Marx statue in Germany

>For Marx 200th birthday the government of China thought of a special present: A giant statue for his hometown, Trier. After debates the local government decides to embrace the present

Fuck this country

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Wasnt Marx also voted Greatest German in some TV show years ago?

What's wrong with Marx now?


user, I...

Third place. First was Adenauer and second Martin Luther.

>Marx received a better ranking than German greats such as Goethe, Einstein, Gutenberg, Bismarck and Bach.

What did Adenauer even do besides not be a Nazi? I mean I guess he wasn't terrible but when you think of the greats of German civilisation he wouldn't exactly come to mind

German died with the Reich

My city has streets named after Karl Marx.

Fuck this gay country.

Its the posts like this on this board that scare me the most. You cant identify if the poster is a master troll or a brain washed german teenager.

it's average leftypol niggotry

The only time european lefties support a non modernist public statue is a Karl Marx one
Makes you think doesn't it?

wtf I thought Martin Luther was black and american?

Hegelianism is fucking shit tier philosophy.

Enjoy your Chink statue, it will break in a week.
Dumb fucking krauts.

MY German brothers if this abomination is erected you must raise it to the ground.


Agree with him or not..

Marx was a great philosopher with a tremendous impact on the world

Only niggers of Sup Forums will argue with this

I would take a huge dump in front of it

Daily reminder

Germany was devistaded after the war and in many citys the infrastructure, economy etc. was destroyed. Adenauer was our first chancellor and did alot for rebuilding Germany. He did alot to even ensure that Germany continues to exist. Adenauer also was pro west and anti communist, he did not recognize the DDR as a sovereign state and wanted to unite Germany again (back then his party even promised that we get all of our land in the east back).

I guess alot of people who voted were alive or growing up back then and they associated the new rise of Germany with him.

My butthurt levels are more important than reverence of history for the sake of reverence of history.

Looks like /Krautypol/ has a nice target to blow up/desecrate/knock over/throw out of a helicopter.

Yeah I already thought about going there and doing some sort of prank or something like the HWNDU stuff. I don't want trouble with the communist chinese though so destroying it is not an option.

>Great philosopher
>Tremendous impact on the world
Well of course, no one can dispute that.

His significance is probably being competent ruler and a beacon of stability when germany was most fucked up. Befriended USA a lot to help rebuild germany quickly, also made some some big politican stunts like made a deal with soviets to return german POWs.
Speaking in /pol terms, he was just a career politician so in any very deep sense wasnt that important

Aren't Anglo-Saxons of German origin?

He was a spoiled NEET who never worked a day in his life but memed about "le rise of the workers" all day. Pretty much like leftists today.

>great philosopher
>tremendous impact on the world
That one is actually true.

He was a great philosopher, and social thinker, whose ideas had a tremendous impact on the world. The point is that this tremendous impact was a negative one. The point being that none of the ideas that he provided as a social thinker had a positive impact, let alone worked.

Essential critique of international capitalism is necessary if you actually want to argue jewry.

Hopefully Germany dies with all of its ethnic occupants soon enough


>"I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above ...”
>"The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed.”
>t. Karl Marx

Mainly because it was not him who converted the ideas, but several others like Mao or Stalin who happen to have changed a good few points.

Hi there Antifa.

Adenauer did nothing. Germany had its industrial base created already in the 2nd half of the 19 century. After WW2 it only had to be started again, and then the economic recovery followed

this is literally has bad has your country "love" of desert subhumans... This is a communist victory, its a statue first then it goes right back into history classes and indoctrination. Does anyone realize that the 20th century is repeating itself in front of our very eyes??

>Hegelianism is fucking shit tier philosophy

Explain yourself, pleb.

Fuck this faggot shit though. Some German user needs to smash this shit to pieces, Germany is fucked but it's not as bad as Sweden.

>No one had ventured to write about this before. Therefore I was cautious, even timid.
But in the course of time more and more evidence has accumulated in my files,
evidence I hope will convince you of the spiritual danger part and parcel of

>Marxism has governed over one-third of mankind. If it could be shown that the
originators and perpetrators of this movement were indeed behind closed-doors
devil-worshipers, consciously exploiting Satanic powers, would not such a startling
realization require action?

>If some were to reject my thesis out of hand, it would not surprise me. Science and
technology advance at a rapid pace because we are always ready to scrap obsolescent
machinery in favour of new conveniences. It is quite different in affairs of sociology or
religion. Ideas die hard, and a mindset, unlike a computer chip, is not easily altered
or replaced. Even fresh evidence may fail to persuade. The doors of some minds have
rusty hinges. But I offer credit e proofs to support my thesis, and I invite you to
carefully consider them.

>The Communists certainly took note of this book, which has been translated into
Russian, Chinese, Romanian, German, Slovak, and other languages, and was
smuggled into Iron Curtain countries in great quantities. For instance, the East Berlin
journal Deutsche Lehrerzeitung, under the heading "The Killer of Marx," denounced
my book vehemently, calling it "the most broadly based, provocative, and heinous
work written against Marx."

