What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

>We know how their character is depraved from how they slaughtered 8,000 Bosnians there

Time to send Dutchbat

this fucking guy

How are those Armenian Christians?

We can only hope. Verwijder kebab!

I love this guy. I love how he red-pills tons of people on the Turkroaches.

Armenian genocide.

He want us to stop giving them money for free?

isn't it weird how everyone is trying to shame each other for atrocities in public and celebrating them in private. Female-centric political theatre is shite.


Meanwhile Erdoroach becomes a bigger laughing stock than Donald Trump. More sanctions when?

Is he smoking something, or is this just an arab historical ignorance thread?

>muh 8000 million

Gets cucked for all eternity by putin: SAYS NOTHING

Germany and the dutch dont want propaganda for dictatorship because against their law etc: GETS MAD

>Gets cucked for all eternity by putin: SAYS NOTHING
When did Putin cuck him? He cucked Putin by shooting down his planes over Syria not too long ago.

How long until he changes his title from president to sultan?

Immediately after the referendum if he wins

putin is a cuck

Didn't you notice how Turkey suddenly had a pretty active local insurgency barely a week after Turkey gave Russia the 'what are you going to do about it?' diplomatic response?

Putin just threw cash and weapons at the Kurds in a tit for tat, which caused Erdogan to rethink his approach.

>What did he mean by this?

Jihad. He is threatening with it.

source blease id love to read it bellow aussie

He apologized to Putin later.


Pic related. That's how you deal with turkroach scum.

this triggers turks

wtf I LOVE Erdogan now!

We took one for the team.

Round 2 when?

The troll turk, that said that we lured 10,000 bosnian children with candies, so they would run over the mines is funnier.

Erdocuck is /ourguy/. Single-handedly giving Geert the win.

and merkel like (usuall)

OO thats sexy, I hope you do what needs to be done Holland. The fire rises in the EU.

We all know Srebrenica was staged. They needed 1 country from Yugoslavia fallout to be the main villain. They chose Serbia. Dumbass Milosevic agreed. So they removed >muh 8000 kebabs (really was around 1000) and pinned it on Ratko Mladic. The End.

Why is this guy such a buttblasted manchild.
Someone tell him to sit the fuck down and shut up, holy shit.

Can't point you at a single source for multiple bombings. Just google 'bombing'+'istanbul' or 'turkey' and count them.

The PKK got a shot up the arse after the plane incident and turned up the bombings to 11. Nothing concrete that points to the Russians, but pretty bloody convenient timing. I'm guessing Erdogan put the dots together as well, because he got busy attempting to repair relations after a few explosions.

>8000 bosnians

oh god hes going all out

He's just making sure that roaches will vote yes in the referendum.

Deport them to the afterlife.

Travel embargo.
Russian tourists were the second biggest group in turkey after germans and turkey´s economy relies on tourists.

whats with the warlock on bottom right?

casting magic into beebles

>We know how their character is depraved from how they slaughtered 8,000 Bosnians there

So we dindu nuffin?

Correct. Those Dutch monsters killed them all and then surrendered to your forces to cover it up.

Sources confirmed the sound of men running in clogs near the main massacre site.

He's trying to steal your accomplishments.

Stand up for yourselves Serbia. You're better than this.

Wait until Vucic comes out and agrees with Erdo

Not genocide

u dindu nuffin... you watched the whole thing blow over eating burek, dorina and rakia

>implying this didnt actually happen
Pic related, rare picture of a dutch soldier during his evil deed luring poor bosnian children away

Holy shit I never saw this picture. I think I have a new wallpaper.

Esteemed neighbor is a barking dog.
He is loud but deep inside a good boy.

>Blast! Foiled again!

I thought the Dutch UN peacekeepers just stood there whilst Serbs (((massacred))) the Bosnians.

Testimony of Ramiza Gurdić (eye witness to Srebrenica Massacre):

>I saw how a young boy of about ten was molested by Dutch soliders in Serbian uniform. This happened in front of my own eyes. The mother sat on the ground and her young son sat beside her. The young boy was placed on his mother's lap. The young boy was molested. His penis was sucked raw by a filthy prostitute from Rotterdam. The boy remained on the lap of the mother throughout as the Dutch soldiers laughed. The Dutch soldier bit off the boys cock and showed it to everyone. He said, in Bosnian, that it was not gay to do so … I saw how a pregnant woman was given poisoned chocolates. There were Dutch soldiers who did some gay dance in front of her in their stupid clogs, sung something in their incomprehensible language and took two small children into a shed and molested them. I saw this with my own eyes.[71]

All heard at the Hague, conveniently, so the Dutch had no trouble covering it up.

S-someone saw that?

Please leave this board if you have no clue about politics nigger.

You won't escape justice, you filthy clog-wearing sex tourist.


Did they also make furniture out of people's skin?

Just lampshades and soap.

I'm sure you could find a 'Bosnian' who'd be willing to say that they did.

