
Make Finland great again 2019 thread

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I would like another civil war desu

Vote Jussi Halla-aho


ebin :--D



Our savior

can i get a quick rundown on the political situation there?

Make Finland 3rd world country 2019!

Finnish water belongs to Nestle and Coca-Cola!


Jussi Halla-Laho

ebin päröälölörlröl spurdoöspsääpräe

slanderous lies

And why is that? He supports TTIP and CETA. How am I lying here?

maybe, but you said it in a rude way

>Vihreet on puolueesi t:vaalikone

Shit party but desu only one that doesnt want to rape my familys lands


Maybe, but everyone needs to know what kind of man he is. Especially foreign people as they have no idea who he is and people in here try to make him look like a good guy.

Retake Karellia!!

Oh wait....

It's full of Russians now...

sprölölölölö spurdo pora

I guess I'll pay the Persu membership fee if he wins. Kiitos mestari

It sucks but that's gotta be preferable to sliding towards being Sweden

Go back to RASMUS dumb shill


shill alert

>splöts prlrllllsshhhh :D

why were True Finns so awful?

Again? Hahaha... good one!

won't be anymore

Theyre essentially finnish chavs but older

Perkele satana!
The only words I know.

why are their eyes like that?

fuck off fat

Swedish police has actually increased border controls because of refugees escaping to sweden

what about the Nigger Hitler?

He's the Master's apprentice.

are there any speaches of the guy?
I wouldnt understand a word, I just want to hear him talk.

he is a hikky with assburgers


the whole audience falled asleep after an 10 second's.

what does this mean?
I only know Kunia, witch means Hail
Palovana - Inner fire
Katso Voimiani- look at me(or something like that)

tee suomesta mahtava jälleen

when is scandanavia going to take back their countries and save their culture from the immigrants?


kunnia = honor
tehdä kunniaa = salute
palovana = streak of fire, or something
katso voimiani = behold my powers

very useful phrases

I want a speach from this nigger, not the main guy.
I am fairly certain he will win anyway.


i don't think there are any videos of the nigga giving a speech

he's a political noob and currently employed as a priest

no mate, give me a video from the nigger talking!

It's one "n" shorter from kunnia, Honor
>Katso voimiani
Behold/Look at my strength/power

>Perkele Saatana
Perkele (either Devil or Supreme God, what ever you like) and Satan, both curse words nowadays

make funland Chinese again, sincerely leaf

He's nobody, just a meme

Immigration is small issue if at the same time he sells my country to multinational criminal corporations.

I only see Halla-Laho shills here.

Typical Halla-Laho shills tactic: "öyh öyh you are left winger and antifa because you dare to oppose our master!!!!"

Don't think one exists yet, tho he did do an interview with a magazine recently. Apparently he's a christian priest, said that his moustache comes from God. 10/10.

oh, sad

I also know
Korpi- forrest
klaani- clan/tribe
Runamoine is a guy from a legend who rides into the sky pulled by 4 black horses but then at the third(?) sky his cart breaks and he dies or something.
Nuita or Noita- night

I hink thats all I know

Is it true that Finns like to drink?

What do you guys drink there anyway.

Anything that doesnt take the eyesight away.

Well, desu anything everyone else around the world drinks. I guess our lonkero is a speciality though, see more here originallongdrink.com/

I can see your influence

Did I tell tale correctly?

>Korpi- forrest
>klaani- clan/tribe
>Runamoine is a guy from a legend who rides into the sky pulled by 4 black horses but then at the third(?) sky his cart breaks and he dies or something.
Yep, pretty much

>Nuita or Noita- night
Noita means "Witch". Yö is night.


>Still 2 years until the Finnish meme election


that guy registers as a candidate in your district. what do you do?

his settings are as follows:

black nationalist conservative hitler
triggers leftists 88 times per second
+100% to gas chamber construction rate



The Soini regiment became cuckservative and half of the party is literal retards. The party needs a more intellectual identity.


benis :DDDDDD



Jaksaakso sitä jonnekin Jyväskylään asti lähteä?

what did you mean by this?


Vafan finland

Purjo pore spagetti spesiaali! :DD

Is MFGA for Finland or for France? I think Finland might be globally more relevant than France, so it's Make Finland Great Againu?

Lets just go with MEGA

Make Europe Great Again

Hello Chang, would you mind not buying anymore empty houses in my cuntry please

Erotaanko eurosta?

You could do MSGA.

S for Suomi obviously. Or Sami if you're Sami.

The fire rises


Everyone would think of Spain imidietly.
Stuipid leaf.

MFiGa, also sounds better.

muh capitalism!

Godspeed Sweeds

Remove them all.

Suur-Suomi when?

Halla-Aho is a globalist cuck and Cock footstool.


Go Finland. We could use some strong bastards like you.

this shit is mongol posting at its binnacle, bredy gud kek nigger





Is there anybody more based than Seppo Papunen?


Just the general themes in Europe. And Jussi Halla-aho is our Le Pen.

Halla-aho is pro-NATO, but doesn't think it's actually realistic in Finland and won't move on that. His focus is on being staunchly anti-immigration and anti-EU.

Could you win the FInnish public by promising free Saunas and pills to all?


I've always assumed Finland is a land of antisocial, depressed alcoholics. Is this true?

He's the best optiom for the Finns.

Thanks Mistress

There's more saunas than cars in Finland. I'm poor as fuck student and my apartment has the sauna and the housing complex has two saunas.

Raikkonen for president.
One job finns, one job.

He has the typical finnish facial features. Are you sure he isn't just a finn with black paint

I am not sure what dream life would be better.
Daily saunas or pic related.

this is the researcher