What's your opinion Sup Forums?

What's your opinion Sup Forums?
Should we force businesses to hire or continue employing stoners?

I don't think we need more laws. I don't think they'd like it much if I showed up to work drunk all the time or drank on the job.

And if I thought I'd been terminated wrongfully for it then I could sue them.

They need to find a better systemto test when you got high last. Like a breathalyzer. If you are stoned on the job yes you get fired.

A guy I worked with cut his hand at work and got drug tested. Found marijuana, got fired, didn't get worker's comp, and employer didn't pay for medical expenses.

Don't do drugs, kids.

>What's your opinion Sup Forums?
Employers should be free to hire and fire whoever they want.

I should be able to drop acid at work too, God what is this, gulag?

Alcohol is legal, it shouldn't get you fired UNLESS you show up to work drunk.

Same with weed.

Im about to start a job where they drug test you, am I completely safe as long as I get my medical marijuana card?


Some business (cool, laid back ones) already refuse to drug test their employees when hiring them. it's not required that you must drug test. It's used by some employers to offset work-related injuries and other fuckups. Also to many managers illegal drug use is a sign of poor character etc, etc

Alcohol can get you fired easily.

I work in copper industry and there were plenty of people who were fired just because they came slightly drunk or on hangover. For a good reason too.

Alcohol is legal too, but try showing up for work drunk and see what happens.

Businesses should make their own choices who to hire. If you hire a stoner and he just spaces out all day, it's a waste to keep him. Alcohol is legal but that doesn't mean you won't get fired for showing up to work drunk or with a hang over that prevents you from working.

Businesses already fires drunkards

>Also to many managers illegal drug use is a sign of poor character
It is.

I wouldn't hire drunks, why would I hire stoners?

Alcohol is legal too. Should I drink at work and/or be wasted?

Depends on the state, I'm pretty sure in Maine an employer can still fire you for failing a drug test even if you have a card

Employers should have a right to hire and fire anyone at will, as long as it is with accordance with the contract that both parties agreed on earlier. It's their business, their money.

I go to work high every day. It doesn't matter if they test me or not. I always bring a bag of fake piss just in case of a work related injury. Haven't been caught yet and its been 15 years.

showing up drunk to work or even drinking on the job will get you fired even though alcohol is perfectly legal
plenty of workplaces even ban smoking
hell, you could get high on legal household shit like petrol, and you would still get fired for being inebriated at work

To many non-managers, being a manager is a sign of poor character.

>Should we force
stopped reading there
GTFO commie

It should be like alcohol. You can drink but don't show up to work shitfaced.

I think if the employee isn't high at work and the use isn't impacting their ability to function at work then they shouldn't get fired for it (regardless of it's legal status)
But plenty of stoners fall into the latter category so it really shouldn't hurt the company too much
Basically people shouldn't get fired for failing a drug test, but should if their performance is shit

Im in FL

>It's used by some employers to offset work-related injuries and other fuckups.
This is exactly why my job does it and drug tests immediately after any injury.

God forbid any of these 4/20blayzeitt stonerbros get hurt at work, even a minor cut that requires stitches/hospital care and they get fired and don't get worker's comp either.

My job is union too.

Business owners can and already do make these decisions(typically based on insurance issues) it doesn't matter if it becomes legal or not it won't change what business owners are already doing. Also they're the only ones that can make this decision not government bureaucracy.
pic related

They do, it's a blood test. It can detect marijuana use up to 8-10 hours. Still not that accurate for determining if you're high but just stop smoking 10 hours before work.

If you're not inebriated on the jump and weed is legal where you are then it shouldn't be a problem.

no, you should be able to fire anyone

cali for instance you can get a state job no problem (Could be a weed smoking cop)

but private companies have the freedom to fire you.

It's the company's policy, not the government's. If they think pot is dangerous and counterproductive to their wants and needs as a private company then they have every right to fire for it. It's in the same way they can enforce a dress code.


If a company doesn't want a smelly stoner at their office, let them fire that stoner.

>If swastika tatoos aren't illegal, then they shouldn't get you fired.
>Oh wait, a swastika tatoo doesn't influence your psyche or reaction speed or whatever. Kush does
Fuck stoners for being so fucking stupid.

Marajuana should be legalized but you should be sober when you go to work.

stoneage style. If he stoned before work OK but day beofre? Stoneage.

Would he been fired if he was drunk until blackout day before?

