Marry a white woman.
Earn money.
Make white children.
Marry a white woman.
Earn money.
Make white children.
Do you have any idea what enormous cunts the white women are here?
Sorry user... I might have to find a yellow one.
>vaginal jew meme
blonde, blue-eyed girls are so plain vanilla and boring
I can't i'm too scared of heartbreak after the last one.
there's a 50% chance to make another woman and in times where women are allowed to vote, this can be the end.
I'm a jew wanting to destroy wh*te raSSe so I wont follow your advice, you stupid goy.
>Do you have any idea what enormous cunts the white women are here?
M8 they're like that everywhere
Been there...
I'm gay
In that order? I have no problem with. The thing is, if I'm not having kids now, then I'm working because I don't need too. I'm not going to work just for the sake of paying taxes that will go to bringing in more aliens.
I just want a girl with really blue eyes. Like, so blue that you can see them in the dark. Is that too much to ask for? God damned kikes, I should have went to a school with only blonde haired blue eyed girls. I'd probably have married my HS sweetheart in that case and had at least 4 Aryan kids by now. Fuck the kikes.
And raise your children properly while you do. We don't need another spoiled generation of swjs.
So if I promise to red pill my children can i marry a yellow one?
Yeah but just like here you have such large doses of autism it can be weaponized...
In this city the cuntism is like that. Weaponized Cuntism is rampant here...
> Fuck the kikes.
Maybe you should, since kikes (kikel) were originally Yiddish speaking immigrants from Poland and all had blue eyes and blond hair. The more you know.
If you say so senpai
become another cog in the machine breed us another worker bee for the colony
nah forcing another human to endure this perpetual boredom is unnecessary
So the basic gestalt is the Kikes are really the master class subset of the master race, who wage cowardly and subversive war against their slightly inferior Aryan counterparts knowing that we're the only real threat to uprooting them from power, and once we're out of the way they'll easily be able to rule over the inferior brown races with no worries about their slave labor having the wits or intellect to pose any threat to their hierarchical position atop the pyramid of power
I am 1/4 slav.
I have no right to reproduce.
You are a smart man
>Muh 1/4 slav
Are you fucking retarded? I'm part slav as well and i'm still having children. You have no argument buddy.
>Muh suffering
Why are nihilists even on this board? Also If making america a minority majority country is your goal. Well don't come crying to me once shitskins start torturing you.
It was a joke. What the fuck are you talking about now? You realize Islam is the real enemy, right? I would also worry about the Chinese. But if you want to chase a magical Jewish leprechaun ghost, that's cool too.
>Marry a white woman.
>Earn money.
>Make white children.
>German Flag telling us to do this
I'm black but okay.
Surrogates exist?
>I'm part slav as well
You are subhuman, just like me.
Kill yourself.
Get busy snow nigger
I use to try to give advice in these threads to the bitter dudes but then I realized I'm a chad and it just condescending
"just talk to them user bros" i forgot if ur ugly they dont talk back
At least we have some white women left niggerboy...and we make more an america i guess you gave your sister already to a negro
They only ever want you Chad. You might as well impregnate 20 of them and have them live off the welfare money taken from the majority of incel worker bees that use anime girl pillows as their only positive female contact.
best advice in the world.
I overcame suicidal tendencies after realizing I have to be a father. I already have a clever and fine gf and a decent job with carreer opportunities. I'm a new man.
you forgot the step four: lose it all in court
Idk man certain guys can just get laid . Like nature finds a way that gets you laid. In most of highschool I had bad cystic acne and I was really shy and quiet. Girls like forced me out of my shell and I dated a few. They where all like 6/10s or higher . I was like 5'5 back then and really skinny. Yet I still had girls over me . I really think something besides looks attracts girls . Maybe they smelled the high test through it ozzing out my face in acne and got horny? Who knows but i don't buy all that Chad stuff when I had nothing going on back then and still ended up getting a couple girls chad would get
I am 1/2 slav. I should do vasectomy
yes master
Or hanging.
I will.
only to the slav testicle though
Slavs are white, they are just the border white.
Check the haplogroups of slavs and snowniggers and youre up for rude awakening u stupid fuck
> Italy or Greece
Nope nice try boyo
All my best wishes for your family italobro
asians are honorary whites right?
No, Asians are not white, plus there's too many asians as is we don't need more.
All of it, non immigrants = white, that's it, those counties/localities that see themselves as nonwhiter will not be white.
Ok. I will make you MY kraut cunt.
Fuck off shlomo you will not divide the relationship between me and my waifu
2d>3d, having a waifu is the ultimate redpill
thanks bro, I really appreciate it.
>voluntarily opting for crotchfruit
thanks, I'm fine
Im working on getting a qt virgin gf right now :3
>have children
>wife serves you divorce papers
>pay alimony and child support rest of your life
no thanks, not until the US unfucks their divorce laws.
no excuses you limp dick millennial race mixing sacks of shit
>earn money
That's pretty much impossible mate
>not until the US unfucks their divorce law
*the west
the governmental jews are institutionalizing cuckoldry with the aim that whites won't sufficiently reproduce anymore. seems like they have won.
