Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump meets w/Cabinet 3/13/17
>Pres Trump session on healthcare 3/13/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #7 3/10/17
>Pres Trump Health Care Discussion 3/10/17
>Pres Trump meets small banks 3/9/17
>Pres Trump whips the house 3/7/17
>Pres Trump surprises WH Tourists 3/7/17
>The Story behind MAGA hats
>Female Trump vs Male shillary
>Tucker talks Trumpism
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ PRESIDENT TRUMP GENERAL - Comfy Pence Edition
Office of the Press Secretary
March 13, 2017
>12:30PM THE PRESIDENT has lunch with Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Old Family Dining Room, Closed Press)
>3:00PM THE PRESIDENT speaks with the CEO of Anthem Joseph Swedish and Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price by telephone (Oval Office, Closed Press)
>4:00PM THE PRESIDENT speaks about healthcare with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy by telephone (Oval Office, Closed Press)
>Update in the morning
All closed events on the guidance and as of right now no update on when/if Spicer will be doing a briefing or gaggle today.
First for these shills are too easy today
I entered this thread on a study visa and plan to overstay.
What religion are you an adherent to, /ptg/?
Oh god, today is the meeting of all the cucks.
Hope Trump can stomach it.
Turkroaches btfo
>no update on when/if Spicer will be doing a briefing or gaggle today
Is Rand Paul /ourguy/?
Catholic, though Lasped.
State Department Briefing 13th March
Jason Greenblatt (Trump ally & Orthodox Jew) is in Israel with a senior representative from the NSC for the first of "many visits to the region"
Israel arrested a Palestinian novelist Khalinda Ghosheh because her forthcoming novel (The Jackal’s Trap) claiming that her novel poses a threat to collaborators working with the occupation.
Looks like Trump might show no mercy in the forthcoming battle for Raqqa and not let ISIS escape in buses, "Obviously, with Raqqa, I mean, we’re just – we’re still in a – taking steps to close the city and cut off any escape route for ISIS there."
More tough talk on ISIS "Part of what we need to do, and this is certainly going to be an issue that’s tackled when we have the ministerial here in a few weeks, or in a couple of weeks – the de-ISIS ministerial here – is going to be how do we look at not just defeating ISIS on the battlefield but making sure that they’re eliminated from the social fabric, that they don’t somehow – we don’t simply defeat them tactically and not defeat them online, in other spaces so that they can no longer recruit, there’s no longer people who would be swayed by their cause."
US will station attack drones in South Korea along with THAAD.
Two UN officials have been kidnapped in Congo, including one US citizen.
Wtf, i love Al Gore now
>12:30PM THE PRESIDENT has lunch with Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Oh man, this gonna be good.
Orthodox, CIA
hey hEY HEY!
Always awoo
I have heartburn just reading that list. Terrible tuesday.
Is 7th-Day Adventism considered Protestant?
Tell me one occasion she is wrong. And by wrong I mean her central point being wrong, not the choice of words to describe it being prone to misinterpretation by the lying media.
I'll start: Kellyanne is right about CIA spying through appliances. Pic related. Media is lying as pic related shows and she is telling the truth.
>THE PRESIDENT has lunch with Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Deputy Crown Prince and Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
A lower percentage than Muslims, that really is incredible.
>coastalfags rekt
>China completely destroyed
>Japan is fine
wtf I love global warming now
That's not too bad. Maybe I should Stop recycling.
Also, I'm reasonably certain at least one person from Sup Forums answered the CCES election study survey. I'm looking at the raw data, and someone indicated "kekism" as their religion.
I suppose I come under "nothing in particular".
This. That is all that will happen?
>bowling green massacre
>alternative facts
>crowd sizes
She's a fucking mess and cant keep her mouth shut. There are plenty of better surrogates that could do her job.
Night anons :3
Agnostic Theist.
I'll continue. Kellyanne is right the media turned a blind eye to the Iraqis that gave material support for Al queda in Iraq and then, after being "vetted" by Obama admin, sent money to terrorists and plotted a massacre in Bowling Green.
Media talked more about it after Kellyanne called it a massacre instead of a plot to commit a massacre than when they were caught.
Recycling is a scam.
Don't litter, don't toss your trash all over the place, but the process of recycling renewable resources is a drain on energy, money, and a source of more dangerous pollution like air pollution.
Good night, Goyim.
if the sea levels rose through the melting of the ice caps, yeah.
that, or it would happen if God came back and started smiting
>46.0 Clinton
>Only 3.2 below Trump
>Highest Christian vote for Clinton by a lot.
>bowling green massacre
Terrorists from the area were planing to goto another country
>alternative facts
Nothing wrong with this
If it is new enough to record you, than there is due concern.
>crowd sizes
Trump wanted to bait the media with this one.
It's all the Mexicans
is everyone leaving Sup Forums on the 15th american time or my time? I'm confused
Good you admit you're wrong. Take's a man to do that.
Sleep well, you'll need it.
