Be me, in coollege today

>be me, in coollege today
>ask the "gay son or black son" question
>literally everyone picks the "black son" option
We're fucked

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Fuck your muchosranksk

What question?

It's Vladovostok thank you very much
Would you rather have a black son or a gay son?

>Gay son
No problem. I'll just raise a red pill daughter and be estranged from his faggot ass.

I pick the gay black son because that way it atleast won't further pollute the gen-pool

If its your son and a gay it means that you failed as a father to secure your family line.

If its a black son it means that i either fucked and knocked up a black woman which would be a terrible mistake for me and everyone else or i got cucked somehow so fuck that.

If its a gay black kid i can atleast distance myself from it.

Mixed kids are hideous most of the time

Also think of it this way; If you have a black son at all, it means it's not your son and you got cucked (or you're a cuck and you willingly adopted one)

At least theres a chance they will stop being a degenerate.

Can't unblack them.

If it's a gay son you can just make another son/daughter
If he's black you forever dirtied your family name unless he dies before he can reproduce

at least the gay son gets aids and dies

So does the black son

Damn this is a hard question

Would you rather an strawberry cupcake or 3 grams of coke?

Would you rather have an xbone or PS4?

PS4, easy choice

Gay son,

Yeah I'm gonna fuck him, if I gotta pay for his ass all his life, I'm getting something out of it.

I will racemix the question and say a gay black son.

He will never have own children, the modern fucked up society will support him for free, he will die sooner or later of AIDS and until then he can make stupid Youtube blogs, Nintendo reviews and Anime reaction to bring the money in the house with his million degenerate subscribers.

What the fuck kind of question is that? Why the hell are you given only 2 choices that are so blatantly made to identify people according to their racials beliefs?
What the fuck is this shithole?

what the fuck is wrong with colleges these days?

I'd answer WHITE HETERO SON and slam my fist on the desk.

Fuck, good thing i ended the college bullshit 15 years ago when it was still tolerable.

PS4, easy.

Black son you at least pass your genes. And he might be based.

Y'all are retarded picking gay.

I dont know about you tyrone, but i sure as shit dont want a black son.

You screwed up.

It's supposed to be of equal deterrent.

>Would you rather have:
>A gay son,
>A gay son of African genealogy?

Now that the deterrents is equal, you live in Russia ffs, you will see the black answer drop like a rock.

Actually sometimes they can be based, but then they are too high energy...


also who the fuck asks this absurd question? wtf

I would have no problem with having a gay son so long as he wasn't a flamboyant faggot and passed on his genes by a surrogate or something.

Although I would choose black son because I have a case of jungle fever.

>even white.

you're not fooling anyone here.

>nobody likes gays

Woop dee doo.

whats wrong with you faggot-loving pidoras?

aren't you that dude on /fit/ that keeps making anime t-shirt threads

You mean like 100% black adopted son?
Or a mulatto son from procreation with a BLEACHED ebony goddess?
This is important OP.

That's an hard one user. I guess I'd pick the black son. At least you wouldn't hear noises coming from the bedroom every time he brought a friend home.

What kind of fuck boy question is that? What class is this?

>Passing gay genes.
Those faggots shouldn't be allowed to pocreate.

no, its a question that you suddenly are in a situation when you have a magickly appeared black/gay son

its a kind of question about two chairs, it doesnt have any story before it, you have to choose RIGHT NOW

Fuck your false dichotomy.

I choose neither. I'd rather die than pick either.

No are neither genetically related to me?
Or are half the genes still mine but for some reason they are melanin enriched?

>passing gay genes
That's not how it works.

no, it has NO STORY

like you choose in a game building your character

will your son be gay

will your son be black

its that simple

Okay gay is the obvious choice then.
Don't want to get shot over drugs.

>Which do you hate more, homosexuals or blacks?
>how fucking dare you
Welcome to Sup Forums? Really?

black son passes on your genes gay son doesnt

What the fuck kind of question is that?

Jesus Christ. Neither. I would rather be forever alone.


now imagine there are two chairs

one with erected penises

the other with sharp knives

where do you sit and where do you tell your mother to sit?

Black son

So long as the black son were genetically mine, I would choose the black son, but I wouldn't choose it if it meant having to adopt a full obongo kid.

The father's genes tend to be stronger than the mother's regardless of race, pic related is a British boxer with a white dad and black mother, and he looks more or less white.

No it's not. The problems both solve themselves, you literally cannot lose with this question.

Don't fucking /Thread your own post you retard

There is no distinction. Your line ends one way or the other.

a gay son can just get an egg donor if you're worried about your bloodline ending

>ask the "gay son or black son" question

What the fuck kinda question is this? Who wants to choose between two pieces of turd.