Is it happening Brits...

Is it happening Brits? Scotts didn't want to leave because they didn't want to exit the EU but now there's Brexit will Scotts gain independence?

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They're not likely to be allowed to join the EU though, are they?

Wtf I thought they just voted like 2 years ago not to have their independence?

I hope they fuck off and leave the rest of the UK alone from their socialist hellscape.

How come Sturgeon can get away with being a racist, bigot nationalist but Farage is demonised constantly in the press?

less likely than Turkey, and Turkey is a fairly affluent country with a massive military force.

We did, the (((SNP))) are butthurt and still pushing their leftist agenda. All the opinion polls suggest the majority of people do not want a second referendum, so even if there is one I doubt anything will change.

I voted No last time and I'll vote No this time. The SNP have no idea what they are doing and there's no way I want the possibility of remaining in the (((EU))).


The SNP leader, Scotland's first minister is slipping in the polls because their whole focus since winning power has been Independence, to the determent of running the country. While she still has any legitimacy left she had to call another referendum, despite little public support for one, or even a clear economic case considering oil prices and the EU commission just stated Scotland will have to apply for membership.


Because the SNPs nationalism is
>everyone can be scottish, we're defined by kilts and SJW values only

If they exit the UK before brexit is formally completed there's no reason not to. Scotland voted to remain. At worst they'll treat Scotland as a completely new member trying to enter.



You give the SNP too much credit. The indyref had nothing to do with the EU. Independence failed because it would've been suicidal under the SNPs plan.

Sturgeons using the Brexit as an excuse to justify another indyref this soon because independence is all the SNP care about.

I hope there is a new referendum. She'll get shot down and it'll be the end of her and hopefully the SNP.


I'm fucking sick of it up here, I'm moving down to England, Scotland can drown under it's debt and importation of muslims once they get muh independence.

>there's no reason not to
They'd be grease 2.0

That was before brexit. Supposedly a lot people didn't want independence because that'd mean leaving the EU. Now that that's gone it might happen. Scottish leaders are calling for a second referendum.

As long as all members agree entrance (Spain...). But even if they do get approval, there will be criteria that must be met, such as single currency plus deficit reduction, both of which will be almost impossible to sell to the public

he who controls the shekkels controls the shackles

Welcome brother, warm beer and sausage rolls are waiting for you

Given this place is fucked and dictator may seems to be hell bent on fucking the NHS to privatisation

is it possible / smart to invest stock into private healthcare so when they score big money contracts for the uk I can get fat cash?


Meme name for Greece from Sup Forums you newfag.
Scotland has a worse deficit to GDP than Greece does. They'd need bailing out almost immediately, plus huge tax rises and spending cuts.

Affirmative on both points, i just think young Michelle Pfeiffer is stunning

Double check 'em

mods are warning me for posting this despite digits... and the first thread i find it deleted from is the christian one.


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>UK can finally become completely right wing
>Scots all die out in 2 generations due to migrant quotas.

I actually pray every day that they do leave.

Scotland has already had its referendum within this generation. I don't want even more of my tax money wasted on another pointless referendum. Also, another would make the will of the Scottish people from the previous referendum look ridiculous. What's next?
> Best of 3?

Scotland is coming with the UK.

Scotland to England is what Canada is to the U.S.

Scotland won't go independent. And when the second referendum fails it will take with it all future chances of independence.

England to Scotland is what Mexico is to the US

Independence is a myth, it is NOT being offered. The options are:

>Stay with the union
>Be annexed by the EU

Forgot image

Fucking Europe, its like you can't move past the 1500's I mean Scotland, you speak the same fucking language, pretty much have a similar culture, what is so important about being your own country? Don't any of you idiots understand the economy of scale?

Balkinization every time. You niggers just need to get over shit and move on and work together.

Rule scotslandia rule all the way!

They have to reapply to join the EU, and would be...AT THE BACK OF THE QUE

But muh Braveheart

North Of England much nicer. Based nationalism and political correctness.

I read a bit about this today and it strikes me that this SNP First Minister is retarded. I mean great for Scotland if it wants to assert national power, but is she mental?

Can a Scotsman explain to me what's so Goddamn important about not being part of England?

I mean besides the fact that they've turned into turbo-cucks, that's most western nations.

she just wants to crash the markets with economic uncertainty at the worst possible time so she can be like "see look how bahd Brexit is"

It's not going to happen and I say this as a Scot

They're not part of England, they're part of the United Kingdom, the same thing that England is part of. Also, they are the Sweden of the British isles so saying England is "cucked" is a little irrelevant, because an "independent" (not being offered) Scotland wouldn't have England any longer to shield them from their poor decisions.

