Explain your hate

Why do you people choose to be against equality? I want to know what causes you people to hate minorities/lgbt/Muslims so much, I'm not insulting you I want to know so much because I feel like I haven't been exposed to your people's views and I feel like it can open my mind a bit

Go live in a black neighborhood for a year

because people are not equal

>against equality

Go actually talk and live around real muslims for a while, not your pussified americanised muslims, real actual muslims that would gladly see your daughters throat slit for showing skin. Once you've actually lived in the real world for a while outside of your nice little liberal bubble, come back here and tell us how we were right all along

Simply put, Muslims aren't my equal and never will be. They aren't my tribe but they've made themselves my problem by constantly terrorizing the US.

I hate the jews more though, Muslims are just paws of the jewish oligarchs and banking elites who use them to push votes.

If it's ain't white, it ain't right.

>Why do you people choose to be against equality?
if you can get niggers to function on the level of whites, then great, but until that miracle of science happens, I will not abide whites operating on the level of niggers.

The answer can be found in their respective origins and the decision to integrate into a society where they are the minority.

LGBT? I really don't give a fuck. As for Muslims, just open up ANY page in the Quran and read the barbaric violence that is used everyday as justification for their behaviors. Look at their countries and especially the ones without oil. The consistence is as solid as it can get.

Equality that you describe comes at a net negative expense to appeal to voters (of minorities) and eventually politicians. Look at Sweden and the answers are all there.

Sorry but people that cannot/will not support themselves and live off the hard work of others will never be my equal. Niggers hate the white man, but in reality the white man is the only reason their cuck species is still around.

I felt that the media wasn't showing me both sides of the spectrum and mainly the liberal agenda, thanks guy

I'm gay but I hate spics, pajeets, and Muzzies. Politics is a game of self-interest and these groups hate me more than Whites ever will.

>flood every white majority country with non-whites
>have the media produce anti-white propaganda to make white people ashamed of their heritage
>indoctrinate white kids at school/college to hate their cultural heritage and embrace multiculturalism
>constantly accuse those who dislike Islam of being bigots, racists and islamophobes
>act surprised when white nationalism begins to gain in popularity

That nicely explains why Trump/Brexit/Wilders/Le Pen/the alt-right is happening.

You're not for equality

You are actually really stupid if u beieve that.

Its not logical to be racist.. in life u only get sample sizes of people. youll never meet enough muslims or blacks to say they are all a certain way.. its crazy how often youll meet a racist person who hates "all blacks or muslim" except that one muslim family next door who are really nice and that black guy at work whos really funny and always smiling.

What u hate is really poor ghetto culture "cash me outside." That girl youll say is tryna be black etc but she even ssid "you cant act black im just ghetto"

In canada where its literally a cluster fuck if cultures ive never once had an issue...

I live in a muslim neighbourhood.

It's annoys me how they always call it "white supremacy". It's not supremacy, it's about wanting to be left alone and not wanting your country to be totally transformed.

You're goddamn right, we love useful idiots. You're safer with us, for now.

Because people are not equal. They don't even have equal opportunities.

The political left really wants what's called "equity", and they call it equality. It's this idea of equity is what really causes the inequalities for minorities, but the left blames it on the rights supposed "racism". In short: we don't.

All fags were molested, and all fags are child molesters.

People aren't born fags, that's a lie. Fags reproduce by molesting little kids. Fags are literally Satanic, and cancer to the family unit and society as a whole.

there is mainstream american society, and everybody else. anybody from the everybody else category is welcome to come over to the normal side in my book, its not about race, religion, orientation or gender,its about towing the american cultural line. black america is too fucked to save, so i just avoid them. but everybody else is giving the old college try. democrats are keeping blacks down, so are black leaders....the needs to be a negro-spring, after the arab spring. but not one led by leftist, urban black lesbians, thats the worst role model. they need to take back their own streets, in the ghetto. dont come to downtown white america with your problems, your problems are waiting on your own block. take care of that shit first and the rest of the country will eventually accept you.....

>Its not logical to be racist.. in life u only get sample sizes of people.
You are right that you shouldn't "be racist" when dealing with individuals. But we're dealing with entire populations of hundreds of thousands of people here.

