
Let it be know, that Jonathan "Aryan" Jafari is officially /ourguy/.

For the uninformed:

The leftists have already started attacking him, we need to support him. We need to show that he is not alone in thinking like he does.

Other urls found in this thread:

The best way for Sup Forums to support him is to shut the fuck up. Nobody wants the support of a bunch of alt-right Nazi LARPers

23:48 Destiny ragequits when he realizes he didn't bait NakedApe to debate with no facts like he did Jon.

whats with people debating destiny? since when is a nerd videogamer some supposed expert on politics?

thomas sowell talked about this, how people who excel in one field all the sudden think they are experts in other fields and think their opinion matters


since when are nerds on a weeaboo imageboard an expert on politics? Anyone can debate anyone on whatever they want, doesn't matter their background. Can't stand Destiny though hes a pompous ass

you shill, lets just not have opinions because some sjw might use guilt-by-association

this is why you have to be honest with yourself and not try to """""redpill""""" if you're a dullard. you WILL shoot yourself in the foot in more ways than you'll ever know.

Retract your statement or else

I'm supposed to watch a 2 hour video to be informed about what exactly?



he's iranian
technically speaking he's just about as aryan as it gets desu

holy shit blue shirt guy has such an annoying voice. what a grating bitch.

Why does this guy debate people? He's functionally retarded


fucking madman

>Nobody wants the support of a bunch of alt-right Nazi LARPers

He has already revealed his powerlevel. If we just support him then people will know that it's not only him that shares those political views.


Until he names the Jew he is NO ONES guy. Period. He is controlled opposition.

We support our own

Molymeme vs Destiny: Sup Forums is always right edition

Lets make it happen.

>reads some statistic that says black people are in prison more than whites, even comparing rich blacks to poor whites
>concludes that blacks commit more crime, rather than the standard RACISS POH-LEES
>leftists REEEing out by the thousand

Jon "The Refugee-Buryin' Hungarian Aryan" Jafari

This is a political board on a weaboo site
We obsess about politics all day long

Sup Forums is hardly alt-right. It's really more alt-lite than anything.

JonTron is already confirmed pol. Look at his recent Q&A video he inserts "goys" and says "our guy"

ImmortalHD is another possible polack

So Libertarian-right (or left even). Let's be honest, either most people here are lib or the textbook definition of conservative it changing.

The right is rooted in religion. Sup Forums isn't

Go away Jew

The red-pill is a long road. Anyone on the road should be commended and supported

can we convince SJW's that green cheek conures are Anti-Semitic ?

>people who excel in one field all the sudden think they are experts in other fields and think their opinion matters
That's why you had celebrity endorsements for Hillary


>Destiny argumemt is always illegal immigration increases GDP
>People doing low skilled labor n shieet

Does the USA have a migrant worker program? We in Canada truck mexicans in harvest season legally, pay em, then truck em out.



In all honesty they still probably didnt say it, because they were dead

He is at Sargon level of redpilled, sees the truth about nonwhites but doesn't want to fully admit it. It's probably just a matter of time.

>he agrees with us therefore he's our guy!!!! peepe xD
Fuck off. JonTron is politically retarded. He's good for the little kids and nothing more.

Sargon thinks Jon's notably more right-wing than he is.

It's one thing to "debate" on here; it's a whole other level lower in degeneracy to listen to two barely coherent and highly uniformed manchildren "debate".

Unless you were listening for a cheap laugh at all involved.

not an argument, also obv didnt watch the debate

11:01 is better

Destiny is an idiot

>unironically linking to Destiny

Really OP you have to stop elevating hollywood stars in relation to politics.

Very few know what they're talking about.

Where I live, every season is harvest season. The migrant workers switch crops on a seasonal basis

>this debate
jesus christ that way cringey
never heard of destiny but he can't handle a debate

No Destiny, of course there are no crimes or riots anywhere in the world. Fucking idiot.

Sargon is a fullblown cuck. I'm listening to the destiny vs Jon debate (never listened to either before) and he's focusing it all on demographics. He's not taking any shortcuts to make it easier on himself. He's talking facts, not cultivating an image. Also gets up destiny's ass right away when he tries to brush away facts. He's good. Also regurgitating some of our talking points, probably is at home at least in our outer circles.

Does this Destiny guy have a background in politics or something?

Because if not, how egocentric do you have to be to one day think "people would like to hear the political opinions of le funny electronic toy playing man on a regular basis".

You didn't because otherwise you woud have seen to retards fumble about attempting to sound smart.

Destiny fails at fucking analogies and not arguing to emotion and JonTron just fails at everything.

>rich blacks kill more than poor whites! Haha

With no fucking proof or anything to back up that or other positions he had. Jon was literally pulling shit out of his ass, which I guess is par for the course for this board. You have to be 18+ to post here you ADD riddled fuck.


It's sad because an entire generation is growing up listening to these types of people as some kind of authority on politics.

