Post them bois

Post them bois

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All the faces of these """peoples""" are so punchable.

See the strawmen on parade. This is how Trumptards are made.





They are realistic depictions of normie liberals.

>leftists trying to meme


>implying they dont actually act like that



Sorry to disappoint you Auscuck, but Trump voters are voting in their own economic interest.

Deconstruct one. Go on.




If this is OC, you should apply for a government payment as your mentally disabled.

A smuggie with a fuck off text wall is not a smuggie

These are so good!


Look at the standard of living in the 1950's that was under pure capitalism, the stock market was amazing. What's happened since then, someone care to enlightenment how the communist did this?



go away

>fought in Middle East
>doesn't think we should intervene
Pick one

You need to update your memes, America now has a white president again.




What about the massive influx of prescription drugs flooding from Mexican pharmacies? Or the cartel that openly works with the Chinese? Or the cartel killing innocent police but then claiming to be Christian?



>a nigger president



Tell me how this is worse than right-wing Islamofascist extremists

Because they rape kids. They do have valid reasons for wanting le gas meme xDDDDD

Someone actually said that to me once.

of all the things you could accuse them of


The more you speak against all white people and call them racist, the more racists it will create.


who says that?

>Rightist memes
>Presents Leftist arguments in a humorous and easy to digest manner, highlighting the inherent hypocrisy or flaws within. The Left themselves are not insulted but are tripped up by the sheer ludicrousness of their beliefs.

>Leftist memes
>Mindlessly resorts to name calling, insults and doesn't attack the actual arguments of their opponents. Almost always overly long with little to no humor.

Every time.


Mexican expatriates generally show much more patriotism towards Mexico than native Mexicans themselves.


People who support or have the same opinions as this fucking retarded globalist anti-white spic cunt.



I love this one

It's funny. Gays and Aboriginals here have been treated shittier, by the law no less, than Muslims ever have been. I don't expect gays or Aboriginals to start suicide bombing or publicly beheading people, nor do I expect it of Muslims.

So what does it say about the Left's views of Islam that they believe Muslims will do those things at the first sign of discrimination, when the gays and Aboriginals never have?

Furthermore, what does it say about Islam that they're right?


This one is actually an okay smuggie.
this is just projecting. It's shit.

>was a normal country


I'd imagine rural Mexicans are pissed. I know a lot of Mexicans are redpilled from what I understand and it's mostly edgy kids hopping the boarder.

This meme is not available in his country
Prolly just his 200kbp/s Kangaroo-Fi connection


You actually sound mad





Feels amazing to take this redpill everyday. Going to buy my first car with this. Probably pay off my college loan in cash aswell.

this guy is absolutely nothing like every buzzfeed video ive accidentally bumped into commening on islam


Tyrone looks fed up with this shit.

What is this?


It's been too long since we've had a truly passionate war



>who says that?

This guy:




Mad about you, bby

>This is how Trumptards are made
>literally none of the quoted memes mention Trump at all
>honestly trying this fucking hard




This is so fucking dumb


Plz stop responding to the obvious shills in this thread


I have heard this said before, I think it was sometime after the Brussels Bombings


this one is good
there are actually people like this

This one is actually drawn well