What does Sup Forums think of my white gf?
What does Sup Forums think of my white gf?
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You can't have black hair and be white, Ling.
what about brown hair?
sailor outfit too big for her 1/10 WNB
>You can't have black hair and be white
What did he mean by this
How big is her penis?
If Nazi Germany still existed today, they would execute weeaboos.
Please do not be mean to her. I wanted to share with my white friends here.
eliza is an under aged bulimic, drug addicted coal burning skank. neck yourself.
i think you should spend more money on her, buying cheap cosplay outfits like this? hmmmm, i can taste the polyester.
Delete hurtful comments.
is THAT why germany teamed up with japan, fucko?
Apart from the fact that it's a man, and an ugly one at that?
Nice bait. Made me reply
She is not a man. She is a biological female(girl)
she's very cute, but Sup Forums will show off their tall poppy syndrome and bash her
But is she biological white?
Autistic and malnourished.
I feel sorry for children, because she looks like the type who mentally fuck them.
Thank you Bugerland.
muh dick
she's a cutie for sure
It's not black hair you no eyed stinking dirty fucking nigger get the fuck out of my country
she looks to be jew so not white faggot OP user famama senpai gook nigger. fucking love you :3
He's posting an eceleb, it's not his gf
That'd not your gf that's some semi famous fuck
Whiter than Finland.
>reverse google image search
poor little dicked gook fuck.
yea but we do shit for a reason and in this case she might be jew.
she's used goods.
She's cute. I would sperg about her not being for you, but (a) I guess she's a weeb and (b) you're getting her to throw up the salute, so w/e. And a bunch of half white children are better than no white children at all.
Nice proxy, Ivan.
Cute trap
how and who is this bitch? on mobile pls help
your imaginary gf looks to be a drug addict. that or she is being culturally enriched.
The girl in muh dreams. Jag gillar anime oxo. Hoppas hon är singel
>needing google image search to know her
no she is my gf
Stop being mean to her.
saged and reported.
Finns are whiter than anyone else, but also more asian any other whites. That's because we lack nigger admixture pretty much completely and so we can have more white blood than any other people and still have plenty of asian blood from our mongol ancestors.
Delete yourself.
>tfw no anorexic teenage gf to snuggle with
This shit again
>I am so insecure but Sup Forums will fawn over my grill friend
Where's the bottom half of the pic faggot?
ugly, disgusting. dumb. you're a nazi, who likes japaense entertainment, who (the japanese) bend the knee to america, who helped destroy the nazies. this fucking dumb ass world, and these dumb ass people. just fuck off and die, you're just a sheep, you and your "GF"
Got any more?
she's a camwhore from /r9k/ known as eliza, if I remember well, last year she took money for a livestream, she also has a boyfriend, she lurks around /r9k/ asking for donations to her patreon and even makes threads shilling for herself.
K-On is one of the worst slice of life anime. Get some fucking taste.
nice to see a thread dedicated to larpers :3 da REE lads
Post the good shit already before this thread gets deleted.
Alina Rin
Wow rude desu.
Thanks user, looked better in the other angle.
>memorizes camwhores
>good shit
Never fails to piss me off that i have had religious threads sometimes deleted and then this shit is okay by the mods
>low tier waifu
>not glorious self hating jewess evalion
>muh religion
Fuck off kike.
In what way?
>she will never bounce on your backyard trampoline
Looks like a 12 year old boy. No hips at all.
Her salute needs to be higher
She's not even that cute to be quite honest
>spending so much time on the internet you recognize some mediocre e-whore
neck yourself
>hi guys im a massive newfag
Back to plebbit faggot.
her anime clothes arnt really form fitting or that complementary to her body type
I'm not impressed with the lackluster facial expressions here, wheras the anime school girl outfit tends to suggest a far more stereotypical giddy, goofy, innocent, or "tee-hee-hee" aura of sentiment, often indicated in facial expressions, or forms of body language.
the ironic heil is amusing, but other than that, she looks pretty average
you only existed for LOTR. Can't wait until you fucks sink into the ocean.
>retorts with a juvenile flag based insult
Absolute newfag cancer. Drink bleach.
what did she mean by this?
>getting this mad over some irrelevant girl you'll never meet
This place really is filled with autistic virgins. Never change
>still trying to save face
God damn just fuck off or lurk moar you fucking autistic nigger.
>What does Sup Forums think of my white gf?
Which of those 5 2d qt are your gf?
Post feminine benis
I've seen her before
She actually looks like one of those spindly-legged starving concentration camp jews. Is she actually a child, or is this her final form?
>Can literally find the same images on imgur
About as much your girlfriend as your mum, user.
Oh wait,
Umm sweetie, don't bully my Aryan princess.
Thats paulina
Plot twist..... OP is the "Aryan Princess"
Back to you beta manlet.
Sup Forums is an Aryan Ubermensch board.
This is the kind of girl that would friendzone me and I would end up beta orbiting her because she likes anime just like me but she would rather fuck a guy with a leather jacket, motorcycle, and a pension for criminal behavior
>tfw to intelligent to be aryan
fuck off Aus
He's a sheep fucker you twit