This thread is part of a series in anticipation of the Dutch national election March 15th. By far most Dutch posters communicate in English but some refuse to. We apologise and ask the moderators not to delete the threads but to warn the posters.
> [INFO] Overview of the different parties running for government
Hopefully we won't let lefty sunshine utopians deal with the 3 million refugees Erdogan is threatening Europe with...
Juan Peterson
I know but in their mind "anything but pvv" is the way to go
Zachary Turner
>PVV 20 seats in this graph
Robert Reyes
You FvD shills are literal cancer to our victory. You KNOW FvD won't win, you KNOW no party want to co-op with the PVV, you KNOW that if the PVV doesn't win the majority there's not going to be any right wing party or influence in our government. You are blatant SHILLS and your mission is to destroy the west. Fuck your meme party, seriously.
Gabriel Reed
There is an enormous distance between GL and even CDA. Center-right with GL will never happen, and I don't believe Klaver will want to work with the VVD unless he gets to be a big figure.
Cameron Nguyen
Yeah, VVD/CDA/D66/GL is the most likely coalition if the polls are right. Fortunately rope's on sale at Gamma.
Jonathan Russell
You're counting on Klaver being a firm, strong leader in the face of actual political backroom dealings.
You're counting wrong.
Sebastian Diaz
Democracy is voting for the party that best suits your views, jew. I'm an enthusiastic FvD while i wasn't even sure I would have voted PVV
Jason Nelson
PVV would need about 55 seats in order to be in a coalition, impossible
Parker Lopez
it's called /polder/ nerd not Sup Forumsder ree
Nathan Bell
Obviously this. The whole "OH VEY GOY, YOU BETTER VOTE FOR A SPLINTERPARTY BECAUSE WE WONT WORK WITH PV" thing is ridiculous and we are actually falling for it.
Vote PVV and let them be the biggest and then see a massive redpilling as the others refuse to work with him. Or better, CDA likely will.
David Murphy
I'm confused because I am saying there is no way. Also I hate Klaver with a passion and see nothing but a Trudeau lite upstart in him. He lives in a flowery world of solidarity and verbinding. He is not a leader in the slightest.
Josiah Gomez
>Hij leefde al in 2012 >Gelooft nog steeds in strategisch stemmen Hoo boy, you're a real meme.
Christopher Collins
Hell yeah! Vote FvD, Sup Forums! Split the vote! VVD+D66 is what we need!
Kevin Nelson
I just want to get rid of immigrants desu PVV is the best party to voice that opinion through.
Wyatt Thomas
Our "shilling" isn't affecting shit dumbass, this whole board is one big echo-chamber. FvD did all the work, not us. And be happy there even is FvD because I wouldn't even have voted for a redpilled party if it wasn't for FvD so your logic doesn't hold up to reality
Isaiah Brooks
Ik vermoed dat hij 14 was in 2012.
Jacob Peterson
>Snel stem PvdA! >Dan komt er een links kabinet, laat de SP achter je, wees een Samson Speer! >VVD & PvdA gaan in een coalitie >le strategic stemmen face
Isaiah Stewart
>FVD is still in the PVV coalition
what did he mean by this?
Jaxson Watson
I was 38 in 2012 and he is 100% correct, all you FvD shills are beyond retarded. Goodbye Nederland
Jonathan Clark
Of course there's a way. >Rutte is a dirty political veteran who managed a record win for his party after two disastrous years in office >Buma is a dirty political veteran who somehow slithered his way up from the bottom to very near the top >Pechtold is a dirty political veteran who has seen other leaders come and go They'll just do to Klaver what they did to Wilders. They'll give him one or two symbolic concessions at first, and if he threatens to pull the plug on the project because he sees it's not in his best interests they'll tell him "go ahead, do it, we'll spend the rest of your political career reminding your voters that you're the one who plunged the country into political chaos".
VVD+D66+CDA is what we're getting anyway. Probably with added GL flavour.