Divorces can only be stopped by making them a church matter only, and making it an exceptional occurence.
>going back to theocracy
I'd rather not
>Marry a white woman.
>Earn money.
>Make white children.
Make this into a gif or webm with some thicc (or skinny, maybe both) white women. Spam on /gif/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, etc.
You can have children through surrogates, They do exist now.
Nigga i was born in the 80s
Individualism is killing the white race. Yeah, your people are hard working individuals. Your people are self reliant and shit. But I am not. I require people unconditionally in my life to make my life worth living.
>having kids out of wedlock
No fuck you Im marrying this cutie from Africa
>>you forgot the step four: lose it all in court
There is that, but if you stay scared of living you'd end up like me and life passed you by.
Don't be like me senpai.
Not having kids only kills the white race even more, Why do you think millennials aren't having white kids as much? Boomers fucked them over and now they think they can act like Nihilist stooges rather then fix shit.
Are you too much of a coward to handle wedlock babies fag?
so what? nihilism is the only logical world view. I don't give a fuck if I died tonight.
You mean that Jewish world view that's only pushed on whites? Fuck off how about you turn some niggers into Nihilists so they stop having kids.
shaming baby language detected
>unironically shaming people into raising someone else's offspring
>le edgy nihilist
You are equal to a rapefugee. A human waste
When did you realized you dun goofd?
>too scared fag?
no, just not really willing to part with that many shekels having a kid without a mother going the surrogate route. plus there's no guarantee that bitch ain't crazy either and won't mean legal implications for you.
Sorry your country is not important enough
Hell no, i found a white washed black woman, nothing is better than having them on your side
why would I care what others believe?
>you're wrong because I think you're edgy
literally not an argument. KYS, drone
Yours isn't either after 1945
All of Sup Forums need to do this.
Don't worry user, I'll do it. I have made plans for my future (getting a higher grade job, then moving to america temporarily to get a private college education, then either come back and become a CEO or settling in america and getting a field-related job over there).
What mostly demoralizes me is that I used to have lots of friends, but I have almost none these days. The some I have left are not on the redpill and I can hardly relate to them anymore. If I could only have some redpilled friends, I could make mad progress in personal and professional life. Hell, I would even start lifting again and go full Chadmode.
Couldn't you just find some asian chick to be the mother of your surrogate child? Otherwise alright it's your choice. Honestly the divorce laws are pretty shit that I can agree with.
Nihilism is a joke, Why do you think it's popular among millennials? Because that shit is force fed to them in college.
>Why do you think millennials aren't having white kids as much?
Because white people treat each other like shit. And no white people help each other, they're as greedy as Jews. But Jews at least care and look after their families and their race. Shit, even soul-less gooks do that. But Whites don't, white people are greedier than jews and selfish and don't give a flying fuck about white people. Try and blame that on the Boomers.
Don't have kids with her, We don't need more mongrels in America. Unless you want someone as fucked as Robert De Niro's son.
Skip the first step and just do the other two.
Whites were actually having children until shit like Feminism and these fucked up laws that tamper against white families showed up. Like I said they get fed this shit by marxist professors.
Missed the point entirely.
Continue slurping it up goy
would you rape this?
It is enough to rule over europe
Vietnam isn't Europe. You can do whatever you want. Marry whoever you would like. Your problems are different than ours.
If your country still looks anything like it did after the vietnam war, then you should probably be more worried about rebuilding your country and entering civilization.
Having children is a Jewish invention.
I'm gonna.
>If I could only have some redpilled friends
>Hell, I would even start lifting again and go full Chadmode.
It's called buffers and they're weak excuses not to do the thing you know you should be pursuing, learn to walk without crutches man
If the ugly person is actually smart and is not some disgusting roastie, Yeah I would have kids with her. Would you rather have some attractive woman who has fucked multiple guys? or a redpilled normal-tier girl who actually has viewpoints like yours?
Pic related
I'm trying God damn it but they're all whores who don't want to settle down!!!
As much as I have yellow fever, with everything I know about the current state of white births I'd rather not. either the laws will change or eventually everything will come to a head and we'll reset to traditionalism. At that point I will raise a family I think. At least we can agree the current divorce laws suck ass.
I'll take the Blondie on the *heh* far right
*tips benis*
Surrogacy or Sperm Donation might be another option if you can't find one.
Glad you understood, I do think someone should start making reforms to all the outdated laws made by boomers.
>Marry a white woman.
>Earn money.
>Make white children.
You can fix yourself all you want be women are still fucked. Even if you get a good job and lead a healthy life most western women are still fat pieces of shit.
Not saying I am not gonna do my future plans, just saying I lack some motivation to go at it 100% and postpone those plans, at least until I get some of my pesky SMS loan debts paid next month to the usury jew, and have more free spending money to roam around in Tallinn, walking enterprise to enterprise and handing out a fancy, printed CV for each.