Sturgeon hasn't even got permission from the Scottish parliament to ask for a referendum yet. They might say no.

Scotland can't join the EU for a plethora of reasons that are well established by now. This whole thing is just Sturgeon throwing a hissy fit.

It just seems to me as though there is no possible result for the good of Scotland as a result of her actions, regardless of how the situation goes.

Whereas if she sits down and shuts up, regardless of how brexit plays out she'll be in a better position to influence future negotiations for her own good.

Yes but you see, they didn't get the result (((they))) wanted.

Have to vote again goy!

I vote to leave I want to move to a comfy town in Northern England before it's too late

Well, thank you for your input, but let's be realistic here... the mayor of your capital, the jewel of the UK that extended its influence to colony's across the planet before the internet was even a dream, is a Muslim.

She has royally screwed up negotiating now.

Because now, instead of providing a united stance against Brussels when negotiating starts, we have to worry about our left flank the SNP.

What's to stop the SNP leaking our Brexit strategy to the EU? They are fucking traitors. The SNP wanted to be part of the negotiations, but now they can't fucking be trusted as they want Indyref2.

> Scotland would still have to apply to join the EU
> Scotland would be forced to adopt the Euro to join the EU
> Scotland would need it's own currency when leaving the UK
> Scotland would need to setup it's own government services that it currently doesn't have (armed forces, etc)
> Scotland would still be subject to Queen Elizabeth
> Spain will not accept Scotland in the EU as it sets up a precedent for Catalonia

So let me see, leave the UK and choose between:
> Become an isolated socialist shithole
> Join an even more controlling and less democratic institution which plans to destroy the national identity of it's own members.

Luckily, I think people in Scotland are just getting tired of the SNP's rhetoric now. Sturgeon has no real power, and every time she tries to do anything noteworthy it just looks pathetic.

The bitch should get on with running Scotland for a change.

The worst part of it all is that she is using the PM not being able to get a special deal for Scotland as the reason for it, even though right after the Brexit vote she went around with heads of EU departments like Juncker and Tusk and they told her it's fucking impossible to do

If Scotland leave they're out of NATO and will have to re-apply, we will annex Scotland an it will become rightful English clay again

Sure, and your president; self dubbed "leader of the free world" was black and had overwhelmingly more power. This isn't a competition. Said mayor has no power and even the English hate London as for a very long time it hasn't even been English and it's culture (even before the demographic shift) was different to the rest of the country.

What do we do about the cities and large towns. They're all pretty damn liberal.

Also, now that the EU has declared it wants to attain it's own nuclear weapons, which the SNP is opposed to, how does Strugeon think she can persuade Scots it's a good idea to join the EU?

How will they square that circle?

Scotland is also a big geopolitical security risk as a hostile scotland basically negates the defensive advantage that Britain has (Sea wall)

Most Scots don't give a shit about Trident or our Nuclear Arsenal overall because of the jobs it creates, it's mainly the SNP politicians that hate it

That nigger won becuase every nigger in America voted for him, much like why your mayor is a Tusken Raider.

Brexit and Trump are proof that both nations silent majorities are still trying to fight back against the globalists power structure, keep their head above the black waters.

But I'm not going to sit here and pretend the UK isn't in a more dangerous position of cuckism.

It will probably take them less time to get in the EU, than the UK would take to get out of it.

>Scotland leaves U.K.
>England, Wales, N.Ireland all leave U.K. as well
>England, Wales, N.Ireland all join Scotland
>Have a huge debate about calling the whole thing The United Kingdom again.

>But I'm not going to sit here and pretend the UK isn't in a more dangerous position of cuckism.

In comparison to who?

Than my country, the one you were literally just talking about?

Happy for them to go tomorrow. Make sure they leave all the pounds and don`t ask for any more funding. The sad thing about this is that as per normal no one asks the relevant question of why the Scottish people did not discuss a Brexit in the campaigns before they voted last time. It was like they knew it would give them a second chance if they failed. Guess what they get a second chance.

Sturgeon only hates the rest of Britain, she loves EU third-worlders and Muslims. Feel a bit sorry for true Scottish nationalists desu.

I wanted to make sure as you were confusing England and the UK before. Sure, we can argue that but we can also argue that our conservative government won with a far greater majority than yours and that we're 87% white overall while you're pushing 50% and even then that 50% are heavily mutted. The whole SJW marxism infestation came and thus you're the main hub for it and it's eating at your youth (and transferring to ours, mind you). Trying to make this into a competition and posting images of clickbait articles isn't going to make any of your countries problems go away.

