Get in here my fellow third worlders
>tfw not born in the first world edition
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Iktf. Feels bad man.
get the fuck out
and what are you doing here?
Be nice to the soon to be third worlder.
I'm in the hood rn but i'll stop posting when i get to the next block and average income around me skyrockets by 400%
but then i'll get to the next block and i'll be back in Congo
I was born into a first world country and slowly watched it turn into a third world shithole.
You are lucky to of never known the joys of a functioning and stable society. You cannot miss what you never knew.
Just stopping in to pull you cunts out.
Tell me about your postal service
how much does it cost to send a letter from there to here
second world reportin in
Third world by 2050 reporting in
So whats it like living in a shithole like India?
This is a serious question btw not trying to meme or anything.
Reporting in.
tbf when I take into account the low cost of living, it isn't that bad.
>tbf when I take into account the low cost of living
Only for foreigners or high income earners. Otherwise, have fun living in the slums, overcrowded areas or non-functioning sewers prone to floods.
>Only for foreigners or high income earners.
I work online and earn a below average US salary and that's still enough to live comfortably for me. If I lived in Australia for example, I'd probably be fucked with how little I'm earning.
>I work online and earn a below average US salary and that's still enough to live comfortably for me.
Are you me? I also work online enough to pay off my debt and live comfortably damn is it boring. It's affecting my social relationships and friendships. I hardly go out of the house now. Maybe that's why I'm on Sup Forums. I'm slowly turning into an aspie when I go outside.
Well don't blame working online for that. You're still free to get out and do shit with your friends.
You're not me because I'm happy to be locked inside my room being a socially inept fuckwad.
Switzerland reporting in
Have fun telling your employer you want to go outside because you want to hang out with friends in your 8 hour online job.
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At least third world countries have rich culture and history. It sucks knowing that I'm so privileged just by virtue of being born a white person (thankfully not a white male at least.) Meanwhile there's billions of people of color in third world nations that are literally starving to death that are so much more deserving of all this wealth and opulence than we are.
6th world reporting in, waddup?
Oh, my bad.
Well, at least you don't have to deal with the horrible commute to get to work.
>my bedroom window
F to pay respects
That and you don't have to spend money for food outside. Other than that, it sucks. It's been like this for two years now and I already lost my friends in the process. I might as well off myself one day or resign (not likely. Having no job in the Philippines sucks more) because of the boredom.
Shouldn't Balks be 2nd world?
don't worry, we're colonizing the world subtly
Be rice man
Rip birb
That map is based on cold war alignments as are the words 'first world, 'second world and third world'
Third world were the unaligned which naturally includes the banker swiss jew
Sounds to me like you're too social for that type of work. Maybe you'd be happier in an office job surrounded by people? Maybe save up then resign then look for another job.
Well Yugoslavia at the very least was clearly aligned with USSR and commies.
What sort of online work do you do?
wow she's still standing upright when dead
You guys know nothing until you live in a country that is 90% black.
Graphic designer
I'm too old to apply, not to mention I'd be back on the bottom if I applied for an office job and start again to build that sense of camraderie and friendship if you want to find new friends. As you can tell, I'm very much depressed about my current situation. Right now I'm taking up trade school. Just hoping for the best so I can get out of this country.
Transcription and data entry.
Sounds comfy.Hows the pay?
my cousin does that too.i once tried learning but couldn't give much time
>Just hoping for the best so I can get out of this country.
Same. I'm hoping either Australia or Singapore. As much as I like the low liviing cost here, I just want to live in a country where English is the primary language and majority of the area doesn't look like slum.
I wish you all the luck, my friend. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.
Like I said earlier, enough to pay for my living stuff and the occasional vidya.
It's part of my college degree so I had to give it much time.
Where does Croatia place? On the average salary we are on par with czech republic for example.
Pay is below average for US and first world standards but more than enough for 3rd world standards. In case you're wondering, I earn P20,000 a month. More if I work overtime but that would mean not even leaving the house more. Kek.
Yeah, I find it ironic that all our hopes and dreams are in the hands of foreigners. Just how old are you anyway user? Already 31 here, so I have to double my time and have that sense of urgency.
2nd world, nigger. It's not about your economy but about being ex-commie. Although these two are connected.
All I wanted was to live a nice quiet life in japan as an average salaryman
They have a high suicide rate for some reason.
Reporting in.
Haven't got stabbed in 14 days and counting.
Is Israel third world?
29. I think your sense of urgency is unfounded. Just take it easy m80.
Try mo mag spakol lol. It might ease your mind.
