So do /pol have the answer to this?

So do /pol have the answer to this?
>Suicide amongst young women is on the rise. When it comes to mental health, is gender the elephant in the room?

All the liberal cucks wanna spend money on finding reason for increase in death

A few female junior doctors have killed themselves in the last couple years. Those that dont kill themselves go part time at a rate of something like 75%

Its almost like being a doctor is hard work with tough choices and nothing like Scrubs

Get back to me when they're on our level.


Someone post that chart comparing male friend, female and a dog. Its more accurate

you mentioned level - any statistics on hand?

They're catching up to beta leaf cucks

>sometimes smart
Women are good at being obedient, brainwashed and regurgitating/performing the same words and actions until another male brainwashes them to do something else (See every civilization in history).

Not only is a dog intelligent enough to be trained, but it's also loyal to the point where it will die for you without question. This is why anyone who is a "cat person" is a faggot, because cats give zero shits about you and are gracious enough to shit in a box in the corner of your home only until you die so it can eat your face and leave, similar to women and divorce.

Dogs are man's best friend, for he has evolved and suffered along the same paths of history, forever and always.

woof woof


Take away the respect given to mothers, and all women have is pretending to be men. They're society is at odds with their brain chemistry - their animal brains still want children even while their social sense tells them that having a child will cause them to lose status socially.

In much the same way, men are no longer rewarded for fatherhood, and think their purpose is nothing beyond work a job, make enough money to drink beer and go to football games, fuck sluts and die.

Humanity wasn't meant to live like this.

I was so disappointed when I found out about this. People who work at hospitals are miserable cunts. If it'd be like Scrubs I'd probably get sick more often

>intelligence of toddler
If both side got the same trait, you can just skip it

I would kill myself but I fear being reborn again into this world.

You probably already did and just forgot it

It's just equality in action. We can't stop until the suicides are 50-50 between the two genders.

Men make up 80% of suicides in Finland. Women should fix that, preferably by killing themselves in droves.

>Another culprit might be sexism, research into suicide in developing countries suggests. Dr Suzanne Petroni, the senior director for gender, population and development at the International Center for Research on Women, believes that lack of opportunity and rigid gender roles may be to blame for the high rate of young female suicides in developing countries, like India.
>Rampant sexism, harmful gender norms, perceptions of girls not being valued as anything other than a wife and a mother, very likely is contributing to mental-health problems and suicide.

So "gender roles" have become more rigid and Canadian women have fewer opportunities today than they did in 2003?

>women make three to four times as many suicide attempts as men do
>still only account for 42% of all successful suicides

This article has my noodle simmering

What's the best breed of dog and why is it the cocker spaniel?

Did you not see that video of the cat attacking the dog that attacked the kid?

Doggos are such wonderfull creatures.

>>women make three to four times as many suicide attempts as men do
>>still only account for 42% of all successful suicides

That's because women generally attempt suicide for attention. They usually stick to pretty survivable forms of suicide like overdosing on pills or slitting their wrists. When a man attempts suicide it's often because he literally wants only to die and so is more likely to use a more successful form of attempting suicide like hanging, shooting himself or jumping off a building.

>Over the past decade, the suicide rate amongst girls has increased by 38%, while male suicide decreased by 34%.
Because we started WINNING.

>white males
Top notch statistics there BBC.


>did y-you not see that one video of something that rarely happens?
Yet, I can turn next to me and see my loyal dog sitting beside my leg, waiting for intruders to come to our door so she can fend them off, while all my friends who own cats have apartments that smell like cat shit/piss, have hair everywhere, and don't do shit besides sleep, eat, and shit.

I wonder if blasting women with stories about how women are killing them selves and 1/3 of them are crazy is making them crazier ..

Nigs dead in a year!

You forgot to add intellect of a toddler for womane

A friend killed himself.
where is he now? reborn? dead forever? in heaven or hell?
such uncertainty.

wtf is with that little fella. did he kill his mom accidentally or what ?

>still only account for 42% of all successful suicides

women accounting for 42% of all suicide deaths.......UNDER 20 IN 2013

The easiest solution is to pay for the government to pay for funeral expenses, that way it doesn't burden the families.

