Impling the jews want afrieuros to rule over

>impling the jews want afrieuros to rule over
>implying the jews want arficans to rule over
>implyin the jews want muslims to rule over
>implying the jews want mixed retards to rule over
>implying the jews want anyone other than hive-minded, insectoid chinese to rule over
>impyling they havent been hekping china get above you all by allowing them to colonize africa and the pacific
refute me. prove my wrong that china was suppposed to take over as toppdogg from the west




you're a rare one!

>why does rare flags stiffy conversation and just make the people in the thread talk about rare

What is a toppdogg? I don't speak nigger. Also, proof, timestamp with your black hand please.

Every race went to war, but NO race is as good as whites are. There's a reason globalists are terrified of whites; We have rendered their Monarchy powerless, we crushed Communism, we ended slavery and pushed for freedom.

>Ogga booga far flag xd nigger gay fuck

Asians are to collectivist to care, even like collectivist authoritarianism. Africans are to dumb to realize they're being played like pawns. Hispanics/Latino culture has been ruined by mass race mixing.



CAR was caught!


chinese are 90% more likely to holocaust them than whites are

Thanks for the flag, nigga!


Post timestamp and tell us about your country, if you're not a proxy.

ooga booga
i would but people might just think me with an italian or greek

Do you have pizza?

Fuck of you mudhut shitskin snail nigger anyinr shilling the jews shenanigans is currently riding the big jew dick fucknuts

Nice covert switch of austria and australia
