Would the Palins make a nice first family?

Would the Palins make a nice first family?

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Yeah of course!

But it'll never happen. That families reputation have been destroyed by leftists. Wish them all the best.

All the names there except Sarah arent real names, right?

Bristol, weird name but great chubby wife material.
8/10 would breed.

she has already bred... quite a bit actually

Todd is anglo name for sure.
Williow/Piper is quite common.
Bristol is city name, and Track is the odd one here.

does she have a downy baby?
I was going to say I'll take willow but the genetics there seem screwy

Track is the weirdest one

Good for her, post pics.

Todd is a real name.

All the rest are meme ones. But at least they're spelt correctly.

Could've been worse; so many five year old Jaxson's, Maddisyn's, McKaylaz's in the world now.

Where is Trig? Why is she so ashamed of her retard child?

Ok, i agree with Willow and Piper, they are probably fine. But Todd and Track sound retarded and are completely meaningless. Why would anyone call their children Todd and Track? First thing that comes to mind are dogs. When you have ~14 puppies you usually assing a letter to them, and all of their names start with thise letter.

Sarah's a legit idiot and has gotten less coherent and more drunk and/or drugged up as the years have gone by. The rest are white trash.

We can do better.

Bristol is a whore and should have been stoned to death.

Im telling you Ivan, Todd is old anglo name, its legit and all.
Like Sweeney Todd.
I agree on Track it must be some kind of short one for rly weird long name.

Yeah, i know, middle english and stuff, but Todd sounds like a guy who will be laughed at at school.

I'd fuck any one of them no matter the chromosome total

Is Piper best girl or what?

Todd. Double d.

Is it a Welsh name? That appears a lot in their language. But nah mate, no need to be triggered, its a name I've seen plenty of times. Have had friends named Todd.

no. that bristol cunt got knocked up back in highschool then dumped her crotch spawn on her grandparents so she could go party.

You forget. Alaska is about as attached to the rest of the world as a lepper is to its limbs in a blender. Nothing we do up here makes sense half the time.

also. Todd is a nice name, the fuck is wrong with you.

how is this a name?

>Hansstopsuckingdick Matais
how is this a name?

who the fuck calls their kid track, kids gona grow up a mess

Bristol should be fine tho

What's wrong with Todd?

If he had a brother called field it would be awesome.
here are my sons track and field.

Shut up, Trent.

it's painful

I like Palin. Too bad about her reputation, I could never voice that opinion here, people would just laugh at me.

no you are pedo pajit



I actually knew a trent. he too was a total faggot.
Sadly, they had not the forethought nore the commitment
.Oh I wouldn't laugh at you sven, you'd just be confirming the fact that you need women to lead you. She'd probably make all your outdoor fetish adventures come true though.

Terrible names are our future

2056 President Jaxson Chavez-Rosenfeld
2060 President Maddisyn Madison
2064 President Starburzt Ochikwambe

These people exist. They are already in kindergartens and junior schools.

She's a poster girl for abstinence, she gets paid 250k/yr from some christian foundation. Yet the slut couldn't keep her legs closed and she's had 2 kids out of wedlock from 2 different guys. She's such a hypocrite.

Oh sorry my bad. I mean "here" as in Sweden.
There are plenty of odder people on Sup Forums

Goodness no! They're moneyed white trash.

She's about as saintly as an Exxon/BP CEO infront of the press but she really is only there because of brand name recognition.
Why'd the other svens laugh at you for liking her sven? I mean... it's not like your government is any better.

Some one needs to give them the BBC
To everybody in that picture

>naming your children after brands of cigarettes

Trump is a laughing stock. Palin would be a laughing stock on steroids.

She hasn't been mentioned in mainstream media for years. And when she is, she is instantly stereotyped as a dumb hick pretty girl who doesn't know anything and just likes guns and oil.

White trash, brawling, hypocritical bumpkins... are you kidding me?

>Is Piper best girl or what?


the palin kids are flunky trailer park rednecks with successful parents. you know those girls you see in Girls Gone Wild videos from like 10 years ago? same level of intelligence and rung of society. OF COURSE they give their kids terrible names, children to these people are the equivalent of household pets.

pic unrelated.

it's not.

The saddest part? THey're the best we've got to offer up here, the rest are either corrupt or valley trash or native and now we're getting niggers... Kek I hope the niggers leave soon, prefferably before the programs run out of oil money.
The Palins may not be complete idiots but they're not exactly eloquent word smiths and they live in a place where it's like Norway on valium but with a free market.

I like her too. Y'all can have the kids. Give me the mama bear.

She strikes me as one of the crazy moaners in bed. Fun sometimes.

That pussy is mad loose from fucking basketball nigs in college.

