Why do Jews always rise to the top of Media stratospheres?
Why do Jews always rise to the top of Media stratospheres?
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They're smart, they know how to reach millions of people
That's the only reason.
he def has one of the most disgusting bodies on the internet right now
Goyim are brain dead
Jews always rise to the top. That why they always got kicked out of the places. maybe
Superior intelligence.
Highest IQ of all races
Because the Talmud teaches them and their rabbis teach them and their Jewish schools teach them and their synagogues teach them, how to brainwash and manipulate the filthy goyim raised on the electric Jew and design their lives around Jewish hollywood films and tv shows.
Jews go into fields like media and academics because Jews are lazy and hate to work real jobs. Jews are also extremely degenerate sinful people and that is another reason they flock to those jobs. They are also greedy conniving little shits and so they will stab people in the back including other Jews to get ahead. Once they decide to enter these fields nepotism also helps them tremendously as others have already said.
"Nepotism" is a retarded excuse. There's nothing stopping other races from doing the same.
It's like saying you'd be rich, if you worked harder.
kinda like Jew3Jew3 with casey jewstat interview.
Also people might not like me saying this but white people seem to really love Jews. I think it is because white people have lost their values and the sinful nature of the Jew is really appealing to many whites who no longer have any moral convictions.
Good goy! Protect us goy!
white people love atheist jews.
Its not retarded to acknowledge that social / business contacts are everything
its not retarded to acknowledge that jewish people have a large presence in media industries and other areas of influence
nepotism exists
if jews make up a large part of the higher management of media
and nepotism exists
why is it ridiculous to conclude that nepotism is a likely reason that their influence stays monolithic?
Jews backstab their way to the top.
Just look at someone like Mike Cernovich. He surrounded himself with white Trump supporters like Baked Alaska.
Those white supporters decided to create some dumb cringy event called ''Deploreball''.
Mike Cernovich took over, kiked out everyone who was red pilled on the jewish question (including the people who came up with the event), then he raised the prices of the tickets and then he invited his jewish friends to run the entire think.
They took something white people made for fun, for free, made it into Israelball trying to kike people out of money.
Every single time.
>oy vey, you think there is a Jewish conspiracy? I'll backstab you, ban you and then replace you all with my jewish friends
>OY VEY, that will show you that there are no merits to the Jewish Question
Yeah the secular progressive ones that the media is infested with. Those are the ones I was talking about.
Also h3h3 stole skits and concepts from Sam Hyde, now he pretends to not know who Sam Hyde is.
this why they put Jews go back into the ghettos every night with little hats. If they get lose it like Gremlins!
here's a theory. its some inner self guilt holocaust shit. most americans are of german ancestry. the german brain is easily infected with guilt cuckold ideas, similar to the swedish and other nordic countries.
i don't see american italians, greeks, irish, french or other groups doing the same things.
>"Nepotism" is a retarded excuse. There's nothing stopping other races from doing the same.
>It's like saying you'd be rich, if you worked harder.
It's a retarded excuse you say?
Tell that to Andrew Anglin who has any type of funding for his operation shut down because he doesn't say things the Jews agree with.
Even fucking LibraPay was forced to close his account.
His father's business and landlord was protested because he is Andrew's dad.
Richard Spencer's mom was told to sell her business to a Jewish real estate agent or they will run her out.
I really like H3H3. Does anyone know if he's part of the Jewish conspiracy? Or is he just an unknowing participant?
He is a kike asshole
Honest answer: There's no Protocols-esque Jewish conspiracy, just a lot of anti-white demographic correlates. They're an urban, cosmopolitan bunch that tend to shun conservative mores (how much depends on if they're Orthodox/Conservative/Reform). Though Ashkenazis (the largest group in US/Europe) can pass for white they identify more with minorities than whites, and often work against white interests.
who knows he could be deep state mossad
Look at what the mainstream media jews just did for the last 2 years. Lie after lie about Trump. Trump always talked about how they lied about him.
