Holy shit Gen Z are /ourguys/

Holy shit Gen Z are /ourguys/


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That really made me think

Financially stable but otherwise degenerate parents tend to create conservative offspring.

Holy shit!
The generation z being conservative as fuck is real.
What a great timeline.

I love this video, this kid will grow up with a hatred towards degeneracy so deep that we will seem like milos compared to him. The future is bright.

> I don't judge what [Hitler] did, _and what he didn't do_

Which level of redpill did this kid reach?!

The future looks bright.
Unfortunately our millennial generation have just lost the plot to the point of retardation.

90% sure it's staged, some Vine guy's younger brother made it I think

He is not white.
Is that brown skin considered white in murica?

that fucking kid


>Hey goys, did the holocaust happen? No. Should it happen? Kinda

Generation Zyklon is the salvation of mankind

Approaching final levels.

>and what he didn't do

Sup Forums will run the world one day I swear to god

>Sup Forums will be mainstream in a few years
what a timeline

is that u in the vid ya little cunt

i'm gonna tell ur mum just see if i don't m8

the absolute madman

This kid is 16 going on 60

That's what happens when you live in a place that gets occasional sun user

>I don't judge Hitler on what he did....or didn't do *wink*
Chur neat alright cuzzie brodo.


kids are such happy little fuckers when there young.


>new European order
Fuck off you and your federalist crap

He's just tan

That's it. I'm gonna call your mum, Oliver.

Fuck nazi's, and fuck you.


How does it feel to know that no matter how much you whine and condemn and abuse, the youth just don't give a fuck any more? You've lost all your power over them, they belong to us.

Gen Z will be right wing as fuck. They have to grow up with all this Leftist shit.

>he's probably networking with his antifa cucks right this minute trying to doxx young boy because he said he's proud to be white
And they call us pathetic lmao.


>This Is A Kid That I've Half Redpilled He Is Pretty Cool As In He Doesn't Give A Single Solid Fuck About Offending People!

>this is considered a half redpill by current gen


oh shit
is he seuth efriken?

I like how he moves his arms when he talks
really makes me think

>mfw Argie Gen Z are even more liberals than millennials

Saffer but lives in NZ according to his comment on YouTube

Never, you're a nonwhite shithole that should be annexed to brazil to be fully polarized with niggers.

Dont worry user, you're probably just facing a few years cultural lag, it'll take time for the flip to reach you

>in a few years right wing nationalism will become trendy
>i will finally be cool

video of 2017

How old is the guy in the video? And how many underage browse Sup Forums?

"and what he didnt do" *Wink*


I live in a socialist stronghold (70% voted Labour last regional election), but I've seen 2 MAGA caps and they where both worn by kids around 11-13 year old

And I just realized why Trump tweets like a 5th grader

>tfw I'm excited for Gen Z to gain power but apprehensive that I may be too degenerate to survive their death squads

great laff

My face when I when I marry a gen Z traditional values girl.

Gen Z girls will force millennial woman to get in line out of fear of gen Z stealing good hardworking millennial men

Think he's around 15 or so. There's probably quit a bit, just think about it. The left is now what the 90's religious right was, a bunch of no fun censoring fucks. Of course when you have a nation who's foundation is free speech the pendulum is going to swing back hard and be trendy/funny. The difference is though the internet, it's funny to say shit like this but it leads to truth as well and it's not difficult to get a hold of anymore.

>leftist schools are indoctrinating so hard kids are redpilling themselves


then they get to college and get brainwashed

> ITT: Sup Forums congratulates itself on embracing the politics of edgy 11-15 year old kids.

Because teen kids (and 20 to thirty-something Sup Forumsack autists) have the political savvy and experience needed to show that the extreme right wing is, indeed, the way forward.

Leed the way, ye bright beacons of humanity's future!

And you STILL wonder why the world laughs at you?

I think we will be seen as wise elders, paving the way for young memers. Just flash that Four of Clubs when they come and you will be fine.


based saffa kids

Its just cultural lag argie user, i lived in the US back in '06 and culturally it was at the same place where Bolivia is now, very, very few SJW's types but most agreed with them on some things at some level, then the leftism exploded and grew out of control there, i suspect that'll soon follow here, and that's already happening in Argentina, its at full force leftism (like the US in 2013-2015) it will start to go down afterwards, don't worry.

>tfw he was prepping the next generation all along

triggering feminist teacher like a pro

good lad we want more of him

he really restored my hopes for humanity

Gen Z had the bluepill shoved so forcefully down their throats that they puked it up and their bodies rejected further attempts. No healthy, normal white kid is going to accept that he is incapable of being a good person because he is white like they are taught these days.

We (millenials and older) were more gently bluepilled so we generally accepted the poison instead of rejecting it.

>ITT: Scared shill that can't spell.

Exactly, that's because the left became so desperate to enforce their views, if they continued being more calm about it like they did with millennials they would have certainly won.
Swings normally happen, but leftists became so desperate in forcing their beliefs to people that its going to swing even harder to the right that it was supposed to.
Add uppity niggers and dune coons and you may see these kids going full 14/88 race war now ethnic cleansers in a few years.

i don't know if Sup Forums wants to see everything dead or just stop racemixing

They were just trying to spin too many plates at once, and the internet was forcing them to up their actions. Hard to slowly bluepill young kids, when they go on the internet and see niggers jumping whites because of their skin color. I truly believe that if Hillary won, you would have seen.
>Gun manufacturers responsible for shootings in that they could get sued (say bye bye to guns).
>Amnesty for all illegals (say bye bye to winning another election).
>Whoops sorry goys we can't pay for your entitlements, because we have to war with Russia now.

This was the last election to possible settle this peacefully, and the left knows that. Just look at how their reacting, stakes have never been higher.

