This would be great publicity for both of them. They should discuss capitalism (since Destiny is a neoliberal shmuck and Unruhe the "No.1 Marxist on Youtube"), neoliberalism, western culture, and the Third World.
Someone be a darling and send tweets to both of them and ask them to debate. Unruhe has never lost a debate before so this would be good.
C'mon, someone be a dear and tweet him (and Destiny) asking them for a debate.
Christopher Bailey
Talk about LARPing. As much as I hate commies, I'll give Jason a chance to reform because he's so entertaining.
John Jones
Commies > liberals
John Green
Yes. To be honest, your average commie is probably a lot smarter and more well-read than your average liberal whiner.
Jonathan Butler
I don't like seeing retards fight. I couldn't watch that.
Cameron Robinson
If you're calling antifa and SJWs liberals they aren't, they're commies.
Nicholas Young
>implying watching tards go at it isn't the funniest shit ever
Austin Parker
I don't get why he doesn't just move to china if he's so obsessed with mao. It's not that hard.
Oh wait they don't even allow fucking YouTube over there. This guys picture should be listed by the definition of cuck in a dictionary
Eli Brown
No shit.
Austin Brooks
Kinda wish the USSR was still around, Commies and their regimes are good fun to fuck up. Wish I could have done it as a job.
Liam Reyes
He was trying to defect to Best Korea a few years ago after he got arrested.
Josiah Jones
What a fucking retard.
Carter Taylor
I'm not kidding. He punched his former landlord in the face back in 2013 and was arrested. While on bail he tried to defect to North Korea.
Camden Hill
Didn't he also make a video saying that the 9/11 victims, quote, "deserved it"? Guy's an absolute piece of shit.
Grayson Cox
Robert Sullivan
Do you think he's on an FBI watch list? I hope so. I really hope so.
Xavier Lopez
He's Canadian, so no.
Justin Brown
>he tried to defect to North Korea. Please, my sides, I need them.
Jose Nelson
I'm somehow not too surprised
Jose Russell
Send him a tweet and ask him about it. He's not ashamed of it at all.
Parker Parker
David Anderson
Sonic the hedgecuck
Alexander Clark
hes such a retard, all those parties are part of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland and all the candidates fro the other parties are chosen by the communist workers party.
>Molymeme is Canadian >Roo the Turd-Worldist is Canadian wtf
Oliver Jackson
>mfw no one is tweeting roo
SOMEONE do it already. We want Unruhe to debate Destiny and get creamed. Just fucking tweet both of them asking them to both debate. IT TAKES LIKE FIVE SECONDS.
Elijah Davis
What a fucking stereotype
Jose Richardson
Hence why he's hilarious to watch.
Samuel Peterson
>Maoist Rebel News More like AyyLMAOist Rebel News
Camden Lee
How are the Maoists in your country, Flip?
Colton Powell
They are still around fucking shit up across the country, despite a renewed attempt at peace talks.
Nathan Scott
I thought they were making agreements with Duterte.
Samuel White
But yes they are annoying.
Matthew Fisher
Commie Unruhe will resort to "not my Communism" like all commie scum do.
Jace Young
bro, I'm tired and just got hone from 3rd shift work (metro bus mechanic). it's very good fucking pay (3rd year and a annual salary of 53k just for 6 hours a day, but on a rush and my living expenses are fucking small) >THE SIGHT OF A COMMIE INFURIATES ME, THIS FAGGOT WANTS EQUALITY OF OUTCOME FOR ME RECIPROCAL TO A CASHIER OR JANITOR? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! GET HIM OFF, CUT HIM OFF MIKE!
Christian Jackson
Roo is delusional.
Dominic Harris
Dude the Subcomendantes aesthetic was absolutely top tier. Cool as a fucking cucumber.
Carson Cook
He went from that, to Linkin Park chic. Think about it.
Brayden Cox
Unruhe is even more crazy than that, he will uironically defend stalinism and maoism. It's not an accident that "Unruhe" in german means "disturbance".
Levi Gomez
Stop making destiny threads this guy is a liberal shill. He's retarded...stop this garbage.
Brody Thomas
He pronounces his name like: un-ROO.
I live in Alsace so I know a fair amount of German.
Isaiah Martinez
I'm making this thread because I want to see Destiny debate a commie. In other words, I want to see two retards humiliate each other brutally.
Gavin Lee
Top notch idea
Tyler Flores
Tweet the guy and ask him.
Robert Perry
Commies =/= human. A little genocide doesn't bother a red.
Nathaniel Cruz
Liberals are way worse.
Justin Jenkins
have you notice ancoms and antifa look like they can't hunt, fix a tire, unclog a drain, maintain a garden or lift a finger on some manual labor? >mfw oh, the are so "proletariat"
Christian James
They also look pale due to lack of sun.
Samuel Lewis
Camden Wright
Luis Rivera
There's no such thing as a liberal any more. Any real liberalism (classical liberalism) died out long ago.
Ethan Brooks
Classical liberals today are called libertarians.
Zachary Campbell
Granted anarcho-communists used to call themsleves "libertarians".
Landon Russell
Is that Skallagrim's brother?
Benjamin Wright
Shut up you racist cracker.
Ryder Russell
Roo is red like the Native Americans because he is Saami.