>tfw Hitler called them "luggenpresse," lying press.
>tfw we just witnessed first hand exactly why they get kicked out of societies they inhabit.
And no, it's not just because of jealousy. People actually get sick of the dishonest, unfair, hypocritical bullshit they do once they reach these positions of power.
High IQ coupled with in group preference. They're talented and help each other.
From what I've seen he seems to be somewhat of a self-hating Jew.
But why?
He seems like a pretty trustworthy Jew.
>Honest answer: There's no Protocols-esque Jewish conspiracy, just a lot of anti-white demographic correlates.
Richard Spencer's mom, who doesn't agree with her son's politics, was attacked by the Jewish racist mafia.
On November 22, Gersh and I spoke on the phone. She relayed to me that if I did not sell my building, 200 protesters and national media would show up outside—which would drive down the property value—until I complied. Gersh’s other conditions included that I make a public denunciation of my son in a statement written by the Montana Human Rights Network and that I make a donation to this organization from the sale of the property. As Gersh announced on Facebook, she was “spear heading” the campaign.
Gersh followed up on her conditions in a number of emails, which I’ve just made public. She even shamelessly suggested that she act as my realtor! In other words, she and the local “human rights” organizations appeared to seek financial benefit from threats of protests and reputation damage. The same day Gersh first contacted me, I received a sales offer, even though I had not expressed any intention to sell, nor had anything been publicized.
One renter reported to me that Gersh threatened her business with boycotts unless she moved. This renter also alleged that Gersh called her “collateral damage.” As the manager of the property, I employ a number of local maids and other maintenance personnel, who would lose their jobs if I were to sell. More “collateral damage,” I guess.
I never wanted to go public with this story. However, the fact that so many news outlets have reported on it forces my hand.
Whatever you think about my son’s ideas—they are, after all, ideas—in what moral universe is it right for the “sins” of the son to be visited upon the mother?
hes a kike and a cuck for his kike monkey wife
Hmm yes. That's what I'm trying to decide. Is he just playing that part or truly sincere?
Higher than average IQ
He pretends to be a centrist, yet always equates right wingers to SJWs.
>hehe, I am just a cool centrist guy, you know I don't like Hillary, but don't you think Donald Trump is worse? Let me make 10 videos making fun of Trump, Trump supporters or whining about Trump supporters being just like SJWs
He believes that he can shit on people as much as he wants, as long as he has some irrelevant feminist to make fun of so he can say that he is giving shit to everyone.
The only video I know of where he shit on Trump, at least kind of, was the Joey Salads one, and his point was just that Joey's videos are fake, which turned out to be right. What other videos does he shit on Trump?
By talking about memes and have your gf sit with you
Mmmm thic booty jigglin gets my dick a thribbin
He seems to be a good person that is just trying to make a living doing what he likes. Honestly seems like a standup guy. The way he went out of his way to actually get to know Hugh Mungus as oppose to just politicizing the whole thing is very rare for a human to do.
I don't think what he does has anything to do with him being Jewish or a Jewish conspiracy.
hardcore racism combined with outright stealing using taxation and no moral qualms about it
hard core racism
>was just that Joey's videos are fake
That wasn't the point of those videos.
He lied about Black Lives Matter. He was talking about how BLM is ''just saying that black lives matter too'', and how people just don't get BLM.
Then when he gets backlash, he just goes ''woah! I was just pointing out this prank was fake! Why are these people attacking me?''
He cherrypicked a few comments that were saying that the pranks were real, and completely ignored the comments that were giving him shit for lying about BLM.
He is a kike.
those are some big words for billy the hillbilly
It seems like he's trying to be careful to appeal to both types of audiences. I'm not even sure what he really believes in. People that seem to believe in nothing make me hesitant. It's the position of the deceiver.
Oh yeah? What was so big about them? Make a list of the ones that seemed to be the most complicated to you.
so basically the opposite of swedish people
sweden is cucked
Jews are literally the opposite of niggers yet Sup Forums hates both.