Jackson Walker
someone should edit some Robben footage to make it look like Theo is cutting inside the political establishment
Ryan Gonzalez
>all these defeatists
/polder/ stands with PVV, FvD is a good party but a little too late
John Perry
There will be no PVV-led coalition, partly thanks to FvD
Jason Hill
Mostly Wilders his own fault, let's not lie to ourselves here.
Ryan Scott
Als je 43 bent en nog steeds niet kunt relativeren is er iets goed mis gegaan met je. REEEE-en omdat een groep mensen op het internet zich hard maakt voor een partij die met jouw favoriete partij kan samenwerken...
Lincoln Campbell
Wilders isn't perfect, mehhhhh. I'll just vote on this small party instead of him eventhough he might very well win. Mehhhhh.
Camden Anderson
guys WHAT do i have to vote FvD of PVV? I dont know anymore. I want Geert to get the majority but i prefer FvD
Grayson Lee
>die met jouw favoriete partij kan samenwerken... Niet als de PVV niet wint, Shlomo.
Adam Gutierrez
Hierbij een donatie van energie naar thierey
Nathaniel Sanchez
Actually, polder overwhemly stands with FvD, just not this morning for some reason.. I havent seen a funny geert meme being produced this election, but dozens of FvD ones, also the strawpoll ofc
Caleb Thomas
Wyatt Diaz
No way Wilders will get >25 seats whatever way you vote.
So you need to answer the question: do I want the number 21-22 of the PVV in, or do I want Baudet and Hiddema?
I'm going with the latter.
Luke Adams
>strategisch stemmen
Xavier Bailey
>VVD gets 2 more seats than PVV >FvD gets 3 seats >VVD delivers PM and starts formation negotiations >VVD+CDA+D66+GL >pic related is Sup Forums when PVV could have had the initiative
Adrian Anderson
FvD, Wilders has plenty of yes men already. Hiddema and Baudet will bring much more to the table than them.
Michael Nguyen
Yes, I'll vote for the smarter party. Wilders could have been the biggest if he tried, I'm not going to throw away my ideals to save his ass, that's his job.
Ryan Morgan
Have a stroke, then you'll understand perfectly.
Isaac Baker
demonstrably wrong
Aiden Miller
Leer de kanker taal dan. Nederland en amerika zullen samen de turken in de grond stampen
Blake Russell
vote PVV
Daniel Rivera
Geert. PVV has a serious chance of winning and every vote could mean the difference. Without PVV FvD will just be sitting there acting like they are doing something important while collecting money.
Right now, PVV needs all our votes because they are the only party that can win and defeat globalism.
Don't let the "but PVV and FvD shills will be in the same coalition" shills get to you, without PVV becoming the biggest party there won't be a coalition to make.
Ayden Taylor
Burger here. Prayin' for Big Winnin' Wilders.
Luke Phillips
Praise some more nipponbro
Dominic Stewart
Thanks for the digits, based nip.
Noah Phillips
Daniel Long
Why the PVV wouldn't be able to form a coalition: Working together with him after this campaign of utter demonising would be political suicide for any of the parties excluding him, meaning that their voter base would be very displeased because they all think wilders is the second coming of hitler by now. Especially for D66 and VVD. Even if PVV became biggest the chances that a coalition wouldn't be formed far outweigh the chances that Wilders does get a coalition.
Nicholas Reed
PVV shills zijn jidf. Wij staan met FvD
Nathan Fisher
And then what? >No one wants to work with them >They skip the formalities >VVD's turn, they form a VVD/CDA/D66/GL coalition in the first round >Sworn in within three weeks >GL/VVD voters bitching about the cabinet within a month, but VVD voters will still vote VVD next year when the whole miserable thing inevitably collapses
Jeremiah Smith
>Increasingly nervous
Luis Hall
>someone should If you're a socialist why are you voting FvD
Jaxson Bennett
These Vote PVV or burn in hell along with our islamized country. When your grandchildren are growing up sharia will be a serious talking point in Dutch elections. If you don't want to help to stop it now I don't know what to say. Vote PVV
Sebastian Cooper
Well, I agree with your assessment of the kartel leaders, but I really don't see this happening. Even Klaver on his ideological cloud won't enter a right-centrist coalition, no matter the boons
Easton Thompson
To be fair, when he ran in 1940 he swept the country.