Good riddance i say

Trump was never black

>suddenly pretending the last 8 years didn't happen

Read the rest of the posts and pay attention to the word "had".

It wont happen

London is a shit hole and has very little to do with the rest of the country. Much like the fuckers in Edinburgh who fucked up the Scottish vote last time. What I most hate about Londoners is they are all mouth with no action as apposed to where I grew up. They would beat you to the ground and then ask what your problem was. These soppy Londoners make the English person look like a sock.

You realize we could populate your entire country, every single white and brown human on your soil multiple times over with whites across a continent as big as Europe, a single country?

Percentages work the same there as they do here. The major cities are niggertown but the vast majority of the nation is still mostly white, liberalism is born in ivory towers after all.

You're in a much more precarious position than I am, than the US is.

Also laugh out loud at you bringing us down to 50% now. I'm sure it'll be 40% by next week.

Next decade, probably.

But I feel like you're still missing the point.

Yes, vote for independence from Britain so you can give it right over to the EU. Brilliant idea.

It isn't about independence at all. It's about sticking it to the English.

>remembering this thread

top kek

>But I feel like you're still missing the point.

The point being western nations are being turbocucked by the kikes? I implied in my first message.

As a nationalist I understand other nationalists have a weakness to exploring the faults of their own situations.

Bollocks. The English has a long fucking history of invasions that came and went. The US is fucked because it normal national person has no balls. They got all butt hurt with 9/11 where the English would have moved on strait away. You country and culture is not strong enough to counter an invasion of church mice.

>turned into turbocucks

England and Wales are the only countries that voted to leave the EU because of immigration. It's the Scots who are turbocucks. They are begging to stay in the EU because they love socialism and Islam.

If Scotland really wanted independence they'd give the English a vote on it. You have no idea how fed up we are with fucking commie pigs.

Good times.

brexit is never gonna happen, nigga.

Of course they are. They have everything in place too

>Percentages work the same there as they do here. The major cities are niggertown but the vast majority of the nation is still mostly white

Sure but then whats your argument? Almost all of our non natives are literally only in London and one or two extra cities at a far lower rate. By that logic you can only say certain areas are "cucked" and not the country as a whole and therefore neither of us are cucked.

I support the Scotts on this one. Its national state vs. Multicultural United Kingdom.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>You have no idea how fed up we are with fucking commie pigs.

Enough to GTFO of the EU apparently, kudos to that none the less.

>peopel think Scotland wouldnt be vetod the shit out to not join the EU

Spain, italy, romania, Hungary and Belgium all said they would oppose it because they have some forms of secession movements themselves, which would get stronger by Scotland beeing saved by the EU

Cause Scotland cant stand on its own. It gets 1.2 pounds back for eevery pound the pay into the UK, and its getting worse since oil dropped to literally half its price.




Dunno why topic always brings to my mind the rant in Trainspotting

Really. What exactly did I say that was wrong. Try and give some back ground to you amazingly big brained idea of England.

Exactly. If you allow Scotland into the EU, you're essentially letting in another Greece. Only a country with a worse deficit than Greece. It will just be another mouth for the EU to feed.

>Cause Scotland cant stand on its own. It gets 1.2 pounds back for eevery pound the pay into the UK, and its getting worse since oil dropped to literally half its price.

Closest thing I've seen to an answer in this thread, and kek wills it.

I made that thread. Funny how it always pops up in random places

I literally just don't want to get into the conversation with you, take it however you need or want to.

>True in 1996
>True in 2017


Proposed new Scottish anthem after independence.
Flour of Scotland.
Na flour in Scotland, ta bake ma breed.
If a dut ate soon, I will be deed.
Ma life in Britain wa first class,
Till Nicola surgeon talked oot her arse.
N.a. flour in Scotland taken bake ma breed.

What % of US soldiers fight on the front line.
How many fucking hours of t.v. and media did 9/11 cause.
Do you have church mice. Have you been able to control the populations?

Why because your a fucking ELVIS who says I am wrong but will not give any evidence. Surely that is fake news style. Go back to CNN

>What % of US soldiers fight on the front line.
There is no draft in the US, there is no war, the last thing we had that resembled a war ended in shock and awe, what are you talking about?

>How many fucking hours of t.v. and media did 9/11 cause.
A lot, why is that surprising? How many hours of TV does your government commit to national events and disasters?

>Do you have church mice. Have you been able to control the populations?