Today the plenary sitting of the EU parliament is voting the gun control draft approved by IMCO last January. If it passes, it will enact stricter legislation on firearms all across the EU.
Quick rundown on what will happen if the directive is approved in it's current state, without any amendments:
All EU states, within 1 year of the approval, will have to implement legislation with the following guidelines: - All gun-related licenses will need to have their maximum validity reduced to 5 years, unless the member State's legislation already adopts a shorter term. - Demilitarized firearms (I.E. select fire rifles permanently converted to semiauto-only) will be banned. Guns of this type that are already owned by someone will be grandfathered. - A new legal category of firearms called "A7" will be introduced. It is defined by the capacity of the magazine employed. Short guns designed to use a mag with cap greater than 20 and long guns with a mag cap greater than 10 will fall in this category. Only professional shooters that regularly take part in competitions will be allowed to own those. People that own a firearm of this type prior to the implementation of the directive will be able to grandfather them. - A new legal category of firearms called "A8" will be introduced. Firearms with a folding or collapsible stock that, by engaging those, can be reduced to a length lower than 60cm will fall in this category. These firearms are going to be outright banned: no grandfathering, no exceptions for sport shooters. - States will need to implement an Orwellian-like system to ensure that gun owners met the psychic requirements to own firearms, both to obtain a license and keep it.
What could happen today: The commission will try to trigger the "emergency procedure" for the approval of the directive. In this scenario the text will have to be voted in its current state without any amendment and either totally approved or rejected.
If the preliminary vote for the adoption of the emergency procedure fails, the parliament members will be able to present amendments to the draft. This will most likely delay the approval process and nothing may happen today.
Fucking EU bastards trying to violate rights. have a bump.
Hunter Garcia
Meh, who cares. Guns are illegal in most EU countries anyway. And those who really want a firearm, can easily get one illegally. They are all over the place.
Ryan Bell
Why don't they just ban all firearms? I don't get it. That's the goal.
Jeremiah Torres
It's over anyway. The directive has been approved. 30 minutes ago.
Thanks to the votes of the British MEP. And thanks to the fact that THE WHOLE FUCKING PARLIAMENT WAS EMPTY EXCEPT FOR THEM. Can you fucking believe it? Fucking brits are leaving EU and still, they managed to shit it up even further as a parting gift. Fuck you Britain, you deserve to turn into a Caliphate and burn in hell. And if by that time any European still has guns, I hope they don't waste a single bullet to help you.
James Edwards
It's far more satisfying to Deus Vult with melee weapons anyway.
Benjamin Anderson
Because it's way easier to strip you of your freedom one tiny piece at a time than all at once.
You are fucking cucks and deserve to be gassed.
Camden Price
Buy a Carcano and a MAS boat and go "patrol" the Mediterranean for "refugees".
Oliver Gomez
If you toss the frogs on a heated pan they are liable to jump off but if you heat it up slowly they die.
Christian Kelly
>Build an army >Enforce even stricter gun control for civilians What are these fuckers planning?
Jaxon Walker
Hahaha fuck you and your dictatorship.
Leo Jackson
Good thing the eu is breaking down at the seems I guess.
Tyler Green
Forgot to post the screencap.
Noah Moore
>deserve to be gassed Ok. You go cry to your big daddy government because "MUH RIGHTS", while I will go and get myself a bag full of cheap Soviet weapons.
Jace Edwards
Good question, eh? What could they have planned for you that's so egregious, they know you'd respond with violence in self defense if you had the means?
Liam Sanders
Yeah right. Too bad you left it prior to realizing that you are neck-deep in mudshites and your nation has more no-go zones than healthy teeth. Enjoy defending yourself from sharia patrols with those black market butter knives Nigel.
Julian Taylor
You fuckers better come liberate us if shit goes down.
Kevin Sullivan
Jesus fuck,well they better not come for my granfathers hunting rifels i need them to kill gypsys in the race-war whait......
John Gonzalez
Thank you PastaPizza. Good to know. But how to enforce that? Plenty of people own semi auto rifles.
Robert Rodriguez
Are 't the based Czech's amending their constitution to include Gun ownership as a right?
Whats gonna happen woth that is this goes through?
Bentley Kelly
Oh you know us burgers love a good liberating. We got you brother.
Justin Cooper
>All gun-related licenses will need to have their maximum validity reduced to 5 years, unless the member State's legislation already adopts a shorter term.
How does that work? Will I have to redo my hunters license every 5 years now? Do I just reapply every 5 years and have to pay extra shekels?
