How do you respond to the claim that japan's low crime rate is mostly due to wealth and education and that they need immigration to remain economically relevant?
How do you respond to the claim that japan's low crime rate is mostly due to wealth and education and that they need...
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Why immigration? Why not encourage your people to have families instead if you need more workforce in the future?
What you really have to ask is why do you need more workforce in the future? To fund social programz in a ponzi scheme like way? Na. I'd rather not overpopulate my island. People can manage their own fucking money. Take care of your aging mom, don't let Big Brother do it.
But don't tell the jews I said that.
Well, you will always need worforce. You have to make sure youre at or above replacement level or you wont have a country very quickly either with force mass immigration or simply dieing off and not having enough man power to run it.
Says who? Just don't take mass immigration. You don't always have to be expanding your population. Why would you have to? Because the Jews want you to?
I think he meant replacement rate.
Not necessarily growth.
Basically yes. But growth is good depending on context. If they are stagnating industrially economically ect ect then growth would hurt them. If they however opened up a bunch of nee job opportunities or conquering land growth is great. However falling below your replacement rate almost always means immigration and decline.
Not having a diversity burden helps
Even then, what happens if you lose a bit of population numbers? We had a baby boom in America, what happens if we aren't at replacement for the boomers? Will our infrastructure implode? Roads and bridges crumble? I don't see a negative in the population not only not replacing, but even shrinking a bit if that's what is going to happen if we don't flood ourselves with a bunch of spics. It won't be the end of the world. It won't even be a negative, as those careers will open without an immediate replacement, and someone who normally wouldn't have gotten that job can fill it. Less competition in the workforce. Isn't unemployment a big deal right now? It'll fix itself.
I reiterate: let's assume we're all on the same page and that we won't take in a bunch of immigrants to sustain or grow the numbers.
I respond by saying their claim that the low crime rate is due to wealth and education is wrong. I will say it actually has more to do with genetics.
At this point, they will get offended and call me a nazi. So really there's no point in the discussion.
You have to understand: people who argue that a country needs more immigrants don't really care about the crime rate or the economy. They just care about displacing the native population.
You can take some immigrant through an hard immigration processus without taking a lot though, then make them work at a cheap price.
This way, Japanese will have more time to breed their women.
The truth is Japan is completely overpopulated.
Why should such a small nation support such an outrageously larger population? Especially of foreigners... that's just stupid.
You dont make that decision. I never asked for tens of millions of spics. Our politicians simply didnt do anything about us being invaded because in the end they wanted that cheap labor more than average quality of life being good.
When will this genetics meme end?
So this discussion is pointless? The OP asked how I respond and I respond by saying that if your population shrinks, it isn't a bad thing at all. Except for those at the top who seek to make more shekels and the politicians who get paid to push it.
When we are in an era of growth and expansion like we are and were falling behind in numbers is catastrophic for your economy and labor force. Not having a family centric nation is cancer and self defeating. Family is your nation on the molecular lvel. The elderly, men, women and children are all included and thus everyone of every gender and age gets what the need if family is centric in economy and morals. This naturally means you will have a steady or growing birthrate when family is centric instead of individualism. And again, it depends on context. China and india could use less people, but not white americans we could always use more whites in america.
This is how liberals think. They don't think a society has the right to care for itself. Liberalism is practically a mental illness.
There is a lot more crime here than that's reported, and the government does cover a lot of stuff up.
That being said, there is less crime than a lot of Western nations, and there's a lot of other problems here that don't exist in the West.
Child abuse is actually on the rise here, and it's known to be extremely underreported. Children run away from home constantly, and there is a lot of child prostitution (middle schoolers/high schoolers) initiated of their own free will, which is basically rampant. You go to a restaurant for dinner and you can see a high school girl and a 30-60 y/o sitting together almost guaranteed.
Blah, blah, blah, everywhere's got problems.
Also, this board really needs to stop talking about Japan. Literally, none of you have any clue what it's like here and spout uneducated bullshit all the fucking time.
And you are naive if you think youll ever have government free of those corruptions. Its why its important to keep you nation family centric, its harder to currupt healthy family units. Collectivism > individualism.
Let eternal growth meme
A stable population or even decline is literally no problem at all, stop believing Jewish lies
You know what happens when less people are Born? Less people get old and the system self balances
Immigrants in Japan will not assimilate well no matter what happens. They will be treated as social pariahs. Crime is so low in Japan because they are one of the few nearly ethnically pure people left on the planet, and Japanese people care about each other and their society. Seriously, go to Japan. Take a visit. Some of the most polite and helpful people you will ever meet, even if they are talking shit behind your back about being a foreigner.
