>born randomly in a country
>it happens to be a thirld world one
>im "supposed" to live here until my death because a fat neckbeard dweller racist on Sup Forums said so
LOL NO. wallahi i will go to europe, i will impregnate europe women then ill die in peace
Born randomly in a country
i have the same plan too
white girls are fucking attractive
Do it legally and contribute to society you fucking roach, and enough with the victim complex you fucking vagina.
Same I can't wait to move to a white country.
No, stop letting shit skins in legally.
Its this attitude that makes your country shit in the first place.
>i have every right to be in europe
>i have every right to get gibs
>i have every right to shit on your life
>i have every right to fuck blondes
You shitbags sound like small children. Grow up.
Then I'll alter my statement and stop letting unskilled people into your countries, Yurop. If they're ultra skilled, they have six months to prove themselves. It should be a step-by-step system where you advance to the next round if you pass the previous. One strike policy applies.
You weren't born randomly in a shithole, it was through the culmination of your ancestor's choices that you're born in a third world shithole.
>born randomly into a country
>happens to be a good one
>im supposed to let third worlders that hate me in because they want it
LOL NO. Genocide.
Good luck my friend
>Be born to a litter of 3000.
>scuttle around through the trash heaps in search of food
>look up just in time to see a plane from the neatherlands fly over.
>die when the cargo doors open and out rolls a massive can of raid with the nozzle taped down
Shitposting aside, turks are good people and I don't mind them in europe. Met my first Turk when I went to Cuba, opened the door to the hotel bathroom and there he was scuttling across the floor. Din't even try to mug me or explode, he just left peacefully
I agree. Let's spread our seed and make Yurop populous again.
>Turks are good people
Lol, they must be running out of goat pussy in roachistan.
Solid leafposting
>born in a third-world country
>too stupid and worthless to MAKE YOUR COUNTRY GREAT AGAIN
>move to a white country and expect them to feed you instead
You might as well just kill yourself right now.
This tbqh.
Or you could, you know, try to make your country better instead of keeping it a shit hole, but no, you won't, because your people are shit and the cycle continues.
How about you attempt to improve your shithole instead of bringing it with you elsewhere?
I've heard that Adolph loved animal specially dogs, not sure he liked cockroaches...
>i-i-i-improve your cunt dont come to mine!!
Lol no, why the hell wouldnt i take the path with less effort?
Its 2017 and first world countries are taking in anyone, im not dumb
Go away you filthy roach
I Made it brother. I impregnate white woman everyday subhanallah.
We welcome Asian people, you work hard. you integrate into a new society very well. You dont play the victim all the time and you are very willing to work hard and contribute to society.
If only more people felt the same
Because if enough people do what you do, with your mentality, the whole world will be a singular, third world gutter and there won't be anywhere to escape to.
>my house is full of shit, I'll just leave it with my shit smell and go in another country instead of cleaning my house.
Beacuse a (((pharisee))) said you cannot make your own country great again
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mods are warning me for posting this despite digits... and the first thread i find it deleted from is the christian one. Mods have no respect for digits and gets, are they of our culture? NO!
we must defend ourselves with a spiral, as kamina did. KAMINA LIVES!
In what, 100 years min?
I dont expect to live that long
Or you could try turning your shithole into a first world country. You know, something your ancestors didn't do, and ours did.
Grow them up Hans
No, you will go to the gas chamber once natsoc rise again, filthy roach.
Flag checks out
How about you fucking roaches acknowledge that even in all the muslim countries, yours ranks top and it's still considered a third world country.
Then after that why don't you and your inbred goat fucking relatives attempt to fix your fucking country up rather than mass migrating, refusing to assimilate and integrate despite knowing how bad your own culture and ways turned out and forcibly impregnating white women whilst claiming your coming from a war torn country?
There's too much evidence that suggests you fucking sand niggers are sub human...
Lmao at all these neckbeards saying to improve your own country
You didn't improve shit sitting in your basement eating cheetos
It felt great coming to America
I fucked 3 different women my first week here
More power to you, brother.
