Naked Ape fucking EMBARRASED Destiny in that Argument. Naked ape HUMILIATED him.
How can leftists ever recover?
Naked Ape fucking EMBARRASED Destiny in that Argument. Naked ape HUMILIATED him.
How can leftists ever recover?
Other urls found in this thread:
They won't. They're losing the culture war rapidly, you can literally WATCH in real time as the Left becomes pure cringe and uncool. JonTron jumps ship, Sky Williams has now apologized for trying to guilt trip him out of White Nationalism, Pewdiepie is just doing whatever he wants...
We're one step away from becoming mainstream and there's nothing those cucks can do about it.
Any vids?
What argument? Is there a video?
this post the video you little cuck. i will call you a cuck until you spoonfeed me
check livestreamfails it is pure autistic nut hugging
Who fucking cares?
Fuck off with these cuck threads
>mfw I see loads of SJW cringe videos with millions of views and almost unanimous praise
unironically literally who?
twitch tv/videos/128503581
Starts around 12 minutes
Heres a link to the most epic curb stomp troll session of some disgusting cuck lefitst youll ever see
the constant pruning of dissention can only last for so long. A breaking point is fast approaching and those who do not see it will be swiftly swept away. Within the next decade we will no longer describe ourselves as left and right, instead opting for insane and sane.
Just remember this though, only the sane will be able to recognize that they are insane.
I don't see how he won. Destiny point was that despite the lower wages you get cheaper products. If you have higher pay then you are paying more for the products you buy. So it balances out each other. I don't think naked ape got that.
Seeing as how these types of videos are aimed at Gen Z and are apparently immensely popular, this makes me more optimistic about the future than most other world events right now.
>caring about who won the e-celeb buttfuck contest
I have never seen Destiny debate, I heard he debated Lauren Southern and what not but he was heated, within the first 10 minutes, he was visibly shaking.
Is this how he normally carries himself?
destiny is irrelevant, therefore defeating him is irrelevant
e-celeb garbage
Naked ape won because destiny argues not like an actual "debater" but like a propogandist. He simply spouts out whatever his talking points are over and over and then over reacts when people challenges him. It doesn't matter if he is right or wrong, to him as long as his fans like home then he is automatically right. He met up against someone who does know their shit and prepared beforehand and decided to rage quit.
faggot lefty cuck video game streamer who you shouldn't pay any attention to.
He and some of his retarded fans shill here quite a bit. Watching him get his shit kicked in will drive him back to the faggot homeland of Reddit and purify the board.
>caring about e-celeb drama
Both are silly and whichever group rooted for one or the other didnt change their opinion after the debate
It's only fun in this case because destiny presents a good showing of how the term "debating" now more or less means "two assholes yell at each other until one of them quits."
He vs Jontron, Mister Metokur, and Naked Ape have all involved him turning into an intolerable fucking sperg screaming and shaking and "I can't even!"-ing.
He looks and carries himself like DSP. What. the. fuck.
Oh my god, this destiny dude is making me angry to listen to. He is annoying as fuck.
I would fight him.
Yeah, he melodramatic. He relies heavily on ad hom, strawmaning, and moving the goal post in everyone of his debates. I don't know if he playing it up for the viewers or if he actually that easily trigger. I'm assuming the latter.
Who the fuck cares if either of them changed their opinion. Destiny is a faggot who shills his dumb leftist crap on this board as do his queer fans. He needs to fuck off in shame after this. He cut the call and ran.
Bitch tier.
In theory. In practice, you just get greater profit margins on top of lower wages. You can see this clearly with the other neoliberal globalisation fantasy we were sold on, global outsourcing. It's why Apple can maintain 40% profit margins.
They manufacture the products in the third world without paying even livable wages and mark up the prices to western consumers by several orders of magnitude. Consumers don't save, Apple makes more money.
He's annoying to look at and annoying to listen to
I don't know how he has a following
It's a very fucking common lefty tactic to just pretend they're winning/won no matter what.
Remember the entire campaign trail for Trump? Every left leaning person/media source claimed he lost every single debate, and that he would lose horribly even though it was fucking obvious to anyone paying attention that was not case
Instead of admitting they're wrong or lost an argument it's easier to pretend they already won and discussing it more is a waste of time, and that you're stupid for even asking why they think they're right
Echo chamber streamer - just some Faggot who cares
We won the culture war, we lost many soldiers but in the end they shall all serve kek
he's like 130 pounds and like 40 pounds of it is his huge fucking head, guy is a massive beta cuck
>gay, conservative, atheist
So if you're a gay atheist do you say M'Dude instead of M'Lady? How the fuck does that work?
You say M'Sir
At least he's white, I guess.
People like you still haven't caught onto the fact that these e-celebs have more influence than "real" celebs.
On the e-celeb topic, I can't believe Colin was pushed out of Kinda Funny Games over a joke about Women's Day. It was fucking nothing.
Except DSP might actually be leaning towards the right a little.
Loving this recent trend of youtube fucks trying to debate, even if it's shallow some good things could come out of it.
He's a liberal
Greg Miller is such a massive faggot, he's better off on his own.
I'm aware that people actually care what they have to say, I just think it's retarded
this faggot is cringeworthy
Leftists almost never win economics arguments. You need to be a real retard to lose to a leftist in an economics discussion. The just speak in broad generalities and imply things that aren't true ("but I never said..."), see Bernie Sanders.
