Would you prefer have millions of Hispanics or Muslisms?


I'd prefer to have an ethnically-homogeneous white ethnostate.

Cosmopolitanism and internationalism are Jewish in nature and are of no benefit to white people.

But we wouldn't let you live there.

bullshit. its 2017! its a global world. you better should latinos or muslism.

But we wouldn't let you live there.

i enjoy being half hispanic to an extent despite what pol says. but i wish hispanics were on average higher iq desu famalam. the anglo superiority complex can be very condescending


Hispanics. Fuck muslims

In a white ethnostate you dump wop. Obviously this country is ruined by the many millions of mexicans that couldn't stomach living in your shithole.

>In a white ethnostate you dump wop


without us, you will be only 60% white.

I know, and only 50 years ago we were something like 85-90% white.

Thanks Immigration Act of 1964 and the ability of Mexicans to spread like a disease. Congrats, you managed to ruin your country and ours. I'm glad you can feel some pride in that.

it was the blacks, Asians, and other races, not only us.

who signed that wonderful act?

That would be LBJ and Teddy Kennedy. I hope Satan is buttfucking them right now.

I'd let in hispanic women for sure. Muslims need to be genocided.

LBJ culturally Enriched your boring culture with latina sluts, cholos, tacos, and hardwork. nothign wrong with that desu sempai.

Beaners easily

Better question would be:

Black Catholic Africans vs. Muslims

who is that semen demon, Igor popov?

hahahahahha das racist as fuck.

Muslisms all the way.

I count as hispanic and I'm white af, nothing wrong with them really. They just need the upper class to keep the chicano and the indios in line.

#anything but Islam

Aren't you the guy who wanted the white ethnostate? I'd imagine you're one of the few white people in Mexico's teenage kid and you're sitting in a compound your parents own in Toluca or Guadalajara shitposting here.

>nothing wrong with that

Daaaamn son need more of these immigrants

hahahahaha white ethnostate in MEXICO? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



give us the muslims any day. anything is better than spics

Spics, and it's not even a competition. They are better than Muslims in almost every conceivable way.
>bring delicious food
> don't blow themselves up

I'd prefer a few million eastern Europeans. They are fucking great.

>when your country values memes over anything else and leaves the EU for no coherent reason that any man in the street could articulate beyond MUH N H S

Never trust someone from Oaxaca.

t. mohameed achmed aloha snackbar.


I think that's the guy that does my lawn. Where did you get that picture?

You can bleach Hispanics. Muslims are shit tier.

just dont explode.

Yep, that's him. Left to right. Lawn guy, super gay hairdresser, guy who keeps trying to sell me homeless people magazines door to door.



There is only one suitable answer to OPs question and it was given in the first fucking reply.

why the fuck would you bump this shit thread toothpaste? I swear I can't wait until my country goes isolationist and the rest of the planet is left to the mercy of fucking china.

Why is Rutte deporting turkroaches?