Can I get a quick rundown on Turkeys endgame?

>proxy war with Syria providing logistical support for insurgents
>shoots down Russian fighter jet, tells Russia to piss off
>coup attempt
>allies with Russia, launches troops into Syria
>election campaigning in Turkey, Germany
>calls Netherlands Nazis severes diplomatic ties
>Turkey announces German-Turkish rapefugee deal is dead, but that more election events are planned in Germany
>EU declares diplomatic crisis, Turkey says EU's comments are worthless

what is this all about /pol? what is the pattern and what does Turkey seek to gain?

>what is the pattern and what does Turkey seek to gain?

Your mother's butthole

inb4 Turkey seeks an alliance with Russia in order to invade and destroy EU. Fucking Erdogan


Eddog acting tough.

Just as planned. Give him a year or 3 and turkey will be off the map

the erdo kebab wants to recreate the Ottokebab empire.
he wants to be supreme ruler and lead the moslem world.

>tfw you'll see roach fuck everybody over in your lifetime

caliphate in Germany

Erdogan: UK won't even need to brexit when i'm done with the eu

They're still assblasted that they lost WW1 and are trying to remake the Ottoman Empire by oppressing every single one of their neighbors, including Russia, which is also their ally.

He is trying to get a Us Versus Them scenario. It probably already devolved into that or has always been there, so in that case he is trying to fuel the flames for that scenario again.

Erdogan's endgame is to start a war in which he can exterminate Kurdish people on a large scale. He wants to antagonize all Western nations before that for... whatever retarded reason.

>He wants to antagonize all Western nations before that for... whatever retarded reason.
so he claim fake news as soon as he committed Kurdish genocide, since only the west would care and condemn such atrocity

what started the whole shitstorm i didn't follow what happend last couple days

>oppressing Russia

yeah, good luck with that.

Blame fucking Anglos for stabbing us in the back when we was so close to liberating Constantinople.

Turkroach wants to fly to the Netherlands to speak to the turkroaches here so they will vote in support of Erdo's referendum that will give him more power. (Lots of turkroaches here have dual nationalities so they can vote HERE in Turkish elections)

Dutch gov says no to the turkroach that was coming here by plane, his landing rights get cancelled. Then some female turkroach that was in Germany drives into the Netherlands to campaign for Erdogan, police in Rotterdam stop her and escort her back to Germany.

Then we get called Nazis and fascists. Also a bunch of turkroaches in Rotterdam that support Erdogan chimp out and smash up a good part of Rotterdam. Fun times all around.

Didnt communism fucked you guys?

vote for what i heard that there is an referendum but dont know about what its about

Referendum in Turkey that will give Erdogan more power. Basically he wants to be democratically chosen to become a dictator (which he is already).

>the pattern and what does Turkey seek to gain?

Erdogan doesn't have a pattern. It's just autistic screeching.


Know a bit about that, eh Fritz?

>Calling Netherlands Nazis

gee whiz

They've already shot down a Russian jet. What's stopping them from turning on Russia once they get what they want?

You'll get another chance soon enough.

Send millions of Muslim invaders into Europe.

He's trying to save Europe

You guys could barely keep your shit together after the reds subverted your conscripted military forces. There was no chance in getting to Constantinople, nor even a possibility of maintaining an occupational force. Russia would have fucked up the Middle East worse than the British did.

for some time, there are no Turkey's interests. there are Erdogan's interests. he has stolen so much money that once when he opposed france's airstrikes on libya, german intelligence leaked just a bit of it in overseas accounts, 800 million dollars. next they he declared his support to nato interference.
He is not a muslim. His ministers are not muslims. They just looks like it. Because there is a huge crowd of people, like 20 million, that is uneducated, illiterate, and would die for him because he is using islam so good. he does not give a single fuck about anything else than his money. he is trying to bring a dictatorship system, and he is using his struggle with europe to get poeple supporting it. This has a single reason, to not get busted for stealing.
this guy is not a diplomat, not a breucrat, not a wise man or a hero or a real leader. HE IS THE HEAD OF THE WORLDS GREATEST CRIME ORGANIZATION.
gulen guy leaked his and his ministers tapes on their stealing. there was a dialogue with his son. He says, to his son, that cops are coming and he should "melt" the money. next call his son says, we melted as much as we could, and there is "30 million euros left" and we are buying villas with that. these people have been robbing the government for 15 years now, in an immeasurable amount.
he starts shit with israel, he talks big on the screen, he makes his people think he is alpha, and he agrees with them next week. He starts shit with putin, he talks big again, he apologises silently nex week. He made his son in law a fucking minister, he literally owns %95 of mainstream media, so there is no way the convince his supporters that has 0 will to be convinced.
he is a puppet of (((((them)))) they let him have his way for letting them fuck turkey upside down.

no end game... just turks being turk

It's not a Turkish endgame it's Erdogun self intrests. It's the same like with many others active so called "nationalists" all over the place (Le pen in France, PiS in Poland, Putin in Russia). None of them care about the country. They want power and money and they play the nationalistic game to get it. And dumb people buy it as always. All of them need to have an enemy cause it makes controlling people easier.

thanks, as a Turkfag can you give us some clue as to what Erdogan actually wants? does he have some hidden objective?

I think you are actually right.