Here in the US, young black men are only 3% of the population yet they apparently commit 50% of the country's murders. Do you understand how this makes it difficult for people to not be racist or use racial profiling?

>that black guy at work whos really funny and always smiling.
That's fine, you should be happy that you've found a good black guy, but you shouldn't let that one dude drive your policies. He's an exception, not the rule.

Perverts need to hang.

I wasn't molested.

Equality is a false god. We aren't equal. Man was not created equal.

For 10 years of my life I never saw a black person. During that time the only non-whites I interacted with were Asians (eastern) and Native Americans.Then I moved across my state and met my first mexican. Then in 8 years, I met my first black.

That is when I gave up on equality. Short after that I lived around poo in the loos, niggers, and Arabs while going to college. They were all loud, never stopped playing music, and felt they needed to rev their shitty honda civics at three in the morning.

I believed the crap they told you in school and believed it too because the Hispanics, natives, and Asians (eastern) were all good people. The racist stereotype didn't fit for them in my experience. Then I had to live, work, and interact with blacks and found out how awful they are. In my experience, only about 10% of them are any good.

Take the time to read this.

Sure you weren't...

Yeah it could open your mind, because despite what you may think, your mind isn't open. Your entire post was loaded from the start, just like everything that comes out of a lying liberal's mouth. They've been exposed to so many controlled opposition and subterfuge operations that they literally don't know how to argue without using strategies which are for example used by law enforcement groups to confuse people into saying the wrong shit or something that could be twisted into fitting their agenda.

The language in the OP automatically puts us into the light of racists and bigots when the racists and bigots are the left and the people you claim we want to persecute. Your idea of equality isn't equal. You're the SJW feminists of brown people.

people are not equal
ingroup preference exists
people like those who are like themselves over dissimilar people
scarcity exists
competition exists

Some idiots actually believe this fucking insanity.

You're wrong, and what's more, you're a fucking moron.

Research Gynocentrism, look at minority crime rates, look at multicultural countries like Sweden and Germany, and look how much hate they spread against straight people, whites, and men

>white supremacy
it's because whites are the supreme race

Even if you could we still have a right to our own home land.

I don't need to spread hate. Hitler will return from the dead in 2018 and from there all kikes will be exterminated.


I will not fall for that old trick again.

Nazi'sm is the truth.

heaping benefits onto someone while ostracising someone else just because they have different skin colors is not equality, it's racist.

Having thousands of scholarship programs for black people but zero scholarship programs for able-bodied, white men is not equality.

You were always safer with us.
You got your clubs and only has to worry about periodic raids just to make sure you weren't diddling kids or doing too many drugs.

I appreciate your view, but what works for Canada won't always work in America. Minorities have a self entitlement issue, they think the world owes them everything because their great great uncle was a slave or something. Merit should be ones entitlement. I for one am sick of having to support everyone and pay for them to sit around and collect a check at the end of the month.

Inequality doesn't mean society has inequal laws.

If you put everyone to the same line at start they won't finish at the same time/same results

You mean to make sure we were paying you off. Good that isn't a thing anymore. Not liking Blacks doesn't mean I'm planning on going back in the closet for some Christcuck who is easily triggered by homosex.

> proceeds to fall for socialism

>Its not logical to be racist
Yes It is. Foreign people act differently and these differences affect you.
This is especially true if you are being invaded by these people.

Every time I try to be engaging, not patronizing, and generally nice, it's thrown back in my face. Oh well, looks like it's time for angry whitey.

>I wasn't molested.
It was consensual :^)

same and I've also come to realize Jews want us to hate muslims. Israel is surrounded by them and needs American citizens on their side

The sad part is I hated Muslims before Jews ever tried to make me hate them

equality goes against the laws of nature

think about it

nobody is born equal

therefore equality of outcome will never be possible unless you limit the ability of some, while falsely boosting the inability of others

is that fair?

Equal opportunity is fine in a meritocracy, but what the left seems to advocate for is equality of outcome, which is why there are diversity quotas and affirmative action.

Why should Asians get 50 SAT points docked from their scores, while blacks get 230 added in college / university admissions? Is that fair?

