Know they're spying on you through you tv, phone and computer, make tongue and cheek remark about spying microwaves, dumb liberals go hurrrr look how dumb she is. -___-
Yes she and you are very dumb for not understanding that you spy on people with cameras and microphones, not random household electronics
it was obviously rhetorical
>tongue and cheek remark
>it was obviously rhetorical
'We know this is a fact of modern life'
>s-she w-was just pretending to be retarded
Literally a joke.
Mircowaves are a signal. With the right equipment you can see. Do I need to google it for you muhmed?
>With the right equipment you can see
yes, a receiver, not an emitter retard
lurk moar
The receiver is implanted in your molars by the CIA you fucking mongloid. Jesus Christ how dumb are you people?
It agitates me how microwave ovens are called just "microwave" in english
Bugging a microwave is completely doable? It'd be dumb because of how much noise then often make, but perfectly doable
>putting a camera in a microwave
>magially turning a microwave into a camera
try again m8
Like a maser listening device?
>Make facetious remark
>liberals take it literally
This is why people laugh at you
Just because you are too poor to afford a microwave that can connect to the internet doesn't mean everyone else is.
see see
Yes, and every time idiots try to make fun of her on tv they REMIND THE PUBLIC THAT APPLIANCES LIKE TV'S ARE BEING USED TO SPY ON THEM. You'd think the media would catch on at some point, but no...
Got a full transcript? I need to know if she is talking about the appliance or the radiation.
The context is in the article.
She mentions in a list of household appliances
You never gave an article or context.
Also, if his microwave has a WiFi connection it could potentially be used to spy on him.
the speaker that makes the beep when your meal is done is also a mic. checkmate atheists and faggots that don't understand basic electronics
>You never gave an article or context.
headline is in the op retard
lol retard
>the speaker that makes the beep
They are buzzers, not speakers retard.
Fucking idiots. 'Internet of Things' crap is just about the least secure shit you can buy. Purchasing a Smart Microwave or a Smart Fridge or a Smart Baby Monitor or a Smart Whateverthefuckelse is basically a formal request for every intelligence service, hacker, and sex predator on the planet to perv on you and your family.
>This is what leftists find funny
mic, not speaker shill
buzzers can't be used as mics
Being pro protectionism and general government market interfecernce makes trump more of a leftist than me
I don't google shit that looks like a half-assed occupy democrats meme. Learn to screenshot sven
>unironacally believing that the CIA's capabilities stop at TV/phone exploits
Good goys, don't pay attention to how the 80+ year old technology that we've developed to its peak
>screenshot audio
technology isn't magic retard, laws of physics still apply. see
>not believing in human trafficking, modern day slavery, pedophilia, government corruption, and surveillance means you're smart
>hackers on steroids are capable of exploding a van remotely but the government can't listen in on you, via NSA wiretaps
>"Haha don't be an idiot, I would have noticed if someone came into my house and tapped my phone!"
>hear about vault 7
> find out theyve been listening to everything for years now
>turns out theyve really been listening to everyone since 1947
What does this have to do with microwave oven magically turning into cameras?
Yeah you mean the laws of physics behind signal? The ones you need to understand signal processing?
The same ones that govern how we read and understand information from electromagnetism?
Signals get weak and more and more indistinguishable from random noise the further you get from them.
Yeah you wouldn't care weather or not someone turned on their microwave, but it would be some interesting data to see how many people use them and at what times.
It's not unfathomable for the most rich and powerful nation to have crazy fucking tech.
>There's no way they're manufactured with listening devices in them, during production
>I know everything that goes on, in all factories across the world
>What is a black box
Your flippant disregard for common decency is admirable. Have fun trolling the rest of these mouth breathers
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
We're actually living in the year 50AD. The government started spying on us at the beginning of 50, and they've been spying on us ever since. The recursive nature of government spying has put us into a time loop, and we keep living out the year 50AD over and over again, just like in the book of acts.
Sooner or later, we gotta stop saying, "no problem", and accept the freedom jesus, y'know? Don't let your private life be hung on a cross, right?
Yeah, right-o mate.
>why did my battery die so fast
>checks power consumption
>deletes Facebook and messenger
>why did my battery die so fast
I just threw my microwave in the the dumpster
Any other appliances i should get rid of?
>blahblahblah signals
Yes, you still need a receiver, not an emitter retard.
>usage data
not a camera retard
>crazy fucking tech.
see again
>manufactured with listening devices in them
1. a "listening device" is not a camera retard
2. There are thousands of people all over the world who specifically look for this kind of stuff in hardware and software. A camera is still a physical thing retard
You're thinking about it wrong, swedecuck. You don't need a microwave to be a receiver, just an emitter. They can probably see when you turn on the microwave.
You think that's dumb and useless by itself but imagine if they could see everything you turn on and off, it'd be no different that actually seeing you.
Here you go, you intellectual midget.
>usage data
still not a camera retard
>it'd be no different that actually seeing you.
Of course it would. This is just desperate
>literally googled "microwave camera" and posted the first result becasue he thought it was relevant
No you cuck, just modify the microwave.
Modify how exactly? Technology isn't magic that can do anything friend.
Also, if you already have physical access, why go through all that trouble when you can just hide cameras.
>be swedecuck
>shill on Sup Forums
>turn off computer
>go over to microwave to heat up BBC meatballs
>turn on TV to see country get culturally enriched en mass
>turn off TV to go to bed
>plug in phone
>get black bagged by agents who knew you went to bed
>get black bagged by agents who knew you were taking a shit by observed daily patterns
>get black bagged by agents who knew your sister wasn't home with Tyrone and Abdulah based on their text messages
>be Sup Forumscuck
>run out of arguments
>literally start calling people names
>Can't defeat logic
>Resort to "logical fallicies"