Free healthcare? Fuck no

Free healthcare? Fuck no.

Enjoy death, poorfucks.

>America is the land of the free
>Americans are free people
>Speech is a form of freedom
>Money is speech
>Poor people have no money
>Poor people have no freedom
>Poor people are not American

Ergo the GOP kills no Americans.

OP enjoys millions of americans losing their houses due to tripled healthcare costs with huge deductibles and no co-pays.

If the insurance is worse than a savings account, stop buying insurance.

It's illegal not to you fucking leaf.

OP is complaining about TrumpCare where that won't be true you retarded ginger.

Thats right. If you cant afford 50K out of pocket for a broken leg, then fester and die, poor scum. This is a golden opportunity for the poor, old, and infirm to die en masse. I think it's fucking genius!


Buy the chipest one then.


>Broken leg
Clearly due to actual costs and not rampant overregulation and insurance company abuse

Are you actually that dumb?

Fuck. This is a gaslight-extraordinare

Im not complaining. This is a great time and a moment to achieve a golden dream of social eugenics. Imagine all the homeless, niggers, trailer white trash, old fucks, disabled, uselees eaters, neets, etc. dying in droves? Only us, the rich would remain. I think it's fantastic.

Trump didnt lie when he said his healthcare plan would be stupendous! I am fucking pumped. MAGA!

What's your problem? Cant afford it? Stay fucked, neet.

Japan's healthcare system is not entirely free, yet it's the best in the world.


You're a 14 year old edge lord posting on 4chin. You're not rich.

Screen shot me in your vox article.

If all poor people die, who will assume their position?

It's all about premiums and deductibles. Soon youll have to pay 7k out of pocket before insurance covers anything plus monthly premiums will go up 700%! Lots of poorfolk will lose their insurance and finally we can get rid of these fucking parasites. Trump will be remembered as the greatest president in US history no doubt.

The middle class will be the new poors. If they drop too much theyll die too. It's good.

You mean I am finally going to be able to afford a Doctor, with my hard earned cash, without insurance price gouging medicine, to the point of rainbow privilege? cough cough :D

If youre poor and support Trump then youre a huge imbecile. I hope that's not your case. I'd hate to be in a board sorrounded by disgusting poors.

>falling for the middle class meme

Price will continue to go up as there are no regulations on medicine or hospital prices, but thats ok we have tons of hard earned cash to spare, user. No worries.

Competition will bring it down.

"There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private'… I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now." -Trump


People with money don't waste their time on a Mongolian sheep exchange so I can only assume you're a poor ghetto dweller like the rest of us

I hope not. Seen how telecomms fix things under the table? Same shit will happen with big pharma and the insurance industry. Since theres no price regulation, prices will only go up, deaths will rise as well. Neets, sick fucks, and cranky old farts will fill mass graves. Finally we're cleaning house. MAGA IS REAL.

Im sorry, but you surely are not a nasty poor useless eater fuck are you? If so, thanks for voting for Trump. Youve got my thanks.

TFW you only pay 10.5% income tax and get free healthcare and all prescriptions cost $5 max

Useless eater socialist commie fuck detected.

Dont worry, your country will soon follow our steps. When that happens it's byebye to your loved ones and even yourself, user. Top kek.

Tráiler trash trump cucks larping their wealth and stretching their shilling so they won't look like complete and total idiots for supporting an inept snake oil salesman.

itt Jared kushner and Donald junior laughing at broke polacks also.

By the amount of polacks going to biz asking stupid questions and over spending their money on meme coins and Maga paraphernaLia I can guarantee the 90% of the idiots who visit this board are total economic ignorant and will be rail the hardest by trump policies in his short 3 years before a vet has enough and shoot him point blank like a dog in the streets.

Nah we're in surplus and govt debts dropping. We're good just sitting back and watching the fireworks

Fuck you librul shill.

If these commie fucks want free healthcare they can move back to Europe with all the other people with zero ambition.

is this why we're here

wew, meta-shilling. neck yourself.

>America spends over half its budget on the military
>american military budget larger than EU Russia and China combined
What is america planning, folks?

Surely curing american retardation through GOOD education is more important than drone strikes