I'm in "Something else".
Would really like a better breakdown on "something else" if only out of curiosity.
15th at Eastern Time.
Lutheran. Catholics are hell bound.
Wtf???? Source on pic right now
>Australia gets a massive boon
wtf nuke the ice caps already
>1 post by this ID
I'll continue: Kellyanne was right that the media was focusing on a particular set of facts (some even completely misleading like that comparison of an early pic from Trump's vs that peak pic from Obama's innauguration) and disregarding a while set of alternative facts (worldwide audience, streaming, Tv audience) that proves Trump's innauguration was the most watched in person ***and around the globe***
In context like I just put it is obvious what she said, if you choose to believe te soon media put it is you that's dumb as a bag of rock. See: I used "alternative facts" there too, does it sound bad in that context?
it'll be hard to stay off this place
the 15th has so many events on
Day of the rope soon, patronizing cum receptacle
Looks like Breitbart. Probably sensationalism but with the bullshit this pope has pulled I wouldn't be surprised if I'm wrong.
There are two types of Muslims. Extremists and atheists who don't want to be killed by them.
I don't know if it exists to be honest, they didn't make respondents answer what that "something else" was, so you can't break down that data point further.
It surprises me too desu, but atheists also don't have a lot of kids, so they are less likely to think about their own offspring's well-being maybe, which is usually tied to right wing thought.
Of course it's bad. You told me not to argue semantics but here you are referring to a TV and streaming audience as part of a "crowd size". You're doing the very thing you told me not to do in this discussion.
Admit she is wrong instead of redefining words to suit your argument. Theres no harm in admitting wrongdoing, you're not on trial, you're just a human.
Atheist for Trump here.
wew lad
This. I wouldn't be surprised one bit. If this shit happens I'll convert myself to Islam and I'll go to Vatican to kill the fucker myself.
It's like Russian Roulette.
Some times it the media lying, other times he really did say something absolutely heretical.
Sorry that I'm actually rational and not just blindly loyal to every fuckup that Trump puts in a position of power.
I've made a religion out of Evangelion.
Now, you mentioned three things (ands tried to make it look like 4 because alternative facts was in the crowd size context). I refuted each of them showing how it is the media taking things out of context to rile up the leftists.
The thing is: the more they do it the less chance for infighting on Trump's size as there is nothing better to keep morale up than constant opposition and adversaries.
So shut the fuck up, if you are going to side with the media when Trump's side is clearly in the right you may as well wide with the leftists and defect. That is, assuming you are not a shill talking shit.
You don't seem rational to me
Good morning countrymate!
It's rational to want a surrogate not surrounded in gaffes and missteps. There are tons of articulate surrogates from the Campaign that could fill her role and actually be competent.
new speaker when?
Is Pence white?
Fuck they're trying to accept pedos. Come on you just raped 20 5yo boys. Just pray a lot and you'll be forgiven. Fuck this pope. I'm tired of his bullshit.
Stop this shit, Ryan is nothing but an asset to Trump and his agenda. Fuck off.
>its real
Fuck. The Pope should be stringing up the bastards who do this shit as a warning to all who consider doing such degenerate acts. My blood boils
>brown eyes
extended session real awoo hours awoo
Such as?
Looks like NZ is going to have to apply extreme vetting to keep the libtards out.
Begorrah! Drop this line of questionin', boyo!
>It's rational to want a surrogate not surrounded in gaffes and missteps. There are tons of articulate surrogates from the Campaign that could fill her role and actually be competent.
agreed trump needs to get competent, consistent and conservative surrogates who will deliver his message in a moderate fashion. trump should talk to paul ryan and ask for his advice for who would be best to compose and spread his message in a proper tone
Pence is 100% Irish.
Just read up what I just wrote about letting the media set the narrative. Never retreat, always attack. That works for Trump.
I'll ask you: was Trump innauguration the most watched of all times?
Morning pal
Katrina Pierson
Are Irish white?
Fuck off, Ryan. Every neocuck traitor is going to have his neck stretched.
Fuck off neocon.
K ridf
So you are a former Cruzlim then
>an asset to Trump and his agenda
how so ?
before Trump won Ryan wasn't singing too loudly in favor of Trump
If I were to convert to biblical religion at all I'd go Orthodox. This pope is a deal breaker.
So an Iberian negroid.
t. 19th century anthropologists
Pedophilia is as much a luxury of the Jesuit power structure as it is any other power structure.
Stop with the strawman arugments, you cannot defend the crowd size comment by asking me a completely different question.
I'm surprised we have no born again Christians here, they were Trump's strongest demographic
He just out himself as a good goy Cruzlim shill, been awhile since we had one of those.
>Not reporting 100% of the Axis Order voted for Trump
>Australia and NZ auto disqualifty if you have liberal arts
Katrina Pierson stood by Trump during the height of the Trump vs Cruz battle you retard.
Then if they are involved break their power structure too and execute their entire leadership.
You are part of the problem.