>sociopaths You mean like everyone else on Sup Forums?
Nathan Gutierrez
Keep in mind, if the recruiter wants to give you the run-around on OCS, go to another recruiter. The more rural the recruiting office, the more likely they are to have the time to work with you rather than "Go to MEPS...next!"
Cooper Murphy
If you want to quit finance to die in a foreign land for Jewish bankers, no one here will stop you. ~t. Wounded vet
Adam Thompson
The most redpilled MOS career field in Aviation. Infantry is so bluepilled, even their colors are blue.
Evan Brown
they can swim but not well. these days go to any public pool in the summer and it looks like a scene from some nigger migrants boat sinking off the coast of italy. 50 niggers flapping splashing around
Hudson Morris
I fucking love you nips.
This month at the local public range, I let a fellow shoot my modded G19. He then went full hog, brought out his western wheelguns, and wasn't content until I was fanning the hammer like a pro. Total cowboy shooter junkie.
When the wall is finished and the gates open for business, we want you here. You love America more then many Americans.
Jeremiah Reyes
Were those guys in the picture terrorists? Even if they were it seems unprofessional to pose in front of corpses like this.
Justin Miller
These guys are pretty legit also kys.
Jordan Adams
> Even if they were it seems unprofessional to pose in front of corpses like this.
Seems? This is the kind of shit that can get you court martial-ed.
Justin King
Armor, aviation, or intel, probably.
Brayden Roberts
The modern US Army is a pathetic shell of its former self, don't bother.
And Trump's isn't going to fix but a fraction of the problems plaguing the US Military. It's so systemic by this point it's probably a permanently crippled force.
Gavin Lee
>agree with my statement >tell me to kill myself
Carter Cook
This guy gets it.
Hunter Walker
That's what happens when you go to war without enough manpower. You have to let the fucking rejects in.
Leo Gray
redpill me on the quickest way to sign up
Brayden Butler
Best branch to join if I want to see combat?
Blake Wilson
Wait, what do you mean? I do have a STEM degree, does that make my gpa matter more? I know I don't have my choice of MOS, and that branching is done by performance during the first 1/3 of OCS, so there is a very real possibility I won't get infantry, armor, or intelligence.
Dominic Carter
>go to recruiters office >they see if you qualify > they take you to MEPS > you pick an MOS > you sign a contract > they give you a date for basic training > you leave for basic training > ???? >profit
Aaron Jenkins
with USMC its likely, but you run the chance of being stuck on a boat for 9 months out of the year instead
Adam Hall
So if you're a STEM major, there's also the possibility of direct commission as a science officer. That's a different recruiting program though so I cant speak much to it.
Jason Baker
Good to know. Been thinking about enlisting for a while now but haven't put much research in yet.
Hudson Brown
What do you want to do, how old are you, and are you in decent shape?
Austin Phillips
The GPA is just a number the recruiter writes down- if you've got upper level management written all over you, that pen can easy change a 2 to a 3.
Do you absolutely need to have a green card? I heard you can't get in otherwise.
Benjamin Sanchez
>tfw enlisted >tfw bored out of my fucking skull >drills and safety briefings all day every day. >just waiting for Big Brother America to engage in combat somewhere so my country can inevitably follow like a loyal dog
I just want to fire my weapon at something other than inanimate targets.
Are you a social person? Your form and fitness can be improved upon pretty easily, but we had a fair few people flake out because they couldn't handle the extreme lack of privacy that comes with being enlisted.
Juan Lee
Oh ok, I see what you mean. That's probably not quite as much me, but I could possibly qualify (depending on gpa requirements). I appreciate your insight and you taking the time to answer my questions.
That's tough if they actually check (they need your transcripts to apply to OCS).