GamerGate was a double edged sword

And aside from 30 million dead people there is nothing wrong with Communism.
Millions died from starvation is just an economic thing.

doesn't look like it
also it's funny because he likes to pull an argument from authority play
>what's your background in X,Y,Z

Jon Tron loses because he tries to obfuscate his views by telling half-truths about what he means.

He would love to come out and say they should exterminate black people, as that is obviously what he means, but I guess the youtube money is too good.

There was a point where Jon thought welfare should be abolished and Sargon wanted him to walk that back.

>why doesn't this YouTube gamer dude go all 1488 and say Jews are behind everything
You fucking retard. That's not how it fucking works. You can't just go "oh yeah the Holocaust was fake" like it's fucking nothing and expect people to take you seriously. The time will come when people with swallow the final redpill but until then we have to go slowly. This is decades of lies and brainwashing we're talking about.

And when jon said on abortions, "WHY ARE WE FUNDING MISTAKES" and Layman/Sargon were shocked

Time to take back Jerusalem

Jontron is literally a Sup Forumsposter though.
He said "They know, shut it down!" when talking about jews on Sargons stream.

The right is rooted in religion. Sup Forums isn't
you insult KEK

For some reason he's is losing subscribers... maybe Neogaf types who can't stand his views or something.
But yesterday evening he had 3,124,458 subscribers, this morning he has 3,119,814.
I hope he's okay. He might end up doing the full cringe to insist he's not racist.


A better response is that culture is more important than GDP to anyone who isn't a rootless Jew. Americans should not be forced to live in Mexico just because it's good for the economy.


>he thinks he is white.

Who are you? Opie?

Not until maker drops him. Which is coming.

>we need to support him.

No "we" don't. Youtube celebrities are worthless.

Fuck off.

He's going to bitch out and go full apology mode when they start to tighten the screws on him

He lives in expensive New York and has a bad relationship with his parents. You see his revenue stream get fucked with, and you will see him debase himself to try to protect it.

I like the guy, and I wish him the best. But my prediction will still come true.

I want to hate fuck this girl

I love the guy but I wish he were more informed before going in.
>We don't want this because the same thing is happening in Europe and it's not going well
>Yeah but I don't care about (insert analogy from the present that absolutely applies) I only care about (anecdote from the past that most people alive don't remember or didn't existence)
I say this as a first generation Caribbean American immigrant, fuck mass immigration. For me since I'm obviously not white, it's not about racial purity. It's about culture and assimilation. My mother came here as a teen and made efforts to be American to the point that she can switch between accents and nobody would ever know. She raised me to be American first. You have people coming here illegally, ignoring the native culture and shitting on our customs. They should fuck off if they like their culture that much.

It doesn't sound like much. Would his business really take a hit?

he called out Soros on Sargon of Cuckard lievstream a while ago, can anyone else confirm this?

>soros is all Jews

This is why you people are a laughing stock even in the conservative world.

Someone should've taught him how to debate. You can't just let your opponent shift the basis.



Jon is a terrible debater. If you think otherwise you are a blind sheep.

Looks kinda young.

But her face would look good with cum on it.

I thought he did though
I know in one video he uses "goyim" or something

He barely puts out content and make all his money from his maker partnership which will drop him soon for a the comments.

He is not a millionaire like pdp

show him some ((((Ben Shapiro)))) and Molymeme, Jon might learn some Basics and increase his Power level.

>Looks kinda young.
you say that like it's a bad thing

>tfw you will never hate fuck a commie bitch in the mouth

This is not the first time he´s under fire for something he said. I don´t think he´ll back down, most people agree with him.
Just look how "bad" things became for Pewdiepie after he was called a nazi: The guy just put out a video where he roleplays as Hitler in the new Conan game, killing creatures and calling them jews. He even has some fake credits at the end, with Himmler, Göbbels and Göring being listed

Boy y'all shift back to the left is happening faster than I expected.

Its not rape if i make her cum

that exact communist won't stop commenting on my videos communist bullshit

i don't think it's a even a girl just a catfish

>With no fucking proof or anything to back up that or other positions he had. Jon was literally pulling shit out of his ass, which I guess is par for the course for this board. You have to be 18+ to post here you ADD riddled fuck.
proof has already been posted 100x go blow your brains out please

Except that's a true statement Sharia Blue

>more and more of today's REAL pop culture icons are showing their power level
>the jews are losing control over gen z
>millions of gen z will grow up seeing pewds and jontron fighting the establishment and taking up the rebel banner against international zionism
>the jews can't stop it because the internet exists

Gas chambers incoming in 15 years confirmed. Time to invest in zyclon b stocks.

Who are you namefag?

>he literally said that he isn't white

We're winning the culture war, and let it be known!! WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING!!

Has anybody else seen the absolute meltdown of ledditors on his subreddit?

It's p sad desu - and they downvote the shit out of anybody who doesn't want to lynch him.

I've had to block her from the channel because she wouldn't stop posting autism

He admitted to browsing Sup Forums on that one sargon of akkad livestream like a month ago

This is why reddit is a worse hug box than Sup Forums

Come on down grab just a 4 piece

hehe xd