It was all a plan to take out Paul Ryan as speaker! 5D Chess by Trump!

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Explain backstory plz

yes, tell us please

Yeah im going to need an explanation.
Cause i've been waiting for Trump to take Ryan on a hellicopter ride

There was audio leaked of ryan saying he will never support anything trump wants to do.

Ryan has been on Trump's shitlist for a while. I'm certain he'll be ousted eventually.


remember john bohener?? yeah paul ryan was his protege..

The whole healthcare was Trump giving Paul Ryan the rope to hang himself with. He was going along with it but kept saying "there will be phases" to stay the middle ground. Ppl (Dems & Neocons) try to connect healthcare to trump with Trumpcare. Ryan goes all in thinking it will go through which divides the GOP. Trump sees Ryan's power being undermined. Tape comes out and now Trump owns Paul Ryan.

Trump said he likes to grab women by the pussy. Ryan said he will never defend Trump again. Trump won the election and Ryan has been defending him since.

>emergency replacement because nobody wanted or could perform the job

What is this tape? Link?

Bannon.. what is his endgame


>people haven't read Trump's books

Trump always gets even, ALWAYS.

Youtube link above.

yep that's about right bimp

every time i start doubting him he proves me wrong

I don't think you have to be a genius to know that Paul Ryan wasn't a reliable ally for Trump. Getting rid of him is an obviously good thing to do.

To keep american values... american.

Trump is a demi-god, a titan among mortals


He seriously is... I always have a good chuckle when people keep saying he's mentally ill in the media.

I haven't been paying attention to this... please elaborate on what happened



I can't wait for him to take out McCain. Soon I hope.

Appearantly the leaked audio above. Its about Paul Ryan saying he will never support Trump, but now that Trump is the President Paul should probably resign it would be the obvious thing to do in any circumstance.

1. The capture, imprisonment, and death of every single person tied to Pedogate, for which Andrew Brietbart (his dear friend and business partner) was murdered for investigating.
2. To completely destroy the American mainstream media.
3. To see Trump complete a hostile takeover of the entire political spectrum in America.
4. Hopefully help cement his own and Trump's legacy by reforming education, healthcare, and immigration.

I think all of these are realistic goals that would help MAGA

Him and his boyfriend too.. I think that's what the whole wiretapping story is going to play into.. because mccain and graham have been talking shit about it in the media lately..

>“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” - Sun Tzu

>but now that Trump is the President Paul should probably resign it would be the obvious thing to do in any circumstance.
You don't really understand separation of powers, do you?

I love American bolitics

Yeah I saw McCain's BS ultimatum. Hoping Trump drops a truth bomb after that RINO talks enough shit to paint himself into a corner.

>Romney believes he's being courted for SoS after all the shit he pulled with NeverTrump
>Trump actually lets him believe this and encourages it
>Takes him on a tour of the white house.
>Laughs in his face that he will never be president and this his career is over.
>"Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out you fucking clown."


Reminder that this tweet was aimed directly at Ryan. The little shit obviously didn't learn his lesson.

Paul Ryan
Lindsey Graham
John McCain

Any other RINOs in elected office we need to add to 'the list'?

You don't really understand 'for the good of the party', do you?


92% of the Republicans in the Senate

Barron. Ftfy

Pussy grabbing is good for the party?

Chaffetz showed his true colors during pussygate

ITT children that think Trump is an adult.

Post made my dick hard desu. Beautiful.

>Bannon's endgame

Beware the Ides of March

Isn't this old news?


Trump reminds me of the line from Clear and Present Danger when the president tells Jack Ryan that DC politics is the old Potomac two step. To which Ryan replies, "I don't dance.". Trump is Jack Ryan in that sense.

This is embarassing for Paul Ryan, Trumpism, has taken over the party and Trump is the most liked part of the Government right now, above Paul Ryan and the Republican party (aa few ways at the bottom, the Democrats), now it comes out that this guy never planned to support him and was never willing to work with the REPUBLICAN President, pathetic honestly, and on top of that no one likes his shitty replacement plan.