Awwwww. Dogs ARE the best.
>Whoa, hey man, quit spergin'. It's ok. Chill...

suicide is for weak twink, real men become hookers.

what do you mean there are differences between the genders

You should find out and kill yourself


Men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women. At least that was the last statistic I saw.

is your mom like your dad.



And the info is from four years ago goddamn. Why isn't there anything newer?


>>Suicide amongst young women

Glad to hear it. I hope they enjoy all the great things Feminism has brought them. Like wage slavery, shorter life spans, suicide, rape, etc.

Any relevant statistics on types of suicides and success rates?
Asking for a friend...

>will cheat on you
man I hate this nu/pol/-/reee9kuck/ mentality, but come to think of it, no shit are women going to do crap like that to (You) if you have a cuck mentality like that in the fist place.


They've had decreasing levels of happiness since the late 60s. They're now unhapppier than men, on more antidepressants than men, and attempt suicide more than men.

It's almost like something happened around that time that caused all of this, but I wouldn't have a clue what that thing was.

How did feminism cause more rape?

Sit down son, I need to tell you something about women.

Women are not guys, they are nothing like us. Women are not good at studying, they are not strong, they are not courageous, they are not innovative, they are not individualistic, nor are they capable of doing the things we do. Women work better in groups and even then they are still very weak. The only good thing they do is provide pleasure and a place for your offspring to develop.

A whole generation of women growing old and barren. Then they realize trading off the responsibility of supporting family and society wasn't worth the extra shekels and 10 failed relationships when it's already too late, and they have no one to blame but themselves.

> male suicide is practically unnoticed; Not a peep.
> a few dumb cunts off themselves and it's a national tragedy.

I don't understand it.


Women are retarded.

>Women didn't like their comfy life at home and they fought hard for decades to be like men, .

>Now women can also be soulless wagecucks and slaves to the corporations like men.

>They later find out it wasn't all cracked up to be, and as a gender, women are less happy and fulfilled than their less "enlightened" traditional great grandmothers generation.
>In the process, their movement destroys white birthrates and lead to more social instability and broken homes.

I wonder when women will admit they fucked up by believing in (((their))) lies or will they continue being miserable old hags just so then they could keep their pride?

>>women make three to four times as many suicide attempts as men do
>>still only account for 42% of all successful suicides
So they are either serious attention whores... or they really ca not do anything right for themselves.

his mom turned the internets off

This whiny bitch kid does not deserve a dog like this. But he needs it.

Not entirely true. There has been multiple reports of cats saving or alerting their owner from imminent danger. But generally yes, dogs will die for man, it was said that wolves did the same and used to hunt alongside man.

one of my exes tried to "kill herself" overdosing on tylenol every time she lost an argument. thats over 50 suicide attempts right there

Men still prevail on our suicide statistics. But somehow women are oppressed...

>cherry picks
>surprised he got cherries
>scrapes the bottom of the barrel
>surprised he got gunk


your arent confucius speak english cunt

>lend roomie bus card
>it somehow ends up with a negative 20 dollar balance
>no i tagged off and on fine

Pic related left out one advantage of a dog.

When the bitch becomes older and crazier than she's worth, you can take her to the vet and have her destroyed without her putting up a fight and without anybody judging you.

One of them has the intellect of a toddler.
The other is a dog.


Also, shit like this happens when the husband is a cuck who only got her because 'alphas' didn't want here thanks to pumping and dumping her

thats all women though you idiot, betas are NEVER there first choice

Feminism encouraged women to go out and explore their sexuality, but at the same time, feminism didn't want to let go of the notion of women as the "fairer sex" who are inherently more decent and proper than men, etc.

So the sex-negativity inherent in the idea of women being this bastion of (chaste) purity never went away, because if they chose to shed it, they would lose the moral high ground over men.

So when women , encouraged to explore their sexuality, have an experience that they later regretted (like when a man gets drunk and fucks the gross DUFF of the girl pack he was hitting on at the party), they aren't able to laugh it off as just another sexual conquest (doesn't matter, had sex, etc) because doing so would make them crass pleasure seekers just like men.