>calling me insane
Sure thing, cum guzzler. Sticking your tongue in another man's hairy asshole is the benchmark of mental health.

All fags must fucking hang. You included.


Equality goes against nature

>all those beautiful diverse colors converge and turn into a shit brown

Well at least they are honest.

you either support lgbt or muslim immigrants
if you claim to support both you don't actually care about the issue and just want people to see you as a tolerant person, at which point you are scum and need to be deleted

If black/Muslim people have so bad here why are the ones from actual "100% equal" Black/ Muslim countries risking their lives to live here?
It's all about smearing whites as bigoted, when whites are the nicest group to outsiders

Fucking jews


I wasn't molested

high crime
high disease
low intelligence

Every 'minority' group has high representation these 3 factors that any sane person would not consider endearing regardless of their apparent 'oppression', which in the majority of cases is caused by their own 'minority' group.

ie. Muslim group A has been massacring Muslim group B for decades, Western international parties give Muslim group B weapons and support, Muslim group B now is slaughtering group A, Muslim group A floods western countries as 'refugees' under the guise of being oppressed and the 'good guys' fleeing war.

If you cant see something as plain as that as being not a good idea you are not only a fucking fool, you, and your ilk are the downfall of civilization in its purest form.

>i consented to the dirty old man sucking my penis
Sure thing kid.

>that good feel when fag and grew up with both parents in a nice neighborhood and was never molested by anyone
now excuse me while i go get my dick sucked by a nice muscular man while you fap to your degenerate waifu porn

This. Liberals always give the "walk a mile in their shoes" speech while safely locked behind their ivory towers.

People assume that people with these views OP refers to are just mean or hateful. They never assume its from an accumulation of experiences.

Hard to reconcile with being a Christian. I often wonder if some people are closer to animals. Watch documentaries on the communist/nationalist uprisings in Africa from the 70s to today. See how they have destroyed once great and thriving cities, infrastructure,economies. I mean Zimbabwe is like post-fall of Rome.

Then there is the fact that as a people some blacks seem to almost completely lack empathy. They are cruel to animals and each other, they operate on the basest of instincts. I thought it was socioeconomic but then you look at their educated dictators and you realize thats its has to be something more. Even blacks in america with the admixture and increased I.Q. do things that defy humanity.

Personally I don't "hate" anybody except for those who do me or those close to me wrong.

But people aren't equal. Men and women have different qualities. Culture and religion play huge parts in the upbringing of people. Some cultures are incompatible with others. Some can adapt to new cultures and live perfectly normal lives within these, some cannot.

Personally I hate to generalise larger demographics, since these demographics are made up by individuals. However, some demographics are easy to put in a box: Feminists, religious extremists, gangs, etc.

The point is I would rather take an individual look at people. This is just not always easy from a political stance, hence the resulting generalisation. Like it or not.

By the way, I have nothing against LGBTs; I have something against "trans trenders", intersectional feminists, and other far-left idiots making LGBT-lives tougher in the long run.

>Sticking your tongue in another man's hairy asshole is the benchmark of mental health.

Ha ha ha, you funny guy.

>hes never lived in a government funded apsrtment bloc full of niggers.

One of the hundreds of times my bike got stolen, I demanded it back from a group of 20 niggers and almost got beat to death. For demanding my OWN bike back. Not to mention the fact that I am white.

Also some more anecdote, the nigger family of 20+ next door got kicked out and covered the entire apartment in shit. They caked a direct tv remote in fecal matter and pressed it to the wall in protest of whitey kicking them out. And my grandmother had to clean it all up for minimum wage.


Because, to put it in social justice terms, equality means meritocratic injustice.


They are shitting up our planet. Turning our good green earth into a barren dessert.


I hate in order to survive.

I'm 6'4", very academically gifted (valedictorian sort of stuff not internet IQ tests) and in the top 1 percent of wealth.

LITERALLY don't give a shit about funding less fortunate people's healthcare, food or education with my tax money regardless of their race.