These faggots who never went through any hardship in their life, they are so comfy their biggest problem is a bunch of minorities not assimilating. They've no chance against survivors like you and me. We will prevail and grow stronger as our Jewish brothers did to survive the wh*te menace.
Deus Vult
Fucking Saracens
Fucking a goat doesnt cant as hardship you roach
This is the punishment given to you and your ancestors for ridding the world of the last of the roman empire you fucking inbred
chinks are cancer
Make your country great, we can destroy ours on our own.
>Canadas on bestiality
Says the faggot whose life was never threatened.
You're the only inbred around here. We're one of the most mixed nationalities.
Turkey is my favorite of the countries I have visited. Maybe it was the only country where everybody didn't secretly hate us. Or maybe it was the only country where people managed to hate us in secret. Good food, and great scenery, too.
>born randomly in a country
>it happens to be a first world one, built by the blood and sweat of my ancestors
>im "supposed" to share it for nothing in return with subhumans because a fat neckbeard dwell leftist on reddit said so
LOL NO. White countries will continue to grow more and more nationalistic and anti immigration. You had your window of opportunity
Turkey is shot because the turks are shit. Turkey didn't magically become the third world for no reason. Your genetics doom you to a third world lifestyle. There is nothing you can do about it but improve your community to the best of your ability
>Billions of people bow to the stone in mecca. Islamic Jesus will tell all he did not die on the cross and that he is not the Son of God. Bible warns of beheadings of Christians that refuse to worship the beast, Quran 8:12 dictates the beheading of all who do not worship Allah. Bible says the beast that resembles a lamb (Jesus) but speaks like a dragon (Satan) will cause all to worship the first beast (Mahdi and Allah), which is precisely what the Quran says will happen. Allah worship is the reincarnation of Moloch worship.
You're always welcome to visit again, friend. We don't judge people based on their identity, but their character and conduct.
>Born randomly in third world hellhole
>Emigrate to new host country - legally or illegally.
>Make no effort to integrate because didn't care about values of new country, only riches.
>Feel isolated because new host values and culture are alien
>Petition government to import brood
>New opportunities and insular community provide enough comfort to reminisce about old homeland
>Muh nostalgia
>Muh rose-colored glasses
>Why isn't new host country like that? Then it'd be perfect
>Exploit government system to import more invaders
>Exploit government to demand special status for brood
>Exploit government to implement values/culture of old homeland
>New host goes to shit because of departure from values which allowed it to be successful in first place.
>Repeat ad infinitum
Wow, amazing how people aren't down for that.
Tell you what OP. Renounce Islam, adopt Christianity, learn English (or applicable native language), learn the history and culture of where you want to move, file paperwork, become an actual citizen, don't date/marry the natives (castrate yourself for good measure), and don't vote or bother the government. Then we'll talk
>"I dont mind them in europe"
>is lumberfag
Ur opinion dont mean shit
More like it.
muslim logic, although what do you expect from savages?
Le eternal leaf strikes again.
I'm not a fan of being turkish. After I finish my collage I will leave this shithole. Do not compare me with those uncouth muslim turks.
>be born
>parents take me home from hospital to shitty house
>jobless Dad says I have to live here until move out
LOL NO. wallahi i will go to your house i will impregnate your mom then ill die in peace
Best fucking post I have seen all week mate.
I'd applaud you if you could hear me.
Cheers, have a good one
>larping this hard
I plan on heading back someday. Never got to see Istanbul, which would be the most likely tour destination (for history). Being a burger, I never got the whole Turks are shit thing that the Euro fags cling to. Euro fags never made me feel nearly as welcome as Turks (who also seem to have a greater sense of pride and identity than Euro fags - and are historically better fighters, too).
Umm no, sweetie, you are not going to get to live and die in Europe. Thank your Sultan Erdogan for fucking everything up for you guys, roach.