So instead, they call it "rape" because doing so allows them to explore their sexuality while retaining their Puritan sense of chaste purity, because you're not a slut if you were raped.

Not surprisingly, "rape" rates have skyrocketed. Furthermore, the groupthink and mental gymnastics involved in calling these situations "rape" are so thoroughly bought into by these women that they now consider these sorts of experiences to be fully the same as getting raped by some stranger in the parking garage.

Much hilarity now ensues.

When the millions of milennial "feminist" women who missed out on dating, etc because they were told to focus on their careers all hit their late 30s and 40s and realize they will become a generation of childless spinsters because of the mental poison of modern feminist thought, there will be hell to pay.

I'm 30, I just got engaged to a 27 year old, and of her dozens of female friend, I can barely count on one hand the number who have settled down with a man that they have either married or will eventually marry. That means there are dozens of educated, partnerless female wagecucks charging hard towards 30 with no man in sight. As someone from an elite college, I can tell you that this is not the exception, but the norm.

Feminism and modern moral relativism has subconsciously given all milennial men the moral imperative to MGTOW, even if they done realize that they are doing it, and just as single motherhood is now the social cancer affecting the working class woman as men pump and dump, single career girl-hood is the plight of the upper middle class woman as milennial men are riding the carousel and either choosing not to settle down or are waiting until their 30s to settle down with an early to mid twenty-something.

Milennial women who make it past 25 without a stable man in the picture have yet to realize the gravity of just how fucked they truly are.

Just as single women like Carrie Nation, etc led the crusade of moral purity in the 1800s, I believe the pendulum will swing hard and these spinsters will become berserker footsoldiers of the traditionalist right.

That's why the jew is so frightened of the rise of the traditionalist, nationalist right that's happening now. They know that they'll be squarely within the cross hairs of white society within a decade or two.

Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned. The redpill will spread through their ranks like a wildfire.

honestly this reads like a retard just mushed together a whole lot of mgtow youtube videos

the "i come from an elite university" was the cherry on the top

Oh, what a faggot. Here.

I actually think MGTOW is retarded and that white men need to settle down and propagate the race.

My University comment is merely to illustrate an aspect of gender relations at the top ranks of society that goes completely undiscussed today.

all top universities now have diversity quotas, they are as shit as everywhere else

don't scare me with that file name man

Obviously has a disorder that causes mood swings and self-harm.

so naive

Sage the Sliding threads

>becoming sensible when starved for attention
That may well be the dumbest thing I've read on here.

they will literally accidentally the whole office of you ignore them

Nah, i think you underestimate a modern woman's willingness to protect their fragile ego through self delusion. My sister is in the same boat and is a doctor. She's still single, even at the age of 34. She has never questioned the feminist narrative inspite of her own predicament. She still thinks she can have it all. She's in for a rude awakening when she hits 40. But even then, women like my sister will just blame men or the patriarchy for their failure to find a mate, but never the toxic feminist culture which has fucked up gender relations to the point where 40 percent of women born after 1990 are predicted to never get married. The only way to save women is to raise ur daughters correctly. This generation of women are beyond saving.

t. Someone with shitty scores who couldn't get in on their own merit.

If you have to worry about niggers stealing your admissions slot, you were never good enough in the first place.

gz you got into the same uni as shaniquia

Cognitive dissonance is the baseline state of mind for women. All we need to do is keep feeding them the anti-feminist narrative, in bits and pieces that make obvious sense, but aren't so overwhelming that they put the intellectual blinders on and stop listening out of shock.

If we let them think they've discovered the truth on their own, they will embrace it and disavow their feminist preconceptions without ever even acknowledging the ideological inconsistency.

Women are literally so simple to influence and sway that it is our fault and ours alone if they don't come to see the light. If you're not feeding them bits and pieces of the message every chance that you get, you're not really a friend of the cause in the first place.

and they will still cheat on you anytime a ripped tall white dude just wants a fuck, its female nature. it will never change.

Checked and rekt.

Ignore those faggots, those digits are all the confirmation that I need.

>male suicide rate substantially higher than female suicide for years


>female suicide on the rise
>male suicide falling drastically (but still higher)


how autistic do you need to be to unironically look at post numbers

That is not good for the dogs joints