>Turkey seek to gain
i know only what Turkey need to lose

He stole metal gear roach from underneath incirlik airbase. The story about aircraft nukes being kept there was just a cover for metal gear.

i mean it just appears like Turkey is lurching from one crisis to another, pursuing contradictory aims and always ending up with a worse result. Its like Serbia pre-WW1 redux. Why estrange Turkey from military partners like Israel and economic ones like EU? Does he actually want economic sanctions from EU?

Restore Greek project and make Byzantine Great Again

Sultan Erdogan, and Ottoman 2, the padded wardrobe.

Simply; destroy Turkey and neighbors, make puppet states.

All Erdogan cares is how he can get away with all the things he has done.
Think about it as soon as he loses power he and his decrepit family will be in jail for life.
What would you do if you were in that situation ?
Easy, just make it so you never lose power.

i literally just told you man. his close plans are to be the dictator. there is a referandum coming that gives him godlike powers. hes end game is to steal as much as he can. every action he took and will ever take, saves the same few things
1- (((their))) agenda on turkey and middle east
2-to focus public on something else, and look like the victim and the alpha at the same time. (like shit with holland right now, and the shit with israel before)
3- steal more while he focuses everything and everyone somewhere else.

Erdogan is just playing an epic prank to see how many different countries he can get asshurt at them at once. Of course his country has absolutely nothing to gain from shitting all over the place.

i can buy all that so as Turk can you tell me how you think EU will respond? is there high confidence that EU won't do a response with economic sanctions because Germany is subserviant to Turkey?

We literally offered your government that shit hole but the public release of the document stating this precipitated the October revolution

Learn your own history, Igor

i personally think that they wont do anything because erdogan can not to ANYTHING other than shit talking. And europe has always been fine with that. he just makes people hate turks more and more rightfuly and rips its fruit. erdogan lovers seriously, with no jokes think we will defeat eu with words and will build the new ottoman empire.


New Constantinople when?

I wouldn't be so opposed to Arab influence if they didn't support mudslime ideology.

its funny how pol is all on irans dick

but when its turkey oh noo!!

Words and immigration supposedly

shits on youtube its public knowledge LEAF. they arrested sons of 3-4 ministers and 3 ministers resigned. they found a few million euros and dollars in their homes. you faggot.

→ →



>implying your not a cia shill
>implying thats not a proxy

this, most of my turkish friends doesnt believe his bullshit either.

the thing is, the luxury of politicians nowadays to talk smack rather than do some contributions to their countries.

I'd take turks over Iranians any day, closer in ethnicity, the problem is and always was the ottoman empire.

Put Anatolia back into their identity, I would love that.

how about no to both... turkish mentality is shit

not all of them tho. i dont imagine Merkel treathening other nations hard, doing nothing and getting away with it easy. Press and educated people, we have neither.

having thought about it, think you're right. Merkel is weak at home and abroad, and shes too autistic to do anything quick fire in response. Erdogan can walk all over Germans, and Dutch because Merkel will be there urging caution aka appeasement

Something I don't see mentioned is how every other country in the Eastern Med found oil/natgas in their seas and the turks are left out of that game.
Cyprus, Egypt, Israel have huge deposits that are starting to get mined now and there's several studies that suggest the Aegean and the greek part of the E Med has a bunch of that stuff as well.
Then you have the Kurd issue that literally threatens them with a catastrophic civil war, thus their involvement in Syria and of course, Erdoroach's megalomaniac plans.

t. bluepilled fag
what a load of horseshit.
>"Hes a totally corrupted bureaucrat, hes stealing muh money"
All bureaucrats are corrupted. How the hell do you think they get paid? Red tapes and taxes.
Your probably some leftist cuck spreading facebook normie bs

Hes getting away with it because he knows europe (EU) are all bunch of cucks and are on their knees since trump won office. No he is not one of (((Them))). His relationship with isreal are one of those "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

fuck off gayr**k

>Turkeys endgame

kys fgt

Dont blame Erdogan. Blame your liberal think-tanks.

Their strength is their diversity. As in, their divisions and populations across the world. To unify it and to make a Muslim state that brings them all home would hurt their cause in the long run because it would magnify what they really are.

I'm sorry, for what it is worth.

>t. t*rkroach diaspora in leafland

Seeks? You think Turkish intelligence could pull off that fake coup last year?

That was FSB through and through. Turkey is part of the global Surkovian "Sovereign Democracy" revolution as sure as Britain and America.

So what role are they to play? They're Sunni, but not Arab. They will supplant Saudi as the ideological exporter of Islam, and they will export not a traditional caliphate but vassal/client states in the region dominated by ISIS as well as Saudi and its neighbors.

This new Ottoman Empire will be brought together in hatred of the Kurds, who will be harshly dealt with as the Western media gets the vapors. They will do nothing, though. Unlike the formation of Israel, a new state of Kurdistan isn't important to their interests.

What happens from here is anyone's guess, but Israel, America, Russia and Turkey are the ones who will put the pressure on either Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Turkey's role for now is attack dog. They're acting up to get Wilders more votes. They'll act up again to get Le Pen votes in April.

>t. kemalist cucks
kemalist represent %25 turkish population. Do not take seriously.
erdoğan is our hero. He will make Turkey prosperous and strong.

It's the opposite.

The current hard stance from the dutch is actually stopping the leak of Rute's voters towards Wilders, while at the same time Erdoroach is sending an internal message.

Both parties are benefiting from this, even though it was propably not planned in advance.


Kemalists are the fedoras of Turkey
Average Turkish man is Muslim and proud

This roach is funny.