I can't even afford to rent a damp cardboard box in this fucking hellhole. Fuck Trump and fuck white people

I can't even afford to rent a damp cardboard box in this fucking hellhole. Fuck Trump and fuck white people.

>Rent on cardboard boxes

What does that one cost 125k?

Apparently you can afford a PC and internet to shitpost on. Or at least a library card and shitposting on their computers.

Either way you are a massive faggot.

What does Trump has to do with the price of rents in your hellhole, abro?

I will rent you a damp cardboard box at a fair rate which you can afford, contact me bro.

Housing prices are high because of Jews. Trump supports and enables Jews.

What city?

I feel your pain dude.

Prices are way too high!


>trump can affect what happens in Australia
Guess again, nigger.

And yet you have unneeded electronic device to shitpost while you waste time by not erning money you need or not trianing/learning to get better job.
You need emu masters you lazy fuck.

It seems like people who live in huts do a lot of sitting around.

Beggars can be choosers


its the partnership of ((banks)), realtors and appraisers.

Did you just quit bongs? You sound motivated

So Jews, Jews and Jews. Got it.

Try getting a job without a phone and internet connection, dickpuller

how about just a phone?

get a job fuck wit

No Im high on anicold meds covering 13h shift with a fever. I promised my boss to be here so he can deal with some court hearing and shit.
You need just a phone, 15$ can cover it and fuckin newspaper for 2$, if you spend 200+ on a fuking smartphone you have no right to coplain about money.
You need to sort out your priorities first.

And the contractor fees!

He is probably a Abo.