Sandy hook


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>hair on the front sight



Anyone even here?

It like someone went into the basement and found a bunch of old school stuff from 1987. Went back upstairs and hung it up. It looks terrible


Where's the pools of blood?

Thats about all we get

Teach needs to work on their whiteboard handwriting.

I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School and I can assure you it really happened.

>I have a cousin who works at nintendo, he says mario 4 is coming out for the switch 2 in 2 days and only special people get a copy

nice try obama

How come we see dead mofo's in the Columbine shooting but not here?

Those got leaked somehow right?

I was listening to the radio that day when it happened and some reporter came on either Rush or Bortz and said there was a possible second shooter in the woods running. Anyone remember this?

Sh sh shill

There's always reports of second shooters because gunshots echo

Supposedly hundreds of rounds fired, not a single bullet hole anywhere inside.

Yes there is video of cops chasing a guy into the woods. I'm on my phone or I'd search it for you.

>muh broken windows

>muh COD style reloads leaving half full mags

here is the memorial. I believe it is some interfaith bullshit. Obama was there. Around 12 minute mark is weird gay priest

Nah, they were even describing what he was wearing. It couldn't have been a hunter because it was next to a school.

Daily reminder not a single person died in sandy hook

Funny how the bots get activated as soon as Sandy Hook appears.


>Childs doody stain as he's running out of class

Sure thing. Where did these come from? Where is proof of anything?

my nephews roomate is from sandy hook, trust me, it happened.

My gay cousins best friend ble Obama, trust me it happened.


I'm trying to find the rush news radio archive for the reporter i heard that day say something similar to "there's a possible second shooter in the woods dressed in camo".

Camo? couldn't have been a hunter since it's near a school



Looks like a chip in the wall


Is just a chip in the picture right?

So I'm generally curious:

No actual children were harmed if this was a hoax right? They wouldn't go into the school, shoot a couple of kids and be like "LMAO guns r bad, k?"

5.56 would leave a much larger mark, that's just cosmetic damage from something else

Picture frame would have more damage if shot. Keep trying kike.

Not a bot here, and this thread is particularly offensive to me because my Pilates teacher's nephew had a classmate who was killed there

No it wouldn't at a grazing angle like that.

If you knew anything about bullets you would know that they skip off surfaces and travel along walls.

Like they would care


>Be spoiled cunt
>become teacher to get easy as fuck job with 3 months of vacation, a fat pension, benefits, and a salary you don't really deserve on the tax payer's dole because ur a lazy sack of shit that doesn't want to do math or use a hammer
>get shot



fucking tinfoil hat retards.


They changed the law prior to the event to make it illegal to release photos. Then after the even they made it illegal to /ask/ for photos. There is abundant evidence that the photos of the "victims" are photoshopped pastiches. There is no reason to believe any children died at Sandy Hook.

Where's the second impact after it grazed the wall and was slightly deflected?

Probably down the fucking hall?

Cute proxy


Should be in the ceiling, looks like if it was a bullet it would have gone straight up

First time I've seen this pic and its the only Sandy Hook photo I've seen that has gore splatter and not just shitty looking pooled blood stains

>Hopes and Dreams
I wasn't ready for this feel

Nice pix brah. Have any of the halls with mold crawling up the wall? Care to share those? Or do they not fit your narrative?

Again, if we are to belive the official story that hundreds of shots were fired, there would be dozens and dozens of bullet holes all over the place.

A tiny chip in the wall here and a single pane of broken glass there, is evidence of nothing.

Can you link these posts from 2010 or did some autist make this shit up?

Bullets do all sorts of weird shit when deflected off surface. They dont always move in an intuitive way.

Wow fuck me i didnt even notice that.

This is petty much the only other one with blood. Although in a lot of pictures you can see blood that is just barley in frame

got Pizzagated, the parents had to ID there kids via pictures. Crash Helmet said he had a very skilled photographer...

When there's doubt, always fall back on the magic bullet theory.

Poor kid.


Attempted suicide?

If you assume the worst, then the US government would be the perpetrator.

A serious team of govt agents could go and clean up, never letting kids out into the hallway.

You wouldn't want any pictures of dead kids because they'd be killed with precision. You'd let some get away believing that only one person was shooting.

All the evidence would then be tied and linked to one dude doing it, but a skilled enough force could probably get away with hitting every room hard and fast.

This would be a much, much worse scenario than SH not happening at all.

I remember this vividly. Someone was detained in the woods near the school and then released. The story in those initial reports went from "two shooters, one down in the school and one on the loose" to "one shooter."

That hole in the door frame is there to hold a rubber doorstop, all knockdown frames have them.

Why isn't there a picture of one victim? Or even a picture of the shooter? Why aren't there any surveillance stills or anything showing this happening? Why is there next to nothing?

No magic needed. Hell even when shooting someone head on especially with 5.56. Seen a dude get shot in his chest with the exit wound being his ass cheek.


This would be the weapon he killed himself with.



I agree reminds me of school when i was a kid, now it looks very outdated and un kept..low budget maybe but usually schools in areas like that are ultra modern and up to date.

Because the victims were 24 kids or some shit like that.

Dont you wish you could just pan the camera a bit to the left?

Man i miss old mighty whitey neal boortz.


Post yfw this was some autistic 4channer who pissed the wrong people off


And? There is an abundance of evidence to prove Columbine happened. Barely anything for Sandy Hook. Victims being kids has nothing to do with it.


Because it was fake. As fake as a 3 dollar bill.
Can someone post the video of the father of one of the kids smiling just a few hours after?

The difference being that columbine was high school and this was an elementary.

Also the pictures would be much more graphic if this went down the way the police report says it did.

He basically unloaded into a cramped 5x4 ft bathroom with like 20 kids in it.





Wtf did anyone read this fucking shit?? Chicken tree spurting goo into the kids mouths what the fucking hell man