How come that the Roman Empire was destroyed by barbarians?

How come that the Roman Empire was destroyed by barbarians?

Jews stabbed them in the back. Its was the hebrew.

Here is a stone carving showing the jews immigrating to Rome. It was the jew.

Because the Emperors lost power to the Pope, and the Roman Empire grew lazy.

It wasn't destroyed by germans. Christianity and degeneracy weakened it so much. Germanics only took advantage of the situation to get away from the huns

Besides, it continued to exist in the east until 1453


The same way the Europe is being destroyed by barbarians now.

Declining domestic birth rates at around 300 AD led to less tax revenue and a shortage of manpower which in turn strained domestic economy and left W.R.E no choice but to start letting in the smelly germanic barbarians in.

>life became too easy
>easy times breed weak men
>ethics divergence, liberals everywhere less people honouring "ROME"
>empire falls

similar today with western civilisation.

Lots of things lead to the downfall.

- Massive inflation that they never fixed, similar to The Weimar Republic

- They spread out really far and had large enemies who were extremely unforgiving.

- A lot of the time they didn't have decent leadership which meant that lot of the Roman prosperity was wasted.

- A lot of internal politics fucked them up.

Although a lot of the issues were mostly located in the Western part. The east Roman continued into the 15th century despite being constantly fucked over by Catholics and Muslims.

remember goy
the 4th crusade sacked constatinople and not any jew


It's a lot more boring than civil wars and barbarians, but its far deadlier to a civilization that doesn't understand or even conceptualize it.

Edonism and (((your))) meddling

It continues to exist until this day

I don't remember Romans being worthless dirty gypsies...

I always get angry at German barbarians for what they did then, WW1, WW2, and what they're doing now with the refugee crisis.

Superior manpower.

Leftism. They spent all of their money on social programs. Emperors would have bread thrown at the people out of vanity. Society became degenerate and decadent. Social decay and economic collapse.

The West should really take a history lesson before it's too late.

Are you fucking with me Paco?

achmed playing with fire

>hurr durr christianiaty ruined the stronk pagan roman empire!
>pagan germans BTFO the manlets
>fucking germans ruined rome!

make up your mind.


germanics just get the blame.

Also, the romans were kind of dicks, and enslaved a lot of peoples

plain and simple, corruption and stagnation

If this all had happened back when the Roman Empire was at it's height they would've easily won

But during that time period the Empire was divided, its people tired and its military weakened from its reliance on barbarian hired help

The actual reason is that loyalty to the state had been eroded for centuries by ambitious generals (like Sulla, Caesar and Octavian) who instilled in their legions loyalty to the individual leading them. These generals would then fight among themselves, diminishing Rome's ability to meet threats to its power. It also caused several emperors to rely on outside help (usually neighbouring tribes) to defeat said threats, and those tribes would almost always turn on Rome eventually.

The West reached a tipping point, fell, and never recovered. The East continued because it was richer, more defensible, and the Theodesian Walls made Constantinople almost impenetrable, but it too fell.

It had nothing to do with moral degeneracy or whatever the fuck.

>''Also, the romans were kind of dicks, and enslaved a lot of peoples''
>Implying you wouldn't do the same in that era
The obsolescence of slavery is a meme.

>How come that the Roman Empire was destroyed by barbarians?

too much beastiality was going on.

Prepare for Holocaust. 1 year


Stilicho also fucked the empire during his ''reign'' behind the curtains. That's what you get for trusting a filthy half-breed, I guess.

Don't complain about the consequences if you willingly proceed after knowing them

Foreigners and subjects became civilized and outnumbered Italians by a huge margin.

Sort of like what is happening today...