Id shuld b da fwee mawkit 2 de side cuz I m too skard 2 mak a morul deshishion :DDDDD

whats your opinion on government employees tho? Or just going full ancap for you?

Even if Marijuana were actually legal, if you come in to work high you can expect to be fired, same as if you come in drunk. If companies want to fire their employees for even using it at all, that's their prerogative, but they should make that clear in the employee guidelines so prospective employees can choose not to accept an offer from them if that is a turn off.

Weed stay in your system for weeks. You're gonna fail the test anyways unless you stay clean for a while

What if I use it for medical purposes and never come to work high or anything? Couldnt I sue them if I got fired?


>I've accepted that I might get arrested and thus leave my family, friends, and employers in a bind but at least I felt good for a few hours.
I'm all for legalization, but let's not kid ourselves.

Don't show up high.

How about we just let employers decide for themselves?

>companies full of stoners will go under cause 0 productivity and 0 quality

People who want jobs will be forced into non-degenerate behavior

Fixed it and didn't even have to resort to bullshit totalitarian horsecrap

>remember kids, degeneracy is on the rise cause it's subsidized.

If Alcohol is legal it shouldn't get you fired

No one wants to deal with someone stoned on the job, it's a hazard for everyone around you

Unlikely, as it's still illegal per federal law. It'd make for an interesting case though.

I'd imagine it might well protect you. Florida has had medical legal through a loopwhole "you may comsume substances to aid your health" clause in FL constitution. this was before you needed your retarded 60% vote.

Allow businesses to make their own call on whether or not to hire stoners, as they always should have been able to.

Most won't hire them.

Belgian police do spit tests. Those can detect THC for up to 14 hours and test results are available almost immediately. They do it to see if you are driving under influence, after the cop identifies you as having signs that you are high, of course.

If that's found positive, they send another sample to a lab, and what they find counts as official evidence.

If you're bringing more value than you take it shouldn't matter.

If masturbation is legal
It shouldn't get you fired

exactly. its a need to know basis. if you never come to work drunk or high what does it affect them anyhow? of course you'll fire the dude whos stumbling all over the place or just washed the same plate 6 times, but you would do that in any normal case.

If you show up high you should be treated the same as showing up drunk or on other drugs.

So make it illegal

My job drug tests after any reported injury. It's their way of not being forced to pay for someone's medical bills and compensate them on medical leave. Shit's expensive, yo. Although if you do get injured and pass the drug test, everything else is covered for by the company since you were accidentally injured at work. It happens.

The guy I'm talking about was kind of lazy too, so whatever. Nice guy though, but young and therefore too careless.

It could very well be illegal under floridas medical discrimination laws. And I don't think the feds would have jurisdiction.

but it would make an interesting case.

Yea its kinda weird, I knew people who had it before the law was passed.

I don't see any reason why employer or goverment should have any rights to intrude in your personal life. Thats how slaves are treated, not free humans.

>making a "moral decision" for others is somehow masculine
Yeah man tax those beta peasants haha they don't know what is best for them.

Why can't you burgers just... stop smoking? Like not smoke, at all?

It's against the law federally, so it's against the law everywhere in the US. So breaking the law can get you fired, end of discussion.

>smoke weed on saturday
>go to work sober every day
>thursday cut your hand
>manager gets a raise for saving the company money
>uses it to do cocaine off of a strippers asshole
>comes into work drunk

>My job drug tests after any reported injury. It's their way of not being forced to pay for someone's medical bills and compensate them on medical leave
It's a requirement per their insurance usually, and is to help ensure that said employee didn't injure themselves because they were inebriated in some fashion. Having said that though, it shouldn't(as in, I wish it didn't) matter if just detected some that you smoked like last week.

Companies fire people for consuming when they're OFF the job. That's the point here. It doesn't matter if you were never high at work, they can still fire you.
I've been smoking since about the same time I started working and I've never received anything but praise at work. Sorry you're so shit that weed could make a noticeable effect on your work lel.

drug use creates cool culture/art/films/music.

thats why singapore is an art/film/music sinkhole. they dont have any of those things really.

If you stoner you a degenerate nigger. Anyone with some bit of a self respect doesn't smoke that shit.

It's funny because you think your ideology is what is best for them too. Stop acting like you are not like other ideologies. All ideologies believe they have the best interest for people.

I don't do any drugs so I enjoy an advantage in the workforce. My boss has slipped up and told me he smokes weed. If he ever fucks up on the job, I will anonymously demand he be drug tested, then I will do everything I can to usurp his position.

alcohol is also legal

>Should we force businesses to hire or continue employing stoners?

