CNN cuts feed again when Obamacare victims speak out at the White House
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oh no, that sucks
Oh no, that sucks.
Wow so you were fined for not signing up for the ACA. get a job.
Keeping this alive, Russian-bro
kek, anyone got the webm for that?
I forgot to save it last time.
My sister earns over $1k a week running a pet salon.
Healthcare now costs more than her mortgage.
Fuck off liberal kike scum.
Obamacare is engineered to put small businesses out of business so their market can be absorbed by Walmart and Monsanto etc.
How does it feel knowing your life will end at the end of a rope?
>russia shilling for trump
fuck off
was the anchor having a bump then?
>just suck the dick of the government and the insurance companies you bum!
CNN cut feed recently as well. Blamed TV gremlins.
no you dumb nigger. I lost my job due to obummer care as did many that were employed by small businesses as they couldn't afford healthcare for their full time employees.
Jesus Christ.
I fucking hate our news organizations.
This happens all the time and proves nothing... Stop shilling for Trump.
You need to learn about freedom of speech there in Europe.
This is fake fake news. The lady already said everything she had to say. You know that thing people do when they're telling you something and then they stop? Yeah, that means they're finished. Fucking retards, I swear to god.
Why is CNN incapable of keeping a video feed up and running? If they weren't such a respected news outlet, I'd have to wonder if they might be intentionally disconnecting people that do not agree with their viewpoint.
>implying she was the only one that had anything of import to say on the matter
>we just lost the feed
How's it feel having an IQ lower than your dick length you dumb nigger
this is getting ridiculous
Well they know they can get away with it now because the left will still follow every word they say. Hell some people call the fucking moderate, like my dad.
thank you based tv gremlins
When she says gremlins, does she mean jews?
TBF the newscaster didn't know it was gonna happen - he was sniffin his last line of coke just as the vid cut back to him
But the next 10 seconds in that feed would've blown their Trump=Racist/Bigotted/Mysogoinoxynoplasstyrapinggoatherder the fuck out - I nearly shed a tear it was so sincere and touching.
Trump's gonna be a new Lincoln, only better and not dead. CNN is fucked.
eerie, as was Lincoln getting killed by a thespian
>UPS driver
>make 90k a year
>worked there for 7 years before I got to be a driver
>health insurance is 200 a month for the top tier
>obama care comes into effect
>have to pay 800 a month for same insurance or drop to a shit $100 copay per visit type of deal
I don't know anything about trump care, will it fuck me even harder?
Jesus theres enough to make a compilation now
I knew CNN was a joke but...
>200 a month tops
So would you prefer
>paying 2400 USD per year for your health
or - wait for it
>A third of the fucking money you (((borrow))) every year
The economy is dead and we just don't know it yet
For a multimillion dollar news media they sure do have a lot of (((technical difficulties))).
I don't understand what you mean by borrowing?
All our money is lent (borrowed with interest) by the Federal Reserve, but we have to give it all back before the end of eternity (i.e. America).
Who the fuck mentioned trump you fucking pizza eating shit faced turd, we were talking about how fucking fake the media is
>call someone to make an interview
>get angry because she doesnt say what shes expected to say
>cut off because you dont tolerate other ideas or opinions
>"thats all folks"
someone needs to edit all of these (((tv gremlin) moments together into one easily digestible vid for normies.
8 years.