>Can Marx be so easily destroyed? Is this his Achilles' heel? Would Marxism be
discredited if men knew about his connection with Satanism? Do enough people

>Marxism is the great fact of modern life. Whatever your opinion of it, whether or not
you believe in the existence of Satan, whatever importance you attach to the cult of
Satan practiced in certain circles, I ask you to consider, weigh, and judge the
documentation I present here.

>international capitalism
Before Marx???

lmao they picked MLK as 2nd he's not even from there

Time to do some vandalism


>Declared the Second World War
Wrong. French and Anglos declared war on Germany.

don't bother. Sup Forums is full of capitalist neocon cucks these days.

If you criticise capitalism you must be a antifa Communist.

>Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Jewish coin
(from memory, probably not the correct wording)

And literally nothing of value will be lost, inc those Antifafags

How about you do something about it, you pacified fucking nigger.

Why fuck?

Its great, we get a present. For a German who shaped the world like no other before.

Its a honor and a great gift. You should be proud of German hertage. Many many great people come from here.

I am no gomie but you have to recognize his doing. How he influence the history of mankind.

fuck off he was shit he's ruined everything Cultural Marxism has destroyed everything.

everything they are doing is straight out of his philosophy any apologists should be gassed

in general.

I want to see germany burn


(((marx))) was a pharisee


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Then you starv, kek.


Political extremism is undistinguishable from a parody of it

Because it's almost the same as having a giant statue of Hitler

Cool meme Ahmed

>everything they are doing is straight out of his philosophy any apologists should be gassed

No Marx never made economy identity politics. Take your pleb-opinion elsewhere.

>Cultural Marxism has destroyed everything.

"Cultural Marxism" wasn't his idea.


It will, so make sure that nothing will be spared

Welp, except for class thinking.

thats american education.

Dont even try.

dude fuck of with that excuse, ww2 is on germany no matter what you say


Wrong, gypsy.

Is this real? No fucking way

Nice one Krakowiski

I'd think you're joking but you're American

>you do something about it, you pacified fucking nigger.
This thread shows a stupid and moronic side of Sup Forums.

China shows respect to Germany (who, without this statue, has a shit ton Marx memorabilia of its' own already, so it's not like they are doing something against the grain) by putting a Statue in a classical art style

Sup Forums chimps out in a ridiculous fashion due to being butthurt, as it reminds them that the world is a bit different than their autistic anarcho-natsoc lalaland.

yes; its like a giant Hitler statue in Israel paid for by Saudi Arabia.

but can't you see that you're the brainwashed one user...

>why do you think Marx was bad?
>have you ever read a word of what Marx wrote?
>did you ever understand anything he said?

On what is your hate based? Explain in detail. And if you can't, well that's the proof you're a delusional useful idiot

True, let's try REAL socialism this time. What's the worth of another 10 million lost lives compared to the total, if you can have utopia!

Class isn't identity you fool. You cannot decide to be or stop being it. It's an objective classification.


Marx was just a contrarian who stole his economics from the Italians.

ask your dad about it you faggot

Lol fucking christ germany
Bismarck united you cucks as a single nation
You fuckers should have statues of him in every major city
but you let the man that destroyed europe because MUH POPE HAS TOO MUCH MONEY AND I AM POOR cuck
Beat him

So chinks are trolling germans?

>faggots on Sup Forums still think people being killed is a bad thing

by 2100 all fossil fuels will run out, we're 10 billion on a planet that can support only 2 billion without fossil fuels. Add up degradation of the environment. Destruction of the soil and the forests.

Stop it ! Enough damage has been done !

No, don't avoid the question. Answer it you pussy.

What's wrong with Marx. Make a list.

Do China still think of themselves as Marxists? That's pretty rich

oh wow

Some german bro better deface that or i'll be pissed

I thought that germans still butthurt to had Chemnitz called Karlmarxstadt during cold war

But it takes a long time for bones to turn to oil
Like more than 100 years
If that was true then europe should be oil central with all the fucking war they do

>the serb poster

ooo you got me, good argument.

but for the sane people, like ww2, ww1 is also german's fault

Your meme sucks shit they were all legends except for fucking marx he was a kike not a german

Of course.
Had to be the fucking chinks that wanna promote commie shit.
Fucking smash that piece of shit down and whip up a Bismarck statue instead.

Hey gimme a source brah

oh no some subhuman abo will be pissed, shoulder what will we do, how will we recover.


Fuck off cunt.

Put a MAGA hat on it

except socialism on a national level doesn't work. Even trotzky knew that, thats why he got murdered. But yeah, keep comparing it with a jew oligarchy led state.

Right, but either you know your class role or you deny your civil stand.

Yes. communism will make america great again.


Why are you even here

This isn't a leftist board


who said it takes not a long time for that?

when it runs out it's done, it's never coming back.

And that's a myth. liek 99.99% of the fossil fuels come from plants and oceanic microorganism and not huge animals like dinosaurs

That sounds like not an argument to me.

Explain it in detail. Why is that so hard for you? If I have a certain opinion on something and you asked me to explain it in detail I would be capable of that because I'm not a useful idiot that just mirrors for moly$ thinks.

As a theorist he is a great scholar.

Putting idots in there place.

I have lots of success. But to be honest you make it very easy.

>the swede cuck

Your name calling sure provides a strongly funded argument.

>chemnitz renames itself back to Karl Marx stadt triggering reichaboo population