>this is a 10/10 in America

Isn't this a bad thing? I thought Fillon was weaker than Macron.

It's Kek's will.

Macron will be President.

To the ovens with you faggot.

When the millions of Muslims are forced out of Europe... Israel will be their first stop back to Africa and all the other shit holes they come from.


>Macron will win
>Rutte will win
>Schulz will win

Her nose too small for you, Mordecai?

Holy fuck you can't distinguish between British flag and American flag you're fucking blind m8

>Brexit will never happen
>Trump will never be elected

It's hard to see if this hurts or helps Le Pen.

Maybe some Fillon supporters will now move to the FN, but a lot of them are just going to swallow the "ebil nazi" meme and go to the "centrist" Macron.

See? Even Randeep knows.

Rajesh... he's referring to Taylor Swift...

It's a Sup Forums meme you dips.

Surely it helps?. Everyone who will vote for Macron would have voted for Fillon anyway?


Pls explain me like I am hot've been chosen by kek.

Hey frogs, feed me the spicy enchilada; what are the chances of The Pen actually winning?

Imagine if Geert and Le Pen are elected and 2017 isn't even halfway done

French voting system has two rounds, which means the losers of round one will join Macron for round two. Le Pen would have won if it was only one round, but with two its looking bleak.

Wilders will probably not be able to form a government if he wins, because the other big parties will block him (hopefully this will have a "Sweden" effect, where people massively vote PVV next election because they disprove of blocking a party).

Schulz has a real chance because Germany is brainwashed sheep. Sad but true. So many happenings and people want more of the same.

she will win, it has been preordained

Went there stories just this morning of Macron's support collapsing over his plans to cut jobs? When one opponent implodes it might help a rival, but when all your opponents implode I don't see how it could be anything but good.

Most likely scenario is that supporters simply don't show up to vote out of disgust. That's a big part of how Trump won.

Rural Catholics wont vote for Socialist Macron they will vote Le Pen. It's going to happen.



What went so horribly wrong in Finland?

Is it autism?

Low but not impossible. We should praise kek as hard as we can.

*withdraws kitchen knife*

I believe we figured out that if people don't interact with each other that much, everyone is able to whatever the fuck he wants without bothering others. All the while obeying certain laws and rules because of the protestant working morale.

It's practically the "everyone is free to do anything they want unless they hurt another person's freedom" crap the anarchist spew, made to work in real life.

Wilders will win. Le Pen will lose. Trust me.

wtf I wish to violate Pepe now!

Being a faithful follower of the true religion I praise his holiness 5 times every day, as was ordered by the great creator himself in the ancient kekoramphibian prophecy. Shadilay brother

Praise Kek.



fuck off taylor is a goddes

Macron is really hated by a large part of french people. He is really the candidate of the media. I know leftists who would vote for Le Pen instead of him.

Le Pen has a chance for me.

No macron is heavily supported by the “moderate”socialists and he has no vote retention, for almost half of the Fillon voter base immigration and identity are one of the main issues.
I refuse to think anyone would be dumb enough to vote for Hollande's spiritual son that was unofficially endorsed by him.


>But the former prime minister has now slipped behind far-right leader Marine Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron.

>Le Pen
>Far Right

They aren't even trying to hide their doublespeak anymore.

>When the millions of Muslims are forced out of Europe... Israel will be their first stop back to Africa and all the other shit holes they come from.

Nice b8 m8. Everyone knows Israel is America's Muslim meat grinder. They have a fully functional wall that Trump loves. And the IDF will shoot to kill anyone trying to sneak in.

Fillon is our next president believe me

>Macron will not be President.

chek em

>ever believing a frenchman
kek nah.

Kekus Vult!!!

When do the French vote, 2lazy2google

he's not out
he was indicted
he said he won't quit, whatever happened
regardless, the second turn was LePen/Macron

Fillon's voters are more antisemitic than LePen voters



What do they do once on the bus in closed quarters?

If only those sheeps weren't to elect this grandma' fucker

you're jealous because your GF is fat and ugly

get back in, oven dodger

yes he's not going to win anything and LePen needs a Trump/Brexit type surge

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Le Pen wins the race
So France can kill jews

forgot image


This is true and you all know it
Taylor is ugly as hell, you people are faggots for sure

This summer has a potential to be the warmest one in Europe since 1945.
>civil war in France
>war in Macedonia
>Bosnia is boiling
>roaches are about to unleash a few million able-bodied, male kebab refugees
>ISIS cells could finally activate in Germland
There's some other stuff going on.

In all seriousness though, we can't let this guy get the EU codes.

Agreed, friend.

Yes this makes my willy spin around

It's curved with a purple end

Fillon will win.
(((They)))'re pushing Macron so hard it's suspicious. And they're attacking Fillon so often it has become irrelevant.

There's literally a new Fillon case EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Avoid eye contact at all times and be silent. It's pretty great.

Don't you understand this is bad news, you fucking idiot? Fillon was the ONLY candidate Le Pen could lose from. Le Pen without Fillon is like Trump without Clinton, and we all know Trump only won because the opposition was Clinton.

This practically confirms the next president is Macron, who's basically a refugee friendly Hollande. Five more years of the same shit that destroys French society and economy alike.

>muh custom-fit suits
They're going all out.

wtf how do get a gf in Finland ?

These frog cucks will choose Macron, german cucks will pick Shultz and your island is fucked up. Well pretty much like all the europe.

Vive Le Pen! VIVE LA FRANCE! !

I'm glad Fillon is going down, he's a cuckservative who would have gotten the votes of people with doubts about Le Pen.

I think her chances are higher, now that she's facing off against an openly anti-french candidate.

And honestly, if France actually elects a guy who said on national TV that there's no such thing as French culture, they deserve a crescent moon on their flag.

braize geg

she very probably reached her peak number of voters
The fact that Asselineau and Dupont-Aigan are still in the race won't help her
She still has chances to win the first round
Her odds of winning the second round are still very low

keep in mind that Trump would have lost in France with the same american numbers.

Lepen has a very low chance of victory. I absolutely don't support her, I'm for the French Sanders, but he won't get to second turn anyway, so I will probably vote Lepen in second turn to fuck things up.

>French Sanders
kys my boi


I support marine le pen

Holy shit, Le Pen could win.

Melanchon loves Putin and Assad
He's the Kremlin's back up candidate


It's a long bus.

>loves Assad and Putin


Le Pen will lose.

Lord agrees.

Melanchon is confusing

oh shit negro

Yes, he said some stupid shit some years ago. But he isn't pro-Putin nor pro-Assad. He tolerates them. Would probably let them deal with terrorists

Taylor is fucking perfection you kike

sorry her aryanism triggers your PTSD

Yeah probably something like that


Le Pen has a chance during 2nd turn.
It's a surprising timeline Olaf, Many things surprise us.
But to actualy win the 1st turn she needs 50,1% of the votes wich is virtualy impossible.

HWNDU pole with Trump's T-shirt and MAGA hat is more exciting than that sick on legs with too much make up.
She sings well though.

Deploy the meme wizardry.