/polder/ one day to go. If you don't have a stempas you have until 12:00 to get one (hurry)

FvD /PVV allied against globalists
>Coalition tier
>Rape victims tier
>Useful idiots
50 Plus
>Just fuck my country up SJW tier
>Meme tier
Nieuwe wegen
>Traitor tier
>Niemand is perfect tier



EXPLANATION OF PARTIES: pastebin.com/rM2x5tqQ



youtube.com/watch?v=LvpdZLrXgfk [Open]

THIERRY INTERVIEWED AT RTL (Dutch, no subtitles):

De objectiviteit van Pauw en Jinek bij de NPO

Theo/cratie on RTL Business Class

Pim Fortuyn on fifth column - with Eng subs




Other urls found in this thread:


Let's give a basic gestalt of our political situation and how we got here.

The most pressing issues by far are immigration, the Euro-currency and the European Union.

We are receiving about 100.000 migrants per year. Consider that we have 17 million people and that these are of course mostly young men, of which 40% is functionally illiterate. Not only that, but they generally vote very left and each generation of immigration in the Netherlands is LESS integrated than their parents are and MORE criminal. And that's ignoring the maybe even more pressing issue of race on long term success of both a country and a democracy.

This norse documentary shows it beyond any reasonable doubt:

>But why is there mass immigration in the first place if people don't want it?

>But why is there mass immigration in the first place if people don't want it?

>European Union
The destruction of the sovereignty of the nation state and the establishment of a federalized superstate is a very appealing prospect if you're... say a Rothschild. Democracies are an obstacle to increasing power for the very wealthy.
A democracy and it's justice system are very closely linked. They always have a certain territory that they concern theirs and where they apply the law. The current European Union parliament is not subject to the laws of any of the member states and thus can not be held accountable for fraud or other misconduct. You'll see why that's important in the next topic, so keep that in mind.
The fact that any laws are made and enforced on European countries is a direct subversion of the sovereignty of those states. What good does it do you to be able to make laws about your city if they're overruled by the country level? What good does it do you to make laws countrywide if they're overruled at federal level? And what if the citizens of can't hold that federation accountable?
Whatever they want in EU commission, they'll get. Mass immigration. Debt payments to Greece. Entry of Ukraine. It doesn't matter if citizens are against this. It's in politicians best personal interests, because they belong to a class of wealth that won't feel the pain of these effects as fast (until their daughter gets raped on a night out of course). But even then they might find it an acceptable price, because getting a country to follow EU is the best way to get a good chance at any of the very cushy jobs in Brussels. This is why the current political classes of Europe are selling out their citizens to the EU: for their own advancement.
If you believe they believe in justice, you can look at their removal of immunity of Le Pen for exposing the horrors of ISIS.

Farage on the federal vs. nationstate conflict of the EU:

>Why didn't people revolt against the EU?
Short answer they played a very long game and have been steps ahead of most of us.

>Euro Currency
We were massively jewed out of an honest exchange rate when the Euro was introduced. Of course it had to be fixed to a set rate at some point. There is good reason to believe it was 10% too low. This means that in one fell swoop, bankers managed to take 10% of the value of all dutch currency in existence at that point. And that is only the beginning of how it damaged us, because the universal currency for the Euro also meant that Europe needed a universal economic policy. It was THE most important step toward European Union federalization.

Right now we're continually being cucked into paying Greece's debt, while they don't have the advantage of devaluation and attracting tourism, as their entire economy is going off the grid of taxation and thus no chance for recovery under current system.

The treaty that created the EURO also has disproportionate demands on the Netherlands compared to other countries in case of insolvency and they can demand according to the treaty "More than euro" to be payable within a week. Did ou just get that? MORE THAN. There is no limit on what they can demand. The treaty has an unlimited top. Does that make sense to you?

Thierry demanding investigation into Euro before he felt the need to go into politics:

So that's how we got into all these problems.

So will Dutch be right wing again?

Tonight at 20:30 to 22:00
Closing debate of the elections on NPO 1
FvD not invited. They might do their own little debate somewhere but that's hearsay as of now.

Can someone please post the Groenlinks image containing their most retarded campaign plans?

Waarom? Ze hebben toch geen stemrecht.