I don't think there were enough niggers to form a chimpcourt team back when she was in college here.
That's still nasty af though bruv. both of you justignorant.

Would rather be cucked by Jamal or Chad?

They live in Alaska. People live and die by "track(s)" in the snow and dirt.

Very white Alaskan name.

instead. how about a fun swedish fact?

Our Flag was made by a Swede.

That almost sounds possible but besides him. I aint ever heard it.

Track is white Alaskan name, just as "Coon" is a common name in Alabama.

>That almost sounds possible but besides him. I aint ever heard it.

no, the logic is undeniable.

I live in NC and have a cousin named Healthcare and one of my friends is named Nutrition.


Yeah sorry. Didn't mean to be hostile.

On another note why are American boys being named Hunter, Gunner and similar? I just find it bizzare (or well maybe these names were most popular 25 years ago)

Palin has actually fucked BBC, i'm sure her eldest daughter has shared some with her too.

>Sarah's a legit idiot
Bannon disagrees
i DLed and watched a third of it, it's pretty good and shows she's a tough woman who puts the people first against the corrupt

man its fucking weird doing what you are doing, that is someones family. god damn stalker

Palin is a milf

Like a word from Bannon can be believed.

>Gunner and similar? I just find it bizzare (or well maybe these names were most popular 25 years ago)

Hunter is not that rare, but there has never been an american Gunner ever.

At least Todd would live in the White House.

Probably not.

I'd have a go on Bristol's bristols though.

Hunter has been rather common in/around the villages an i'd say that people think it sounds nice? no idea why the US does though.
>>no worries bro

I spent time in a village for a while bro. so many of them have really simple names that makes it really hard to tell if you're fucking with me or not. I mean... I could see a nigger naming their nigglet healthcare in hopes that she'd get free healthcare all her life. and nutrition sounds like it'd be more common.


redneck name. hunter, conner, cooper, etc. basically means you were born 1980-1992 to a woman who smokes winston cigarettes and can have a coherent and topical discussion about nascar.

But then again it might come from the nordic Gunnar.

Naming people after jobs is kind of a thing.

maybe in 1870. in today's world, a name like that basically means you work in HVAC (if you aren't "disabled" and live off of pain pills), smoke marlboros and drive a ferd f150. your girlfriend has three kids whose names you can't remember. bass fishing and natty lite are your only escape.

Why would anyone call their kid Yaroslav? Why would anyone call their kid Slavovic? Why would anyone call their kid Spatosovoslavovitc?

She's named after Bristol Canada

>Sarah Palin burns coal
Thanks for the reminder. Her recent irrelevance nearly deleted that memory.
Which would have been a good thing...

interesting how the graph is climbing, at least up until recently. at that rate I probably will encounter an american named Gunner some day.

Sounds like someones projecting, or just mad that their momma named 'em Hunter.

Both of which are perfectly understandable.

the retard son has the weirdest name.
Tango Palin.

you clearly have never been to north carolina.

Why would I ever go to the 3rd world country that is America, willingly?

You do know those names stuck around afterwards.

Why are you projecting this hard? Whats wrong with your life? Why don't we talk about it.

Popos don't take away my pumpkin carving knives as weapons for one. I can smell your yellow teeths from here

But niggers take your life (60% white remember) and you need to pay your life savings for any medical care.

Sounds a bit like Africa to me.

>ywn hate fuck bristol and willow while sarah films it and eats your ass out.


Its a big country, you can easily get away from nonwhite areas, unlike your island where the government forces you to take them in. Also, we're free to make our own money and spend it on medical care instead of paying for hordes of migrants healthcare. Admit it, you're cucked beyond reckoning.

> Its a big country

He says as the voodoo witch doctor rattles bones and says some mumbo jumbo because that's the extent of free American medical care.

> government forces you to take them in

I've not seen a single non white in almost 5 years.There just aren't any outside of the major towns and cities.

> Also, we're free to make our own money and spend it on medical care instead of paying for hordes of migrants healthcare.

He thinks anyone in Britain pays all their taxes. Ha.

I will name my kid leaf

The photo posted by OP is from 2007, when she first became Governor. That's why you don't see Trig.

Palin has done reasonably well for herself, all things considered, and hasn't let her body go to shit like a lot of married women with five kids.

biden plans on running and one of his sons died of a coke overdose and another son is fucking the widow

but democrats

Joe Biden: Impeachment Insurance.

People bitch about Palin but the Dems have just given us eight years of some of the worst, most corrupt Bankster Government in our history.

why do americans always have suck dumb fucking names

Bristol is a top tier breeding sow. She could easily birth 8 children in 10 years and produce a gallon of milk per day for many years to come.

Are you retarded or just severely autistic?