Seriously, since when did we go from punching nazis is okay to doing this?
Why does twitter allow this?
Good. Fucking with somebodies home is a good way to get commies shot.
>some fucking antifag actually does it
>Trump remembers Obama let the president drone strike Americans
burthurt faggots trying to, very very poorly, steal a flag, could this commies be more pathetic?
We need to start doing the same thing to them
>Indiana antifa
lmao thats barely a thing. They had some 100 man protest after trump won and got their heads beaten in by police.
>bumfuck nowhere in Indiana
Lmao good luck
>I will never be attacked by a Communist and get to shoot him
>tweeted 8mins ago
>0 RTs
Is this your twitter leaf?
Came here to post this
couldn't we easily false-flag these assholes into showing up to an ambush?
Why live
>I saw a bunch of racists at the corner of C Street and Cambria! Come quick!
Write this man a letter warning him so that he can lie in wait and cure HIV with his 223.
these things
why not
I'm willing to bet an arm and a leg that guy owns guns and knows how to use them.
Lets fuck their shit up like the non-kike warriors that we are.
>Phone "KKK rally" tip into Antifa
>Meme a drug war into existence at the same place and time
>Antifa fucked in crossfire
>willing to bet
Nigger he 100% does. 100% A1 fucking does.
Did any of (you) faggots reported the tweet?
The same reason you racists fucks laughed at the He Will Not Divide Us flag stealing. You want to scream crybaby, "special snowflakes", Libitards, etc. because they get upset over nonsense. Now you're doing the same thing
I don't have a twitter. Every time I make one it is immediately suspended, even if I never tweet.
Bump, this guys got a pistol tucked in those jeans, no one flies a nazi flag and a confederate flag without arming up. I hope this escalates and we get nice video of him killing niggers
>taking a flag is comparable to burning down someones house, possibly killing them in the process
what's the point? you can't count on corrupt, kike institutions to tow our line. the only solution is to false flag it, meme it, troll it, and destroy it with subversion.
how come you can't see the nazi and confederate flag in the second pic? is it a shop?
Why don't you just make an Antifa twitter account, adorn your house with Nazi memorabilia, and post a picture of your house online? Hell, you can even get some fellow Sup Forumsacks to help defend your house from the leftists.
you dumbass
im so sick of these fucking cunts ruining my state.
That's not even the address, it's some church stupid fucking antifa can't even meme correctly
get a load of this spergnigger. as if you faggots have any muscle.
re your pic: You don't get it.
If FB or twitter doesn't ban something, we get to use that fact as propaganda against them. That's just as good.
Because baiting shitty human beings into your house to kill them is still 1st grade homicide.
the only way you'll get away with removing leftist trash is by getting nogged.
I prefer to guide these retards towards getting killed and becoming a headline. they all, already want to die so badly.
>get antifa address
>shop nazi flag
>cucks get riled up
No (You) for you.
>Sup Forums can find a flag using celestial patterns and weaponized autism
>antifa has an actual address and probably wont take this guys flag
pathetic desu
maybe send them smug frogs in the mail again, and make the return addresses something that will result in lulz
#1 job in politics is always to recruit, recruit, recruit.
There is nothing better than a solid and undeniable fact of misbehavior that hurts people's interests.
America is scary. Our PM is a garbage boy made of trash and semen but I don't fear riots or this garbage. Just good old Islamic terrorism.
Go ahead and report it then. The more propaganda the better. And the more antifa kikes suffer, the better.
Are... you retarded by chance, or by choice? Leaking someones home address and what they look like with a message that is obviously inciting violence is completely different than a bunch of Sup Forums autist combining their might to find Shia Lecucks flag.
i just did
In the minds of the left everything is ok for as long it's them fighting against the ebil naziz. Funny thing tho that everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi. It's like this in every fucking corner of the world.
Didnt we steal buffs flag tho
Maybe we should just start sharing the homes of your grandparents to make up for it?
>It's actually commie trap the whole time
I never saw the nazi flag, ever. could be shoop. the other flags were there. He used to do lawnwork for people on the street for free. including a mexican family.
I live in Eugene... Pathetic fucking town. Not a single black person lives here yet they think they know what black lives matter means... Deluded fucking libtards will do anything for social brownie points
> return address
Does anyone have Hillary's home address?
It wasn't for some political ideology, it was for the keks.
the nazi flag is shopped in
Sure would be a shame if antifa accounts were created and started doing this to antifa member's houses
I didn't even know we had an antifa. They probably all live in Indianapolis or in Lafayette which is most likely why I never heard of them.
No, I want a commie to get shot by a redneck.
This guy looks like he just walked into the gym and put those gloves on, snapped the picture, and walked out afterwards.
The big league MMA fighters don't give a fuck about any of this shit except some leaning on Libertarianism.