What hardships have you faced honestly? My family was poor af, my dad was hells angels and my mom was a druggie.
>implying any white woman would want a turk
Heh. Not bad kid, not bad...
You might just make it to the end...
>These faggots who never went through any hardship in their life
you are supposed to work through hardship not emigrate out of it, your ancestors were lazy and you now have them genes and yet you want it all without work and that's why we want you out or dead slimey fucks
>>it happens to be a thirld world one
Change it or kill yourself, fuck off everybody's full.
>born randomly to two parents
>they happen to be muslim ones
>you're ''supposed'' to believe that shit and destroy other peoples cultures because a fat arab pedophile 1400 years ago said so
>born randomly
Asiens are welcome as you actually contribute something to society.
If you kill yourself right now, then you won't need to live there - and not need to go anywhere else.
I recommend visiting Erdogan and tell him you wanna give him a blow job, but then when he removes his pants instead of sucking his dick YOU BLOW YOURSELF UP - taking him out, along with yourself.
>born randomly in 3d world country, not my fault, I'm not responsible for the actions of my ancestors
>born randomly in Western country, you are responsible for ever "bad" thing the West ever did, you should feel guilty and now gibs me your money.
I know insects don't really do logical thinking, but at least try to be consistent.
No you are supposed to work on making your shit nation not shit fuck disgusting turk faggot.
If you are used to east asian women white women's pubes are off putting. Don't even get me started on black pubes either. Both those groups need to shave.
I also plan to impregnate European women with the superior semen of a Kenyan warrior. How can white boys even compete? Pro tip: You can't
just in time for the race war. welcome, roach
>LEL literally came back from the German embassy today
I will posting under the Hans flag in about 6 months
I think they're generally too insecure and beta, which makes them treat others badly to feel a little less worthless.
I'm not interested in sharing sob stories. I'll just drop the keywords: childhood abuse, riches-to-rags family and the drama shitstorm it brings, politically motivated mobbing in academia for starters.
Working through it means overcoming all the obstacles being a third worlder brings to make it to the first world. You couldn't possibly understand because you're privileged and an idiot who had everything going for him.
>die in peace
I used to think why aren't you staying in your shithole making it a better place
Then i realised the faggots here telling you to do so will cry human rights abuses then air strike you the moment you get anywhere
So go on ahead, i'd recommend either canada or south korea though
Oh really explain how I am inbred and how you are not.
Ha, the Turk Roaches amuse me, here you're always waving your moonmoon flag like you're proud of being a roach. But you cry like little bitches when you have to go back to Turkey.
Pro tip: Don't call the country that invests a shitton of money in your mudhole a fascist nazi banana republic.
You had democracy but just like every good thing that happen to the Turks you fucked it over and turned it into absolute ass.
I would have no problem with Turks if they learned how to think for themselves and respected the people and culture they leech off.
Wrong. You got two choices here.
Live in your country and fight for it, maybe even return it to its former ''''''''''glory'''''''''' when the Happening comes
Or you could be in Europe, spend some time mooching off welfare and raping white women, and then when the EU inevitably collapses and everything goes to shit you'll be caught right up in the middle of it and likely die a horrible, bloody, painful death.
Your choice.
>born in a third world shithole
>parents get job offer in a non-shitty country
>immigrate legally
>assimilate into country's culture
>everything's fine
It's not that hard.
Why don't you just work with other like-minded people to improve your own country and bring your entire nation out of hell
Oh wait you'd rather cry "muh oppression". fuck off
Nah, fuck you, live and die where you're born
>>assimilate into country's culture
then shitpost on Sup Forums how prideful youre? you niggas are one big joke
pretty bold statement, coming from a nigger
Prideful of what? I'm originally from a soviet country, there's nothing to be proud about it other than a somewhat higher alcohol tolerance which may be as well completely random.
>nation of 80 million
>a single friendless 21 yo neet can make a difference
kys lol
>bragging about being a mutt
You bastards better vote Wilders in today. America's got your back user
pls explain this guy what pride is