The elderly wouldnt be a concern if children took care of parents again instead of the state. When you have less children per household it also become more difficult for them to micromanage the elderly. This is another reason healthy birthrates are good.
Sounds like a good time to visit nipland
>When we are in an era of growth and expansion like we are
>like we are
Why? How? We've conquered the globe. We've mapped the globe. We've expanded and touched the edges of the earth.
Unless you're Mr. Shekelsteinberg and need cheaper labor and thus, an ever expanding work force.
I agree, but simply looking at numbers, seeing a decline, and automatically thinking it's bad isn't correct. Again, lets let the numbers adjust for the boomers. The population will decline (assuming we don't take in millions of immigrants) to automatically assume that's bad is wrong. The population is adjusting.
The biggest reason,a nd you can whine and cry, keeping your birthrates steady(for whites) is good because it keeps shitskins out. You can meme "better economy with less people" but it'll NEVER be allowed to happen. A country doesn't want to stagnate or shrink, it wants to grow and expand. Its unnatural and will be extremely difficult to tame a country into stagnation. The pendulum swings only between prosperity and destruction, it never sits in the middle.
>Racial homogeneity means Japan has none of the oppressive machinery America has instituted to cope with “diversity.” It has no civil rights commissions, equal employment offices, or diversity consultants. Japanese never yelp about discrimination when something goes wrong, and never sue employers for “racism.” There is no racial tension, race riots, or hate laws. No one gets in trouble because the board of directors is all Japanese or because all the faces on television are Japanese. Nobody complains about “profiling” when the police pat down the most likely trouble-makers. No one is ever fired because he said something “insensitive” or told a forbidden joke or used a forbidden slur. Elections are about politics, not about whether Hispanics or blacks are taking over. Voting districts can have logical geograpahic boundaries, because no one worries about whether black or Hispanic votes are being diluted. There are no ethnic or national minorities that meddle with Japan’s foreign policy. Any number of hugely vexing and intractable problems are simply absent from Japan.
Since you're in Japan, why do children run away from their homes all the time? Culture, bad parenting, or what?
>Why? How? We've conquered the globe. We've mapped the globe. We've expanded and touched the edges of the earth.
We only started doing this and lost control of most of the colonies, basically back to square one with the savages. Only our countries on this globe are prosperous, there is still much that can be done on this earth. We are still in a period of growth and america especially has a lot of potential yet unleashed.
Maybe you need to accept the redpill humans will never stop advancing or growing and we need man power for this to happen or we will self destruct. Better it be ours than shitskin savages.
Child abuse is on the rise in the west too. Thank Ahmed.
Because the crime rate was low even when most Japanese were poor. Even in the early 20th century, the Japanese crime rate was not much higher than it is now. Hell, even when the Japs were raping and killing the fuck out of China, their murder rate at home was like 2-3 per 100,000.
I would say a mixture of everything. A lot of parents are way too strict, and it causes people to rebel. The culture makes being "bad" somewhat attractive, leading to people dropping out of school. Also being abused will make you want to leave.
Lots of depression here too. A lot of people will simply just drop out of school because life here really sucks sometimes.
There's a lot of problems. Last survey I saw said that only something like 8% of adults think that Japan has a bright future.
>when anons fall for the lowering birthrates meme and their countries get flooded
>yes surely they will allow us to stagnate!
You're not reading what I'm saying.
Don't let the savages in. The point put forth was that how do you defend Japan's shrinking population and debate people who say they need to take in immigrants. I say close the border, and pet the population adjust naturally.
The government will value you on two things;
>Your value as a current member of society
>Who is going to replace you when you leave this earth
When you're completely willing to work for them but absolutely do not have children to replace you when you're gone, the government is going to give you the middle finger because doing only one of these things(unless you're a very special outlier) is simply not enough for this country.
You're not reading what I'm saying. It won't be allowed to happen. It never has and never will. Find me ONE first world white country that has declining birthrates but no mass immigration to match it.
Ultimately they will bring people in. It doesn't matter what fantasies in your heads you play,. the reality is you're getting shitskins and you're going to like it. You lost one of your only leverages against your government. Your birthrate.
>You're not reading what I'm saying. It won't be allowed to happen. It never has and never will. Find me ONE first world white country that has declining birthrates but no mass immigration to match it.
>Ultimately they will bring people in. It doesn't matter what fantasies in your heads you play,. the reality is you're getting shitskins and you're going to like it. You lost one of your only leverages against your government. Your birthrate.