>Demilitarized firearms (I.E. select fire rifles permanently converted to semiauto-only) will be banned. Guns of this type that are already owned by someone will be grandfathered
They are already semi auto, what the fuck is the issue. Though I think that was already banned in Germany anyway
>A new legal category of firearms called "A7" will be introduced. It is defined by the capacity of the magazine employed. Short guns designed to use a mag with cap greater than 20 and long guns with a mag cap greater than 10 will fall in this category. Only professional shooters that regularly take part in competitions will be allowed to own those. People that own a firearm of this type prior to the implementation of the directive will be able to grandfather them
Just as i thought Germany could escape these retarded laws on mag caps, fuck
>A new legal category of firearms called "A8" will be introduced. Firearms with a folding or collapsible stock that, by engaging those, can be reduced to a length lower than 60cm will fall in this category. These firearms are going to be outright banned: no grandfathering, no exceptions for sport shooters.
Already banned everywhere in EU as far as i know
>States will need to implement an Orwellian-like system to ensure that gun owners met the psychic requirements to own firearms, both to obtain a license and keep it.
I already have random police searches of my house and had to have a (((psychological evaluation))) done by a psychiatrist to get my hands on a rifle
Not a lot changes for Germans as far as I can tell, would be interesting to read how it affects other euros in this thread.
Henry Ward
You pussy faggots are already neutered gunless submissive bitches. Worse yet, turkroaches are about to unleash swarms of well armed militants upon you.
At this point in the game it's a little late to give a damn about your rights. You're already disarmed. You're fucked.
Aiden Kelly
>UN elected officials are going to tell the entire EU what to do, think and act.
Fuck Europe. You guys are so fucking beta.
Asher Rogers
I remember a few years ago some nutjob from my hometown planned to shoot up the Parliament too fucking bad he got arrested as soon as he got there, those slimy fucks need to be publicly hanged
Blake Smith
Gavin Lee
Murderers receive 8 year terms in Europe. Owning an illegal firearm is probably worth taking the risk, considering the lax sentencing.
Jose Brown
Here in France, you can't own a gun for your safety.
Juan Martin
Where do I illegal weapon pls help my goverment is opressing me
Cameron Mitchell
They are going to be grandfathered, meaning that if you own them you will be able to keep them. Except for firearms with folding or telescopic stocks that when collapsed have an overall length shorter than 60cm. These are either going to be confiscated, or will have to be "modified" so that the stock can no longer be collapsed.
Alexander Jenkins
You get them from Muhammad but you have to be Muhammad to get them. You are so fucked.
Robert Sullivan
Please! The whole of Europe is being over run by mudslimes. Your just bitter because the British had the good sence to jump ship while you lot have to live with it.
Andrew Wood
The Jews are coming, but they will be gassed next week
Chase Hill
Mein neger
Aiden Gutierrez
Disgusting, the worst thing is that in europe these laws are always one way, once you have strict gun laws not one party would dare to try to revert them even if we were to leave the EU
Robert Cox
>Import terrorists >Restrict your subjects rights because we have to fight terrorism
Gotta love the EU oligarchy.
Ryan Jones
I was already thinking of buying illegally.
Carson Allen
>britain triggers article 50 >europe falls apart
(((pure coincidence))).
Oliver King
>The EU needs an army, goyim >You don't need those guns, goyim
Europeans deserve this for not seeing the EU for what it is. Only us based Brits have the needed IQ it seems.
Levi Flores
Polonium-210 is still legal
KGB & GRU approved
Nathan Thomas
Me too. But if you're white and own illegal arms Belgian Justice System comes down hard. Especially if they're full auto.
Still, I don't trust the EU for one bit and I see civil war or armed resistance happening in the coming two decades/
Hunter Sanders
>How does that work? Will I have to redo my hunters license every 5 years now? Do I just reapply every 5 years and have to pay extra shekels? Yes. >They are already semi auto, what the fuck is the issue. Though I think that was already banned in Germany anyway. The issue is that globalist don't like guns and they are coming for them. All of them. The first to fall are the skerry salt rifles, then they will come for your handguns, and lastly your hunting shotguns and bolt actions. >Already banned everywhere in EU as far as i know Not in Italy or the Czech Republic. We should really leave the EU along with them and form "The league of uncucked Europeans with pristine amigdalas" or something like that. >Not a lot changes for Germans as far as I can tell, would be interesting to read how it affects other euros in this thread. We have manufacturers that employ hundreds of workers that specialize solely on demilitarized firearms. They will have either to close shop or switch their market. Activities will close. Jobs will be lost. All because some fucking faggots with no connection to reality decided that some firearms are to scary to be allowed.