That kid isn't American, fuck stain. Too bad Hitler didn't finish killing you all

I've seen Polish catholics who look browner than this kid, and he lives in Australia where it's sunny all year round.

He's white and based, fuck off JIDF

18 y/o high school senior reporting in. The Gen Zyklon meme is real, can confirm. Only a minority are feminists, they are publically laughed at

What do your teachers say about it?

> pointing out a typing error totally invalidates your argument!

M8ey you even suck at being a grammar nazi, let alone the regular kind. Why keep trying?

Oh, right. Because you're in your thirties but have the mental equipment of a 12 year old.

The teachers are all liberal, of course. But they usually are not allowed to say anything political.

It is a trend to be conservative nowadays, but I've noticed that most are either centrist and right-leaning, reactionary, or going full right-wing Sup Forums-tier


>these are the people I talk to online

Yea I went to private schools, so were were told lies about history, but never pushing politics in the present. It's so goddamn simple, whichever side continues the trend of true freedom of speech will always win in this country. Right needs to understand that and always abide by it.

I've seen that kid post on Sup Forums before.

Better than a braindead leftist.

Aren't these kids supposed to be the most conservative generation on average since like the '40s? We're truly breaking through the conditioning.

These are great days we're living bros.


Well we were still told lies about histories by the liberal teachers.

I found out recently that one of my liberal history teachers back in 8th grade or so was lying when she told us that the 54th Massachusetts Regiment (black) was the hero of the Alamo.

Nice comeback there, Sparky. Felt the need to project?

Honestly they're probably more right wing then that, they obviously always skew the poles. Yes though, if you go by (((official))) stats and poles, this is the most right wing youthful generation since the 40's.

Hey man, I'm not the paid shill. That's just what Begala said about you guys.

>they obviously always skew the poles
They sure do


Don't fool yourself, Gen Z is just the opposite of Millennials and that is it. Just like how the Millennials was in general left-wing and democrat with a few extremists, Gen Z is in general right-wing and republican with a few extremists. Although I'm fairly certain there's more than just a few radicals in Gen Z from what I've seen. I'm surprised by how many people I've talked to unironically deny the Holocaust.

Well I mean shit they lie on a mainstream level about Lincoln still, so the small little lies shouldn't surprise you.

Why do you people, against every evidence to the contrary, insist that you are even remotely intelligent? What's your thought process on that?

> Hey I agree with these things on an obscure web page so they must be true! God damn I'm smart. That means anyone who doesen't believe these things is an idiot! Glad I finally figured out everything forever. Because I'm so smart.

Is it something along those lines?

Lol, dude I saw Roman salutes at football games, come on now.

Because this place is a reddit-tier circlejerk and no matter how braindead his opinions, a thousand morons will regurgitate them.

Lol, damnit.

Like what, that he was Republican? Wasn't there a party switch in the ~1960s?

Redpill me on this

>Against every evidence to the contrary
What contrary?
>inb4 intelligence statistics countrytards BTFO city FTW
Actual arguments against our ideology would be nice.

Those are all ironic though. Come on, you can't possibly think that most of Gen Z denies the Holocaust. There's definitely quite a few who do, but it's not the majority, maybe 10-25%.

No, because there's no use in arguing with shills or the left in general. All you have to do is read Alinsky's rules for radicals and apply the same tactics to shills, and the left in general. I challenge myself looking for new information when I can to balance it out. For instance I HATE Sam Harris, but I still listen to him to challenge my beliefs.

I say YOU're the one who shouldn't fool himself. They're just kids at that age where everything edgy and contrarian is cool. It just happens that right now your autistic right wing bullshit is right up their alley. Most of them will be anarchists in a year, nihilistic goths in two and fuck knows what else in three.

Of course they're not being serious, but to even think about doing that any time after WW2, and before Gen-Z would be social suicide.

It was foretold by these digits

Civil war wasn't about slaves, it was about Taxes. Abe was trying to impose a 30% tax on the south, and it was killing Southern Businesses. Abe supported things like the fugitive slave act (capturing runaway slaves and returning them to their owners), and the emancipation proclamation was only for deep south states, not Northern, or border states because he needed to use them in the war and they would have been pissed. For Slavery to end all we needed to do was allow for Slave owners to free their slaves on their deathbed.

Another video from his channel


This kik is based

Is there any proof of the Generation Zyklon meme besides hearsay?

>the party switch
No there was no party switch, it was literally only like 3 or 4 republicans because that's when the welfare state started rolling around and they wanted to get gibs for constituents. Lyndon B Johnson when blacks were overwhelming supporting Repubs said
>"Those blacks sure are uppity, I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years"
Then the welfare state started. Jesus Robert Byrd which was Hillary's mentor was like the grand wizard of the KKK, just look at this.


I don't believe it

Generation Z will be the most liberal of any yet, unfortunately for Sup Forums and humanity

Was it Raiders fans? Seems like something they would do.

True, especially with the fact that there's people who actually do deny. I keep forgetting that it's not supposed to be uncommon let alone mildly acceptable at all
>They're just kids at that age where everything edgy and contrarian is cool.
Exactly. They don't actually believe in any of it, except for mild views like being a centrist or slightly right-wing. Like I said, 10-25% are radical right-wing, not necessarily the majority. I would be surprised if most of them didn't browse Sup Forums though.

>Most of them will be anarchists in a year
I could see some becoming ancap, but anything else I highly doubt it.
>nihilistic goths in two
Goths are fucking despised just like SJWs. Generation Zyklon hates degeneracy it seems, many are traditionalist.
>and fuck knows what else in three
Maybe all the fags and tumblr degenerates. Not most of Gen Z.

Interesting, thanks for this. Will look more into it.

No, I think it happened in Texas. It was at a HS football game.

He looks like a gypsy....