Daily reminder

Eminem died in 2006 in a car crash and that this ninny is an imposter

>in b4 "this is just what 20 years of aging do"


Step aside.

he just looks like a wrinkled old faggot

not surprising, he worked for that faggot Dre and didn't he come out?

he has aids
got it from fucking Dre's asshole



Slim shady would've voted trump. Idk what the fuck this imposters been doing

Looking at the first picture gives me a contact high

Looking at the second one kills that high, makes me relapse, recover but permanently be in a state of withdrawl. Like painfully sober

20 years of hardcore gay sex will age you, hardcore.

He became "ascended". He even told us about it in Rap God. It's true. The old, real Eminem is gone.

20 years of degenerate drug abuse does that to you.

I totally agree the new eminem is a cuck, and the eyes and nose dont match


>Slim Shady would of voted Trump

in what reality? he made songs saying fuck bush with the intention of americans rising up and marching on the white house

White nigger on both sides.

I honestly think it is somewhat believable. the new eminem just seems like a wildly different person, in looks but also mannerisms and general vibe.

will the real slim shady please stand up

Drugs do all sorts of shit to the human body and mind OP I once watched a nigger stoned on crack jump around in the middle of the street while acting like he was fishing

This is political how??
Fuck this white trash loser.
You want a red pill??

Jews saw all the white kids listening to rap music and trying to act black, they dug up some trailer park kid rapper to give them a hero and collect a couple billion more off him whining about his mommy/wife/daughter and growing up a pill addicted skid kid with a slut gf

20 years of drug abuse... hardcore stimulant use at low BF% results in some weird shit including loss of facial fat

look at any meth addict and its the same shit... really thin tight faces with almost no fat

Daily reminder that you're a fag if you care what a male looks like over the course of 20 years. Fag.

It's not just aging, he gained a ton of weight, and then lost it all.

>Paul Mounet

Also, he hasn't made a single song since his return that actually resembles his old flow or rapping style. His new style is jilted and awkward, may make heavy use of multi-syllabics but doesn't have the same grasp for rhythm. Notice how every song he makes now sounds awkward and overly-technical.

Did he catch anything?


I don't want to cast aspersions, but I think drugs might have played a factor. Bath salts and the like.

>White America is all the kids who voted trump: eminems core fan base

Daily reminder you're in this thread too fag

He's not the only one.


well, 20 years and almost dying from pill and opiod addictions. mostly the latter part

That's a facelift bud. Put in had plastic surgery.

Who dug up this old raptor meme?

This is about as believable as most things on Sup Forums

"think that I'm about to be a rap god (rap god) all the people from the chads to the jack offs
Truth for the- blue print
Youth ful exzoobrants
Shoot for the moon since"

Ya I see what you mean

ITT: Undiagnosed Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Exactly fucking right. this same shit. about Eminem pops up all the time and it's literally drugs. he talks about it in songs, he went to rehab he overdosed and nearly died from drugs.

but its more realistic that he died and was cloned. i fucking hate people. even though OP is probably baiting there are people that actually beleive eminem died and was cloned.

A council of Jews writes his songs now.

Once you realize that they actually are cloning people, it's only a matter of scale.

just like this board believes hitler is alive in south america

just like american bible thumpers think the earth is 2000 years old and dinosaurs and people lived at the same time

No. You're wrong.

Russian text, no translate, sorry.

Looks like botox maybe

ITT you're a shill because shills have this as a go to

>look at split

M night shamamayancalendar did this recently

>don't make the same mistake



This does explain the space-alien face thing. Same shit goes for pic related. I'd assumed Putin was more down to earth than this. Oh well. We all want to stay young I guess.


Thanks for the chuckle.

I don't see it

Yeah cause Mosh is such a right leaning song. calling for your fanbase to commit acts of violence because a certain person is president. thats so totally not liberal.

How is everyone?

it hurts when i pee

Kids who are of the age to have had listening to Eminem during his height of popularity overwhelmingly voted for Hillary.
You're a fucking idiot or just too young.

Not bad

That's natural for an Australian.

I hope this is true. Its at least a better fate then my favorite musician/artist actually becomming a hillary endorsing cuck.
In another thread someone mentioned the 12 step program he probably went through (he wore the sign) whichs origin probably is aleyster crowleys diary of a drugfiend which is a satanic guide to make people quit drugs and which many elements got overtaken by the alcoholics anonymous (((coincidently))).
Maybe it also was full blown MKUltra. Maybe he always was a cuck ind it was just a show.

This election gave as much as it took

Thats one song versus his ENTIRE CHILDHOOD



He's like Steven King. He needed the drugs.

Both Keanu and Nick Cage are time travelers and have been recorded multiple times throughout history.

Rumors are Jimmy Fallon is as well.

What if he was Stan ?

and you're one fucking idiot verses his entire hillary supporting fanbase.

Seriously, songs like Rap God, and all the songs on MMLP2 and Recovery, have virtually nothing in common with songs on his older albums. Similar themes, maybe, but the rapping style feels completely different, more robotic and stilted while less fluid. If someone was trying to write like Eminem, but didn't have his ability or sense of rhythm, it seems like this is what they'd come up with.

Steven hawking probably is remote controlled. Think about it: sit him in that chair, remotecontroll the movements and the speechconputer of the chair, and he will never be able to tell anyone he is held prisoner. There are some clips that show him sleeping while answering questions (maybe he is just that smart though)

Also noone ever lived nearly as long with his desease as he did

or eminem did drugs for over 20 years and at the height of his career was performing live terribly. he never really recovered.


I can't name one musician that has a 20+ year career that has wrote in the same style or performed in the same style through all those years. Some artists hit many peaks, some hit plateaus and dial it in, and some actually get worse for the long term after their peak.

Those are thirty somethings, now, which wasn't exactly Shillary's age bracket.

Tech N9ne

What kind of sick government would do such a thing?

I listened to him during my youth, was and still is my favorite musician (just pretending his newer stuff isnt there) i would have voted trump. I dont trust that guy yet, but voting hillary would have been the same as shooting myself in the head

But then who was phone?