Daily reminder you're not allowed to use "Deus Vult" if you're a filthy protestant. That is all.
Daily reminder you're not allowed to use "Deus Vult" if you're a filthy protestant. That is all
I love you OP
Fuck off moneky scum.
Desu vults it that I deus vult and you can do no a single thing.
Burn in hell, heretic.
>Not wanting extra soldiers
Okay faggot op
>Catholic dictating anything
Just because it works on young boys doesn't mean anyone else cares, monkey.
>implying that there has been a legitimate pope in 70 years
Catholicism is dead. Christianity is dying as it is. Atheism is a fools trap, and The West and will need to find another religion is Christianity remains cucked.
op is a faggot
White Canadian Roman Catholic reporting in.
dont you mean out out out
8: Neuropsychology of Symbolic Representation
taking a break from posting muh energy drawing is funner then moddin this shit hole xxx
Roman Catholic here.
We /Anglican/ now
What we love you Christcucks, let us worship Ares the God of War together haha.
the only good protestant is a dead protestant, and Ann Coulter
i like how Deus did not, in fact, actually Vult
Is that a still from a gay porno?
Canada let in the roaches i see.
Btfoed by a poo. You need to delete yourself right now. You dishonor your famiry
Heretic scum this is only for the purest of pure
>implying that you'll ever get permission from your cucked pope to go on a crusade
is that schmiegel from lord of the rings
How about Kek Vult?