One might even call it... destiny.
He's also like 5'3" tall.
All you have to do is tell them to make an argument for socialism/communism/whatever that isn't a moral argument. The second they descend into morality and away from economics you point it out.
They will knock over the chess board and leave the table every single time.
I don't even give a shit about economics that much, I just love this argument.
Go ahead and
Anyone know how old Naked ape is? Dude sounds like he's younger than 18
what the fuck is wrong with his chat, its full of retards jerking him off. What the fuck do they see in him
>So it balances out each other.
If it balances each other out then why even fucking do it to begin with?
>Dude let's import a shit ton of low skilled workers to drive down the cost of labor
>So you want Americans to have lower wages?
It's fucking retarded. There's literally no reason to do it other than having a massive fucking hard on for importing migrants
im gonna guess they nuthug in hopes of one day being noticed
Who's Destiny? Sounds like a stripper name.
Destiny roasted this 12 year old. The 12 year old is probably OP.
im just listening now
destiny is getting btfo accusing people of strawmanning him whilst strawmanning
what a retard
his fans unironically think they're 4chin oldfags and it's physically painful to watch their chat
destiny would be pretty hard for the average person to debate, cunt filibusters at a million kilometers an hour. Only words i can make out are 'dawg'
I don't know who either of them are, but the guy on cam definitely got roasted hard as shit, and deep down he even knows it
>Can you name one instance where a massive influx migrants have actually contributed to the economy positively
>I actually read that study and the economy tanked at first and took a long time to stabilize, after the migrants stopped coming
You know you're fucking insane when you bring up a study that literally contradicts your argument in hopes that the person you're arguing with hasn't read the study
they all should unironically kill themselves
I found a link to NakedApe's discord server where this all went down:
M'lord. get it right u autists god
>Naked ape
>Elel he wuz gaming
Why should I care?
his autists are say DESTINY DONT TRIGGER
Who are these people?
yeah im sure you just found it, ape
Go to bed Jim, It's fucking past 4 in the morning here already.
destiny seems coherent enough at arguing. makes for good far no one else from the left has been able to stand up like this. an actual challenger.
not really he's hopeless
literally BTFO
These e-celeb cock swinging contest are a fucking horrible site. A scary one at that.
There's 3 types of people when it comes to anything in this world.
Those who know what they are doing and do it right.
Those who dont know what they are doing and avoid trying.
And those who know a little bit about what they are doing and will try to do it.
These e-celeb fags fall into category 3 and that's why it's dangerous. You have these people that are not fully educated, skilled and professional in what they are debating taking a stage with millions of people watching. It's a disaster waiting to happen. Wrong ideas will be spread.
he actually makes points. the points are that good but everyone else has gone straight to "MUH FEE FEES" he actually trys to learn facts and process information. it means some of them are learning and good debates are coming.
arent that good i meant. not are.
yeah but his points arent factual
like about his lower wages being only beneficial
how is that accurate
thats defeated before its argued and thats all he does in rebuttal is spout fallacies
frexit or nexit will be that final step
>stand up like this
>actual challenger
dude he rage quit to play LoL
and all it takes in the free market is for a competing company to do the same but offer cheaper models to the customer base, thus either (a) becoming a rival company while reducing prices, or (b) forcing the hand of apple to reduce their prices.
We don't actually know that.
Funny thing is, pewds is still more recognizable than disney.
so much this
Never paid any attention to pewdiepie before the media started giving him shit, likely never will but I do enjoy watching him not give a single fuck about how ass blasted they are over him shitting on their "muh holocaust/hitler" cries. It is heaven.
all i see is destiny wrecking some nerd
back to destinys stream plz
Why would ANY business cheapen their products and not just increase their profits? And even if they did, its pretty stupid to hope that they would do so in amount that will balance out serious decrease in wages. And not every product or service can be done by immigrants, so those products and services won't become cheaper no matter what. So if you're blue color then your wage is down and the only benefit is that SOME products, MAYBE be a bit cheaper? What a fantastic offer.
densitys argument is disgustingly invalid
>ywn be naked apes Sup Forums bf
>Sup Forums blocks out that time the time destiny took a caller from Sup Forums
>it was a fucking woman
>biggest fucking retard in the world
>that cunt is actually contributing in threads
Sup Forums is a fucking joke
this is almost the same group of retards that think carlson isnt a complete moron.
its a culture war retard
Just watched the video. Naked ape got BTFO on multiple points, and just came back with recycled dogma without refuting the central point. Destiny may be a leftist cuck but he won that
.t destiny
>1 post by this ID
Nice try Destiny
back to his stream
unless u wanna turn racist
Oh look another Reddit faggot that fanboys for Destiny.
Hang yourself bong.
If this faggot doesnt want women to vote, maybe he should head over to Saudi Arabia
>implying this will change anyone's opinion on anything important
>implying this won't just result in everyone pretending their chosen side won and the other side is a cuck/Nazi
>implying this isn't just going to result in a bunch of assblasted manchildren unsubscribing in a useless "protest" and nothing more
>implying numerous implications
It's a circlejerk
Naked Ape read the fucking documents! Destiny on suicide watch!
Men > women though. The whore just wanted attention. Why give her more?