Share your best Tinder gems.
Here is mine.
> Italian
> nigger
Choose one.
Share your best Tinder gems.
Here is mine.
> Italian
> nigger
Choose one.
> cum slug
> not 21
who wants to get cucked
best day ever
She was born in Italy.
She is Italian.
How are cats viewed in South Korea?How are kots viewed in Estonia
months later sent me this pic
ye mean cats ?
>only bigots swipe left
the complete package
>Zwarte Piet has a dating profile
dunno, city is full of independent cats . Free to roam and sleep everywhere. Ye can see em at certain streets day and night. Had once neighbor cat stare trough my window, i live on 3rd floor
>veganism is not liberal propagand--
This one gave me a giggle.
Found Tony Abbott's daughter on there. Swiped right for the sake of hilarity.
She's cute...
and Italians are already the niggers of europe.... soooooo....
>independent cats
I remember they gained their sovereignty in a brutal war in the 80s LOL
She said she's from Italy, not shes italian, so its correct
Hmmm.. would intifada with the will of Allah
I wish Canada had a PM like Tony.
Any luck mate?
I banged one of Adrian smith's (iron maiden guitarist) daughters from Tinder.
Funny thing is she was engaged at the time and fell pregnant afterwards so there is a high possibility I cucked some rich kid.
No match, sadly.
That's not how that works
...but for real, I think she has a stain on her shirt.
that's a man, baby!
(You) me if you also want a revolution that forbids this kind of behaviour.
All of it.
she's direct, ill give her that
She seems completely fine.
That is how it works you Europeans always tell us white Americans that we are only Americans, despite coming from Europe
>Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer
Jesus Christ the memes write themselves.
Would convert by force/10
>India BTFO
oh my
Criminally underrated. I would have asked her why she's not in Israel if she's a proud Zionist.
>ywn get 'the talk' from Tony Abbott about treating his daughter right
>ywn get that uneasy feeling the first time you go out drinking with your father in law Tones and his mates
That's because you americans yourselves decided it was like this and made laws accordingly
Would bang
Well? What did she say?
>not on hormones, not Muslim.
Americans are European. The non-white invaders don't count.
Trips witnessed
Mazel tov
is right
>full of shit
Well at least she's honest
Lmao stolen trips
I live close to the Swedish boarder, so swedish ladyboys keeps popping up on my tinder....
>literally naming your daughter medicine
Lmao stolen trips nice
Dubz posting gets dubz
the memes write themselves
Got that right.
these threads always ruin my day. this disgusting degeneracy is so mainstream. utterly abhorrent.
Are Swedes so cucked that they speak English in their home country, to other Swedes? This is unreal.
Who would willingly get in a close proximity of this abomination yet alone stick something in her. Jesus.
I always report those for being in the wrong gender category.
fucking hell
Unlike the hundreds of trap faggots that post their pictures on Sup Forums from the U.S. and Europe?
Could be worse, could live in LA and see this
A lot of people have their profile in english, its usualy people who want to meet people from other countrys or want to date immigrants i think
Why do women think they can actually fight, particularly in the context of conservative men? Is it because they surround themselves with effete nu-males, so they think they're actually capable of beating a man?
>a select demographic of hardcore sluts use a cock smorgasbord app
>"omg teh degeneracy, it's everywhere!!1"
Stfu nerd
Or this
>works for porn jew
>has a child
>just spank me
Fucking brilliant
just ask around, there's a lot of people who use it. especially younger males, it's kinda sad, really
you from STL bro?
This is the most horrifying tranny i have come across
sounds pretty cool
Is that a GPS bracelet on her leg?
goddamn his legs are fucking ripped.
bitch obviously hasn't heard of trumpcoin and milocoin
damn I always wanted to date a sweater with a wig
Its a tranny fitness thing
Not in Canada