Absolutely not. Employer should be able to hire and fire whoever he wants (ofc given that if he instantly fires a person he gives the "parting gift" and not in "Ok you are on your own now" way)
IF it wasnt affecting the employer (he never saw the guy stoned) then it wouldn't even be an issue.
But stoners being the retards they are probably went smoking before/during the work, got fired and now are crying how their bad employers are and that are firing them for no reason.

except basically the only thing they can test for is weed.

you could do a line of blow right before your shift and by the time you pissed it would be clean

just a loophole that saves them from paying out insurance. pretty bullshit.

No you don't force business to do anything you faggot communist

Shameless self check.
I praise you KEK!

I work in transportation, and I am subject to even stricter drug tests than the other engineering areas because the risk posed by me mentally impairing myself through drug use is that much higher.
If I turn up too hungover or still half-stoned and then fuck up designing an enxtractor fan for a road tunnel, people could actually die because of that one bad decision.
It's perfectly reasonable for a company to demand its employees keep themselves in a good physical condition for the job.

>Detects 10hr before work
>be person with strong insomnia
>use dudeweed to sleep better
>youre fired!

It really depends. I used to work as a shiftleader for fast food and blazed it all the time. Even my boss knew and he didn't give a shit.

>you could do a line of blow right before your shift and by the time you pissed it would be clean
Except that isn't true man, it stays detectable in your system for at least 2 days sometimes a bit longer.

weed is just a burning bush man. Its heresy to tell a man of Christ to not do as Moses did

mods are warning me for posting this despite digits... and the first thread i find it deleted from is the christian one.

why dont you mind your own fucking business?
like, forever.

>I should be allowed to get high and fucked up at work
Fucking millennials

Freedom hating scum who have a problem with what an American citizen does in his own fucking home deserve to be lined up and shot.
If they hate weed, that's their god given right, they don't have to smoke it.
But if they try to fucking take your job away because you do something that hurts their pwecious widdle fee fees, then they can fuck the fuck right off to wherever else that fucking commie shit is tolerated.


If you "get good" enough at your job, most employers literally don't care. I have a friend who is a contractor engineer for Ford and has his supervisor sign off on his drug test papers simply because the supervisor doesn't want to risk it coming back dirty and losing one of his best employees. Funniest shit is, the guy does nothing but drink 4% beer every other day

Because of the illegality?

>weed has no effect on me
>defends using weed

good for you, but us people who are not pursuing a career in surrealist finger painting really need to have our wits about us cause if we fuck up people will die.

the argument is that if the substance is still in your system you are under the influence, even if its very mild. and therefore you are not excused for the screwup.

you could show up blasted out of your mind high on pills or coke or drunk as shit and if you hurt yourself you wouldnt fail a piss test.

cocaines half life is 1 hour.

only thing that will show up is weed. otherwise you get your benis

You shouldn't really get high if you're meant to be working but what you do in your spare time is no concern of anyone but you.

If you appear to be impaired (and yes, if you're high, you're impaired), you should expect to be shit-canned. Same as if you showed up drunk to work or came back from lunch after a few beers.

I don't agree with continuing to count marijuana in the mandatory/random drug screening though, if it's legal in your state, because it's still detectable for a long time even after you're no longer high. And what you legally do on your own time is your business.

Yeah, I would fire my employees for being fucking drunck same with one that is high. If you can't survive without then you don't deserve a job, show self control

The important thing is if the person are able to do their job properly.

>be toothpaste
>have legal weed
>still criticize it

So your country is shit is what you're saying?

Also look up Irvin Rosenfield to see a Federal medical marijuana patient who smokes 10 joings a day and is a stock broker. hes been puffing strong on government weed for 28 years now.

I don't subscribe to ideology. I hate homosexuals but believe they should be free to live as they please. Voluntarism isn't an ideology with which one asserts positive rights, it is a logically derived recognition of the NAP.

Being unproductive isn't illegal either, should we stop firing those who are unproductive?

Should we regulate how businesses conduct business? No, we shouldn't.

>cause if we fuck up people will die.

Extra toasted next time please

Basically this.

Fucking pathetic weedfaggots. If you can't go 3 seconds without stanking up everything you touch you should just fucking kill yourselves.

I'm pretty sure it's already like that it parts of Europe.

Alcohol is legal but you aren't allowed to be drunk at work.

>Being drunk on the workfloor shouldn't get you fired

If slacking off is legal, it shouldn't get you fired