I'm not saying don't have babies. Please do. But if you think if we have more babies, they just will slow taking in shitskins, you're wrong. It has never slowed. They will just have poor white people while still taking in shitskins. They will always do it. It doesn't matter. We need to kill all corrupt politicians and kikes.
But I've already outlined my response to OP.
Except they will have too. Surplus will dwindle the more people we have, it will force us to starve them out and not allot anyone else as we are not able to afford feeding them or the land they could take up. Very simple logic.
Your birthrates are a leverage. Never be fooled into thinking otherwise. You will throw a grenade into every argument they can throw at you for taking in more people. Think about the children isn't just a meme phrase that liberals corrupted. Your children are the literal future of that nation and if they don't cater to this they will have a civil war. Get poor whites on welfare, have lots of children, and shift political arguments to the benefit of your prosperity like our founding fathers did. Its the only way you'll ever reverse not only the demographics but the intake of "refugees" and shitskins from mexico ect. You'll never have a country without immigration if you are successful, but you can limit it with your own numbers alone.
No no no, don't you see? They'll never stop. They'll bring them in, they'll put them on welfare, raise taxes to feed them, bring more in, get more people dependant on the government and more voters to keep them coming until we're all a brown horde dependant on them until we become a Communist utopia.
There is never a plan to slow or stop even if we do as you say (which makes sense the way you say it even I don't fully agree with you). The government only seeks more power. Bringing in foreigners to become reliant on them and keep voting for them is how.
Just look at the tactics used today. It isn't about keeping the workforce numbers up. It's all just appeal to emotion. Picture poor Juanita and her 12 kids on tv and gain support, disregard the actual motivations. Even if we accomplish what you say it wont help the propaganda machine.
No you are retarded and I'm done arguing in a circle with you. You have no proof to back that up other than your ass and baseless fears.
The more of us there is the less of them we get. How do you not understand such a basic fucking principle? The moment any white nation had a drop in birthrates it was met with immigration. I have posted this several times via chart and never once has anyone made a solid counter argument so now i will assume you are the same unless you can make me a really good argument other than "no it won't work! reeee!"
Jesus christ man you cant be serious. You literally didnt listen to a damn thing he said.
More white babies to worry about= less time to feed nigger
because once people smart up, they look around and realise they cannot afford competitive 10-children families, only 1 or 2, because to sustain that single child and give them opportunities you need both parents to work.
you need dumb immigrants to come, have lots a children and keep feeding the banking ponzi scheme
This only is possible when women have rights.
So as much as i can autistically post on shitpost chan there is really nothing that can be done unless women are taken out of the workforce.
The only feasible way without total dictatorship is simply knocking women up in an epidemic and women leaving the workforce in mass to have their children. Men would then get paid much more to fill the empty seats while their wives keep the house maintained and the children fed and behaved.
You're saying I'm the one pulling stuff from my ass wew. What makes you think they'll ever stop? Ever?
It has never slowed since the great immigration shit happened a few decades ago. You're assuming quite a lot. They want foreigners here. They don't give a shit about you or white people. It has nothing to do with our declining birth rates. They want other people here to displace us, damn the consequences. They'll never wake up one day and go "huh, whites are having more babies now better propose a bill to slow our entire system of power: foreigners coming here"
Then literally encourage your people to have children. Pay them 10 grand a kid for the first three times you have children with your wedlock partner.
Have welfare but completely reform it to white citizens in a clever way.
Except it did go read the charts. There is literally a small drop every time birthrates increase, or emigration decreased in the majority of those charts. Americans are super jewd however. They arent the best charts. Someone should update these with natives leaving and immigrants entering as well like the sweden chart. Im more curious of a detailed study on the affect of people being born or leaving and immigration increases.
those are simplistic solutions not taking into account the context of the 21st century world.
1st paying great amounts for children puts your nation's economy in disadvantage towards other nations, presumably
2nd our modern society has been brainwashed and women today think they are supposed to study, learn a trade and to work like a man. being a child bearer and caretaker is regarded as retarded. Giving money won't do it, people (women) will think "I rather have financial independence than being tied to a husband, family"
We let the jews go to far, not sure what can be done now
Mer ... SCHLOMO.
I want to be clear, I'm not against what him or you are saying. We should all go back to family centered culture and have more babies and stuff. I'm not saying don't do that at all. I agree there.
Actually its the perfect solution. In one year she makes a lot of money plus her husband's salary by simply having children.
In three years she could generate 30 grand for the family.