Pussy, pussy, pussy, can't you see
You bitches can't do it like me
Motherfuckers stay mad, like I killed their mom or something
And then they size control over the aftermath to rewrite history so they can repeat the process in the future.
If you control the past you control the present.
cucks of europe
f-f-fried rice bitch
I live in the shit hole called LA. Jew entertainment capital of the world. They lie, cheat, and steal. It's in their culture. We are goyim, which translates to cattle. They feel they can do what they wish when they wish... And know the difference between ashkanazi jew and semetic jew. Hitler was ok with the semites.
While I share your hatred for Sweden, you just sound fucking autistic here.
>Bawwwww the jews are being racist
Woah, I didn't know JIDF outsources to India.
s/jew/white and you become exactly like the sjws you incesently bitch about.
You can't scream that success in society should be decided by meritocracy without acknowledging Jews and the Chinese have their merits.
Sure, I'll buy the nationalist arguments, and hate the feminists and BLM and Muslim worship with you, but on this vector you're opening yourself up to fallacy.
yea cuz the northeast is so uncucked right?
fucking retard
>Why do Jews always rise to the top
Two points, really.
Firstly, Jews tend to look out for their people - at least against the goyim. While calling them a mafia of sorts would be a bit wrong, it isn't too far from the truth either.
Second, they also vie for controll. Or rather, to have control is one of their biggest goals, culturally. No wonder either, seeing how often they have been kicked out by now.
The two above points, are then combined together into a self-fulfilling prophecy of them getting kicked out once more.
>tfw Sam's a jew as well
Nowhere to hide, goy
Because of this:
Non-Jewish people have to hire the best, which will occasionally include Jews. Jewish people have to hire the best Jews.
So over the course of a few dozen hiring-cycles the Jews that are there will hire more of their own and the non-Jews will hire both Jews and non-Jews.
Eventually they become the majority no matter what the starting point is.
This applies to non-Jewish groups as well, as long as they're intolerant of outsiders and are able to shame everyone else into hiring both out-group and in-group people then eventually they'll take over.
I went to school with a jew who somehow was allowed to graduate with a 1.4 GPA. He got a job at his father's engineering firm.
I graduated with a 3.8 GPA and worked in a warehouse for $8 an hour.
They do try to make all whites feel guilty about the Holohoax though because "we are European and therefore related to Germans and also responsible for the Holocaust". There are even books shaming other whites for the Holohoax. I don't think that that is the reason but it definetly is what allows Jews to get away with a lot of shit. But maybe your right, it may have played a factor a few decades ago when the Holohoax was still fresh and they may have helped Jews get into powerful positions and then their tribalism kept them in those positions.
Goyim are braindead
Other races absolutely do the same, it's just that there were a lot of Jewish film-makers in Hollywood when the American entertainment industry was young, and they of course engaged in nepotism as would anybody. There are plenty of other fields where this is true as well. (finance, tech, etc.)
You should have made connections like him over hugging cartoon pillows in your undergrad dormroom then turning around complaining about landing a minimum wage job at one of the three shitty jobs you applied for in the same city your parents basement is located
These are nigger tier reasons
It's because they have high verbal IQ. Obviously. That's why they're such annoying, sophistic cunts when they spout off and mislead people.
Trips of truth
Along with corruption bribery and blackmail
And the iq crap is the biggest lie they push on pol
The truth us they consistently underperform academically in comparison to whites and Asians
>be lazy as fuck
>jammer on and on for a living
>no other ambitions other than money and power
>social skills, ie having to backstab and kiss ass
Why woulnd't they?
Basically this
Along with their victimhood bullshit puts them beyond reproach
I wonder if he regrets this now
Because we have a higher verbal IQ.
I like ethan, his content his humor, but let's not forget the real reason why he's up there....DAT ASS MANG.