Juan Foster
Exactly, it's a win win.
> wilders wins and makes a CDA coalition awesome
> wilders wins but nobody wants to work with him the majority of peoples voices are ignored and there is a massive redpilling to the masses
> t. shlomo
Anthony Rivera
Rutte said he won't form a coalition with Wilders
If Wilders wins and Rutte resigns as PM and party leader, does that still stand?
Elijah Butler
Andrew Ramirez
Deze stem gaat naar Wilders.
Hunter Foster
Kayden Martin
Tijd voor verandering!
Chase Watson
Geert voor de keiharde redpill Baudet voor de nuance NEDERLAND WEER VAN ONS
Kayden Morgan
Or better. Be a top goy and vote for FvD who are good cucks and will apologize for all their mean rayciss words on national TV
Brandon Bennett
Nederland weet al van het cordon sanitair en naar het ernaar uitziet heeft dat nauwelijks iemand geroodpilt. En Wilders sluit geen coalitie met het CDA, dat is ontzettend onrealistische onzin. Verder is het apart dat je iedereen met een andere mening Jood noemt, terwijl je shillt voor de grootste Jodenpartij van Nederland.
Carter Allen
I got that reference
Xavier Cox
Progressivism is the boon. CDA and the VVD's right wing get their agriculture/economy/welfare, and the VVD's left wing plus all of D66 plus all of GL get their social progressivism.
Ryder Reyes
Thomas Morales
I don't have those skills, broeder
Landon Cook
That's not true tho, they didn't apologise. Thierry is based as fuck but right now we need to stick to our plan for like 4 fucking years.
Noah Perez
How can you refute this? From my emu's perspective, at least, Geert is the only vote for redpilling. My emu predicted Trump's victory cunts.
Dominic Jenkins
Then you don't deserve that video
Adam Perry
>By far most Dutch posters communicate in English but some refuse to >refuse to Special privileges? I don't think so dyke monkey.
Asher Davis
"Yeah goyim, vote for a party whose #4 is literally an Israeli-born Likud/Mossad agent."
Michael Nelson
Get out of your echo chamber, the masses will cheer when PVV won't be able to form a coalition because they hate Wilders. Voting PVV is fine if you want PVV policies, voting FvD is fine if you want FvD policies and strategic voting is fucking retarded.
>Muh PVV wins >Muh PVV can't form coalition >Leftistan is happy >Moderate rightistan is happy >EU shills are happy >Muslims are happy
Mason Martinez
Carter Barnes
Hunter Gonzalez
Thanks english teacher. May many animu and ramen noodles come to you.
Robert Baker
cordon sanitair zou verboden moeten worden
je zou niet mogen uitsluiten, dat is letterlijk anti-democratisch
Cameron Rodriguez
Oh wow I actually got it. That's cool.
Michael Turner
They did. The guests fucking applauded for him being a good goy and apologising.
>Nederland weet al van het cordon sanitair aanname >heeft dat nauwelijks iemand geroodpilt aanname >En Wilders sluit geen coalitie met het CDA, dat is ontzettend onrealistische onzin aanname >Verder is het apart dat je iedereen met een andere mening Jood noemt, terwijl je shillt voor de grootste Jodenpartij van Nederland. waarheid
Henry Phillips
>"get out of your echo chamber" >still thinks most people are happy with elitist politics
idiot, didn't you learn from the fucking referendum? you're so hopelessly controlled by the media
Nolan Gutierrez
ignore dutch political landscape. go with your meme party.
divide and conquer never been this easy
Thomas Wood
Je kunt het niet verbieden, maar ik had gehoopt dat Nederland zulk ondemocratisch gedrag zou afstraffen.