I hope you don't fuck this up.

anoniem die voor het eerst gaat stemmen hier

hoezo stempas


Don't you have it yet? How?

Zodat illegalen niet kunnen stemmen. Zoals in amerika en zoals groenlinks wil

Should I vote FvD or PVV?


>Dgw ik voor de eerste keer stem

Heb ik alleen mijn stempas en id nodig?

FvD. Two less yes men for Greet won't make much of a difference, but Baudet and Hiddema will.

My parents have thrown my stempas away because they know I would vote right wing.
Where can I get a new one?

Kek, it's time for you to move out.

But jokes aside, go to the gemeentehuis as soon as possible and ask for one.

Soooooo.... who are you toothpastes voting for?

Haha kanker ouders. Tijd om te vertrekken daar ouwe.

Je hebt tot 12:00, dus rennen vriend.

This dude:

Geef me 4 (VIER) redenen om op FvD te stemmen en niet op VVD.

Thanks guys. I'll get a new one right away.

MSM in NZ just said that whilst Geerts ideas are well supported, due to the system in NED that there is no way he will lead.

Is this true?

Kek, stay in school kids.

It is, practically at least.

Hahaha doe aangifte tegen je ouders

Well thats fucking shit. Really? So why all the buzz on Sup Forums if he has no chance?

Ja, dit staat uitgelegd op de stenpas en op de site van de overheid. Lees het even na voor de zekerheid.

>B A S I C G E S T A L T

The minister of foreign affairs of Turkey was going to come to Rotterdam, which has the largest Turkish population in the Netherlands, to talk to a group of invited Turkish people on the 11th of March to talk about a campaign to change the Turkish constitution to give more power to Erdogan. In the Netherlands, Middle-Eastern immigrants are allowed to maintain a double nationality because of the association treaty signed with Turkey, and many Turks choose to keep their Turkish nationality. That makes it so they are able to vote in this campaign, and since the Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands are the most pro-Erdogan immigrants in the world, it would do well for the minister to talk to them.
It would not have been a closed door private event, as this didn’t happen in Austria and Germany, and because more than a 100 people emerged at the consulate in a very short time.
The mayor of Rotterdam then declared it a rally and banned the rally because of the public order.
Our ruling cabinet called Rutte II then talked to the Prime Minister to ask him to extend the meeting to next week after the Dutch elections so that cabinet Rutte II’s greatest political enemy, Geert Wilders, could not politically wield the campaign to boost his votes. Erdogan put out a threat of sanctions, primarily threatening to send Dutch diplomats out of the country. Rutte II then barred the minister from coming to the Netherlands because of the threats, and posted a Facebook message saying it was for the safety of Rotterdam. The Turkish ministry then called us Fascists and said that there are remnants of Nazi occupation alive in the Netherlands and in the Dutch people.

Wie hier /utrecht/ en FvD stemmer?

Erdogan has closed the Dutch embassy in Turkey and the Dutch consult in Istanbul, the houses of the Dutch consul are closed, and they're not allowed to return to Turkey. Rutte II told the police to send the Turkish minister of family business out of Rotterdam, right in front of the Turkish consulate which has angered a lot of Turks, she was forced to return to Germany with a helicopter following her every move which angered them even more. Riots broke out in front of the Turkish consulate and immigrants, most of them pro-Erdogan , have started throwing bricks at the riot police, 17 people are arrested, and 7 people are wounded, including one officer. The arrested people were released a day later, but the riots have been escalating further and protesters reached numbers in the thousands. Protests broke out in Amsterdam under Turkish people, and 13 people were arrested. Our prime minister demanded an apology of Erdogan for calling us Nazis, and in return Erdogan called us an unstable and corrupt country and called for worldwide sanctions against the Netherlands. On live television he told Turkish people that we must pay the price and that they will repay us in the hardest fashion possible.
In Istanbul, anti-Dutch protest broken out in front of the Dutch consulate, they've squashed oranges and held signs calling the Dutch people Nazis, they've also removed the Dutch flag from the consulate and several flag burnings were spotted. Turkey is demanding that the Eu takes legal steps against the Netherlands for the treatment of Turks during the protests in Rotterdam, and that the Netherlands released information about the Turks that got wounded during both protests, but the Netherlands refused.

Deze keer niet Kuzu!