Josiah Smith
You wops deserve oppression for siding with Germany a third time. You should've learnt your lesson by now - Krauts are evil.
Samuel Jenkins
Based latvian and his $100 AK
Jackson Morales
mfw an european citizen is as inoffensive a south american one
Christopher Smith
Be prepared to liberate yourself. Buy a weapon while you still can.
Isaac Long
I love seeing Europeans oppressed. You mongs support the EU even after what they've done. You deserve it.
Hunter Myers
Based brits were apparently the leading voters for this legislation if the spaghetti poster up there is to be believed.
Make sure you purge traitors before moving on to enemies, britbro.
Ryan Perry
Agreed. I'm glad we are not gun crazy like americucks. Guns only bring misery and dangers to society. Stricter regulations will only hurt muslim communities anyway.
Landon Hall
for fucks sakes boys this is a good thing, the less guns in the hands of muzzies the better
Landon Parker
Jews will all die tommorow
Colton Collins
They're probably gonna try to push this through EEA. Luckily I've already gotten my guns. Better stock up on ammo, in case they'll try to pull some shit there.
Luis Diaz
A friend of mine who is a gun nut (by Swedish standards) and who is also politically involved has been talking about this shit for months. It seems like he's writing about it on a daily basis. According to him, this will do nothing to make society safer or make it more difficult for criminals to get guns, but will screw it up for hunters, sports shooters and other legitimate gun owners.
Austin Parker
>While I can Nigga, I'd get jailtime for defending myself against a rapefugee with a pepperspray. Hell, I need a weapon licence to even make my own slingshot, and I'd have to lock it up in a weapon closet. It's already too late for us.
Lincoln Sullivan
>towelheads >into legal funs >not getting under-the-table goverment deals for military equipment wew
Ethan Roberts
That's what you cucks get for surrendering your sovereign rights to the EU
Parker Long
>tfw you will never be American with real freedoms
Jayden Torres
fuckssakes user the police will deal with them for you once you get your shit together and elect a based nazi
Juan Taylor
This desu.Where did everything go so wrong?
Anthony Butler
It's time to grow up again silly yuros.
Oliver Robinson
The only solution.
Elijah Bailey
The eternal anglo strikes again. Bloody bastards, if they are leaving, why do they have to fuck our shit up even more?
Owen Bennett
>once you elect a based nazi yeah, as if it would ever happen
Jordan Butler
Because (((selected few))) want to carry ones.
Bentley Williams
Consider it a parting gift. You cucktinentals treated us like shit for years.
Elijah Reyes
Its already extremely hard to legally get firearms here
Hunter Richardson
>2019 Britain: We're leaving you! EU: We will retaliate Britain: You have no guns.
>what kind of chess are the brits playing?
Aiden Price
You are idiot.
Ian Hall
It's the nanny-state disease they carry since the inception of their country. Too many centuries of serfdom to a monarchy made them like that.
Nathaniel Foster
HITLER TOOK THE GUNS! MAO TOOK THE GUNS! 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN IF YOU TRY TO TAKE OUR FIREARMS! Oh wait.. we don't have any firearms and 99% of the population love their slavery to the (((international bankers)))...
Jace Watson
Ian Campbell
The fun part is where you presume or imply we are going to treat you any better now that you have left.
Gavin Collins
OP, if you are still around, mind if I ask a question?
What do they mean by demilitarized weapons? Do they include demilitarized bolt actions or lever actions? (e.g: a Carcano) Do they include weapons that look similar to weapons that were capable, in other configurations, of full auto fire? (e.g: a select fire only SCAR?) Do they include semi-auto weapons which were never capable of full-auto? (E.g: an SKS or an M1 carabine?) Or they just included full-auto weapons where the full-auto capability was removed (E.g: a demilitarized AK or Zastava?)
Angel Thompson
Yeah everyone wanting a rifle for hunting or sport is going to get to experience the same thing as pistol shooters with the five year limit on rifle licences. Although it seems like it doesn’t affect guns you already own, so only people getting new licences are going to see it. Anyone who wants a gun should get a sporting/hunting rifle asap, so they at least are guaranteed to have one gun safe for themselves.
On the other hand it is not hard to get a license, it just takes a while for the police to process your application. Most people are not going to notice anything, but the devolopments are worrying.
Josiah Jackson
>we don't have any firearms
Finland has 7th most firearms per capita in the world
Jacob Price
Nicholas Taylor
Retard alert!