I do however have a problem with the people who constantly bitch about their failings and blame it on stuff like immigrants (e.g. all of pol)


>you either support lgbt or muslim immigrants
What if you don't want to support either? What do?

if everyone was equal the NBA and the Google engineering team would be the same racial percentages as the country

Because those people are disgusting. All there is to it

I'm against both equality of outcome, since it's a communistic utopia that coasts countless amount of human lives and destroys societies and equality of opportunity, since it defies human nature and oversimplifies concept of meritocracy.
As to why - i grew up in muslim populated area, as a white christian minority. Sup Forums did nothing to redpill me on anything, sadly. It's a time killer, echo chamber, that is mostly right about many, many things.


Equality in the modern "liberal" sense seems to mean smashing open our borders, shitting on Christianity and indigenous paganism, undermining our demographics, erasing us from our own culture in everything from the arts to politics, so why would I believe in your vision of equality? You have only proved it makes life for white people far worse, and yet you keep bleating we should have more of it, but cannot provide a single shred of evidence it benefits us and creates anything but welfare dependent 'perpetual victims' of everyone else (on OUR taxes too). I actually consider white skinned liberals to be the biggest danger and hate group to the West.

>I made a post ma
>I'll get a girl some day
>I-I'm not repressing my own personal experiences
>please don't lift that picture of dad I placed face-down

I guess someone has to be blamed in the end :^)

Either way, save the rope until Liberalism is killed for good, because I'm another useful agitator, desu.

Because they all want to be able to flaunt their degeneracy in front of my children without consequences.

The only equality that should exist is equality before the law.
Each person is a unique individual and have their own virtues and vices. It's patronizing and demeaning to equalize everyone. Hierarchy forms naturally in human society as some individuals have different talents and weaknesses. No amount of coerced equalization will change this.

Spoken like a True American.
Godspeed user.

you don't have to
but if you actually get buttmad at people for wanting to fuck other people of the same sex in a private space you probably need some growing to do

If it's brown, flush it down.

it has been scientifically proven that blacks are less capable, intelligent, kind, and peaceful than whites. to call me there equal compliments them and insults me.

There is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals.

Equality is a myth. Life isn't fair. Never was and never will be. It sucks, but that's reality.

>not supporting something
>getting buttmad

So if I don't like something you've personally approved of within perimeters you've established, then I'm immature?



If you've ever been to a gay pride parade here in the States you'd know it's the biggest fag fest of the year. Thousands of degenerates walking through the city where normal people are trying to go about their day with family. They can celebrate in the privacy at the bottom of a grave for all I care.

Cuz they don't want it either.
There's ur answer CIA/Soros

yeah i agree that pride parades are fucking degenerate and the people that attend them as they are

but that's an underwhelming minority of actual homosexual people. most gay people don't even bother coming out and just look for discreet fucks, and the ones that have just do it to their families and friends usually

if you seriously want 8% of the world dead because you're slightly annoyed at a perverse event you need to stop acting like a spoiled little bitch. if you want to be dropped some real red pills about gay dating etc and how they actually act, go on grindr or scruff or something and pretend to be gay, then come back and tell people about your experience.

>it's fucking nothing

>people living in a ghetto behave like animals shocker

>Muslims living in areas where they're treated decently behave decently shocker

Respect engenders decent behaviour. Bigotry creates bigots. You faggots are the ones responsible for degenerate dindus and explosive Muslims. Not the liberals who encourage people to participate in society.

But you carry on with your insecure projections because you're too much of a pussy to admit that the reason you're losing in life is because YOU suck.

>Its not logical to be racist.
Why not? Life would be much happier and secure for everyone if everyone were racist and people stuck to their own countries. The opposite is true if you try to convince everyone not to be racist. Pretending not to be racist will not fix the inherent problems and contradictions with mass immigration and multiculturalism, especially when you only target whites with anti-racist propaganda and tell all the other races that there's no such thing as reverse racism because of white privilege and that whites are simultaneously responsible for causing and fixing all their problems.

>You faggots are the ones responsible for degenerate dindus and explosive Muslims.
No. We didn't force anyone to rape and murder innocent people. You are the one who enables immigration. YOU are responsible. I was the biggest leftist and hippy you could possibly imagine. Most people are. "Bigots" have almost no voice in society and are universally scorned in public and media and persecuted by law. It didn't stop thousands of people getting raped and murdered.

No one gets mad until they force it into other people's faces, schools, businesses and places of worship.