Sup Forums Psychoanalyzes and Profiles Itself

I think we're populated primarily by alienated, disenfranchised white men. I'm of the view that the edgy Nazi shit is partly because watching liberals freak out is funny, but also in no small part because we want to transgress against a society that we correctly believe has written us off.

What makes this even worse is, in spite of being written off, we're aware that we make society function, like, at all. Without us, this whole shebang implodes on itself; we do all the necessary, menial or semi-menial work that can't quite be automated yet. We're an essential component of society, yet our rulers despise us.

We make Nazi memes and jokes -- which, as time goes on, become progressively more serious -- not because we want to kill the Jews or lynch blacks, but because we want to be taken seriously, and we want to express our frustration at the fact that we aren't. We don't hate those people, we hate our rulers, and we yank their chain by calling their disingenuous virtue signaling for what it is.

The humor element to this is a coping mechanism; we know that, even within our own movements, we are individually insignificant, and our interests can be disregarded without consequence, but our populist angst is authentic, and the shaming tactics the powers that be have depended on for the past 70 or so years to suppress it no longer work, which terrifies them.

What am I missing? What did I get wrong? What's your take on it?

Don't overthink it. Stormfront raided Sup Forums so much it stopped being a raid and started being an occupation and people took them seriously.

>I think we're populated primarily by alienated, disenfranchised white men
Stopped reading right there
Less than 50% of Sup Forums is white

Life's a boring piece of shit, if you have nothing to commit your life to.

I like the idea of pissing liberals akin to doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

You find meaning for your existence, you find purpose and through that you find happiness.

My happiness stems from making people throw tantrums over hearing words.

That's still 100% more than italy.

Heh, maybe. I guess we've got a car in point here, though:

Oh fuck off faggot, the swastika has been here forever, your point forgets that Sup Forumstards were jokingly throwing around swastikas back in the habbo raid days

if this isnt bait you're very new
pol is almost certainly brownies roleplaying as nords as far as the eye can see

No one took it seriously then.

>which, as time goes on, become progressively more serious

I think your post plays into this part of the OP

Sup Forums is 10 percent white and 90 percent people who think they are white

Bingo, yes nobody took it seriously then, because nobody saw the truth, they saw edgy lulz but now they know

>I think we're populated primarily by alienated, disenfranchised white men
Stopped right there. I'm a fucking Asian.


Keep reading. Not all of us meet all of these criteria. Shit, we've got a few blacks and Jews on here

Sup Forums is trolls trolling other trolls and the newfag normies who venture here think ITS HAPPENING and actually believe all the bullshit. So the arguments get more intense and personal and bitter.

It was just meant to be satire, a place where you can unload the sewage floating in your head because you can't say these things publicly. Kind of a way to vent your frustration of being a useless NEET with a shitty life and future prospects.

That is why this place attracts all the degenerates.

>we don't hate those (((people)))

Speak for yourself m8

Psychoanalysis is (((psuedoscience)))

Or maybe bc you're a whiny fagget who doesn't feel like he's getting enough attention and is lashing out like a 5 year old autist who's screaming for his chicken tendies?


that was a spastika

I do believe a shitton of people believe that the white race are the industrialists of Atlas Shrugged. And even fantasize about leaving all the others to their inevitable dystopia if we were to go... Somewhere?
The truth is that white people aren't that fuckin different, or great. And most people don't give a flying fuck about race.

>commie book
>race doesn't matter
maybe in the US

Op is an autist

oh look a fucking milo thread.

ignore these threads, OPs get a full 25 cents for every thread they make.

that's 0% true