>it's on CNN
Hooray, we get to relitigate pussygate

Great line. Great movie. Better book. We need more top shelf Clancy films now that America is becoming great again.

I was ingreasingly nerbous :DDDD when he was appearing to be cozying up to Romney and it thrilled the hell out of me when he cast aside Romney's exsanguinated husk.


This was when he was in the middle of distancing himself from Trump


So far I've seen nothing to indicate bannon is even being listened to, but those on the left act like he's cheney 2.0
What am i missing?

No because he never outright said to the media that he would refuse to work with trump.. and now we have undisputed evidence that he really never intended to work with him.

Clancy was pretty based. Not sure if totally redpilled but still good.

White Pride Worldwide

I have a strong feeling he's intimately connected to Pedogate as well. I hope Trump and Bannon are moving quickly on this. Imagine the forces fighting against them right now. Makes it hard to sleep imagining what they're up against.

>trump is a multi-billionaire business magnate that just became the most powerful man on earth by winning one of the biggest political upsets in history against established political dynasties

So is the MSM reporting on this or is this being buried?
This is massively huge.

Basically every Jew

King or Nehlen as Speaker, for all the good and wholesome things left in this world.

CNN is already covering it this morning.

And that's why he keeps winning. They underestimate the fuck out of the man.

Bye bye Ryan!



If the msm even bothered to download a PDF of his book maybe they would have understood how to play him a little better, but nope, tards gonna tard

Only if the person getting grabbed likes it.

I didn't think CNN had any time to talk about anything else besides microwaves and mike brown..


Half their coverage is the wiretapping bullshit and the CBO report.

I'm expecting on screen orgasms during the hearing next monday when Comey says Trump's full of shit.



Want a good drinking game?

Flip to CNN at any random point in the day.
If they are talking about "Trump's Russian connections," take a shot.

They still haven't gotten the memo that everyone thinks it's bullshit yet.

While that could technically happen, it is unlikely as shit the House would make a nonmember speaker.

Paul and son jumped on the NeverTrump bandwagon, they're never getting so much as a scrap from Trump no matter how hard they posture now.

Speaker will go to someone with a strong anti-immigrant/implicitly pro-white background like King or Nehlen.

Yeah remember that DNC insider that came here after the election that said Paul Ryan was a bisexual they had dirt on.

Rand is a senator, his dad was part of the house

Dems have been saying that for years
Its their go to insult for Republicans

Yeah, no shit.

I am calmly explaining to our lolbertarian friend that there is no place in the Trump government for insidious gynecologists who cuck on border control and trade protectionism.


Wrong guy and Rand and Trump are bros now

Rand and Trump always seemed like they got along.
Even the whole "you're short" and "you're ugly" back and forth exchange seemed like banter between old friends.


Both Pauls went NeverTrump.

They keep trying to bend the knee, and while Trump will never turn down their support, he will never publicly support them again, as he has no respect for fair weather friends.

Only way McCain is getting away is if he dies before Trump gets to him.

Haven't been keeping up with politics because of finals, what did Ryan do and why is it Trump's master plan?

We have got to start analyizing the time it takes between a tweet like this and when something fucking huge happens related to it. We could likely get us a Happening guessing general going when it gets to that week on what was relevant and who the victim is. Would be so much fun.


If there's one thing that is absolutely certain it's that paul ryan is a fucking goner..

Ryan was recorded in a conference call saying that he will never support anything Trump does.

That is basically sedition since Trump is our President and the nominal leader of the GOP.

This in combination with his shitfest of a healthcare plan is basically going to force him to resign in favor of a Trump-approved Speaker.


Well wiki leaks got trump in with TRUTH then pence turns around and says he will prosecute wikileaks to fullest extent of the law, Mike "buzz if you dnt like fuzz" Pence is hiding something, I dnt trust him.

This is great, I hope they manage to ruin Paul Ryan, McCain and the other idiots.

"The party" kid you're a joke the left and right is controlled by the same head you mong, lest ye forget they ALLLLLLLL SHITTED ON PAPA TRUMP, its time.

"I love Wikileaks!"

- D J Trump

Friendly reminder brietbart and clancey's murders were green lit by obama.

Kek what a cuck.