He's lost over 500k subs since Molygate. How the fuck will he ever recover? Is the alt-right (us) dead?
He's lost over 500k subs since Molygate. How the fuck will he ever recover? Is the alt-right (us) dead?
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This retard does not represent us.
wats molygate?
Cia pls go
I unironically hate him.
Not jealous or mad at him.
I just hate people who repeat the same shit on camera to idiots and gets donations this way.
I kinda wish he died of cancer.
Styxhexen does a far better job than him.
you don't represent me
You're a dumb cunt, but you don't deserve a (you)
what did he do?
What is it?
What happened?
>YouTuber calls himself a philosopher
sorry for being retarded
what was molygate
people were just shitposting here a lot but I never checked out what it was
I remember the "time for arguments is over" video, is that what you're talking about or was there something newer?
why would the platform matter?
Fake news
>a kike alt-right
Yeah sure
The event that destroyed Molymeme and the alt-right. THe vast majority of Sup Forums is now against this clown.
Nope, we're pretty much done.
okay but what is it
Vaguely I remember hearing something about him and his other guy chimping out at one of their call-in faggots who was a marxist.
Nothing worth 500k subs down. I don't know if he even had more than 300k to begin with.
>ALT-RIGHT BTFO!!!1!!1!11!ONE!
He probably means this:
He was destroyed though.
He's a confirmed cult leader and paedophile. People shouldn't listen to him. His ideas are stupid.
Also he's not just a youtuber, he got his own forum and has written several books.
That said he's a cunt with some good viewpoints
this is 44 minutes long and scrubbing through I can't find anything except for talking
Look. The last thing we can afford is divide and conquer. A wise strategy to take is not attacking our vocal personalities over such minor things.
Feel free to withdraw support. In fact I encourage you to follow your morals. But for heaven's sakes don't contribute to any sort of division. We're winning here you fucks.
Keep our public image strong
Why does this thread keep getting made?
Who cares? E-celeb garbage doesn't belong here.
OP fuck off already
>tfw you try to meme a thing but nobody notices or gives a fuck what you have to say
This thread will get made again at least 3 more times this afternoon and you'll get confused disinterested (you)s in all of them. What a faggot.
Where's the contradiction in that statement?
Sorry but Molymeme is pretty much done.
Nobody cares if he were. Stop spamming the same thread over and over.
what did he do though is the question thats really making me think right now
any answers?
He destroyed himself. For more look up "Molygate"
Someone give me a quick run down.
Molygate pretty much wrecked his credibility. Now he's hemorrhaging subscribers.
leaf trying to make me watch beastiality shit
It's one user attempting to meme this for their own reasons. Searching the phrase brings up these threads among the top responses. Sort of disgusting to watch someone astroturfing live itt. What a faggot.
>Now he's hemorrhaging subscribers.
I think you mean the complete opposite
>atracking people this board likes
>not a shill
Sage, go choke on a dildo
never forget the 6 million shill threads
Just tell us. I'm not spending an hour to maybe find out an answer to a sidetrack question.
Socialblade is notorious for posting fake statistics
Sharieblue pls....
git out
Stop spamming your shitty astroturfed threads here, you will not alter opinion with your shilling.
What a faggot you are, every single user here is laughing at you. Next thread goes the same, kek. You'll never escape being a dirty worthless leaf.
Socialblade has false earnings statistics because CPM is a private thing that they cannot track, so it's sensible to ignore that/
Views and Subscriptions however are public facing and accessible by everyone. All the website is doing is tracking them and the changes on a daily basis. You could do the exact same yourself, manually, and come up with the same numbers
Better luck next time, kid.
He got destroyed though.
Skimmed it. Here my TL;DR:
Moly shows himself to be a massively opinionated cunt who can't even hold a proper argument w/o resorting to "muh views", "muh subscribers", and "muh philosophy".
Basically, he's a fuccboi and has a greater hive mindset than Sup Forums or Reddit
>he doesn't know moly has been a scam artist for for years
Really good description retard. Now I know exactly what happened.
wow it's another blame shareblue derailment
>He's lost over 500k subs since Molygate
Looks like he gained 20k?
m8, YOU got destroyed. Not even your proxy can save you the embarrassment you've crafted for yourself this morning.
I rarely even watched his vids as it was. Too goddamned long. Also this is not an alt right board. This is a kek worshipping white nationalist Nazi kkk board of peace about Mongolian underwater basket weaving. Why would we care about politics?
>only lost 500k
>forgetting the 6 million subs he lost last month
Reddit out!
the shilling is unreal
I never liked him anyway.
I always knew he was a far-right extremist.
He doesn't represent us civic nationalists that are pro diversity.
Why must the lessor races hate, destroy and tear down what we have built.
Why did u say leaf 3 times?
>is the alt-right done
Is the left this desperate for an enemy they can all unite against? I guess their strategies fall apart without one. Sorry you're getting beat by a small group of angey, racist, basement-dwellers (I'm not actually sorry).
I would have never known or cared about this guy if the shills didn't start spamming threads about him on here.
Now I've watched a few of his debate videos.
>shills are so blind they can't even see how Trump won and learn from it
He's a fucking delusional ancap and encourages children to run away from their parents to his hosue if they try to spank them.
Nothing happened faggots,there is no "Molygate" and he haven't lost a single subscriber.
oh boy more d&c
Literally, does not exist except for here.
These smell so bad.
Moly is not perfect, but he brings the arguments, cites data and has decent guests
Isn't it funny when a shill doesn't understand how easy it is to search a phrase they spam here? It's as if they think they're shilling on kikebook where people are too dumb to check.
Molygate is a real thing though, even Molymeme had to acknowledge it.
Moly stopped this dumb nervous Kraut kid and just berated him for like 20 minutes on manners and basically telling him he was a dumb ass who will never amount to anything without saying it directly.
So what is going on, is he "in trouble" now? What the fuck is everyone talking about with "Molygate"?
wtf i hate arguments now
It's only a matter of time before Molymeme goes on a killing spree.
>holy shit goys he lost over 6 gorillion subs since yesterday! how will he ever argument again?!
It's leafs shitposting, nothing new.
Molygate is the event that completly destroyed one of the alt-right's most prized figures
e-celeb garbage belongs in and so do you
Oh, so literally nothing. Kill yourself
we can recover your old ragtop convertable at Stefo's garage! Come in for an estimate.
uh, still has 580k subs. op kys
>Not gonna lie former Molyneux supporter here. Its been hilarious watching this guy crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let him get the arguments.
Stefan has always been a bit of an erratic hot head, this is nothing new. The arguments will flow nontheless.
Nope, he's died out now. Old news.
>In reality a leaf, a french and swiss make 10 threads in 3 days spamming by themselves for 3 days in these threads alone
>Nobody even knows what they meant by the so called Molygate
Grest work tards, not only did you waste your time, it was for nothing after all
Well shit you're right, guess you better delete this thread and never make another one ever again
He's at 580k
OP confirmed for troll and total faggot
Is this Mrs Molyneux?
He hates your jew guts. Get over it.
You should have peaceful-parented him you old lefty man-hater.
That's confirmed fake though. Molymeme said himself that he's applying to jobs now that his youtube career is pretty much finished.
OP is still a gigantic fucking faggot
Are those daily revenues? And to think he asks for donations!
OP will make another thread in a couple hours anyway, the utter faggot.
Okay I watched some of that clip and he is carrying on like a fuckwit.
It's just one video of hundreds though and it hassn't put a dent in his career.