Third World Pride Worldwide
;_; me too
You have $10 million daily free money from US taxpayers
Fucking kill yourself you kikel bastard
Which 3rd World entertainment industries are the most autistic and degenerate?
nothing ever happens here. but georgians are "white" niggers (what with all the WE WUZ rhetoric) so i guess that's pretty third world.
>P20,000 a month
>$400 usd a month
>more than enough for 3rd world standards
So say I have $20,000 usd in the bank rn? How far will this take me in the Philippines?
Can i have a quick rundown on your country?
>the "about us" type
You'd live like a prince.
And bang the best whores this country have
>tfw first world
Very far.
It's why we have many foreigners here. Either to retire and live like kings or to have sex with ladyboys.
If you're white and at least a six girls will also be all over you because white boys are all the rage here.
>Monthly rent for a high end apartment is around P10,000-20,000.
>Food costs around P2000 monthly if you cook it yourself.
>Electricity and water around P2000-P3000 if you live like one of the middle class.
>Low class whores costs around P500 and high class escorts cost P5000
It's even cheaper if you live in the provinces and not in the cities. If you budget your expenses I'd say you're pretty much set for years here.
Reminds me.Hotwheels from cripplechan lives in Philippines now
probably be enough to establish an empire over there.
third world sandnigger shithole reporting in
its actually comfy and happy here
He had a meetup with /pinoy/ indios a few years back
Idk this.I wouldn't say this for all third world countries but most of them are pretty comfy.
Wait, so rent, food, and utilities are only ~25k "P" / month? Is that "Philippine Peso"?
Canada checking in.
>Transcription and data entry
heh, same here man. you wouldn't happen to work in a site synonymous for $5 would you?
Thanks for the words of encouragement bro. I want to enjoy life but it's just empty being alone.
Fiverr is actually pretty popular.
>>tfw not born in the first world edition
I know that feel, bro.
when will this end? i post here all the time.
>Be Peruvian
>Live in Singapore
>Learn your ex-president is wanted for corruption
>Life as normal
Yep, and the costs I listed are already considered "expensive" here. If you even want to cheap out more, you can live off with only P5-10k per month but I doubt it would be enough for your 1st world/white boy sensibilities and standards.
You don't get to complain, the US spent 2,417 million dollars on military bases in the Philippines in 2010, and I have no reason to believe this changes year to year.
Is this true for all people or just the elites?
If you were to be born again as a person with random gender and family in Jordan or 2nd world country like Poland or Slovakia, which one would you choose?
>mfw i am in a possible first world but i am a wage slave
I wish i can just rape whoever i want, just like Muslims
He's probably son of some rich Sheikh
My goal is to open up a farm in deepest Peru in a couple of years.
Me, the wife, some pigs and chickens.
Living the life, specially since I have a lot saved up from working overseas and my money literally triples.
chilean reporting in
In india, yes. you guys dominate that place.
>Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs In contact with aliens Rumoured to possess psychic abilities Control france with an iron fist Own castles and banks all over the world Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) Own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth Published theoretical physics papers in scientific journals over 200 years ahead of their time. Scientists are still unable to understand the complexities of their research. First designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies Both brothers said to have 200+ IQ Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them These are the Bogdanoff twins They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church They learned fluent French in under a week Saved Europe from destruction with a single phone call Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human. In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
>tfw second class citizen in a 3rd world shithole
actually, despite being poor as shit, our country has single-payer healthcare. Just signed up for a minor operation and the waiting list is like 2-3 months. make of that what you will
Does romania count ?
Is there a lot of muslims there? I heard either Philippians or Indonesia has muslims.
Dubai doesn't look third world at all.
Did you by any chance get raped as a boy when you were young? I've heard that Arabs are big homosexuals and like some "gilman" or boipussy when they're younger.
what's it like in india
i've lived here in the usa my whole life, i can't imagine what life is like in other countries
healthcare doesnt need to cost even a 10th of what it does in the US if there wasnt corruption and bix noods
Are you getting hunted down by nibbas ?
Only in the south (Mindanao) and even then they're concentrated on relatively few regions. The reports of Muslims here skirting close to terrorism and danger tier are vastly exaggerated. As long as you know which parts to avoid and have a trusty guide, you're safe. Don't expect for people not to fleece you if all you're doing is just blowing your money on whores and fun though. People here WILL take advantage of you and see you as an ATM machine if all you want to do is have some fun and spurge your money.
>tfw the only indon on Sup Forums
all i want is these filthy mudslime off from my christian governor's back
>insult the Quran or clerics as accused by prosecutors in his blasphemy trial
what insult you fucking mongrel islams you oversensitive feces.
Not that bad if you are from an upper middle class background living in a city.