HAHAHAHAHA this is the average Sup Forumstard
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Looks like a pretty good quality cake. Post some pics of yourself.
I wish I was fat
Jesus Christ, what a slob.
dont you get fat just by looking at the food in the picture
>this is the average antifascist
Ah yes, another savior of the white race.
Kill Jews, dead tommorow
>tfw no pay pay cake with brick wall interior
>burn israel
>hates nazis
No you don't. Believe me. Once you get fat once and have those fat cells generated it's a constant fight your entire life to to be a fat fuck
We gotta presurv his genes you guise.
There are no white people on Sup Forums the whole thing is a fucking LARP.
I'm a skeleton and I'm trying to bulk but it's hard work to eat that much, I'm also 6'3 le sigh
haha Sup Forums is fattie
Dude eats too much and doesn't exercise enough but he has some pretty cool cake skills. Maybe he is a baker. That's a marketable skill. I wouldn't trust a skinny baker.
This is the average hillary supporter
He looks happy.
Are you happy, user?
Seriously he looks like a nice guy
Would friend if not autistic
It's always amusing when the left mocks the physical appearances of Trump supporters.
>Sup Forums is a single person
>Australia is making it illegal to cover your face for any reason during a "peaceful" protest
Can't wait to hear all about the smartasses who put on a bandana over their face intending to commit assault and arson because their professors tell them too, spend their first night crying in prison.
Also sand women who happen to just be walking by getting kicked into a paddy wagon, and their face covers torn off
Just drink a lot of pop and exercise very little
You'll gain weight easily.
Trust me its what happened to me after I stopped running in high school.
try drinking a gallon of whole milk a day for a few months
also lift :^)
And this is your average leftypol face
Why so defensive, user-kun? OP's picture is a proud, strong scion of the West, ready for the Crusade!
Anyone else having the urge to build a wall cake now?
and this is a tranny yes, leftypol again
Looks normal to me
t. Chicagoan
I like this gif
Nice cake. At least hes not a nigger like (You).
me on the left
Interesting. But you know what average means, right?
pics of yourself
Think again. Im in the gym 3 to 4 times a week. Good income. Martied. Own my property. No basements in florida faggot
I would post mine but I don't want to desecrate this shrine to the wisdom and civility of the alt right with my paltry, impoverished face... forgive me
>burn Israel burn
>anti nazi patch
you're fat aren't you user?
israel da real nazis
you see what they do to them palestinians?
cooooold bloooooded
You realize leftists (read: actual leftists, not hillary supporters) hate israel and their occupation of palestine
Don't have to be a nazi
Let us just say I am a worthless degenerate... this holy, Christian chapel of the manliness of rightwing Millennials would be ruined by my ugly mug.
Ha ha ha this is the average libtard
Fix it now!!!!
>average Sup Forumstard
Pick one.
ikr its stupid. to cover your face if you truly believe something then stand up and own it. dont be a fucking bitch
Serb post, best post. Well memed sokole
>burn Israel burn
>anti nazi
I wish I knew how to bake cakes.
Quality thread.
The wall in the cake is meta as fuck
He looks so happy and cute. Why bully?
this picture makes my pussy so wet 10/10 would let inseminate
>why bully
Whos jewing who here?
Shows his face, walmart store brands, fat, junk food. Yep average reddit Donald user.
That cake is fucking great.
And you Hillary supporters got Christine ;)
they look like the bad guys from 80s movies
Swedish antifa lmao
fuk u pmurt
Goddamn do I hate chris chan.
This fucker right here was what caused my break with the LGBT community.
>Sitting at the George Washington University LGBT support group.
>In walks fucking Chris Chan.
>Look of shock on my face.
>"Hi I'm christine I'm transgender"
>Me: "No you fucking aren't."
>Get asked to leave.
I left DC in early 2016, not too long after that fat fuck invaded. The easy acceptance of anyone who claimed to be trans made me stop entirely (Along with some other shit). Now I'm just embarrassed of both the democrat party and the lgbt communities because of this shit.
Welcome on our side faggot and enjoy the ride.
I voted Trump. So yeah, I wandered to this side after becoming incredibly disgusted with identity politics.
You guys are such loser idiots
You're a good example of what is happening to the Democratic party as a whole. While they have more potential voters than Republicans, they keep radicalizing at all fronts and cause infighting which causes people to either switch sides or just stay home at election day.
I don't think I'll ever be able to call myself a democrat again lol.
Atleast he's happy, unlike you.
Yeah they are retarded. While I know that Republicans don't really like gays or trans people, the worst that will happen is them allowing Christian bakers to not serve gay wedding cakes.
Is that the same non binary, gender fluid person?
I'm just gonna call them faggots. Typing all that other shit takes too much time.
Is that the same faggot?
I always felt the people on here are kind of dumb, lazy and probably ugly, just like me.
No, this is.