Oh my yes.
And then a Dutch/German soldier got up, broke a baby in half and with some perverse Aryan magic, fed 5,000 soldiers with the remains.

a sith lord

God damn it, can we kick Turkey out of NATO already? They are such a shitty scummy country, they should be annexed.

give him 10 bottles of rakia and any bosnians will talk

the senate

wow fuck looks like you did genocide in serbia. you sick orange fucks!


ᴺᵒᵗ ʳᵉᵃᶫʸ

And then the evil germanic supermen took some zyklon b and froze it into a meter long dildo and shoahed everyones assholes so hard they shit lampshades to this day!

Sounds like another jew fable.

Sounds like you need more evidence (from the account of a survivor):

>I was really sorry that I would die hungry, and I was trying to hide amongst the people as long as I could, like everybody else. I just wanted to live for another second or two. And when it was my turn, I jumped out with what I believe were four other people. I could feel the gravel beneath my feet. It hurt.... I was walking with my head bent down and I wasn't feeling anything.... And then I thought that I would die very fast, that I would not suffer. And I just thought that my mother would never know where I had ended up. This is what I was thinking as I was getting out of the truck. [As the soldiers walked around eating candies] I was still very hungry. But I was sort of between life and death. I didn't know whether I wanted to live or to die anymore. But I knew that I did not want any of their candies. That's how the Dutch get you. If you accept their candies, you get molested, and I would not allow that to happen to me.[46]

Nah man there were witnesses at the massacre that claimed the killers wore clogs and smoked roll your own cigarettes.

I died five times that day!
Spent the next 20 years forced to work as a bar of soap. The dreams haunt me still!

>mfw the world finds out that the Dutch were fervent supporters of the Reich all along


Should've shot them like dogs.


There's literally a wikipedia article for all the Turkish massacres..

Zumra Šehomerovic:

>They are like a hipster country, a terrible people. Their tobacco is not even that good, and it is very over-priced, so they could smoke local cigarettes, but the Dutch, those monsters, roll their own cigarettes and bore prisoners with lectures about how that practice [rolling your own cigarettes] is more 'authentic', and that we are 'ignorant'. Honestly, we endured much and we did not argue, but I do not believe that they were right about this.

This country is trying to accuse us of human rights abuse.

Wait no no no Erdogan has it all wrong , we KILLED them , Dutch just raped the corpses

Man, Erdogan cracks me up everytime

Very simple: no more double nationality. Kick the Erdogan roaches out.

>no more double nationality

Shit, you'd better pick whether you're French or German then.


>Dutch soldiers stand down so Serbs can remove Kebab


Can erdoroach apply kill to self already?

fucking dumb and lying turkoid scum, I suddenly start to understand why Serbs hate them so much

>There were Dutch soldiers who did some gay dance in front of her in their stupid clogs,
I am now a believer
That being said,dutch are pedos,here in the 90s it was pretty much a sinonim

Never change Australia

This has got to be the worst propaganda I've read (this year)

I'm really glad the truth about the roaches got out.

1 year ago Sup Forums was riding the t*rk's dick, praising them for how secular they are, for their fight against ISIS, etc.

I bet you feel pretty stupid now, eh? Erdogan literally buys oil form ISIS and t*rks chant snackbar in Holland.

>tfw they call you on your bullshit

Thats alright we see you as pickpockets and retards, we all have our stereo memes

both probably true, but what is it with the dutch and pedophilia, at least in the UK they hide it and pretend it doesn't happen,either in the upper classes or the paki migrants, but in your country it's pretty much as upfront as the sex slaves you put in front of windows . Nothing against free market capitalism,but it should be at least somewhat voluntary

They actually had the orders to, if one of the Turkish pulled a weapon.

I know about this too. A video of a Kurd with a Russian igla shooting a Turkish military helicopter inside Turkey down came out of nowhere online

Besides that. Russia killed many Turkish convoys and soldiers inside syria "oops wrong target"

Even assad with the SAA shelled turks

Dirty men who like sex tourism in less wealthy countries is the curse of Western Europe, sadly.

Em no we dont have pedophiles out in the open, its seen as a disgusting practice.
Whenever there is a case like it if people can get to the pedophile they will, they get deaththreats they get beaten up etc.
Gay people used to be seen as mentally ill by most, and that gay people were pedos because of that mental illness.
We had gay marriage pretty early so thats probably were it came from.

>1 year ago Sup Forums was riding the t*rk's dick
Provide proof to your unsubstantiated claims


>1 year ago Sup Forums was riding the t*rk's dick, praising them for how secular they are, for their fight against ISIS, etc.
You feeling OK?

Literally nobody except the Erdo-shills were in favour of Roach-istan. The entirety of /sg/ was literally hoping that Istanbul would be reconquered by the Russian/Greek alliance.

It was right here on Sup Forums that people were calling out the Turks for their mudshit ways and their attacks on Christians and other groups.

Get your shit straight.

How new are you? Here's a small example.