>More than 150 sexual assault survivors are sending $7 million worth of invoices to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne.
>Their goal? To demonstrate just how expensive it is to be attacked.
>"Tuition costs were huge," she said. Many of the respondents said they dropped out of school after being assaulted. Also substantial were "legal fees, paying for therapy, paying for medication and other medical procedures."
>paying for medication and other medical procedures
so much for that free healthcare
Blake Green
nah, because even the state recognize there are thing you shouldn't pay with taxpayers' money.
Landon White
>150 sexual assault survivors
And none of them were wearing a hijab or burka.
Sort yourself out kuffars.
Cooper Bennett
How's your health insurance system coming along, faggot?
Adrian Powell
i pay for it, and by the looks of it so do you
Connor Carter
Quite good actually. We are about to leave the sick and dying to there own devices rather than sink a large percentage of our GDP on a hopeless cause.
Thomas Smith
>listening to the crazy ladies
They probably had to pay for it because it was dumb unnecessary stuff. Rape doesn't really require medical intervention unless you get aids or something.
Anyway, it's still cheaper.
Christopher Bell
>be me >get sick >got to hospital
>be you >die
Dylan Sanchez
Everything beyond an abortion and maybe some herpes medication is bullshit. It's not your ex-bfERRRrapist's fault you dropped out of college.
Jordan Hughes
>tfw I was held down and fully raped once and it hasn't affected me any more than being yet another slightly cringy sexual encounter on my long list of slightly cringy sexual encounters
I don't mind being gay but fucked if sex isn't cheap and meaningless, I can't imagine being so traumatised by it that I'd drop out of school or anything
Matthew Morales
don't they pay most if not all for sexual reassignment surgeries though?
In Quebec you can't get back surgery unless it's life threatening, gotta go to Ontario for that, but they'll pay to make boipucci.
Benjamin Cook
>Implying people who are losing their coveage arnt the ones that are endlessly ill and a drain on our society.
Also what is an ER visit? Hospitals in the US have to stabilize you even if you are incapable of paying.
Benjamin Clark
Hell, even if they don't think they're paying for it, with the amount of time waiting at the clinics, the lost wages have to be huge. That's on top of their 15% sales taxes amongst their other tax.
Liam Garcia
A friend of mine was out of work for a year waiting for a hernia surgery. So the province paid for him to be on disability while waiting for his surgery because he couldn't work.
Tell me again your healthcare system works tho.
Asher Long
none of these women are on welfare as a person with disability.
nobody raped wants to be on welfare.
why? because they're at risk of being raped by perverts from the lower middle class.
Ryan Flores
no, it is because they are not welfare recipients.
Jacob Thompson
so no free healthcare?
Joseph White
I don't see the issue. The man got his healthcare.
Jace Wright
cheaper, but not free
Lucas Carter
it depends. if you work, healthcare has a fee on it.
if you have a disability, you get everything free but you are not supposed to boast about it and act elite.
you might mention it once but keep quiet about it, even if you are bullied about it by the middle class and upper middle class elitists.
Jonathan Peterson
and then later, you confront the bully and he'll apologize.
Caleb King
Out of curiosity, do you think that's right? The people who work have their money stolen by the people who do nothing.
Luke Davis
>"Tuition costs were huge," she said.
You don't need tuition to be a vapid whore who can't keep her legs closed.
David Bennett
I will never understand the term sexual assault "survivor." Isn't it uncommon for sexual assault to end in death? Where are the "home invasion survivors," the "armed robbery survivors," the "mugging survivors," the "kidnapping survivors?" Jesus fuck, why do women have to be so melodramatic?
Matthew Wood
my health insurance here is awesome. have insurance through work and cant complain.
Zachary Sanchez
>being a slave
Camden Martinez
where do you even cash a check that big you fucking leaf
Nathaniel Martin
it means they didn't an hero yet
William Walker
feminists should do the same thing to the USDOJ
then we can laugh as Sessions prosecutes them for mail fraud for submitting false invoices.
Asher Long
>rape ain't shit >muh white women are getting raped by savages, stop them! Pick one faggots. You can't care about something half-asssdly. If you do then it probably isn't worth caring about.