Meme Wars: Internet Culture & the Alt-Right

They're trying to understand who and what we are. And they're doing a horrible job at explaining it.

Personally I welcome this treatment. They honestly believe that (((they))) can read into us and find out what our "tactics" are, in the same way that we have read their shitty manifesto...[see "12 Rules for Faggitals" by (not worth mentioning)] to understand why they're losing.
Meanwhile they will...
>continue claiming it's all just trolling
>continue claiming it's anti Semitic for no reason
>continue claiming that Mike Thernobethch is the king of making memes
>continue casting hate against an unstoppable movement
>continue being just more noise that no one cares for

Keep it up guys...I'm sure it will work eventually.

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Pissing In an ocean of piss

Mike Cernovich hasn't made a single meme. He just started some popular hashtags last year. #HackingHillary was his idea. If anything, the only memes are us making fun of him.

Somewhere halfway into the video he claims Cernovitch is one of the top producers of memes

>I am 48 years old and I know more about meme culture and the alt-right than my 20-25 year old students

>put your goy names in echo brackets

If you can't get something so fucking fundamental, how can anyone take you seriously?




I'll go with jewish

Is that a lecture theater with couches?

epic...i said it in the trump winnings and i say again: meme wars has just begun

> we

it says fact on it you're wrong

>trying to understand 3 neckbeards proxyfagging
wow it must be so difficult to understand """"us""""


lel I guess. I was honestly confused about it too. It sounds like it was at a weekend conference or something. Notice how he continually says shit like...
>"try to keep it short."
>"for the sake of time,"
>"we don't have time to really explore this, but here's what's on the surface."
And similar other types of speech filling BS.
I'm genuinely interested in knowing where the hell this was and how big of a conference this is. I actually wanna watch more.

FYI here's where I found it.


You're doing wonderful things user

it's hilarious watching normies try to figure out why they are losing

Guys we need our best public com mentors on this now!


I mean we need more like this...
And pic related

>thinking you can understand alt-right memes unless you're part of the alt-right
>believing the alt-right actually exists and isn't just a catch-all for conservatives who aren't neocons
It's interesting how dumb academics and journalists are considering their self importance

why do you want to do that?
there is very little gain in more attention

>that pic
Turn the bat into a cattle prod user
>regarding your statement
Could you imagine getting a PHD in internet culture and memes...what in the world has happened to universities?

k thanks for the bump

Because it offers the awesome chance for redpills and lulz
Now stop being antisocial

it will show them how stupid they are and because kek commands it

no it doesnt

Alt Right is a secret society meant to get your ass fucked by a queer named Milo because you're unlucky with women.

not an argument

that's the (((media))) trying to prop up one of their own in (((cernobitch))). that kike probably makes shit up about himself for clicks. hope he dies.
>dude needs to die like his alt like allies

youre anti semetic wow you must hate (((Trump)))

Many of us are the 'fucking white males' they wanted out of the workplace and out of society.

kewl meme

>internet culture

rule one: youre literally not allowed by this queer to deny my claims. You cant discuss it.

Because they aren't trying to understand chan culture, they already arrived at the conclusion that we're the bad guys and they're trying to present is as such to the normies.

kewl meme

They are trying to understand this virus that is killing them by trying to wield it....

Sort of how humans tried to defeat Skynets virus by giving Skynet control of the world

nah I got him elected but am trying to kill jews around him. hi Jared. Hi Stephen. Hi milo. Hi mike. You're all dumb and jewish hahaha that's gotta suck hahaha die already jews.

It's so difficult for ((them)) and the CIA to understand Sup Forums becuse most of us have grown up on Sup Forums and know the culture, the ins and outs, etc.
they send a few shills to lurk and report back , but its a job, not something they have time or care about. To someone who's never seen it, it would appear a pile disgusting and weird nonsense,

This exactly

Actually, the know exactly who and what we are and they are intentionally misrepresenting us in the hope that doing so will dissuade the blue-pillled from joining us and growing our ranks.

this coupled with the fact that liberal can't meme

I can see why the powers that be would want to tap into this power. This may be the only arsenal we (all non-influential people) have against the NWO.

which is why we need to food them with comments about how autistic they are

also for memes to work, you have to be on the correct side of the issues... which is fucking depressing when you think about what exactly pol is right about


Cheer up user. Here have a slut

>feed them for posting click bait so they make a profit and post more click bait.

of all sad words of tounge and pen the saddest are these "Sup Forums was right again"

>what is adblock
i'm starting to think you are a damage control shill

Thanks, user.

That's the sad part. Cognitive dissonance has become a huge issue among the masses due to the msm and the other faggot cucks out there just spreading whatever they fucking hear as truth.

>People that are known are afraid of what others might think of them when going against the grain.

>Sup Forums & Sup Forums as a whole is user, we don't give a shit what people think so truth and information is spread more easily, analyzed frequently, and reinforced with actual information.

The world will burn and Sup Forums will sit back and laugh.

>click bait
The title wasn't
>"14 memes that will give you 88 reasons to fear and fight the rising 'alt-right'"
It was generally boring and you're a fucking fag.
(You) kys.

>continue attracting the finest warriors

Their first mistake is trying to classify it as "alt-right". They wouldn't even be able to define that; since its a catch all term (((they))) made up to demonise anyone they want.

N.B. If you identify with the "alt-right" you're a cuuck.

>If you identify with the "alt-right" you're a cuuck.
fucking this. it's like saying that you identify as controlled opposition

>not identifying who you are
Personally I identify as as a Bell AH-1 Cobra

Have a problem with that shitlorde?

>20:10 A quick rundown!


>Is he actually trying to be /ourguy/
No he's a complete chode the whole way through. He even try's to greet the audience in ways that we speak to eachother but since the audience doesn't get it he backs off the lingo...he's the definition of a cuck

>the correct side of the issues...

= politically incorrect

Frankly, I like pushing back on the propaganda.

There's no fucking way I am watching an hour long video of some cuck who doesn't understand this place, but I'm sure it goes something like this:

>eternally triggerd nu-male with vaguely Jewish last name
>heard about Sup Forums after an epic le troll
>lurked for an hour a day for a couple weeks
>screencapped some shitposts
>used as evidence for hotbed of white supremacists and neonazis
>share with liberal e-celebs to promote as 'informative and insightful'
>liberal circle jerk ensues
>nobody is smarter or understand us any better
>we continue to win

This video is being spread by the HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US! fags on twatter...there's a storm coming. You'd best prepare.

29:10 he claims that Dylann Storm Roof was a Sup Forumsack. I haven't seen this claim before. Is he full of shit?

No actual evidence from what I've seen user.

>You'd best prepare


pol is reddit tier now. Sad what it has become. Why even bother with Sup Forums?

Literal falsehood. I mean come on, if he was on Sup Forums we would all know about it.

>why even bother?
This is why your people's once glorious empire has been diminished to a soggy little island off the coast of Europe.
Away with you. Go fly off a ramp or something.

Once again
>implying that the shooting was even real.
They lost with Sandy Hook so they went for the race card on their next mass shooting. Sadly it worked, no one was going to question some skinny white kid gunning down niggers....well, the statistics didn't line up but it really fit the narrative.

There's no reason to disbelieve it. Hell It's amazing that we aren't seeing a shooting every week. Look back in history when people weren't afraid to lynch the enemies of the people. It's quite amazing that we are so neutered that something like this is even theoretically discussed to be a hoax.

>the comments

Add to them it! It is your destiny

Well said. "Why even bother?" is a nigger mentality, and it's why they still live in huts.