Because you foreigners only found out about this very late. Most actual Dutch posters don't even support Greet anymore and will vote FvD instead.

Erdogan then responded by saying that Turkey will go to the human rights court for the treatment of both Turkish ministers, the UN, the Council of Europe, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. He wants to complain about what he considers a breach of the 1961 international treaty on diplomatic relationships which formed the legal basis for diplomatic immunity.
The EU and NATO called for Turkey to refrain from saying or doing anything else to hurt the relationship with the Netherlands, both Merkel and the French Minister of foreign affairs said they support he Dutch people and denounced Erdogan’s Nazi and Fascist remark. Turkey doesn’t want to negotiate and is currently thinking about putting down more sanctions against the Netherlands, Dutch diplomats are no longer allowed to use the Turkish airways, and Erdogan has said that economic, military, technological , and cooperative sanctions will follow.

Some people believe that our minister was not allowed to ban the protest and the consul of Turkey has diplomatic immunity, and so does the prime minister coming here as a diplomat. The Turkish consul is Turkish territory and they believe it bars the laws of freedom of speech. Since the elections are in in the Netherland tomorrow, people think that it's a political move from our prime minister, especially because Russia came to campaign for the eradication of Ukraine, and he did nothing to stop it from happening. Others note that protests are always legal, but not when it threatens public order, and not when the Turkish minister refuses to cooperate with Dutch authorities about the protests, which they believe overwrites the first rules. They also note that the consulate and embassies are Dutch territories, and that the host nation never enters uninvited out of respect. People will also note that the Ukraine referendum wasn’t barred either, but both sides came to campaign and neither held a political rally or staged a protest.

Good luck dutchfriends!


Who won the debate last night?
I hope it's Geert Wilders

As always with debates, everyone says the guy they supported before it even started won.

Yes, geert won
don't believe the ((((((polls))))))

Dutch posters are retarded then. Geert or die, faggot.





>+ + + WATCH HERE! + + +



>VVD lied about every single promise they made. So any positive reason to vote for them should be questioned.
>Mass immigration and islam will destroy our country. You saw that many Turks are loyal to Turkey first. In time of war they will be called to Turkish draft or to subvert stuff here covertly.
>Border controls are absolutely essential in having a country worth having at all. I volunteered at azc's and I worked at the worst schools inthe Netherlands. The number of people with integrity arriving is very small.
>FvD is focused on getting rid of 40% of bureaucracy cost in health care, improving education by modelling finish education, the best primary school education in the world.
-EU is strangling our trade with non-EU countries, which are the fastest growing economies.

I could go on for a while. Want arguments for any particular topic?

>Don't know the complexities of dutch politics yet still thinks he is in a place of intellectual superiority
I demand you cease your faggotry at once.

Go pretend to be edgy by spouting naughty language you heard on Comedy Central somewhere else.
For a moment there I thought that was about Beppe Grillo, kek.

We can stell wreck-kek-kek-kek groenlinks if we try hard.

No dutchman thinks this acceptable.


Just vote Geert, ok?

basically geert had to show he can be presidential, that's a common critique he faces
he did that well
so even if the around 50/50 balance says rutte won for whatever reason, it is geert who made a huge leap into being able to rival that
i think it will garner him a ton of votes

It was a lukewarm uninteresting debate.

>No dutchman thinks this acceptable
I wish that were true desu.

"Een gast met idealen"

Fuck off jidf

Remember this?

It was an epic night.

No we're going to vote for a lavendel renaissance instead.


what a fucking pussy is this guy

kom op man, we hebben een mediakartel te slopen!


Many of this points I can agree with. I can understand being in charge is not that easy, but ignoring the referendum is a foul offense. Even though the future in the EU doesn't look bright, Nexit sounds like too radical a swing for us as trading nation.

About FvD itself: They act dogmatically against the party cartel. I understand that they want to promote political change, but this autistic screeching is only destructive.

This. I cannot wait until this man becomes president. Geert is going to win. Big. Screencap this.

I will. Of course.

Have my numbers
Geert will rule the world



fuck geert



Why does Nexit sound too radical? You have no idea what you're talking about. Fear has been keeping us where we are and has been slowly destroying our country.

Besides, the chance of it happening is quite small. But it is a great thing to hear some anti-EU speech in the tweede kamer.