Ryder Williams
Jordan Wright
they mean "scary black salt rifles", i.e. any semi-auto rifle of the same family of a full giggle one, see ARs, AKs, etc. just when you thought our laws were shit...
Evan Adams
Muslims build bombs and buy illegally if you aren't trolling.
Lucas Thomas
Shalom brother and spread the message.
Aiden Perry
>Do they include demilitarized bolt actions or lever actions? (e.g: a Carcano) Only select fire or fully automatic firearms transformed into semiautomatic-only firearms. >Do they include weapons that look similar to weapons that were capable, in other configurations, of full auto fire? Nope. Those firearms, being able to hold a magazine with a capacity greater than 10 rounds, will fall into the "A7" category. Meaning that after the directive is implemented, you will have to register yourself as a professional shooter with a sporting federation in order to buy one. >Do they include semi-auto weapons which were never capable of full-auto? (E.g: an SKS or an M1 carabine?) Those will most likely be unaffected.
Mason Russell
No one is talking about it cause you all seem to be happy and even proud to the point of being smug about being gun free.
Nicholas Richardson
>non-european mudslimes are bringing guns into europe and allah snackbaring europeans >we better make it more difficult for europeans to buy guns! you deserve everything you get
Parker Clark
>No one is talking about it cause you all seem to be happy and even proud to the point of being smug about being gun free.
That and, quite frankly, we already assumed this was the law of your land.
Jaxon Long
Thats like saing america is even proud to the point of being smug about being a nation of multiculturalism and sjws...
You do understand, theres multiple countries here with more freedoms than America.
Aiden Cruz
Ok that's good, but not good enough.. We need 2nd amendment like the US..
Henry Cruz
Name them.
Nicholas Martin
Elijah Richardson
uhh.. somalia. yemen. uhh... hmm...
in switzerland will you get arrested for saying THE HOLOCAUST DID NOT HAPPEN?
Henry Jones
>- A new legal category of firearms called "A7" will be introduced. It is defined by the capacity of the magazine employed. Short guns designed to use a mag with cap greater than 20 and long guns with a mag cap greater than 10 will fall in this category. Only professional shooters that regularly take part in competitions will be allowed to own those. People that own a firearm of this type prior to the implementation of the directive will be able to grandfather them. Wait, isn't that basically any gun with an external magazine? Just about any gun with an external magazine CAN take a magazine far larger than that limit, you just need a long enough magazine.
Gavin Brooks
Gee. Maybe this will push you to make the right call and get out of the cancerous EU while you can. If you think any of the globalists (read, the EU commission) care about you or your people, you're gravely mistaken. As evidenced by the present forced disarmament.
Today would be the day of the rope if Europeans weren't entirely cucked. In America we'd have burnt the whole fucking thing to the ground last night. This trash even getting a vote is a crime against the Human future.
Aiden Sanchez
Only Germany and Austria enforce the law really.
Nathan Clark
Finland = Legal automatic weapons, suppressors, mortars, AA-turrets, "other-weapon" categories legal, military vehicles capable of firing.
Adrian King
Indeed it is user. It is an explicit ban on any weapon one might engage in resistance against the state with.
William Garcia
You'd better liberate yourselves. Not with guns though. Why are you not using explosives on your enemies?
Heroes like Timothy McVeigh did the manly thing without guns and took the fight to the occupying enemy government.
You cannot be free without violent revolt. No other choice. You cannot be free by voting in a rigged system. You need to KILL and keep killing until you stand astride your country as masters.
Peace is surrender. Anyone who bothers can learn how to make weapons, and if you obfuscate your device and use internet cafes you can learn all you need to act alone.
IS have the balls to kill and die. Match that, or lose. So far the only people with balls on planet Earth are sand niggers.
The Red Army Faction knew what to do about rich pigs who fuck the people. I'm no Commie but give due credit. A fucking EFP timed to kill a single occupant of a car was brilliant, and today you have better tech.
Henry Ward
since you seem to know your stuff, do you have any idea on how far I can bubba an SKS? would a configuration like pic related be legal here (and I mean detatchable mags with a pseudo-bullpup setup, while still being long enough to be legal)? the legislation on the matter is really cryptic
David Jackson
I was assuming he meant Euros.
We can have these legally, too.
Ian Sanchez
and there's nothing you can do about it. Does Italy even have any representative form of government? Why does the EU constantly get steamrolled by the globalist consolidation efforts besides having too many cucks muslims and feminists in their government? Do the people not even care?