>we will never go back to the old youtube where it was just a site about sharing stupid amateur videos
If you watch the channel then it's clear he doesn't
That's like saying blacks can't get ahead because of muh white privilege
Tribalism + Nepotism. That's all. Look at SAT scores, they're worse than us, the Bell Curve was co-authored by a kike which is why Ashkenazi Jews are portrayed as these geniuses. In reality it's all a sham, the whole Jews are smart thing is to defend against people asking how they're always flying to the top of their Jew controlled fields like education, media, politics, court system, banking, etc. The pole is a dumb goy living in a Jew haven.
>not gorillions
i see what JEW did there!
If whites do nepotism it is called racism and discrimination.
Also jews are naturally favored in a society which economy is based in services since that's basically what they do since 2000 years, they were never warriors nor farmers or builders, as a diaspora they were merchants, bankers and entertainers which gives them advantage in a post agricultural society.
They cemented during the last 200 years with the fall of feudalism and aristocracy and here we are now with banks and medias controlled by jews.
Not sure but I can see a pattern of Jews having lots of social skills compared to other races.
There's a reason why they invented psychoanalysis, communism, hollywood... They have good social skills and know how to get your attention and make you relate to things.
Not sure why.
sniff oh yes my dear quite pungent indeed is that eggs I smell ?
>They're talented and help each other.
That is a charitable description. They ruthlessly (without any honor or code of ethics) destroy their competition, and they are keenly aware of the competitive structure of pretty much any scenario they land into. They are constantly fighting dirty for the dirty jews.
Also nepotism, availability of money/resources/connections/power. Accessibility to memetic weapons such as getting featured on a talk show, getting interviewed on NPR, or getting an article about you on the front page of the paper. Also, they work as distributed agents with a shared sense of persecution that can allow them to coordinate without actually coordinating and also strengthens their in-group cohesion. Finally, resilience to subversion - it is impossible to become a jew (really be accepted as one) unless you are born of a jewish mother.
They also have an unlimited pile of oppressionbux due to "le hall of cost".
Also, a final big one - they are extremely "good" at lying in that they can tell a whopper, then use shame tactics to goad the recipient into accepting the lie. And they have no shame at all in lying about anything and everything all the time to satisfy their agenda.
They grow up with a Byzantine set of jewish rules, and it is a fun game for them to find out how they can jew their own god by weaseling around those rules. As a result, they have years of practice manipulating any social system to their liking before they even get to a point where they could be an influence.
The sum total is the source of the vast majority of the world's problems.
As much as I hate to admit it, Jews are smart. Obviously they wouldn't always be in the positions they are if they weren't.
Fuck off kike, whites have honour, Jews don't
Says who?
I live in a town where a lot of the businesses on the "good" side were bought out of their locations and replaced with jewish businesses that only hire other jewish people. We lost a Friendly's and Subway to kosher chinese and sushi restaurants ffs. Doesn't help that they're also pretty racist in a mixed suburb but because they think they're truly entitled to any place they settle you have to deal with all the dirty looks and grown men crossing the street because they're spooked by anyone who isn't dressed like them.
>2% of the population can practice nepotism successfully
Come on you can't be this silly.
Is he? He looks like an English peasant.
the jews book basically tells them whatever they do for a business is fair game if the other person gives them money. that means using every trick in the book to make money without any conscience or value thoughts before doing so. what they do is extremely dirty to the common man.
fuckos if you dont like the fact that Jews basically run the world, perhaps you should find out why they get there instead of complaining.
From a very young age they are taught relentless academia and rationality. They are excellent at discerning and criticizing texts and speech. Not to mention mathematics. This culture of academia is why Jews have traditionally been at the top positions across time. So if ur jealous of the Jews, educate yourself. Learn what the jews learn from a young age. Teach it to your children.
not saying Nepotism isnt also a part of the reason, it sure is. However, if you were to educate yourself, I would gather to think you would be able to compete against the Jews