Geert so we can watch roaches and Moroccans lose their shit and riot

>PVV en VVD nek aan nek
>Sup Forums stemt FvD

Het is alsof jullie een Rutte III willen, laten we ons nou maar gewoon richten op een Geert I.
Val niet voor de leugens van de VVD, ze willen alleen maar dat je gelooft dat er niks kan veranderen.

Oké bende nichten.

Jullie hebben de kans om Europa en zijn volkeren te bevrijden.
Jullie zijn de eerste in het Europees vasteland die zo'n kans krijgen en godverdomme benut die ook!

Jullie waren ooit in staat land te nemen van de Zee, van Poseidon.
De beelden die ik nu dan zie, van Saraceens gespuis die jullie straten onveilig maken doet mijn bloed koken.

Geef niet op nederbroeders. Nog een keer.

Zoals Willem van Oranje zei:
'Ik zal handhaven'.

>tactical voting

nice meme

Ik heb 5 mensen in mijn directe omgeving omgehaald om op FVD te stemmen en die zijn weer andere mensen gaan overhalen. Dit waren voorheen VVD stemmers. Zelf stem ik op PVV.

Okay based kroketbroeder, will post Geert stemfie tomorrow

Thoughts with them from NZ as well brother me too!

Wow, that image totally makes me want to vote PVV! Such capable, and intelligent people.

no retarded foreigner edition next time

>No tactical voting in the Netherlands

Netjes broeder, dat vind ik al stukken minder erg.


watch this to get hyped



1. Whats the value of a trading nation when we continually have to pay for south european screwups? I know the Greece situation well. They sold their government rights of exploitation of freeways to goldman sachs. As people already dodge most taxes, they have no recovery insight, particularly not when they can't devalue currency to attract tourists. We paid 1.600.000.000,00 Euros to Greece. We're liable for more than,00 Euros to the EU if this corrupt project ever goes insolvent, payable within 7 days.

2. The EU needs our trade more than we need the EU's trade. We are in anexcellent position with both location and superior harbor.

3. We won't go nexit anyways unless 51% people vote for it. What we will go for is an end to islamic immigration, reducing the chance our daughters will be raped and our children will be bombed.

4. The FvD has actionable plans to prevent religious colonization of the Netherlands (remember jesuits in Japan using religion to attain political power? What do you think foreign islamic countries are doing to the Netherlands, funding expensive mosques?)
FvD has a good plan that cuts of that financial support and gives us legislative tools to deal with organisations that teach values such as child marriage and religious violence.

Praise Kek.

T. Hermann al-Identiteitspolitiek

Old argument.


holy shit boys
this legendary moment, it's actually about the turkish minister
>5 years ago

Dat maakt het niet minder waar

It's common for insecure men to surround themselves with yes-men and women (who are all yes-men because they don't have need for status and honor)

They also were forced to sell airports and sea ports if I remember correctly. All this did was increase their annual deficit because income dropped.


Netjes, fiets smorgens altijd langs een poster van thierry en theo, dan begint de dag goed


Een dwaas met opgestroopte mouwen


This is true. Greece was forced to sell several public entities to private foreign instititions.

This is a classic IMF move, (((they))) always do this.

> IMF sees a bankrupt nation
> Give that nation a shit ton of money
> Nation will not be able to repay that loan (ofcourse)
> Force nation to sell airports, water, energy, ... all sorts of public infratructure.
> The resources are now in (((foreign))) hands.

Greece has been fucked by the IMF and EU using your money.
You should not be pissed at Greeks, they wanted to leave the EU.

Be pissed at the EU and IMF, they forced them to stay and forced you to give Greece money.
We're all but puppets in this game. Don't let (((them))) divide and conquer us.

Oy vey

Yes, because this was the way that goldman sachs helped Greece evade EU regulation on lending too much. So instead of lending, they sold their future income. And then wasted it on bullshit.

They will continue draining our money too until we're too weak to resist full federalization.

Thierry of theo? Echt een moeilijke keuze. Theo is wel zeer gebaseerd

I vote for Yernaz Ramautarsing. Theo and Thierry should be safe, Paul Cliteur is just a lijstduwer, so I'll vote for the guy I liked before he became popular.