God's people vs Islam Thread #3

Dear Sup Forums, believers of Christ and non believers alike, I urge you to take 15 minutes of your time to listen to this video in its entirety. I can almost guarantee you at least some of your views towards faith will be altered. The interpretation of Islam as the antichrist religion is what solidified my faith in God. Take just a moment and listen with an open mind and look around at the current situation in the world today. Remember the beheadings. Remember the terrorism. Remember the Ottoman Empire and the crusades. There's something to all this stuff I assure you. If you take the time to listen to this, give me a bump and afterwards come back with your criticisms of the video. God bless.


I've posted this thread before with astounding positive responses. Here is the first thread if you'd like to read some replies before watching the video yourself If you were in the first thread, bump this. If you choose to watch, bump this thread and then come back with your opinions afterwards. Don't just take my word for it, watch it for yourself anons.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sky cake

OK will watch

thoughts? Billions of people bow to the stone in mecca. Islamic Jesus will tell all he did not die on the cross and that he is not the Son of God. Bible warns of beheadings of Christians that refuse to worship the beast, Quran 8:12 dictates the beheading of all who do not worship Allah. Bible says the beast that resembles a lamb (Jesus) but speaks like a dragon (Satan) will cause all to worship the first beast (Mahdi and Allah), which is precisely what the Quran says will happen.

Direct comparison of biblical and quran prophecies of the Antichrist and the Mahdi

Most of it is OK, and it makes sense. Didn't like that last line about seeking a born again church, we should be sending new Christians to the Catholic Church (or Orthodox if necessary) for its structure, history, power and education. Born again churches can be like cults, often the pastor rips off the congregation, it's a bad idea to send new Christians there.

Also I'd take the references to Jews out. The Talmud makes it clear they think of us as subhuman; we don't make natural allies at all.

Death to Islam, fuck Allah.


Of course there are some misconceptions in the video, but as far as the image being the Kaaba and Muslim Jesus being the false prophet and the Mahdi being the antichrist, along with allah being the blasphemous name for God, I believe this video to definitely be on the right track. It has some viable information without a doubt.

You're right there. This should be memed out far and wide.

Most normies don't even know what the Islamic end game is. They literally want the end of the world.

Guys listen to Steven Anderson after watching this

Just as the Bible predicted, they want full on Islamic Sharia law to be implemented worldwide, by authority of the sword. I don't know how to go about spreading this info other than this 75% informative video, so I do what I can and post this thread every day or so

I will watch it.

Thank you man

Here is some additional stuff


Spam thread.

Sage, hide, and move on.

Nice try, Achmed

Fuck off Leaf, the prophecies do not lie.

Funny how even in pagan stories across whole europe and later christianity, a great serpent will rise and attempt to destroy the world.

Thor kills Jormugandr and dies later.

Zeus kills Typhon

St. Gabriel impales a snake

Off with you, spawn of Loki. :^)

judaism is the actual anti christ religion. they literally deny christ's existence whereas at least islam acknowledges jesus as a prophet. fuck off

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John2:22

The bible speaks of many antichrists, but I don't see Jews beheading anyone

The only mentions of Mahdi are from autistic hadeeths, not from the Quran.

Why have Arab Christians called God Allah before Islam came about?

Still Muslim doctrine. Quran still calls for beheadings. And the name Allah wasn't even used before Islam was introduced.

>The interpretation of Islam as the antichrist religion is what solidified my faith in God

the problem with politics right there.

its so anti-logic it isnt even funny, if B isn't true that means A must be!

the thing is, B happened 600 years after A, and A said B would happen. It did.

yeah B is most certenly fake, but interpretations of old text to fit some discription always ends up in a biased understanding of reality.

No the mayens didn't predict the world ending
and no, the christians didn't predict the anti-christ

there is a reason this always works on people who believe in silly notions of politics and religion, because they dont care about facts, only how they see truth

good luck trying to fight the leftists when this whole site has essentialy become like them

power corrupts.

Islam is shit but the issue with the christian notion of "antichrist" is that it's deliberately so vague that it can be applied to literally anything.
I remember when they were building some kickass supercomputer a few years back and there were idiots on youtube saying it's "the beast", antichrist and other crap. Same with artificial intelligence, HAARP, LHC, transhumanism etc...

At this point it just makes you look like a conspiracy nut.