Simply cut majority of welfare programs and healthcare. Make women more interested in being a good little leeches they are and men back to earning majority of the money in america rather than it being split in the middle.
You'd be surprised how many women would jump on the opportunity of being a housewife but don't because they don't see how they can live with only one median income. This would solve those issues.
If you have 30 grand to spend back into your economy(as children have a variety of needs that supplement the economy when many people spend for them(houses, cars, furniture, land, food, ect ect)) You can easily use it for a down payment for a piece of property for instance.
Ah, you can also make it more than 30 grand, but it depend on how much welfare we spend per family already. Simply move where the money goes and how people get it.
>Maybe you need to accept the redpill humans will never stop advancing
I believe white civilization was simply a happy accident. If it disappears all we will get is a stagnant neo-feudalism ruled by kikes.
Advancement will die with whites.
>ignoring the point made about jew brainwashing
if you just want to give your opinion, there's no need to give the (you). If I'm in the thread I'll read
Tell them to fuck off.
Japan nor anybody else has to justify their homogeneity. If that's how they want it then that's how they'll have it.
>implying you cant reverse their brain washing with a new one especially if it means making ten grand a kid for being a housewife
user pls
ye--yeah, typical t-tricks 'dere
I dont say it cant be done but how long did it take the jews to pull their one off?
my argument is that we must take into account the current context desu
It's mostly culture and genetics. Automation will fill in the gaps . Fuck you too schlomo
It takes 18 years for those children to pay taxes and, in a welfare-based society, you have costs as they grow, especially maternity benefit (and the mother's out of the workforce for extended periods and not paying taxes), schools, doctors etc.
It's cheaper, in theory, to bring in ready made labour. Young men expecially
The problem is that labour is 3rd world scum who have a tendency to not work and milk the welfare system, commit crime and generally reduce community trust and security which is easy to break, but takes generations to build
On paper, it's a win/win
In reality, everybody loses except the migrants
You can do anything quickly with women with the power of cold hard cash user.
The reason the jews took so long is they didn't want to bribe with money, only social conditioning.
So basically if youre white have six children.
Heres some ancient Japanese wisdom from around 450 years ago.
“Current trends cannot be stopped in the flow of time. The world continues to degenerate because we are nearing the end of times. The year is not comprised only of the two pleasant seasons of spring and summer. The same can be said of each day. Thus, any longing for the “good old days” of a hundred years ago is futile. It is more judicious to adapt and improve the ways of the present. Men who hold a nostalgic view of the past are misguided in their outlook because they are blind to the reality of the present. Conversely, those who revel in the present, but loathe the customs and traditions of yesteryear, can’t differentiate between core principles and insignificant details.”
We've dealt with this many times through many Generations before, kids these days are delusional fools.
White societies should have put plans into action 30 years ago when the demographics were changing, encouraging bigger families
Sadly, those who actually wield the real power had other plans that they'd had in place for the previous 30 years
Its not too late for the majority of white nations. Even america can have hope if we act now. But only if we act now and plan for the future.
These road blocks we've set for ourselves out of caution; we need to start removing some of them. Especially our willingness to breed.
The whole leftist jew-backed cause is about reducing the white population and it's incredibly effective
But I think the mindset is changing now that people are realising what they are losing, but I worry that it is too late
We need politicans dedicated to the people they are supposed to serve rather than those they actually serve
Its not too late if our minds are changing. The pill is no longer that difficult to swallow for most people now.
We are starting to realize the importance of collectivism again, and we will surely spring back if thats the case and everything seems lost. People will have nothing else to live for but their people.
I sincerely hope you are right
I have 2 red-pilled children, but that's only replacement rate. Hopefully they will achieve more as Western civilisation comes to it's senses
east asian culture
it's common in all east asians
for a brief period of time, hong kong moms went into overdrive and made every liberal in the world go apeshit
Except they don't. Hard fact: The faster you increase population, the harder it is for standards of living to keep up.
Japan's actually hit the point where they're stabilizing (and may even slowly lose population), which is part of why they're able to be wealthy, well-educated, and do just fine economically compared to the rest of the world.
Honestly, Japan's birth rate has gone down so far because they've tightly packed their population into urban centers to the point where people aren't interested in breeding more people to take up the extremely limited space.
I expect Japan will actually do far better than anyone else when the inevitable economic shit hits the fan from overpopulating countries with Third World breeders. Because they wouldn't.
>10 grand a kid
>let's trick our wealthy, educated population to have an 18++ year burden by offering them an incentive worth 2-4 month's salary.