>worshipping a dead kike on a stick
>worshipping 3 gods calling it 1
>being a servant of Satan


The beast claims to be God. Allah claims to be God. Christians will be beheaded if they don't worship the beast. Christians are beheaded if they don't worship Allah. A Jesus figure will promote the worship of the beast. Islamic Jesus denies being the son of god or dying on the cross and promotes worship of Allah. Power to kill by the sword will be given to 1/4 of the earth. Muslims account for 1/4 of the population. False religious law will be implemented worldwide. Sharia law is Islams endgame. You have to look at it from a historical POV. The 7th head (empire) will be mortally wounded but rise again. The Ottoman empire fell and ever since, Muslims have fought to have a new Islamic empire. Antichrist will arrive on a white horse. The Mahdi arrives on a white horse. The issue isn't with the Christian interpretation of antichrist, it lies within the Western interpretation of antichrist. Eastern Christians already know this because they live in the midst of it all. Europe is being swallowed whole by Islam and its not showing any signs of slowing down due to muhh political correctness

Typical End Times LARPing by an autistic American christcuck

literal cognitive dissonance

bumping - this is the vid that brought me back into the fold of Christ: youtube.com/watch?v=uY20IFaWlsQ

i had rejected christianity up until seeing how fucked up this world is and how satan is running rampant on the physical world.

the only chance we have is thru the blood of Jesus Christ. claim his name and see the demon flee

i now stand ready to reject the satanic religon of islam and am ready to give my life. Praise Jesus

The probability this isn't BS is 20%
Still high though.

there are parts of it that are grabbing at straws but the main plot of it is near undeniable, you can witness it firsthand through a few google searches. Imagine the reality of being a Christian in the middle east and fearing being beheaded for not worshiping Allah when you know the truth that is Jesus Christ. So many fulfilled prophecies, denial is only achieved by sheer will

Yes the last Imam is probably the anti-Christ.
If this all exists which I'm not sure but I feel like it is

Armageddon News is a pretty good channel desu.
There channel won't let me link, but here is there latest video which has their links.
Walid Shoebat is pretty insightful too.

>Walid Shoebat
Have you listened to Theodore Shoebat?
Based af

God bless you user you made the right decision, I was an atheist in my teens and became a deist after looking at probability of randomization being the cause of the universe. Only after studying prophecy did I fully commit to the faith, seeing the reality of it that is present in the world today

Walid kicks ass. He's who showed me the truth about Islam. Who knows the truth better than an ex terrorist? He has studied both the quran and the Bible extensively and I have the utmost respect for him

I have been to both sides.
I believe there's something going on, that's it.

The AntiChrist thing I thought would be some leftist dictatorship or something but that's probably only to fool us

Apart from the Israel thing, he's great

You have to look at all the symptoms and descriptions of the antichrist to pinpoint it, and there are no other powers on earth that fit it as vividly as Islam. Every. Single. Prophecy. Fits Islam.

It all makes sense now. May God bless us all.

All of our existence is a stage and we are the players, the act being the story of the Bible. The greatest story ever told, all for the glory of God Almighty. Bless you

"Islam" is a euphemism for the Arab Wars of Conquest that destroyed Classical Civilization.

I know we are all actors here. Amen user.

Amen user

Islam is a death cult.

you're not wrong m8

I've seen this exact thread with many of the exact posts. Is this a bot or slide thread?


not a bot thread, I have and will continue to post this thread regularly because of how I strongly I feel it is important to share.

The New Testament warns us to beware of false teachers, and there is ample evidence that Mohammed was one of those. But any objective comparison shows he's NOT the Antichrist that Revelation warns us about. For a start, he never claimed to be the Messiah, and never appeared to be resurrected. Nor for that matter did Al Mahdi (who was just a caliph).

There is much wrong in Islam; it disregards the supreme importance of Jesus, and instead it returns to legalism (with additional bad laws). But contrary to what some claim, Muslims do worship the one true God, and are very strongly against idolatory (and are much stricter about that than most Christians).

Misconstruing Islam as the fulfilment of an apocalyptic prophecy not only leads you to misunderstand Islam and the threats associated with it, but could potentially blind you to other threats that we face.

blasphemy. They bow to the stone of mecca. They deny the Father and the Son. The antichrist doesn't have to be resurrected. Al Mahdi hasn't arrived and will be the last caliph, causing the whole world to worship Allah or be beheaded. You know nothing of which you speak.

In Abrahamic religions, the Messiah (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ, translit. māšîaḥ), Christ (Greek: Χριστός, translit. Khristós), or Al-Masih (Arabic: المسيح, ISO 233: mahdī) is the one chosen to lead the world and thereby save it.

Judaism pre-dates Christianity you mook. Of course there's no mention of Christ in their texts.

Islam straight-out denies that he's divine. And demands you give them money if you want to worship as a Christian.

>A Canadian calling someone a cuck.

Dude, your country is Cuckistan FFS and you are led by the god of Cucks.

The way you just left out the talmud makes me think theres a reason for the three 6s you got there, buddy.

Or youre just dumb.

>Islam is a death cult.
Abrahamic religions are doom cults and hate each other even though they have a lot in common.

>t. someone who knows nothing of religious doctrine or philosophy

>Judaism pre-dates Christianity
Rabbinical Judaism wasn't codified until 500-800 AD.

The Jews who believed Moses followed Jesus, the rest have been on the longest and most elaborate LARP in history.

Modern Jews practice Babylonian mysticism.

Read a book, you retarded nigger.

The Roman Catholic Church is owned by Satan, only dead sheep go there to worship.

The Talmud is a medieval text, and most of it directly contradicts the Torah.

Bloody footsuckers.